The Wedding Slut Ch. 01

“I now pronounce you wife and husband. You may kiss each other.”

The bride and groom embedded and kissed. I suppose it would actually be more correct to say she kissed him. Either way all of us in the audience erupted in applause.

I was at the wedding of my friend Julie. We’d been friends for years but I actually hadn’t seen her in a while. I was a little surprised to get the invitation, to be honest, but knew I had to be here. The wedding was at a resort about five hours from home, close enough to not be much of a hassle but far enough so everybody had rooms to stay for the weekend. Which only means things could get as wild as we wanted at the reception. And I intended to let loose. I knew enough of Julie’s friends and family to know it would be a very attractive guest list. At the top of that list would be Julie’s big sister Samantha.

Julie and I had actually hooked up a few times years ago. The sex was great but not totally fulfilling. Both she and I were too dominant to work as a couple. We used it as a chance to experiment and give each other what we needed in the short term but it really just solidified how dominant we both were. We knew we could have some hot sex but it wouldn’t work beyond that. Thankfully we were able to stay friends. And the sexual tension between us only added some spice to the friendship.

Of course this was also the reason I never made a move on her sister. I always had the feeling that Samantha was the more submissive member of the family, just watching the dynamics of their relationship it was clear Julie, despite being younger, was the leader between them. You like to imagine the two of them experimenting but I never had any reason to think it had actually happened. After sleeping with Julie I didn’t feel right jumping over to Samantha. But that was years ago and now that Julie was married…

I made my way to the reception area to find my table. Unsurprisingly, the ever controlling Julie had things plannedto the smallest detail. Not only had tables been assigned but the seats at those tables as well. How lucky for me that I was sitting directly across from Samantha. She watched me sit down but looked away with a smile when I caught her eye. I smiled to myself, this might be easier than I thought.

The reception was wonderful, great food, great music, and the as-predicted incredibly hot Guests. Julie and her new husband Carl were making the rounds thanking everybody for attending. I had never met her now-husband but he seemed like exactly what Julie needed. He was small and very pretty and perfectly attentive to her every need. There was no doubt in my mind what their relationship was like in and out of the bedroom.

As they got to our table I stood to introduce myself. I shook his hand firmly and pulled him in close so he had to look up at me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, you are one lucky man.”

“Thank you, I couldn’t feel lucky.”

Julie moved over and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheese.

“It’s so great to see you! Thanks for coming!”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Thanks for inviting me.”

Just then a song we had danced to many times came on. I gave her a look and nodded towards the dance floor. She smiled back at me.

“You don’t mind if I steal your wife.” I asked Carl in a way that was clearly not actually a question.

His eyes shifted to Julie who gave the slightest node, he looked back at me, “not at all. Enjoy.”

I took Julie’s hand and we moved to the dance floor.

“What a good boy you have there.” We both laughed.

We held each other and swayed to the music.

“Congratulations, Mrs…”

Julie laughed, “you know I’m not changing my last name.”

I laughed, “oh of course not, whatever was I thinking. But is he changing his?”

“That I haven’t decided on that yet.”

“I’m sure he’ll happily call himself whatever you want.”

“There’s little doubt of that,” she laughed.

“Seriously, congratulations. He seems perfect for you. And I’ve never seen you happier.”

“Thank you, I really am. How are you enjoying yourself tonight?”

“I’m having a great time. And the night’s still young. Thanks for inviting me. And for the lovely view.”

“Mmm, I thought you might enjoy that.”

“On my way up here I was a little worried what you’d think if I were to make that move.”

“We’re all adults here. And I’m pretty sure my big sister would appreciate your, *ahem* talents.”

“Aren’t you the thoughtful little sister?”

The song was winding down.

“Thanks for the dance, I’m glad you could make it to the wedding, it really is great seeing you again, let’s not fall out of touch this time.”

“I agree, I’d definitely like us to be closer.”

It was then I noticed Carl was watching us rather intently.

“Was he watching us the whole time?”

“I’m sure he was and I’m sure he enjoyd every moment of it.

