This story is a continuation of my previous story The Auction. Although it has been written be to a standalone story for context it may be helpful for the reader to be familiar with the previous story. As always, your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Marching down several long corridors in single file joined by the chains attached to each of our collars we were led up to and onto a large stage with a curtain drawn down in front of us. I could hear the sound made by many voices of people coming through the curtain. Suddenly the sound of all the voices began to quietly down when another voice came over a loudspeaker, “Welcome, welcome to all of you ladies and gentlemen to this year’s annual slave auction. This year we have a very fine selection of fourteen slaves for each and every one you to bid on.”
This was followed by a big round of applause coming from the audience on the other side of the curtain. When the applause died off the speaker continued.
“But first a few reminders about the rules for this year’s auction, in the brochures that you were each given you as entered will find a description and photographs of each lot up for sale tonight. Included with each is a list of limits and boundaries that must be strictly adhered to by all parties involved. The last reminder is that for each slave their term of sale begins from the time of purchase completion until they are picked up by or delivered back to their Master or Mistress at a time specified by him or her.”
Hearing this kind of caught me off guard. I had assumed that each of my fellow slaves had been brought to the auction by their Master like me. The idea that some might be lesbian slaves had not occurred to me until now.
“Now let us begin,” the voice came again over the louder speaker. And with that the curve in front of us parted in the middle. The entire stage was bathed in bright spot lights. This made it near impossible to look outinto the audience. The young woman I had first seen when arriving at the audition site now dressed in a long black evening gown suddenly appeared on stage. She attached a lean to the collar of the slave at the far-right end of the stage. She then walked up to the front of the stage pulling all of us long with her. At the front of the stage she moved from right to left across the front of the stage. When we were all lined up along the front edge of the stage she halted so that the audience members could all get a very good look at what was being offered up for bidding. Again, the audience erupted in applause as we stood there on display. Looking out into the audience it was difficult to judge how many were in attendance because of the bright spot lights. The room looked quite large though. Easily it was capable of holding over a hundred people. As the clapping subsided the woman moved back towards the rear of the stage leading us down and off the stage out of site of the audience.
Here the other women from the first night as well as the two other women were waiting. One of them carried a white bag the others carried wrist cuffs. The first woman who was the one holding the leash at the very front of the line spoke up, “Slaves, bras and panties off. Put them in the bag as it is carried past you.” As we removed our bras and panties the woman holding the bag moved down the line collecting them from each of us. Following her were the other two attaching the wrist cuffs to each slave securing her arms behind her back.
Now naked and with our arms secured the first slave was detached from our group and lead by the lean back up on to the stage. Soon the voice on the louder speaker again could be heard. The auction had begun.
“First up I present for your pleasure, Lot #253,” the voice said, “253 is twenty-four years old, 130 pounds, brown eyes, brunette hair; 34C-24-36, height five feet, six inches.” Then after a pause, “The bidding will start at $500.00”
The voice now in that of an auditioneer recognized one bid after another. Five hundred, six hundred, and then seven…then eight…”
Finally, a loud male voice sounded out, “I bid one thousand dollars.”
“Thousand once…going twice…SOLD for One Thousand Dollars!”
It seemed to take forever as one by one the slaves before me were sold off to the highest bidder. Then it was Finally my turn to be sold. Sold by my Master for the weekend to an unknown party. In reality it was more like being out rented, but the word ‘sold’ has such a much stronger meaning. A woman in long black evening gown had led all that went before me now attached a lean to my collar to lead me up on to the stage this time totally naked just like all who went before me with my hands cuffed behind my back. Up on the stage I Was led around in a circle by the leash bathed the entire time in a bright spot light. After circling the stage several times, I was then brought to the front and center of thestage. There the woman attached a chain hanging from the ceiling to my collar and then removed the leash and stepped away. It was then as if the entire world around me went into slow motion. I stood there totally naked, exposed and totally helpless.
