Synopsis: A young attorney stumbles across his boss’ daughter and some friends playing S&M games in the woods. He is caught watching them and blackmailed into submitting to their torques. He soon finds he can’t resist the games played by the lovely Maggie Whistler.
The weekend that would change my life began with an innocent Saturday morning jog Through the woods on my boss’s estate.
It was June, last year. I had just graduated from law school and was clerking at the most prestigious law firm in Atlanta while I waited to take the Bar exam in August. Life was wonderful! Upon passing the Bar, I would become an associate in the firm, the track to full partnership almost assured. My boss, the senior partner in the firm, George Whistler, lived on an estate in the extreme northern suburbs of Atlanta. It was a large estate, with heavy woods occupying most of its western half. George knew I had run cross-country in my undergraduate days so he had geNerously offered me the use of the many trails through his forest, anytime I wanted a good run. This particular Saturday, in early July, I had decided to take him up on his offer. He was in New York for a few days, but he had said “anytime”, so I drove the five miles from my bachelor apartment to his estate, parked at the edge of the forest, and began my run.
The day was warm so I wore only brief nylon running shorts and cross-training shoes. I decided to pick a trail which led into the center of the forest, then I would turn around when I reached the fence at the northern border of his land. I estimated it would be about a six mile run and that was about all I figured I could handle, not having run for a couple of months.
Five minutes after I had started to run, I was jogging at a comfortable pace. I had worked up a light sweat and was really getting into the run and the day. The forest was a fairly thick mixture of Georgia Pines and various other trees, with paths dappledwith sunlight and covered with soft pine needs. When I heard the yells, I first thought I was imagining things.
I heard what sounded like sharp cries coming from off to my right. I slowed, prepared to run on when satisfied that it was only forest noise, when I heard it again, clearly now. “Owww! Don’t, please! Owww! Stop!” It was definitely a female voice and, whoever she was, she was definitely in trouble. I moved silently towards the voice, not wanting to announce my presence until I could see what was going on.
I was off the trail now, working my way through some fairly heavy undergrowth. The voice came again, and this time I heard another. “This is just the beginning, sweetie. Wait ’til you see what we’ve got planned for you next!” This voice, too, was female, but she was clearly enjoying whatever was happening.
I dropped to a crouch as I drew closer. Finally I was able to peek through some bushes to see the source of the voices. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
There was an amazing scene before me. It was a good-sized clearing, next to a stream that meandered through the forest. It was, or had been, some kind of camping/picnic area, because there were a couple of large, solid-looking picnic tables near the stream, and there was a stone fire ring that contained a small fire. What amazed me, though, were the occupations of the clearing. There were three young women, about my age, in view. One of them, obviously the source of the cries for mercy, was hanging by her wrists from a tree limb and was being beating by the other two! She had been tied so that her outstretched toes barely reach the ground, stretching her body for the whips that were being used by her attackers. She, and the girls whipping her, were very attractive, with firm, well-proportioned bodies. This was easy to determine because the victim was completely naked, and her whippers were dressed only in what appeared to be the bottom halves of the briefest thong bikinis I had everseen.
I was only about forty feet away, so I had an excellent view of the proceedings. The two aggressors, one blonde and one redhead, were using what appeared to be heavy five-tailed whips, with foot-and-a-half long lashes. They were taking turns lashing the buttons of their victim, who was also light haired, and they were clearly enjoying their efforts. The strength of their blows, combined with the fact that the buttocks of their victim showed no cuts, only a lot of redness, led me to conclude the whips’ tails must be made of some kind of rubber. I was sure that leather whips of such a size would have cut the girl to ribbons, and quickly at that.
In retrospect, I guess the reason I decided not to interfere was the fact that the two aggressors were dressed in exactly the same costume, of exactly the same color, a soft orange. I also discerned some giggles among the cries for mercy and the responding threats, which made me decide to be cautious, for the moment, at least.
