The Weekend

She was being stalked. She knew it, but couldn’t prove it. It was subtle things like the colour of the car always parked on her street that had never been there before. Sure it could be new neighbors, but she hadn’t seen anyone move in or out recently. It was the odd postcards she was receiving. They weren’t addressed directly to her, but she’d been living in the same place for 5 years now. It was the occasional single red rose left in the handle of her front door in the mornings. Maybe a secret admirer, but that’s not what it feel like. She would walk to work with her keys between her fingers and most of the time she’d receive a ride home. It wasn’t usually too late but now with winter drawing nearer, it was getting darker earlier.

It was Friday, the end of the week finally. It had been a tough week at work than usual. More cranky clients, more work, tighter deadlines (mostly because she’d procrastinated last week), all-in-all she was glad to be done for the weekend. Fridays were the only days her rides weren’t secured and this Friday she had none. It was a little later than usual but she was finally done for the night, the weekend. She grabbed her coat and headed home. It wasn’t a far walk and tonight was a rather nice night. She was feeling rather liberated, she finished everything and so there was nothing to weigh her mind down this weekend. She didn’t have plans, but that didn’t both her any. She wasn’t paying attention, not like usual.

He followed her from work and knew this time he would follow through to the end. Within 10 minutes he already knew she wasn’t paying as much attention as usual. She wasn’t clutching her keys between her fingers and her walk was more playful. He was sure she would finally be in the right frame of mind to accept everything to come. He kept his distance, but also made sure he wasn’t too far. He knew exactly when he’d act, when he’d pounce. He almost chuckled out loud at that thought. It made him think of a cat,crouched and ready to pounce on an innocent mouse. Thinking of himself as a cat was just downright funny. He was more the tiger type.

He knew she’d remember him once she saw him. He knew he was the last person she’d ever expect to see. He had been gone much too long. He hoped she’d still remember all rules, all his rules.

She was a dreamer. She loved the night air and the way the crisp air feel After a long day inside. It was exhilarating. She was so elated she wanted to start skipping, but that’s wouldn’t be properly. That’s the thing she hated the most about getting older. She hated how “society” dictated how people could or couldn’t act. If she wanted to skip she shouldn’t have to worry whether it was proper or not. She let out an audible sight as she continued up the steps to her front door.

As soon as she pulled out her keys to unlock the door she frozen. There between the handle was a single red rose. Her heart began to beat harder. It was unusual for there to be one there after work. She pulled it from the handle and unlocked the door. She didn’t have the door halfway open and had barely pulled the key out, when she felt his hand around her mouth and his whispered breath in her ear.

“Good evening. I would highly suggest against any defensive action,” he whispered loud enough for her to clearly hear the seriousness in his tone.

She knew from the moment he said good evening who he was. His voice sent shivers down her spine. She gripped her keys forcedly, but knew she was no match for him. She wasn’t even sure she really wanted to fight back.

Her mind raced with so many thoughts. What is he doing here? Why did he come back? How long had he been watching? She knew he was the one stalking her now. She had no doubt about that. Had she upset him? Would she upset him? Did she still want him? Did he still want her?

He gently guided her inside. She didn’t resist, although in her mind she wanted to. Once inside he maintained his grip on her arm and his hand remained over her mouth, but he used his foot to shut the door. He guided her to the kitchen first. “Keys on the counter,” he stated firmly. She obliged. Her other hand still holding the rose.

“I’ll allow you to speak, but if you scream you’ll be gagged for the remainder of the time I’m here,” he told her. “Understand?”

She nodded and he removed his hand. She didn’t move, unsure of what he wanted, why he was here. She was tense and sure he could tell. Her breathing was heavy and her heart still pounded heavily. “Why are you here?”

He laughed. “Have you forgotten so much already, my pet?”

She turned slowly and looked at him confused.

“Hm. Well in that case,” he tightened his grip on her arm, “At this very moment, I’m here in your kitchen because I’m hungry.” He watched her reaction.

After a short silence, she came to the realization that she was still his. “Yes Sir. What would you like to eat?”

