“you have no respect for the process…the protocol…the D/s…the word Master has no meaning…you take this way too lightly…as if it were a game…”
Those words…those honest, hard to read words…stung her to her very core.
Never had she thought about what she was doing in that way. Never had she realized the consequences of her actions.
And never had she wanted so much to prove Him wrong.
she was given the way back. 31 days, 31 emails, 100 words each. DO NOT MISS ONE.
And come hell or high water, she gave it her all…writing…learning…growing…
She submitted her mind and her inhibitions to her desires and with His well-thought assignment, she was learning how to become the person she was meant to be.
No more games. No more missed meetings or lame excuses. No longer would she hide under the security blanket of fear. No longer would she disrespect Him, His time or His Dominance.
Until she did.
“you are in trouble little girl”
her heart sank. she hadn’t meant to, but the night got away from her. Day 17. she had made it to Day 17 and now she was to start again. Day 1.
Heart broken, she continued.
Always a teacher, He offered her a chance to improve her grade.
They were to meet in three days. For two days He remained quiet. she wrote feverishly, her only mission – to show Him Just how serious she was.
“you will get out of your car and come to Me…you will have nothing on your mind but Me…not the surroundings…or your phone…or the traffic…or the rain…just Me…your Master.”
she fretted the night before. It had been so long since they last met. she had caused so much disappointment.
What would He think? What would He say to her? What would He makes her do?
she knew she would do so much to prove things to Him…but she also knew that He was aware of just how to punish her.
For He owned her mind far before He owned her body. He knew her thoughts and worries…He knew what would make her uncomfortable and what she would dread to do.
The morning they were to meet came up quickly. she barely slept the night before and when she did, nightmares took over her dreams.
she awoke a half hour early, the excitement of seeing Him and the anxiety of what He would do building inside her.
she was so nervous, bumping into things and forgetting this and that from her morning routine.
Such a public place…what would He do?
Freshly washed, curled and clean, she set out on her way. she had to stop once on the drive there, taking deep breaths and calming her mind. Excitement and anxiety are a very powerful mix.
her hands gripped the wheel tightly as the location grow closer.
It’s been so long since she’s seen Him…what will He think?
she pulled into the lot and felt her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Cutting it close on time, she didn’t hesitate. she quickly stepped out of her car and came to Him.
He looked amazing. Better than she remembered. she was instantly more nervous.
“You made it” was all He said. Her heart thumbed so loud she could swear He could hear it.
He walked her to the back of His truck and told her to turn around.
“Bend over”.
she compiled, her hands pressed against the bed of His truck.
she rested herself on her arms and put her head to the ground. she was focused only on Him. she would do as He demanded.
Without a word, His hands lifted first her coat and then her dress.
her heart was racing and she felt as if she would pass out. Was He really doing this here? Out in the open with so many people around? So much traffic, so many opportunities to catch a glimpse of her…
“Pull them down”.
Oh no…He can’t mean it.
With shaky hands, she lowered her strengths to her knees.
she shook from head to toe.
Anyone could see.
WHACK came the first blow, the force of the slap sending her forward as a gasp left her mouth.
“Quiet girl…and do not move”.
He was spanking her, right here, during rush hour, where anyone could see!
A slow stinging pain began to build.
And then…a hand…a soft stroke…a cup of her bottom…a whisper…a cares…a hand in her hair…
Whack, whack…lighter now…but further in…on sensitive spots…
So sensitive.
she fight to hold back tears and prayed that the gasps would not leave her mouth.
A pause…her panties are slide from their place…
Fully exposed…
“Spread your legs”
Without a thought, she obeys.
her mind is now racing with thoughts of what she’s done, how’s she disappointed Him, her cowardly behaviour, His patience and understanding.
WHACK…He smacks her core. He spreadsher thighs apart, slapping the inner most sensitive spots, her legs go weak. her mind goes blank.
His mouth finds her ear as His hand cares her bottom.
Promises are made and the door of opportunity is again opened.
A fistful of hair and His fingers find her core. her emotions are on overload and her body trembles. A tear slides down her cheek…she quickly wipes it away.
her body reacts instantly to Him and she starts to build. He draws away from her and orders her to stand.
He wraps His arms around her and she melts into Him.
But He knows her…what bothers her…and she stands there, exposed.
She fidgets with disappoint but doesn’t dare try to dress.
He speaks to her…words, encouragement, hugs and promises. He gifts her with kisses and sweet words.
she is finally allowed to dress.
As they say their goodbyes, tears well in her eyes. She wipes them away with the back of her hand and gathers herself in her car, a smile blooming within her. Though the punishment was swift and strong, the reward would be so sweet.
The day passes. she writes to Him and make frequent trips to the mirror to view the marks on her bottom. her finger tips grazed first the red…and then the purple. A smile stays permanently on her face.
But a longing also grows inside her. An ache…a need for Him like never before. her thoughts are stolen by memories of Him and a desire for what is to come. she longs to see Him again and dreams of being on her knees at His feet.
There is a long road to travel…redemption is not yet complete and trust still has to be earned.
But the end…and the beginning…are near, and she has found her way back.
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