I had experimented with S&M in a couple of my relationships with girls in college, so I wasn’t too surprised to discover that watching this little scene was turning me on! The victim, balanced so precariously on her toes, with her arms stretched tightly on high, was exhaustively lovely. Each time a blow landed on her tight buttocks, her body jerked sharply, causing her firm breasts to bounce delightfully. Watching, my erection began to push against the confines of my running shorts. On my knees, peering through the brush, I pushed my shorts down to my thighs and began to stroke my cock gently. Gently rapidly became urgently, as my excitement grow.
I couldn’t help myself! I pumped away on my cock, trying not to betray my presence by making any noise. I soon felt my juices begin to rise in my groin and gave myself over to my orgasm, ejaculating in large spurts onto the forest floor.
As I slowly milked the last drops of semen from my cock, I was started to hear a voicebehind me!
“Not bad. Wanna see it again?”
I jumped to my feet, prepared to run. I was stopped in my tracks, however, by the owner of the voice. It was my boss’s daughter, Margaret (“Call me Maggie”) Whistler. She was wearing only the same pale orange thong wound by the aggressors in the clearing, but that was accidental to the two items she was carrying. In her right hand, she held an 8mm camcorder, held up to her eye and pointed straight at me. In her left hand, she held what appeared to be a .38 caliber revolver. It, too, was pointed straight at me! I froze uncertain how to react. I knew her only to say “hello” to. She was a couple of years older than I was, about twenty six, and she was drop-dead grogeous! She was a petite brunette with the kind of athletic body that I found easy to fantasize about. Seeing her in the thong bikini confirmed my fansies. She had fairly small, but very firm breasts, a slim waist, and great legs! She defined the word “stunner” to me, but herage and the fact she was my boss’s daughter had kept me from even trying to get to know her. Standing in front of her with my shorts down around my legs and my cock still dripping semen made me feel very foolish, indeed.
“Put your hands together on top of your head. I know how to use this gun and I will, if I have to.”
I did as she directed, lacing my fingers together and resting my hands on top of my head. At this point, I decided, my law career was certainly over but, if I was careful, she might not shoot me.
“Can I pull my shorts up, at least?” I asked her.
“I think not, just yet. You should be ashamed of yourself! Just what are you doing here, anyway?”
“Your father told me I could use the trails in this forest for a run anytime I wished. I never dreamed…”
“You looked as if you were dreaming pretty well with that dick of yours in your hand. I’ve got a great video of you in action. Maybe you’d like a copy?” She had lowered the battery-operated camera and was no longer filming, but I was sure the damage was already done. The .38 still pointed unwaveringly at my navel.
Suddenly, she raised her voice. “Sally,” she shouted, “you and the other girls get up here. I got a little surprise for you.”
“Give me a break,” I picked. “Let me pull up my shorts, at least.”
“Uh uh. You obviously enjoyed looking at my friends. I think it’s only fair they get a good look at you, in return. Of course, they can always catch the video.” She chuckled and indicated the camcorder in her right hand.
My hopes sank. I was in very deep trouble, and I knew it!
It was only a few minutes before the other three girls arrived. Maggie and I had passed that time in silence. The fact she hadn’t shot me, or talked about the police, was a little encouragement. My heart was still beating a mile-a-minute, however.
The redhead was the first to arrive. She was followed quickly by the two blondes. The blonde who had been the victim hadput on an orange thong of her own and was the first to speak. “Who is this? What’s he doing here?”
“Just take it easy, Sally. This is Bill Parker. He works for my father. He really enjoyed watching you being initiated. I’ve got the proof right here.” Again, she indicated the camcorder. “He heard you, I guess, and snuck down to where he could see. He liked it so much he jacked off, right here, on candidate camera. I just happened to be coming back with the camera and discovered him. Once more she waved the camcorder.
The blonde who had been doing the whipping walking closer to me. She slowly looked me up-and-down, turned to the others and said; “he’s got a nice dick, huh? Nice body, too. He’s also kinda cute
In spin of my fear, watching these four lovely women walk around in what amounted to g-strings was causing my penis to stir a little. I tried desperately to think of soft summer rains, the surf breaking on the shore…anything but the firm, nuclear bodies on display in front of me.
“I think he likes us, too,” said the redhead, with a smile. What are we gonna do with him?”
“I’ve been thinking about that,” said Maggie. “How would you girls like to have some fun?”
