“Hey, buddy, would you get me another beer?” Bill asked. He squited at Bob through the smoke as he tended the burgers on the grill.
“Sure thing,” Bob responded. He bounded to his feet and headed inside through the patio door. The kitchen was close by, the refrigerator stocked with a couple of six-packs of a decent, inexpensive import. He recognized it, only because it was his dad’s brand, not being much of a beer drinker himself. He opened the bottle and carried it out into the warm sunshine. Bill watched him approach and hand it to him.
“Here ya go, Bill.”
“Thanks, bud, you’re a good helper.” He grinned with all his boyish charm and immediately took a swig. “Ahh, nice and cold!” He set it down on the stand next to the grill and picked up the other bottle. “This one was starting to get warm.” He shook it slightly. “There’s still a swallow left,” he commented, handling it to Bob. “Why don’t you finish it off?” It didn’t sound like a question, more of a challenge.
Bob took the bottle and, locking eyes with Bill, put the bottle to his lips, tilted it, and let the warm dregs trickle into his mouth. He tried not to grimace at the taste. He swallowed. “Good thing it’s an import,” he joked, “Wouldn’t want to do that with an American brew!” He chuckled, nervously. Bill knew he didn’t like beer. It was beginning to dawn on Bob that Jane had set him up. His stomach felt a little queasy and he was getting light-headed, and not from the tiny bit of beer.
Jane was Bob’s wife of five years and Bill was the husband of Jane’s college roommate, Jill. Jane and Jill were away at their 20th class reunion; they had planned it as a girls-only outing, leaving their husbands out. “We’re going to drive to Jill’s Friday night and go into the city in the morning. You’re going to spend the weekend with Bill,” she had announced the week before. “It’s all arranged. Bill said he’d be happy to have you.” Well, Bob had thought, if it’s all arranged… Truth is, Bobwould never question Jane if her mind was made up. He loved her decisiveness.
Bill turned back to the grill, flipped the two burgers, laid a slice of cheese on each of them and closed the lid. “They’ll be ready in about two minutes.” He reached out to take the bottle back from Bob and said, “Let me get you a drink.” Bob stared dumbly as Bill pulled up a leg of his shorts and freed his cock. Placing the bottle’s mouth to the circled head of his nicely shaped penis, Bill began to urinate. Piss swirled into the beer bottle with a sound of rushing fluid, the pitch rising as the bottle began to fill, stopping at about three-quarters full. Without bothering to put away his cock first, Bill handed the warm bottle back to Bob, who took it from his hand. “Go ahead, Bob. We already know you drink warm beer. There was probably some of my spit in it too.” He grinned, a little too gleefully, Bob thought. “Dink up, buddy!”
Blushing, Bob put the bottle to his lips and drank. He took two swallows and then a third mouthful that he held and saved before swallowing. It was milk, only slightly salty, with a bitter, almost sour finish. “Hmh,” he grunted, looking back into Bill’s glaring eyes, and said quietly, “Tastes good, Bill. Thank you,” before dropping his gaze to Bill’s crotch. He silently admired Bill’s handsome cock while his own stretched to full erection, tenting his meter shorts. He hoped Bill noticed it. He put the bottle to his lips again and cugged over half of the remaining urine as his cock pulsed in submissive lust.
It was no longer a question. He now know that Jane had told Bill everything. She had filled Bob in years ago, of course, about Jill and Bill, their relationship, how she had introduced them in fact. Jill was a submissive, like himself, Only even more so. She had served Jane as a virtual slave through four years of college and had wept twice when Jane had made plans to live alone after graduation. So Jill had remained attached toJane, only occasionally enjoying the sexual domination she craved as Jane pursued other victims. When she met Bill at a BDMS club in Brooklyn, she knew she had found a mate for Jill. She joked that she had sold Jill to him. He wasn’t sure she was joking.
So Bob was a newcomer to this group. He would never have met Jane but for the counseling he had received from a Dr. Sigmund Samenschlag, a self-proclaimed behavioral therapist whom he was referred to by his HR director after his dividend. Bob had been really depressed and it was affecting his work. The HR Director, not in an official capacity, mind you, but as a friend, told him about the doctor when Bob confessed to him why his marriage had failed. Mary had found it too much of a burden to have to be responsible for everything in their relationship; Bob’s high pressure job rendered him incapable of any kind of decisiveness or leadership at home. “Go see Dr. Samenschlag. He should be able to help you,” the HR Director had suggesteded. And it had worked out far better than Bob would have believed. He had learned to embrace the side of himself that Mary had despised, and the doctor’s assistant, Marci had introduced him to a professional dominatrix in her network, none other than Jane Adams, now his wife. Jane’s professional persona was strictly Lesbian – she found that it made her work much simpler – but she wanted a husband, a docile and submissive man who would always defer to her but could wild a good hard cock. “I get a little tired of always having to do all the fucking,” she had told him. Not that she didn’t enjoy pegging him too once in a while.
“My eyes are up here, boy!” Bill said sharply, breaking Bob’s reverie. “The burgers are ready to eat, but I want you naked first. Clothes off, now!”
Keeping His eyes on Bill’s face, Bob immediately striped completely. His boss swwayed and bounced a little as he removed his shoes and stepped out of his shorts. Meanwhile, Bill assembled the sandwiches ona single plate, carried it over to the picnic table and set it down. Gesturing towards his feet under the table as he sat down, he called to Bob, “Here, boy. Sit.” Bob, with surprise and excitement, compiled eagerly, crawling under the table to a spot next to Bill knee. Bill’s cock was still exposed and Bob ogled it hungrily, noting that although still soft, it had plumped up a little, suggesting great growth potential. Bob drooled a little bit while Bill, topside was taking a big a bit of one burger and reaching under the table with the other one for Bob to bite into. “There’s a good boy!” he said cheerfully. “I’ll feed you. and when you’re finished eating, I’m going to let you suck my cock.” He took another bite of burger and gave Bob another too. “What do you say, buddy?”
“Mmmm, thank you, sir!” Bob answered with burger in his mouth.
Yes, this was going to be a great weekend!
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