Dear Loraine,
I’m a friend of Natasha’s cousin Sandra. Natasha asked her to suggest that I contact you as I live here in The Islands. I’m sure that I can make your time here memorable. You can contact me at ***-***-**** from 8 AM until 5 PM daily. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.
The letter was waiting for her when we arrived at the hotel. It had been a long day, the wedding in the morning, the reception following and the long flight from our home on the east coast. We were ready to get some sleep.
I wasn’t even worried about getting unlocked from my chatity device. I hadn’t been out of it since the week before the wedding, but here we were on our honeymoon and Loraine had the key. She wouldn’t keep me locked up now. Would she?
For nearly a year before the wedding Loraine’s roommate, Natasha, had held the key to my CB6000 chatity belt. I thought I was finally free when she gave the key to Loraine for a wedding present but Loraine just put the chain with the key around her neck. I guess she likes having me locked up and under her control. I know that when I get out for our usual weekly session I cum harder than I ever had before. In between I’m more attentive and loving than I had been before being locked up.
We found our way to our room and soon sleep found us. In the morning she was just coming out of the shower as I was getting out of bed. She looked so good wrapped in that towel. I wanted to make love to her right then but she told me “Go take your shower. I want to hit the beach before the crowds arrive.”
When I came out of the shower all I could see of her was head and feet. A long dress in a brightly flowered print covered everything else. “I thought we were going to the beach?” I asked.
“We are,” she told me. “This is a cover-up until we get there. I have my swimsuit on underneath. Put on some shorts and a shirt so we can go.”
Off we went through the lobby and across the street. The beach was a beautiful long expansion of white sand. Here and there people had set up chairs, towels and beach umbrellas. But there were large spaces of empty sand waiting for the crowds to arrive and claim them.
We picked an area well away from everyone and placed our towels on the sand. While I sat and began to apply sunscreen to my legs Loraine pulled her cover-up over her head revealing. . . well revealing nearly everything! The strings of the top held up two triangles of blue clothes which covered her nipples and very little else. There wasn’t a lot of fabric wasted on the bottom either. A small patch of yellow covered just enough to keep her out of jail.
She sat down close to me and asked me to put sunscreen on her back. As she lay on her towel all I could see of her bikini was two strings around her, top and bottom. The rest of it was nestled safely between her cheeks. I covered her with coconut oil and smoothed it over her everywhere the sun could shine. Then she offered toput some on me. This was an offer too good to refund.
After soaking up the sun for a while it was time to turn over. Again we applied sunscreen to each other. Touching her like that and her touching me was getting me so excited I could hardly stand it. My cock felt like it would break its cage. Still I couldn’t get a full erection. Looking at her in that bikini and knowing that I couldn’t do anything was driving me nuts.
By noon the beach was getting so crowded that there was almost no place to sit. We decided to check out some of the tourist sites and maybe do some shopping. “I talked to Leilani while you were in the shower this morning,” Loraine said while we were packing up to leave. “We’re going to meet her at the restaurant tonight. She said for you to wear your dark slacks, a blue dress shirt. . . and no socks.”
“Why no socks?” I asked.
“Because that’s what she said.”
When we went downstairs to dinner Loraine was wearing a black cocktail dress cut toa deep vee in the front leaving much of her lovely breasts on display. The back had a string across her shoulders to keep the top on and bare skin down to her waist. A gold chain around her neck held a little key nestled in her cleavage. She looked so good. I wanted to skip dinner and make love instead. “Later,” she told me. “It will be so much better then.” I, of course, was wearing dark slacks, a blue dress shirt and no socks. How has this woman, whom I hadn’t even met, taken such control of my life?
“You must be Loraine,” a voice behind me said. I turned and saw a tall woman of about 35. She was wearing tight black leather pants, spike heeled boots and a leather vest that presented her breasts with a very lovely cleavage. Her long brown hair was up in a bun at the back of her head. I could see this was a woman not to be trifled with.
“Yes,” Loraine replied. “And this is Jerry, my husband.” Just then the hostess arrived to lead us to our table.
While we were eatingLeilani told us about the many tourist attractions and several fun things the locals did. By the time dinner was over we had mapped out our entire schedule for the week.
