Barbara and John had been dating for a little over a month and things seemed to be going pretty good but there was something missing. They both had an idea of what it was but neither one would say anything about it. If they had known what the other was thinking, it would have been cleared up.
John had this thing about people being late and had spoken to Barbara about it a few times but she seemed not to listen and was constantly late. John wasn’t sure if she did it on purpose or if she was just the kind of person that was always late, but it annoyed him when she was. One day it came to a head and that was a day that neither one would soon forget
They had a wedding to go to on Saturday afternoon and John had asked Barbara please not to be late and Barbara assured him that this time she would be ready When he got there. John was unsure about it but took Barbara for her word. All during the week before the wedding John kept giving Barbara little hints on how not to be late,he had even told her that he would pick her up at 12 pm when in fact he didn’t need to get her until 12:30 pm This gave her a little led way but he didn’t tell her that. John also promised to himself that if she was late this time that she would get it, no matter what it did to the relationship.
John arrived at Barbara’s about 5 minutes to 12 and when she opened the door, she looked so stunning that John just wanted to make love to her right there and then but he didn’t want to be late so he put that thought in the back of his head for later. But they did kiss and Barbara’s lips were so soft and sweet, John felt his manhood rising. “Come in and sit down,” she stated but John didn’t want to sit, he wanted to go. Barbara walked off towards the bathroom saying “I am almost ready just be a minute.” John went and got a drink and thought about what he was going to do to Barbara after they got back tonight. He soon checked his watch and it was 12:05 pm and John could feel his blood temperature rising. “Hey, Barbara” (he said in a voice that he had not used all the time they had been together) “let’s go, we are going to be late.” Barbara yelled back “I’m almost done” “don’t you want me to look good for you”?
This time she had pushed it to far and John knew that sometimes that night before they got home, Barbara was going to get a spanking in fact she was going to get a whack for every minute that she was late. When Barbara walked out into the living room about 10 minutes later and she looked at John, he gave her a look that stopped her in her tracks. She looked at John and said, “What’s wrong, you look like you’re angry.” John just looked at his watch and Barbara knew that it was because she was 15 minutes late. “Oh come on we will be there in plenty of time, wedding never start on time,” she said.
All the way to the church Barbara tried to reassure John that they were going to be on time, wedding always run late. John just stated, “I told you how I feel about you being late and this time you are going to pay for your conduct” and left it at that. Barbara tried to brush it off but that look he had somehow made Barbara’s mind wonder a little. She tried to think about what John met when he said that “she would pay” and all kinds of things went through her mind but she soon figured that he didn’t mean it, he was just saying it.
They arrived at the church and when they walked in, the church was pretty full and they had to sit in the back. John looked at Barbara with that same look that he had at the house and pointed to his watch. The ceremony started not 2 minutes after they sat down and was very lovely. All through the service Barbara started to feel like John had met what he said about how she was going to pay for being late. She kept singing a peak at John but he looked fine and even like he was enjoying the wedding. This made her believe that he was just blowing off some steam when he said the things he had.
After all wasdone at the church, Barbara and John left for the reception hall, Barbara made small talk and tried to see if John was still angry about getting to the wedding a little late. John seemed to be fine and even was laughing but he did say one thing that sent chills down Barbara’s spine, “Maybe you need a spanking” rang in her ears. He didn’t say it in a mean way but the tone he used sent goose bumps through her body. She thought to herself he has to be kidding but she was not sure about anything at this time. As she looked at John she notice a somewhat grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye and she wondered what he was thinking in that mind of his.
They arrived at the hall and found their table and sat down, John seemed to be excited and this made Barbara’s mind start to question his words again and she could hear her heart start to beat faster. The thought of getting a spanking was sending mixed feeling to her entire body. In fact she could feel her body becomes alive and at the same time becomes nervous. What she needed was a drink to help lift the tension that she felt, so off to the bar she went. They had dinner, listen to all the speeches and the toasts and it was now time to do a little dance (Barbara loved to dance and had not in a while) so when John asked her to dance she was more than eager. They danced up a storm and Barbara love the slow dances because she could feel John’s body close to hers and she felt so warm and safe in his arms.
After a lot of dancing and a few drinks Barbara needed to use the ladies room and excused herself. As she was leaving the table she looked back at John and he was having a great time and she was happy that he had forgotten about her being late but still wondered if he had met what he had said in the car on the ride from the church. Well she was sure that he had just been playing with her about getting spanked but that look he had given her had said other wise.
As she walked out of the ladies room she saw John standing there and when he saw her he smiled but it was more like a grin. He walked up to her took her hand, gave her a kiss and whispered in her ear that he wanted to show her something. He lead her down the hallway by the hand until they came to a closed door on the right, it had a sign on it that said Coat Room.
John opened the door and turned on a small light that was in it and Barbara thought to herself Mmmmmmm, this might be nice so she followed him in.
After John had shut the door and turned around, Barbara saw a look on his face that she had seen twice already today and became some what uneasy.