“OK,” Maggie said. “Go on back to the camp. I’m going to explain the facts of life to him before I let him go. I’ll fill you in shortly. Here, Sally, take the camcorder with you.” She gave the camera to the blonde and they left, leaving me alone with Maggie.
“Can I put down my hands and pull up my shorts?” I asked. “You’ve still got the gun.”
“Go ahead.”
I couldn’t believe how comforting it was to pull my shorts back up over my genitals. “What happens now?” I asked.
“What happens now is you’ve got a choice to make.” She was still aiming the pistol steadily at my belly.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you can choose between my making sure that the tape I just shot of you jacking off in the woods finds its way ‘accidentally’ into my father’s hands or, you can accept our punishment for your bad behavior and I’ll return the tape to you.”
George Whistler finding a tape of me jacking off in his forest was unthinkable! My bright career would be so far into the toilet; I’d probably never recover. He could easily put the word out on me to all the major law firms. I had no choice, and she knew it.
“What kind of punishment are you talking about?”
“First, let me explain what’s going on here. You have stumbled upon an initiative ceremony for a very exclusive girls’ club. The attractive blonde you saw being whipped is our newest member. Our club has no name and there are only the four of us. The club exists to allow us to explore our common interest in pain and pleasure. We are all basically sadists, but our new members, as you saw, must show they can take it before they can have the chance to dish it out. We normally play and experiment with each other. I’m the only memberwho has any experience playing with men. We use this campsite for our initiatives and other games because it’s private property. I never dreamed my father would invite you to run here. Too bad for you, but wonderful for us!”
“What do you mean?” I asked, knowing only too well.
“I mean that you are going to let us play with you, if you don’t want that tape to fall into my father’s hands.”
“Define ‘play’.” I was beginning to gain a little confidence. She surely wouldn’t want her father to know about her kinky little club.
“Specifically, I mean that you will surrender yourself to us, here, tomorrow at noon. You will agree to accept any punishment we decide to implement, for a period of five hours. At 5 PM, sharp, if you have taken all we can dish out, you’ll be released and given the only copy of the tape I just shot of you.” Her green eyes flashed as she laid out the terms.
“I can’t agree to that,” I said. “In five hours, you could do me some pretty serious damage.”
“We won’t do anything to you that will do any damage or leave any permanent marks. That’s always the way we play, and we’re pretty good at it. Also, at any time during the five hours, you can tell us you’ve had enough and we’ll stop right away. If you do stop us, however, the tape gets to my father just as soon as I can make it happen.”
“No damage? You’re Certain?” I couldn’t believe I was calmly discussing this with her but I was beginning to believe I could save my future, after all.
“Trust me.” She giggled. “If we do accidentally damage you, I promise you’ll get the tape and my father will never know anything.”
“How about the other girls? How do I know they won’t spread this around?”
“You don’t, for sure. I guess that’s the chance you’ll have to take if you want to succeed in my father’s firm. They aren’t likely to talk about it, though. Being in this club is a very nice thing and I don’t think they would jeopardize that.”
“Looks like I don’t have very much choice.”
“I was hoping you’d see it that way. It won’t be easy, though. This will be the longest five hours of your young life!”
“I’m not THAT young!”
“That’s true. To tell the truth, I’ve wondered why you haven’t tried to at least get to know me. I’ve seen you around the office and you haven’t given me a second glance. Don’t you find me attractive?” “You’re the boss’s daughter, and you’re at least two years older than I am. I didn’t think you’d give me a second glance.”
“Well, you never know until you try. Anyhow, are you going to go along with this?”
“I’ve got to try, don’t I?” To myself, I thought that a little whipping with rubber whips by four grogeous women was a small price to pay for keeping my career on track. How little I knew!
“I was pretty sure you’d see it that way. OK, be here tomorrow at noon, ready to suffer!”
“What kind of clothes should I wear?”
“Wear anything you like for the trip. At high noon, tomorrowrow, however, I want you standing in the center of this little clearing, without a stitch of clothing. Is that perfectly clear?”
My heart sank a bit. “Why do I have to be naked in front of you girls?”