“You must come visit at my house,” she said over coffee. “I have a secluded beach where we can work on our tans. There are some lovely places for snorkeling too. Drop by about 10 AM, Thursday.” We all knew it was not a question. “In the meantime, don’t you think I should hold onto that key for you?”
“Oh! Of course,” Loraine said, much to my surprise. My mouth, hopes and erection all dropped as Loraine lifted the chain over her head and handed it to Leilani.
Through the week we visited most of the places Leilani had told us about. Each night by the time we finished dinner we were too tired for any further activity. We tucked ourselves into bed and were fast to sleep. Thoughts of the key were far from my mind. After all I was spending my time with the girl of my dreams, even if this isn’t what my dreams had been like.
Every morning we went to the beach. We don’t have a nice beach close to home and we wanted to take advantage of our opportunity. In the afternoon we went to the places Leilani had suggested. Each day I watched my new bride in halter tops and sexy shorts or a short skirt knowing we couldn’t make love that night because of my chatity device.
Wednesday night, as we were having dinner, she told me “I’m not wearing any panties. In fact I haven’t forgotten any all week. It gives me a thrill knowing that a gentle breeze or climbing stairs could expose me to the world. I think some of the people around us enjoyed it too.
“When we toured the lighthouse, did you notice the group of college boys following us? I think they got a great show, don’t you?” A group of about eight boys, apparently on spring break, had followed us up the step stairs to the top of the lighthouse. I knew they were trying to look up Loraine’s skirt but I didn’t know how much of a show they had gotten until now.
I found this news exciting and arousing. The thought of my wife exposed to groups of strangers while I’m right there watching and not knowing made my erection start to rise yet again.
“I’m not wearing this jacket because I’m cold,” she said. “Underneath I’m wearing a sheer blouse and a platform bra that pushes my breasts up and forms a nice cleavage but doesn’t cover my nipples. Would you like to help me off with my jacket? It’s getting kind of warm in here.”
We were in a fairly secluded corner of the restaurant. Still people were close by. I got up and helped her remove her jacket. I started to hang it on the back of an unused chair when she said “There’s a coat check room near the entrance.” I nervously left her at the table while I delivered her coat to the coat-check girl. As I made my way back to the table the view was unmistakable. My beautiful wife was sitting, all alone at our table facing me and the whole dining room. It was dark enough that I couldn’t see too much at a distance but as I got closer it was clear that her nipples were exposed through her sheer top.
People at nearby tables didn’t seem to notice but I did and it was making me very uncomfortable. Not from fear of being caught, but from the fact that my attempt at getting hard was thwarted by my ever-present chatity device. When the waitress came to bring us the check she took one look at Loraine and got a big smile on her face. She knew. As we walked out of the dinning room, few people took notice. Those who did mostly just smiled and pointed us out to their dinning companies. But when we got to the cash register it seemed like the entire staff was assembled there, all smiling and inviting us to “Come back soon.”
When we got back to our room we were so turned on that our clothes had hardly hit the floor before we were in bed. We hugged. We kissed. But when the time came to make love, there it was again. That damned CB. I pleasured her, as bestI could, with my tongue, but I was left wanting, as usual. “Think of how great it will be when you finally get to cum,” she told me. She didn’t need to say it. That’s all I could think about.
Thursday morning our taxi brought us to a large iron gate outside Leilani’s estate. When Loraine pushed the button next to a speaker and told her who we were the gate swung open and the driver took us inside to the house. Leilani met us at the door wearing a white terry robe. She led us inside and showed us around the house. Although every other room was included in the tour, we past one heavy wooden door without mention. Leilani picked up a large wicker basket and said, “Let’s go check out the beach,” as she led us out the back door.
After a few minute’s walk we arrived at the beach. I noticed about a dozen other houses, similar to Leilani’s, that must share this stretch of sand. The nice sandy area was small, only a few hundred feet long. The rest of the area was rocky. Leilani pulled 3 towels out of her basket and began to lay them on the sand. I noticed four pegs in the sand forming a square about six feet across. One towel was in the middle of this square and one to each side. “Take off your shirt and lay down here,” said Loraine, indicating the middle towel. Out of the basket came two cuffs with ropes attached. Knowing what was coming, I held out my hands and Loraine attached the cuffs. Leilani then tied the ropes to rings attached to the pegs.