There was a chair sitting in the back of the room and John took her by the arm and walked her towards it, telling her it was time. She wondered what he was talking about and when they were next to the chair John turned to her and said “Take off your panties, its time for your spanking” Barbara looked at him and said “You have got to be kidding” but the look on his faceshowed that he wasn’t. Barbara started to protest but John cut her off and said, ” If you don’t do it I will and you won’t like it” which left her lost for words. Barbara somehow knew that he was not kidding and started to remove her panties; all the while saying “You aren’t really going to spank me, are you”? John sat in the chair, grabbed her by the arm and in one quick movement had Barbara over he’s knee with her dress up over her waist. Barbara was starting to get worried now but deep down she was excited too,
she had these mixed emotions before but that was along time ago.
She could feel the coolness of the air on her bare ass and hear John says ” You are going to get one whack for every minute that you were late today, I believe that’s fifteen whacks in all.” Barbara started to plea with John and all of a sudden SMACK she felt the singing of John’s hand landing on her soft flesh causing her to jump. As she started to say something again SMACK she felt another blow toher other cheat this time. With just these two whacks she could feel her ass starting to heat up so she tried to put her hands on her ass to block the strikes from landing on the mark. She felt John grab both hands and pull them up behind her back and tell her “if you try to prevent your punishment it will only get worse” Barbara heard the words but they didn’t register in her mind. SMMACKK, again she felt the heat rise in her flesh and jumped due to the pain but John had her in a tight grip and she didn’t get far. She heard John start to lesson her on her tardiness and felt another CRACK on her ass than another WHACK, Oooh, owchh were the only sounds that came from Barbara’s lips this time.
By the time the next SMAACK that landed on Barbara’s ass, her eyes started to tear up but she also felt a warming between her legs. As John’s hand landed again on her fire red ass, she could feel her inner juices starting to flow and feel John’s manhood poking into her belly. These feelingscombined with the pain of the whacks sent a feeling through Barbara’s body that was unlike any feelings she had had in a long time. As the next SMMACCK landed on her ass, Barbara could feel the heat start to spread over her body and the tears roll down her cheeks. She let out a small cry Ohhh Oucch as she felt the CRAAACK of yet another and by this time John’s words seem to be lost. She knew that he was telling her something but with the sounds of his hands landing on her ass and her cries was all she could hear. Then she felt a quick barrage of WHAACKKS, SSMCAAKS and CCRAACKS. Causing her to whimper even more Ohhooo Oucchh, ohh ohh Ooooo Ooooo and between the yupps and tears Barbara hear John says “That should do it, that’s about fifteen.”
To Barbara’s surprised the pain in her ass felt good and she could feel her juices flowing out of her like a faucet. Her tears were still rolling down her cheeks, the singing was intense, she still whimpered, her body was limp and her legs were weak but she was very turned on. She felt John’s hands rubbing her hot ass and then his lips kissing her fire red ass, they were cool to the touch. John lifted her up and held her close, wiping the tears from her face and kissing her. He reassure her that it was for her own good and that it had hurt him more than it had her. As those words comfortable her, she felt John’s cock poking into her belly, so many thoughts were running in her mind but she knew that she wanted him. Barbara wanted to show John how sorry she was about being late, she wanted him to feel her wetness, she wanted his cock inside her. She slowly started to descend to her knees and grabbed for his zipper, letting his manhood free. In one quick move she had engulfed his cock into the depths of her mouth, it was as hard as a rock and as hot her ass. John moaned and ran his hands Through her hair, pushing his throbbing dick deeper into Barbara’s mouth. She fucked him with her mouth, up and down picking up speed with every stroke; her hands cupped his balls giving just the right amount of squeeze to them. John grabbed the back of Barbara’s head and helped her to go up and down. He could feel his cum stirring and knew that it wouldn’t be long before he had to let it go but he wanted to feel
Barbara’s pussy lips surrounding and milking his cock. He grabbed her by the arms picked her up, bent her over the chair and slid his pulsating cock into Barbara’s wet, hot love tunnel. He grabbed her by the shoulders and started to pound her pussy and each time he drove his cock into the tilt, he could hear and feel Barbara’s juices squirting all over his legs. Barbara started to meet his strokes with some of her own, pushing herself backwards as John pushed forward. Within a minute of the slamming of these two bodies, both know that they wouldn’t last much longer. Barbara’s body started to quiver and her muscles tighten, she let out a moan that was so loud that John thought the whole party would hear, this sent John over the edge. He grabbed Barbara by the hair and pulled back as his cock slammed into her pussy, that was juicing all over him. He let out a cry and his balls pumped his seed deep into the wet darkness of her pussy, they were Cumming together and nothing could stop them now. Barbara could feel John’s hot love seed filling her up, squirt after squirt and this made her cum even harder.
After the trembling stopped and both had caught their breath, they straighten themselves out and Barbara looked for her panties and John smiled and told her that he would hold on to them until they got home and he kissed her. The kiss had so much password that if they didn’t stop it, there would have been another round. They walked out of the room and there was a couple standing not five feet from the door, John and Barbara just smiled and kept going. As they passed the Ladies room, Barbara said, ” I have to freshen up a little, John looked at her and said, “Don’t be late” with a smile on his face. As she walked into the Ladies room thoughts already were running through her mind on how she could get John to SPANK her again.
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