He smiled and releasedher arm, “Surprise me.”

“Yes Sir,” she replied meekly. She placed the rose on the counter as she went to the pantry and began pulling ingredients; she could feel his eyes on her the entire time. She began preparing the meal; chicken, potatoes, and salad was what she had been planning on eating tonight, what would a 2nd plate really matter. She smiled inside, thinking about the fact that she wasn’t really doing anything special for him. She’d been free for too long.

He moved to the table and took a seat. He continued to watch the way she moved. He could tell she was nervous, anxious, and unsure. He wanted her so badly, he’d have taken her right there in the kitchen if it wasn’t for the plan he had. She’d been free for too long and he knew this. He’d left her without being able to predict his return let alone a specific timeframe. She probably never expected him to return. It was business, he couldn’t help it, and due to his line of work he couldn’t guarantee he’d ever returnhome. He was now though and he knew she’d be wondering if there were “other” women. He was most definitely going to be enjoying his time alone with her.

She added the finishing culinary touches to the meal before bringing both his and her plate to the table. She returned to the kitchen to grab some utesils and 2 glasses, which she also laid out on the table. One final return to the kitchen for a bottle of pop and then she returned to the table and sat down. She rested her hands on her lap knowing that she was not to start before him. She looked over at him in anticipation.

“Are you hungry my pet?” he asked quietly.

“Yes Sir.”

He loved hearing those two words. Sometimes he’d ask yes or no questions just to hear her speak the answer rather than because he had any interest in the question. “Do you believe you deserve to eat at the table?” his tone was a little more serious.

She was unsure how to answer and remained silent.

“Hm. You don’t know how to answer that do you?” he retired with a chuckle. He paused for a moment and then had a thought. “I don’t want you to eat just yet. Understand?”

She furrowed her browser; she was hungry and didn’t want to be restricted from eating. This wasn’t something he’d ever done before. “Yes Sir.”

“Don’t worry, my pet, you will eat. I would not restrict you from such an important action.” He took the utesils and began to eat. He took his time so as to prolong her disappoint. He enjoyed the way her emotions showed through her eyes. He could tell she wanted nothing more than to disobey him, but at the same time was much too fearful to. Once he was finished he took he cleaned up the table, leaving only her plate of food and utesils.

“Alright, you may eat. Take your time. I will be upstairs preparing some things. I don’t want you to be finished before I return. Understand?”

“Yes Sir,” she replied. She began to eat, glancing back at him only to see him walk from the kitchen.

He walked upstairs to the bedroom. Her room looked exactly the same as when he left 6 months ago. He removed the box from the top shelf of her closet and opened it. She was always so perfectly organized; he absolutely adored that about her. He removed the leather cuffs, the duct tape, and her vibrating dildo, and placed them on her nightstand next to her bed. He then went to her dresser and removed the silk scarf, one of her plain leather belts, and rope. He placed those on the nightstand as well. Once he was satisfied with the tools he pulled all the blankets down to the bottom of the bed, leaving only the fitted sheet. He removed the carpet she had at the side of her bed, leaving only the hardwood below, and then he returned to the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen to find her at the sink, finished her meal and cleaning up. He stood in the doorway for a moment or two waiting for her to notice him.

She wasn’t about to go through all this again, not after he left the first time. He didn’t even give her any notice just called her up at work one afternoon and told her he had to go away. He didn’t even tell her when or if he’d be back. No, she wasn’t going to let him just waltz right back into her life. She dried her hands and turned around to see him standing in the doorway.

He couldn’t help but laugh at the way she looked when she saw him. He wondered what she had been thinking. She was obviously a little upset, that much was clear. He slowly walked towards her glaring at her the whole time.

She began to back up in order to keep distance between him and her. “You think you can just waltz back into my life? You left and you couldn’t even tell me when or if you’d be back. Is this a game to you? I want you to leave, right now!” she bit her lip, clearly surprised at her own forcefulness.

He said nothing only shook his head. He continued moving towards her.