Next out of the basket came some sunglasses. As Loraine placed them over my eyes I realized that the lenses were frosted. It was like looking through a bathroom window. I could see shapes but no detail, but when Loraine unzipped my shorts and pulled them off, I knew I was exposed to whomever might come by. Leilani then took two more cuffs out of the basket and attached my ankles to the remaining pegs. Then she took the chain from around her neck and used the key on it to unlock my CB.
Once I was secured, and as naked as I had ever been, Loraine and Leilani prepared to enjoy the sun themselves. As Leilani took off her robe I watched, as best I could through my frosted window, for her swimsuit to come into view. It never did. She was proud of her figure and it looked to me that she had a figure to be proud of. She was slim with nice sized breasts. At dinner the other night she had some support for them. Now they were firm and high even without any support.
Loraine had her back to me when she took off her sundress but I could see that she was wearing a bikini just like yesterday’s except this one was bright orange. It was when she turned around that I got the big shock, though. There was the orange trim around the patch over her nipples as I expected. But the patch wasn’t there. Her nipples were standing proud and bare inside that little triangle. Looking a little lower I could see the lips of her pussy framed by another orange triangle. She looked more naked than if she was naked. Iwas very glad at this point that my CB had been taken off. The hard on I had had been very painfully confined in there.
Both girls then proceeded to cover my body in sun block. Loraine started at my head while Leilani began with my feet. As they neared the middle it was Leilani rubbing lotion into my cock and balls. Or should I say ‘Loraine’s cock and balls’? “We don’t want to burn here, do we?” she asked although I was sure she didn’t expect an answer.
After insuring that I was well covered, in sun block if nothing else, she moved into position for Loraine to coat her skin with the coconut oil. They put on quite a show massaging the oil into each other’s skin. I wish I could have had a better view. They were close in front of me but the glasses blocked all but the slightest vision.
We lay on the beach absorbing the sun. Every time I would start to relax or my erection would begin to fade one of them would reach over and give it a few strokes. Just enough to keepthe excitement going, never enough to get me off. After a while Leilani suggested “Let’s go for a swim.” She turned to me and said “Don’t run off! I’m sure you’ll find something to hold your interest here.” And off they went, down the beach to the water.
It was a weekday and it appeared that all of the husbands were at work but, one by one, all of the wives converged on the little beach to work on their tans. For me there was no place to hide. All of the ladies gathered around to have a good look. In or out of their little bikinis they all spread their towels on the sand to enjoy the sun and the view.
“Loraine, are you getting hungry?” Leilani asked when they returned from their swim.
“Yes, I’m starved. But what about Jerry? He can’t eat lying down.”
“No. He might choke. I’ll loosen the ropes on his arms and you help him sit up.” Then, one at a time, Leilani untied the ropes from the pegs near my head and retied them to the pegs near my feet. My arms were stretchched out in front of me but I was sitting up. They took turns feeding me bits of fried chicken and potato salad. Then Loraine helped me wash it down with a beer. I love her so much!
“Do you want to try snorkeling?” Leilani asked after the lunch was put away. “You can see lots of colorful fish and there’s even a coral reef.”
“Sounds like fun,” Loraine replied. “I guess we need to put Jerry back in his cage.”
Leilani reached, once more, into her basket of tricks and pulled out a pair of long black gloves. “I think these will allow us to let it out for a swim,” she said. She undid the cuff and slipped a glove on my right hand. It had a plastic wire tie threaded through at the wrist which she closed. Then she repeated the process on the left. “These gloves will allow him to touch himself but I don’t think he will want to. The outside is coated with sharp sand, like sandpaper. It won’t take more than three strokes to draw blood.”
They put on snorkels, masks and finsAfter helping me with mine, and off we went into the water. I had never been ‘skinny dipping’ before and the feeling of freedom was amazing. I was glad I had the gloves instead of the CB.
After our swim we dried off and the girls put their clothes back on. Leilani picked up my shorts and shirt and put them in the basket. Off they started for the house. I had little choice but to follow, dressed as I wasn’t.