“Next up,” an announcer began,” we have now Lot #329, blonde, age 30, blue eyes, height five feet, two inches, 104 pounds, 32B-22-32. She is described as having very few limits, high pain tolerance rating an eight on the 1 to 10 scale. Very well trained in the pleasure of both men and woman. She is also an excellent cook and capable of performing other domestic duties as well. Let’s start the bidding for this one at $800.00.”
I heard the bids starting to come in, my price kept going go up. Eight hundred, then nine, one thousand then past fifteen hundred, the highest I had heard so far. Finally a loud voice rang out, “Two Thousand Dollars.”
“I have Two Thousand Dollars. Do I hear two thousand one?
After a long silence I heard, “The bid is two thousand, any takers at two thousand one, one last time.”
Another pause, “going once…going twice…and SOLD for Two Thousand Dollars!” Followed by the distinct sound of a given slamming down.
A different woman dressed in a long blue evening gown stepped out on the stage holding a leash. Attaching her leash first to my collar then disconnecting the chain from the ceiling. By the leash she led me over to the side of the stage and down a small flight of stairs. We went out a side door and into another small room.
A man was seated at a table in the room. I was led over next to the table to the right of the man seated. The woman pulled down on her leash and commanded, “Kneel.” Dropping to my knees I assumed the commanded position then lowered my eyes to the floor.
Soon a young couple was escorted in the room from the far door. By young I mean about my age maybe a little longer. They crossed the room to take the two empty seats across from the man at the table. They both began busy filling out some paper work the first man had in front of him that he past across to them. Every so often the woman would look over at me. Her eyes would gaze up and down my nude body. When the couple finished with the paper work they passed it across the table back to the first man. He carefully looked over every page. Noting that each blank space had been properly filled in and that all the proper initials and signatures had been made on each page. Then man who had come into the room with the woman pulled out a stack of cash from his inside suit jacket pocket passing it across to the man on the other side.
It was then that I realized that I had been bought not by one master but by two. I would not have one master for the weekend but two. My new masters for the weekend would be a couple.
With their transaction completed the young couple stood and walked over towards me. As they came closer I was able to get a closer brief look at my temporary owners before lowering my eyes once again to the floor. A good slave should never look their owner directly in the eyes. Kneeling there naked, bound and totally exposed the young couple approached me to give their new purchase a closer inspection.
The man and woman both appeared to be a few years longer than myself probably late to mid-twenties. Although young the man definitely had an air of authority about him as he stood in front of me. He was dressed in a very expensive looking well-tailored suit. The woman on the other hand appeared to be little nervous, perhaps even slightly appreciated as she approached. She was dressed in an expensive looking but also rather very conservative looking evening gown.
The woman who had led me off the stage handed the end of my lean to the gentleman then promptly left. The man held the leanh tightly with his left hand as he looked my body up and down. The woman stood back a little as she too gazed at what they had just purchased. The man reached out with his right hand to cares my right title gentle rubbing the nipple with his thumb. “Stand,” he ordered. Once I was standing he then slowly moved his hand down my body until cupping my sex. A felt a finger penetrate me then two.
Removing his fingers he said, “This one is already getting wet. Let’s get her home so we can start having some fun with her right away.”
The man pulled gently on my leaning leading me towards a side door. At the door, a male attendant dragged a cloak over my shoulders typing strings at the collar to hold it in place. Outside a car was waiting, the valet handed the man his keys while another man took my lean to guide me in to the back seat. The young couple sat in front with me in the back riding in silence until we reached their home.
Their home was a modest looking two story house in a very new looking neighborhood. Thankfully as the man pulled in to the driveway he pressed the button on the remote opening the garage door driving inside before closing the door behind him.
From the garage the man lead me into the house through the kitchen and into a living room. In the center of the room he removed my cloak tossing it over the back of a neary chair. Next producing a key from his pocket, he removed the handscuffs freeing my arms from behind my back. Then he unclipped the lean from my collar placing it into his jacket pocket.
“Now let’s see how well-trained you really are,” he said. “Stand for inspection.”