I raised my eyesbrows, “perhaps he’d like something more to watch,” I bent down to give her a hug, I let my hand slide down her back but not quite get to her ass, in return she gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

She smiled at me and we walked arm-in-arm back to the table. I gave her another hug and then let her get back to making the rounds. As I sat down I noticed that Carl wasn’t the only one who had been watching us. Samantha tried to act aloof but had clearly been keeping her eyes on us. I detected a hint of jealousy.

I continued eating my meal and chatting with the others at the table while always keeping my focus on Samantha. She was trying to pretend she didn’t see me but couldn’t keep herself from trying to steal glances at me. And every time she caught My eyes she’d quickly look away embarrassed that she’d been caught but exhilarated that she’d been seen.

As the night went on I hit the dance floor and made a point of dancing with manyof Julie’s hot cousins ​​and friends but not Samantha. During each dance I’d be sure to find Samantha with my eyes to see her reaction. She couldn’t help herself but keep her focus on me.

Eventually I made my way back to the table where I found Samantha having a drink and talking to her cousin Daphne. I walked right to Samantha, they stopped talking and looked up at me.

“Dance with me”

Without a word Samantha stood up and offered me her hand. I took it and led her to the dance floor. There was an upbeat song playing and we both got into it. Our hips were in unison as we moved to the beat. She was grinding her ass against my dick. I slid my hands up and down her body. I spun her around and pulled her close. My hand slide down her body to her smooth, tone thigh. She nearly flashed the dance floor when I lifted her knee and held her as we gyrated to the music.

I could see the password in her eyes and feel the heat of her body as we keep dancing for the next few songs.She still hadn’t said a word since I took her from the table.

Before too long a slow song started. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. She had a little bit of height on me, especially in her three inch heels. We swwayed to the music as we held each other. I let my hand slide down her back to settle just above her round ass. She gave me a knowing look and just smiled.

Looking around the dance floor I noticed a lot of eyes looking back at us. “It seems we’ve attracted a bit of attention.”

“We have been putting on quite the show. And I think a lot of them have been waiting for us to hook up for a while now.”

“We wouldn’t want to disappoint them, would we?”

“I hate to disappoint.”

“I might hold you to that. When this song ends, collect your belongings and meet me by the exit.”

“Mmmm, yes sir,” Sam said in a slightly mocking tone.

As the song ended I gave her a kiss on the cheek, put my suit jacket on, and waited for her. She grabbed her stuff and joined me. Neither of us said a word we just turned to leave. I put my hand on her upper back and slide it down again, but this time not stopping at the top of her ass. Instead I got a handful of her lovely backside and squeezed it obviously, I looked over my shoulder finding Daphne watching us leave. I gave her a wink and playfully smoked Sam’s ass. I guided Sam towards the elevator Using her ass. I hoped the rest of the guests were watching too.

We entered the elevator alone. As soon as the door closed I moved towards Sam backing her up against the wall, she looked at me with lust in her eyes. I pushed one knee between her legs causing her to spread them. I kept my right hand on her ass and slide my left up the front of her body. I gave her right breast a squeeze before sliding my hand up to her throat. I wrapped my hand around it and lightly squeezed. Not enough to make her worry about her next breath but enough to make sure she knew who was in control.

Our mouths moved together and we kissed for the first time. Our tongues danced with one another. I removed my mouth from hers and moved to nibble on her ear lobe. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning as I whispered to her.

“We’re going to my room. Do you know what’s going to happen when we get there?”

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, her lower lip quivering, “whatever you want.”

“That excites you?”

“Fuck yes. I want to be used.”

“What else?”




“And fucked. And treated like a whore. And anything you want.”

“Are you going to be a good girl for me?”

She just moaned in response. I slide my right hand between her legs and felt how wet her panties already were.

“Are you going to be my Samantha Slut? Are you going to do as you’re told?”

“Fuck,” she moaned, “yes, sir.”

I kissed her again. “Mmmmm, good. Because I am going to use you. And spank you. And fuck you.”

She moaned as I listed each thingI was going to do to her.

“I’m going to cum in your pretty little mouth.”

I kissed her.

“And in your wet pussy.”

I kissed her.

“And in your tight ass.”

I kissed her.

“And in your tight ass.”

“And that’s just tonight.”

The elevator dinged as we got to my floor. I let go of her and moved back to the middle of the car.

“Still interested, my dear?”