“Stop! I told you to leave. I’ll…I’ll call the police if you don’t,” she faltered. She knew that’s all he’d need to be sure that she was bluffing. She didn’t want to hurt him, she just wanted answers.

He smiled as began closing the gap between the two of them. As he did he watched her revealing in every emotion emmanating from her. Then, in two large strides he had her pressed against his chest, her hair in his tight grip and her face inches from his. He leant towards her ear and whispered, “This is most definitely not a game.”

The tone he used shot through her spine like an injection of adrenaline. His grip on her hair was much tighter then she remembered it being. The way he could use his voice to sooth or threaten no matter what the words were was something she’d never encountered before.

“I suggest you listen very carefully to my direction and follow them from this point on, understand?”

The anger dissipated, fear replacing it, “Yes Sir.”

“Good. Come with me,” he directed but did not loosen his grip on her hair. He guided herupstairs and into the bedroom. He knew by this point she would most likely fight him every step of the way, but he also knew she wanted it, maybe even missed it. He brought her to the bed and directed her to sit and remain in that spot. He closed the bedroom door, pulled the blinds and curves closed, turned the bedside lamps on, and the bedroom light off. Then, he returned to her. “I want you to strip to your underwear and bra, and then knee at the side of your bed, here,” he pointed to the spot he wanted her kneeing in.

“Yes Sir,” she responded reluctantly. She removed her blouse, undershirt, skirt, and nylons. She knelt at the side of her bed. She waited for further direction, but he was silent. He paced back and forth behind her, making her uneasiness even more prevalent. Was she in the right spot? Had she forgotten something? She went over the request in her head again and again. It had probably only been a total of 2 minutes, but it felt like an eternity before he spokeagain.

“It seems we have some lessons to revisit, isn’t that so pet?”

“No Sir. I remember everything,” she told him wanting to avoid any punishment.

“Well then, that would mean you were deliberately disobeying downstairs, is that correct?”

Shit, she’d totally walked right into that one, smart move, genius. She quietly replied, “Yes Sir.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t quite hear you.”

“Yes Sir,” she replied more auditory.

He walked to the nightstand and took the rope. He went to the other side of the bed and tied it to the frame. “Stand up.” She did as he requested. “Now I want you to lie on the bed, your feet over here, and your hands on the floor.”

By this point she totally knew where this was going. She was reluctant to move, but really what other choice did she have? She climbed onto the bed and placed her hands on the floor. Now she was basically holding half herself up. She felt him tying her feet together with the rope. He was gentle but not too gentle, making sure she got his point with the occasional rough tug of a knot. She wasn’t about to be going anywhere.

Once he was done he slapped her ass, which made her jump then stated, “I forget something. I’ll be right back.” He left her there as he went back down to the kitchen to retrieve a pair of scissors. He returned making sure she could see him with the scissors and returned to his position at her feet. He straddled her and calmly explained, “I’m going to be using the scissors to cut your panties off.” He then slip the cold steel against her bare skin and under one side of her panties. Then he did the same on the other side. He removed her panties and tossed them onto the floor.

He ran his hands over the cheeses of her ass and slowly up her back. He reached her bra and unclasped it with one hand. He continued up Her back until he reached the nape of her neck. He could feel her tensioning under his touch, she knew what was coming.

He wrapped his hands aroundher neck and squeezed a bit, not enough to cut off any breathing or blood circulation, just enough to make her uncomfortable. “My precious pet,” he started, “what am I to do with you?” He chuckled as the flush of thoughts of all the things he’d like to do to her swarmed into his mind. “I’ve been watching you for a few weeks now, and I must say I’m not very pleased.”

Her heart sank. What had she done? What displeased him so? Then, she wondered why she was feeling guilty at all. He was the one that left. He was the one that basically disappeared into thin air. No, she wouldn’t feel guilty about anything she had or hadn’t done.

“Do you have nothing to say in your defence?” he asked.

“No Sir. I have nothing at all to say to you,” she stated making sure he would have no doubt she was pissed at him, due to her tone.