I quickly moved into the commanded position hoping that the one I had been taught was the same as the one he wanted. Placing my feet shoulder width apart then interlocking my fingers behind my head. My head up but my eyes looking down at the floor in front of me.
The man moved away from me removed his Jacket drawing it over the same chair the cloak that had been covering my nakedness had been tossed over. He then joined the woman now sitting on the sofa. For several moments, the two of them sat there just looking over their new acquisition. Finally, the man spoke, “Turn slowly around.”
Slowly I rotated my body around in clockwise direction. As my back faced them I paused. Giving my new owners a good look at my backside.
“Continue,” the man ordered. When I was again facing forward he ordered, “Stop and Kneel.”
Kneeling before my new temporary owners, knees apart, arms behind my back, hands grazing the opposite wrist for the first time. The man began to speak. “My name is Michael and this is my wife Anne. Until your Owner picks you up on Sunday at noon, however, you will answer to me as Master and my wife, as Mistress. Understress?”
“Yes, Master, Yes Mistress,” I replied.
“Now what should we call you,” Michael asked. “or should we just call you 829,” pointing his finger at the number still written in black marker on my chest above my left breast.”
“My name is Slut,” I answered, “but you are free to call her any name that you wish.”
After I said this Anne whispered something into Michael’s ear. When she finished, he responded, “It is probably part of her training.” Then looking towards me he said, “My wife asked about why you refer to yourself in the third person. I assume that is reason. You are not allowed to speak of yourself in the first person. Is that correct?”
“Yes, Master,” I answered, “Slut is property, not a person. Therefore, she is not allowed to speak of herself as such.”
“Now Slut,” Michael said, “Tell us a some more about yourself. How long has Slut been her Master’s property?”
“Slut has been her Master’s property for over five years now.”
“Has her Master ever sold her before?”
“No, Slut’s Master has never sold her before.”
“Has he ever shared Slut or loaned her before?”
“Yes, Slut’s Master has shared her many times before. But he has never loaned her before. This is to be Slut’s first-time ever being used without her Master present.”
“Does that make Slut nervous?” Michael asked.
“Yes, Slut is a little nervous, but she is also very anxious.”
“Anxious in what way?”
“Slut is worried that she will not please her new Master’s for the weekend,” I said.
“That is a very valid reason to be anxious about,” replied Michael. “Why don’t I tell you a little more about myself to help ease your anxiety.”
“Slut would like that very much, Master.”
“First, this is not a new experience for myself. I have been around the BDSM lifestyle for many years. I was first exposed to this lifestyle shortly after my eighteenth birthday when I discovered that my mother was not only my father’s wife but also his slave. One day we hope to acquire a permanent slave of our own. But for my wife Anne here this weekend will be her first real experience with the lifestyle. We have played with other submissives and other owners have shared their slaves with us. But this will be for the first time so to speak that the two of us having our own slave. Temporarily though it may be.”
I understand now why Anne was so hesitant when first approaching me back at the audition.
Master Michael continued, “The goal for this weekend is to introduce my wife to what the possibilities of slave ownership can be like. I want for her to gain from this experience the ability to confidently take charge on her own.”
“That is one of the reasons I choose to purchase you tonight in particular. The profile your owner wrote says that you are very well trained and enjoy very much being a slave. Is that correct?”
“Yes, Master Michael, Slut very much enjoys being a slave. She is most happy when pleased others.”
“Very well then I think it is about time to get things started for the night. In the kitchen, you will find a bottle of white wine and some light snacks set aside in the refrigerator. Go now and bring them back with you.”
For the next hour, I served Master Michael and Mistress Annedrinks and snacks as they talked with each other sitting on the sofa. Mostly they would talk in hushed tones, but occasionally I would over hear them talking about what they wanted to do to me or what they liked most about my naked body as I walked back and forth from the kitchen and living room. At first only Michael, would cares one of my breasts or fondle my ass as I bent over to refill his wine glass, but soon Anne was also fondling my ass as well then once as I bent over to refill her glass she reached up to pinch my right nipple. The next time after I filled her glass she slapped my ass hard as I turned away. When I was not busy fetching more snacks or refilling wine glasses I knelt in the center of the room facing them awaiting my next command.