She was already breathing heavily, “yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Sir! Yes, sir! I’m interested.”

“Prove it to me…”

She looked to me expectedly

“…take your dress off.”

Her eyes went wide as her face shifted to worry.

I poked my head out the door and looked up and down the hallway. I kept a hand on the door to make sure it didn’t close.

“I’d worry. The longer we wait the higher the chance somebody wants the elevator.”

She lowered her head with the realization that she’d already decided to go all-in tonight, stepped towards me, and turned around. I slowly unzippedthe dress. She turned back towards me and kept eye contact as she slide the dress off her body.

She handed it to me and stood confidentially. She had no reason not to, she was stunning to behold.

I extended my hand to her. She placed hers in mine and lowered her eyes. I pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss. As we stepped out of the elevator together I put my hand back on her ass, lightly squeezed it as we walked to my room. Her skin was wonderfully smooth. I made sure we took slow steps down the hallway to extend the time she was exposed. I took my time unlocking the door.

We entered the room and I hung her dress and my jacket in the closet.

“You can have this back in the morning. Would you like something to drink?”

“Red wine, please.”

I had her stand in the middle of the open Area of ​​the room. There was a large armchair in the corner of the room, I positioned it a few feet in front of her. I got her wine from the minibar and a whiskey for myself.

“To the adventures this evening brings.” We closed glasses and each took a sip.

Now that we weren’t rushed by the chance of somebody finding her nearly naked in the elevator I took my time to really take a good look at the beauty in front of me. She was wearing a matching lingerie set, dark blue lace bra and thong panties with stockings and a garter belt. Her large breasts were barely held in by her bra and her shaped hips were accentuated by the narrow cut of the panties. As I sipped my drink I moved around her, examining her body.

“So does sexy underwear usually come with the bridesmaid dress or…?”

“Actually kind of,” she laughed.

“Oh yeah, how’s that?,” I laughed.

“My sister was very particular about everything I’m wearing tonight and you always give the bride whatever she wants.”

“I feel like you usually give Julie what she wants even when she isn’t the bride.”

“I guess that’s true. You know how she is, she always gets what she wants, and it was always easier to just give it to her. And I like making people happy. As you can probably tell right now,” she said with a smile and a little shake that made her lovely tits jiggle.

“Still doesn’t explain why she’d care what you were wearing under your dress unless she thought she’d see you out of it? Or that you’d be getting fucked?”

“She likes making sure all the details are just so.”

“That’s true. Do you think she’d be excited to know I’m the one who’s going to fuck you?”

The mention of me fucking her sent a warm shiver up her spine.

“Well she did tell me I should say yes if you asked me to dance,” a moment of clarity hit her, “and she sat us right across from each other…”

I nodded confirmation that her sister did indeed not leave much to chance.

“But I didn’t ask you to dance, did I? I ordered you to. And then I ordered you to leave the reception with me. And like a good girl you compiled.”

“Mmmm,yes sir.”

“You like doing what you’re told, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”


“Have you ever done anything like this?”

“No, sir. At least, nothing where I was calling somebody ‘sir’,” she said with a laugh before taking another sip of her wine.

I looked down at her round ass, thinking about how much fun it will be to turn it a bright pink.

“But you’ve wanted to?”

“Yes, sir. I’ve never really had the opportunity, certainly not with someone I felt safe enough with. As I said earlier I want to be used. I want to be your sex toy.”

She flinched as I slid my hand from her shoulders to the small of her back. I squeezed her ass cheeks and gave each a solid slap.

“Is there anything you definitely want to try? Or more importantly anything you definitely don’t want to try?”

“I’d rather there not be any blood or body fluids, other than the traditionally sexy ones, and nothing permanent. Otherwise I’m yours to do with what you want.”

I keep circled her slowly, looking her body up and down, she really was magnificent. Similar to her little sister but a little taller and a little slimmer, her hair was chestnut to Julie’s black, her skin a bit more tan. Truly a gorgeous family.

“Be careful offering yourself up so fully like that. It’s going to make me want to push you to find your boundaries. But your list of ‘nos’ won’t be a problem, I’m not interested in any of that either. I do expect obedience. You’ll do what I say, when I say it, you’ll speak only when spoken to. And disobedience will be punished. Can you handle that?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good, my little Sammy Slut. We’ll use ‘red’ as a safe word, if at any time you feel like we’ve gone too far say ‘red’ and we’ll stop right away. You can also say ‘yellow’ and we’ll slow things down to reassess before continuing. Are you ready?”