“Being naked in front of us is part of your punishment and torture victims are always naked! Besides, I’ve got some suspicions about you. I think you may just enjoy some of what goes on tomorrow.”
“You’ve got to be kidding. I’m scared to death. It’s only the chance of saving my future that’s causing me to go along with this.”
“We’ll see. The nice thing about a naked man is that it’s impossible for him to conceal his excitement. I think you’re in for a very interesting afternoon.”
“Are you sure we can’t just forget the whole thing?” I asked.
“Not a chance! If you’re not standing at attention, bare-assed, in the center of this clearing tomorrow at noon, my father will somehow ‘find’ that videotape. You can imagine how it would go from there. Now, get outof here. We’ve got to plan your little festivals for tomorrow.”
I left, jogging slowly back to my car. I was still in a sort of shock. I couldn’t believe that I had just agreed, very calmly, to present myself naked, at high noon, for four young women to torture. I drove back to my apartment carefully, trying to think of some way out of this prediction. Maggie Whistler was a lovely and Very sexy young woman, but the thought of surrendering myself to her and her friends, naked, for five hours, was pretty damn terrifying. My last thought, as I fell into a troubled sleep that night, was of her green eyes flashing as she proposed my fate to me.
Part I
The next morning I awoke earlier than usual. I still couldn’t quite believe that I had promised to surrender myself, naked, at noon, in the woods of George Whistler’s estate, to the tender (hopefully) mergers of four young women.
I showed, then puttered around for as long as I could but, by 11:30, I realizedI had best be on my way. I dressed in running shorts and shoes, just as I had the day before, and drove to the estate. It was about 11:45 when I parked, so I took my time getting to the clearing. Upon arrival, I looked around and saw no one. I removed my running shoes, then my nylon shorts, then moved through the undergrowth to the clearing. Once in the center, I stood at attention, as directed, feeling very naked and very foolish.
It was only moments before I heard them. They came through the forest from the general direction of the campsite. When they came into view I was amazed to see that they wore only the soft orange tos they had been wearing the day before.
“Glad you could make it.” Maggie was the first to speak. “I guess you are wondering why we are dressed as we are. Well, it’s simply to add to your torque. One of the things that make you men so interesting is the fact that you can’t conceal your excitement. There’s simply no place to hide a hard-on, at leastWhen you are naked. I know you find our bodies attractive and I also know that a stiff cock is a lot more susceptible to torque than a soft one. Of course, I assume you’ll try to avoid becoming sexually excited. With us dressed like this, I imagine you’ll have a pretty difficult time, though.”
“Do you just want to humiliate me?”
“Ahhh, sweetheart. It goes much deeper than that. You’ll see.”
She then reached down and gave my cock a couple of smooth strokes. When it noticeably stiffened, Maggie gave me an evil grin and I heard one of the other girls giggle. She gave me a nudge in the general direction and we started walking towards the campsite. Once there, I realized that this was almost surely going to be much worse than I had thought. The picnic tables were still There, but one had been covered with an old blanket. I could imagine myself stretched out on top of it, at their mercy. The ground as covered with soft pine needs, dappled by the sun through the overhead branches, giving the scene a cheerful appearance. The fact that I was soon to be a helpless victim, however, made me attach omino overtones to everything I saw.
One of the girls, the blonde victim of yesterday, came forward with some thick nylon rope, her pert breasts bobbing delightfully. She tied my wrists together in expert fashion, then tossed the end of the rope over a heavy tree branch that was about nine feet off the ground. One of the other girls took the end and drew me up to my fullest stretch, still allowing me to touch the ground with my feet, before tying the rope off on a tree branch, below. At this point I was strung up by my wrists, but able to stand comfortable. Not for long, however. They quickly drove heavy metal stakes into the ground at my feet, about four feet apart. Watching these lovely girls work, the and their breasts gleaming with a soft sheen of perspiration, was causing my cock to behave as though Iwas actually looking forward to the coming events.
Once the stakes were in place, my ankles were tied to them with more lengths of the thick rope; stretching my legs apart and leaving me almost suspended by my wrists, straight over my head. My ankles were pulled out to the point that I was just barely able to maintain contact with the ground with the tips of my toes.
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