“Alright, if that’s the way you want it…,” he trailed off. He intentionally left the sentence open. It allowed her room to ask questions, to be curious,to perhaps become concerned. Sometimes it would work in his favour, other times she was just too damn stubborn. He wondered which it would be tonight.

She knew his tactics. She knew he had no idea why she was so angry with him. She knew he was trying to get her upset enough to start yelling at him, and in turn explaining how and why she was feeling the way she was. Then, he’d comfort her and tell her that she shouldn’t be so upset. He would explain why she needed to be punished and follow through. The night would end with incredible sex and would he still be there in the morning? She wasn’t about to give in, not this time. She wasn’t going to fall for him again and then have her heart torn from her chest when he left. She had already made it through 6 months, there was no reason she could’t continue living without him.

She felt him get up off of her and the bed. She heard him walk towards the nightstand and then she heard the faint sound of the belt clasp, focusing. He wouldn’t? He had never spanked her with anything but his hand in the past. It was one of those things that had just never really been pushed. Was he really going to use the belt now?

As if in answer to her unspoken question, she felt the harsh lick of the leather against her ass. It was more shocking than painful, but she just knew before the night was through her ass would be a bright red and singing.

Another snap of the leather against her bare ass and she could already begin to feel the heat between her legs. She hadn’t expected for her body to begin reacting so soon. Part of her realized that her body was already responding to him while in the kitchen, but she refused to acknowledge it then. Now, it was near impossible to think of anything else. All it would take is a light touch and he would know too, if he wasn’t already aware.

Another hot flash of the leather across her ass caused her to start squirming. She buried her face in the mattress and he knew it wouldn’t be long before she started begging. Boy, how he’d missed the curves of her body, the silkiness of her skin, and the way she responded to each and every touch. He would be having fun tonight. He only hoped it’d be enough for her to beg him to stay. He’d stay this time. He’d stay forever if that’s what she asked. He had the most antinizing 6 months of his life while separated from her. He had no doubt she had gone through similar if not worse pain.

He brought the belt down harder against her bare ass again. This time it left a small welt. He could hear her small scream into the mattress, even though he knew she was trying not to satisfy him with such a response.

“Still have nothing to say in your defence, my pet?” he asked ever so calmly.

Her response was quiet, timing but firm nonetheless, “No Sir.”

He allowed almost no time between her response and the next strike of the leather. Her small scream became a touch louder and he was sure he had made her start crying. He almost felt bad for her, almost.

He picked up the pace of each strike but reduced the strength with which each connected to her bare ass. It would still be painful and it would still leave her ass with a nice red glow, but it wouldn’t cause any permanent damage.

“Sir, please,” she was almost sobbing, “please stop.” He had given her almost 25 lashes with the belt before she spoke.

“Well, what do you have to say in your defence regarding my displeasure in what I have seen over the past few weeks?” he asked still gripping the belt tightly in his hand.

“I don’t know what I have done to displease you Sir. In my defence, I haven’t done anything,” she replied. He could tell from her voice she was unsure of her answer, but it was honest.

“Then, why did you choose not to speak in your defence earlier?” he asked without letting on as to whether he was still upset or not.

“I was upset at you Sir,” she replied in such a quiet voice, he almost didn’t hear her.

He understand how could he not? Only an idiot wouldn’t be able to admit to hurting someone like he had. He wanted her to talk about it, though. Tell him how she felt. They’d never get past this point if she didn’t.

“For what?” he asked in a demanding voice.

That was all she needed. The sound of his voice demanding anything from her sent her into the rage that she’d been trying so hard to suppress. The only thing that she hadn’t thought of at that moment was the fact she was still physically restricted. “For what!? How about for leaving without any notice! Or how about for not being able to tell me when or if you’d ever return! Or how about for showing up 6 months later and expecting everything to be perfectly okay and to begin right where you left off! I’m Not some doll that lacks emotion! I have feelings, I have a life. I shared myself with you, and you just took it all without a second thought and left! How dare you return here demanding anything from me!” she was breathing very heavily by now. She wanted so badly to just get one good shot in. She didn’t even care if she knocked him out, or broke her hand; she just wanted to hit him. How could one person make her so angry?


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