Sam drank the last bit of wine in her glass and nodded enthusiastically, “yes, sir, I’m ready.”

I kissedher deeply as I slide my hand up her side, “good girl.” I took the wine glass from her and put it aside.

I sat back down in the armchair and starred deeply into her eyes as I sipped my drink. I wanted to see how long she would stand there waiting for my next command. She couldn’t hold my gaze for too long at once, she was clearly a little nervous about what she’d gotten herself into.

I sat back in My chair getting comfortable. I kept my eyes locked on Sam’s. I waited a few minutes before gently gesturing my hand down. She didn’t react right away but got the hint and lowered herself to knee. A small smile grow on my lips. I raised my eyesbrows in anticipation and she continued down to her hands and knees. My smile grow. I took another sip of my drink.

I made a “come here” gesture and she slowly crawled the few feet between us. With each movement she was sure to sweep her sexy hips and thrust her heavy chest.

As she got close I slide one shoe towards her. She understood immediately and bent her head down to kiss its polished toe before removing it from my foot. I slide the other to her and she repeated the process.

I stood in front of her and removed my belt which I folded in half and placed on the arm of the chair. I took off my shirt and tie and tossed them over another chair. I competed towards my pants. Samatha moved forward, unbuttoned them, and slide them down my legs. I stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Next she removed my socks before moving back up to my boxes. She took each side in one hand and looked up at me. With a large smile she pulled them down. My eight inch cock popped up as it was released, almost hitting Samantha in the face. She removed my boxes and couldn’t stop staring at my cock. She unconsciously licked her lips.

I sat down in the chair and leaned back to get comfortable. I made a little kiss-kiss sound and sipped my drink again. Samatha crawled to me and took my rapidly hardening cock in her hand. SheContinued to stare at it as she gently stroked it up and down. She got a sense of the weight of it and felt its girl. I made the kiss-kiss sound again, it broke her concentration on my cock and she looked up at me, I raised an expected eyebrow at her. She looked back down and leaned forward to place a kiss right on the tip of my dick. I moaned my approval. She gave it another sloppy kiss, and then another. She Continued, showing my cock with kisses. She kissed the sensitive spot under the head then worked her way down the shake. When she got to my balls she switched to her tongue, licking them all over while struggling my cock.

I moaned again. Her tongue was very talented and I wanted to see how talented the rest of her mouth was. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head up from my balls. I pushed my thumb into her mouth and slide it in and out. She swirled her tongue around my thumb in a little preview of what my cock would soon feel. I moved her mouth to the tip ofmy dick and popped my thumb out. She understood what to do next. She pointed my cock at her mouth and took the head inside. Her mouth was warm and soft, it felt wonderful. She held the end of my cock in her mouth and rolled her tongue around it for a minute before bobbing her head forward to take more in.

She moved her mouth up and down slowly letting my cock get deeper and deeper a bit at a time. I was impressed when she got just over half of it in her mouth but that seemed to be where she was going to stop. Not good enough for my Sammy Slut. I took hold of my belt and gave her a smack on the ass. It was loud but I hadn’t swung very hard. Sam pulled back letting my cock drop from her lips.


“Don’t stop sucking just because you got spanked.” I smacked her ass with the belt again, lightly.

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” She took my cock in her hand and stroked it up and down. It was wet with her salvia.

“I want to see how deep you can take it.” I gave herAnother, slightly harder, smack.

She took a deep breath and moved her head forward, taking my cock back in her mouth. She slowly bobbed up and down going a little deeper each time. She got back to the point she got stuck on last time and I could tell she was losing steam again. Another smack of the belt motivated her to push forward. She moved her hands to my tights to try to pull herself closer. She took more of my cock into her mouth. Her cheeks were bulging out. She was about three-quarters of the way to taking the whole thing. I knew it would be tough for her but I also knew she could do it. I saw lines of eye makeup run down her cheeks, I reached down to wipe one tear away and pushed her head back letting her know she could take a break.


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