Back at the house, Leilani put my clothes on a hanger which she hung in a closet. When she locked the door I knew the fun was not over. “We need to get those gloves off you,” she said. “Come with me.” She led the way to that heavy wooden door we had seen and unlocking it led us down the stairs to what can only be described as a dungeon. It had cinder block walls and a concrete floor. Even the high ceiling looked like stone. A few feet away was a large X made out of heavy wood beams. It was over six feet tall and had strraps with buckles in various places. In another placewas an examination table like you would see in a doctor’s office, complete with stirrups. At the far end of the room is a small room containing a bed, a toilet and a sink. The wall and door are made of iron bars. All of this I can see through another iron bar door near the bottom of the steps. Behind us Leilani locked another heavy wood door closing off the stairs.
Leilani worked the combination and unlocked the iron door leading into the dungeon and we walked through. After locking the door behind us she led us to the cell door. I t seem that she keeps every door locked except when passing through. Once we are all locked in the cell she told me to lay on the bed. She buckled a collar around my neck and then snapped a lock onto it. It had a short chain connecting it to the bed keeping me from sitting up. Then she placed a cuff on each ankle. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she relocked the cell door leaving Loraine inside with me. She unlocked a cabinet in the main room and rturned with a wire cutter. As she cut the wire tie holding each glove on she replaced it with a cuff chained to the bed
“He needs some ‘cool down’ time and we need to talk. Let’s go have a drink,” Leilani said as she led Loraine back up the stairs.
After what seemed like days, but probably was only about an hour, Loraine and Leilani came back into the dungeon. “This is the penis sheath,” Leilani said holding up what looked like a flat dildo. “I’ll show you how to put it on. But first we’ll draw this towel so he can’t see what we’re doing.” She hung the towel above my neck so that I could look anywhere except towards my feet. I could feel then doing something down there but it wasn’t until they removed the draw that I could tell what. My cock and balls were covered in black rubber. Except for the color it looked very natural, complete with the crown and veins. At the base of my penis a ring was locked around it, insuring that it stayed in place.
Loraine took some lubricant and began giving me a hand job. “How does that feel?” she asked.
“I almost can’t feel anything,” I told her.
“That’s how it’s supposed to work,” Leilani said. “Time for a test drive. Climb aboard and see how you like it.”
Loraine pulled her dress off over her head and eased herself down over my face. “Make it good, baby,” she said. I didn’t need any more encouragement than that. There are few things I like more than to make my wife cum. She was still wearing her bikini so I poked my tongue up between the straws and between her lips. I licked at her clip and sucked it into my mouth. It didn’t take long for her to cover my face in her sweet nectar. I tried to clean her but she lifted off of me and moved down my body. She rubbed her cunt against my sheathed cock getting it all wet and slippery. She raised up and slowly impaled herself on my rubber sheathed cock. “Oh, that feels so good!” she moaned. I felt it move but I got no stimulation. Just the sight of her was keeping me hard.
“Would you like to join me?” she asked Leilani after a few minutes.
“I’d love to,” she replied as she climbed onto the bed. She dragged the robe she was still wearing around my head, plunging me into darkness. Her wonderful aroma led me to her cunt. As she settled down onto my mouth I tried every way I could think of to stimulate her, trying to find what got the best reaction. Meanwhile I could feel Loraine bouncing away at my hips. Soon I was rewarded with the sound of both girls cumming. After a short rest they climbed off and traded places and we were off for another round.
After about two hours of them switching back and forth, my tongue was sore, my legs were sore. In fact my whole body hurt. They had finally had enough. Leilani unlocked the cell door and went into the other room. There, in a locked cabinet, were the keys to my restraints. As she unlocked my wrist and ankle cuffs she replaced them with a hobble chain and handcuffs. Finally she unlocked the collar allowing me to stand.
Leilani led me out of the cell, into the dungeon next to the examination table. “Sit up here,” she told me. “Now lay back and relax while we get your feet secured in the stirrups.” Another collar was lock around my neck insuring that I couldn’t sit up. The handscuffs were removed only to be replaced by cuffs holding my hands at my sides.
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