When the last of the food and wine had been consumed Michael stood up walking towardss me as I still knelt in the center of the room. Retrieving the leash from his jacket coat pocket he quickly attached it to my collar. “Time to move this party upstairs,” he said pulling gently on my leash.
I remained on my hands and knees crawling along side Michael as I had been trained while being led on a leash.
Anne asked “Why is she crawling?”
Michael answered by saying, “I believe it to be another part of her training. She is not allowed to walk upright while being led on a leash as long as her arms remain free. Am I correct Slut?”
“Yes Master,” I replied. “Slut is to crawl when being led on a leash unless her arms are bound. Or instructed otherwise.”
With that Michael continued to lead me upstairs with Anne following behind. Soon I found myself in their master bedroom. Michael removed the leash ordering me to “Kneel.” He then sat down in a chair in the corner of the room. Anne went into the attached master bath and then reemerged a few minutes later. “Slut, help my wife with the removing of her dress,” commanded Michael.
Anne turned her back to me as I rose to lower the zipper on the back of her dress. Carefully I slipped it off her shoulders lowering the dress to the floor. After she had stepped out of it I picked it up and folded it neatly and place it on top of a neary dresser. With her back still to me I unclipped Anne’s black lacy bra letting her breasts swing free. I then knelt slipping my fingers into her matching black lacy panties and slowly peeled them down and off her legs. After stepping out of them Anne turned to sit on the edge of the bed raising first one foot then the other as I slipped off each of her high heels and carefully rolled down her thigh high stockings. Anne spread her legs slightly revealing to me her very neatly trimmed pussy hair. I then placed the rest of her garments on top of the dress with her shoes near by the floor.
Anne now naked, I could sense that she was beginning to get turned on. Her nipples were starting to harden and I could start to smell her arousal, as she became moist. “Slut get my wife’s pussy nice and wet for her husband’s cock with your tongue.” I heard Michael order. Anne laid back on the bed on her forearms with her legs spread wide. I approached between her thighs as Michael watched from his chair and I poked my tongue out to run it slowly up the length of Anne’s slit.
“Lick my clip, you little bitch!” I heard Anne scream. For someone very new to all of this she had quickly found her dominant voice.
I quickly went to work licking and nibbling Anne’s engaged little clip.
Anne spread her legs even further apart, and I could see the folds of her pussy gaping open glistening with her wetness. The neighborly trimmed pussy hair forming a perfect triangle right at the top of her opening. Her outer lips shacked smooth. My tongue challenged the wetness and licked the entire length of Anne’s pussy Then circular her clip. She was obviously enjoying the attention of my tongue as she began squeezing her own breasts and rolling her nipples between her fingers. It was not long before she shuddered on my mouth as her first orgasm of the night rippled through her.
As soon as Anne recovered from her orgasm, she ordered, “Now get my husband’s cock out and get it nice and hard and ready to fuck me.”
I now moved from the bed over to Michael in the chair. As he stood up I rose with him. Reaching up I unbuttoned his shirt from the top button down. Then pulled it over his Shoulders and off his arms. Kneeling back down on the on the floor I unbuckle his belt and loosen his pants lowering them to the floor along with his briefs. I quickly slipped of his shoes and socks as he stepped out of his pants. Soon Michael stood before me naked. His cock starting to rise.
Already down on my knees before him I opened my mouth wide and slipped the head of his cock into my sweet mouth. My mouth and chin were still coated in the glistening wet sticky juices from his wife’s pussy. As I sucked him into my mouth he reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it as I sucked greedily on his cock. As I bobbed my head up and down on his cock it stiffened and became even harder as I sexually swirled my tongue around the head. When his cock was fully hard he pulled me away roughly by my hair and said, “Now watch as I fuck my wife.”
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