The Watcher Ch. 3

Master pulls his spend cock from my still twitching, dripping pussy, pats my ass, kisses me deeply, removes our head-sets and walks from the room. Leaving me hanging there, weak, spend, dangling from the ceiling. Our combined cum still running down my legs.

Later, how much later I’m not sure, I hear voices from the living room. Both masculine, both deep. I realize that my Watcher, Logan, has arrived. Anxiety, fear, expectation, begin to tingle through me. What will they do to me? What are they plotting? I hear them, but they do not come into the bedroom. The longer I wait, the more intense my anxiety becomes. If they are going to punish me, then why don’t they just do it and get it over with?

Finally, after what seems like hours, Master comes into the room. “Well, my pet, how are you doing? Have you been thinking of the many ways we can punish you for being so disobedient? Between Logan and myself, I’m sure we will be able to come up with some totally new and undreamed of methods of torture for you!” And saying that, Master goes to the drawer where I keep my sleep mask and proceeds to place it over my face and eyes, leaving me in total darkness. Then after running his hands down the length of my body and struggling my clip for a moment, He leaves the room again.

Then, hanging there, I listen to comings and goings, things being moved, things being carried. Trying to understand what They are doing by the sounds they are making. But for the most part, it is a mystery to me. And not knowing what they are doing is increasing my anxiety ten fold! Without knowing it, I softly whimper and moan. A sudden sharp singing blow to my ass make me yelp. “Silence girl!” Master roars. And fearing what will happen if I don’t obey, I bite down on my bottom lip, choking down another moan, before it can escape.

Finally it seems they have made all the preparations they desire. Things quietly down briefly. Then I feel hands struggling my body, rubbing, pinching, pulling, teasing. Someone wraps their arms around me, holding me tightly to them from behind and I recognize Master’s feel and smell. “I want you to make me proud tonight pet! Don’t disappoint me, understand? I’m leaving you in Logan’s capable hands.”

Realizing what I’m hearing, I gasp “But Master, please don’t leave me. If I’m to be punished I need you here, by my side.”

I hear Master chuckle and say “No my pet, that is not necessary, Logan is extremely qualified to see to your punishment. Logan is after all The Punisher!”

Confusion rocks my brain. What is he saying? I’ve heard of The Punisher, he is a legendary Master, known for his unique and extreme methods of punishment. He is sought out, his talents requested for special circumstances punishments that require the unusual, the extraordinary, the gifted talents of one such as he.

“But Master, I have done nothing THAT outrageous! I do not deserve THAT extreme a punishment! Please Master, I beg you to forgive me. Pleaves, punish me yourself. Don’t leave me to this stranger.” I beg.

“But pet, he is no stranger, he is your Watcher!” And with that he grabs my left nipple in his teeth and bites down hard, harder, HARDER! I scream in pain, feeling as if my breast is being torn from my body. Then he kisses me and leaves the room.

I hear them speaking for a moment, then the front door closing, then… nothing! Now I am terrified. I pull on my bindings, testing, yanking to see if they are weak. But of course they are not. Master knows how to bind a sub so there is no hope of escape.

Fear begins to eat at me, my body goes from freezing cold to dripping sweat and back again. My breathing is fast, shallow, erratic. I’m loosing my grip on reality, I’m beginning to panic! I’m Remembering all the horror stories I’ve heard about The Punisher. Oh God, some of those things I know I would not survive. Some of them would make me long for death. Are they all true? Even if only partially true, theyare beyond my comprehension. I realize I am whimpering. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Think dammit, think. Calm yourself, panicking isn’t going to help. Loosing control will only make it worse. You need to have control of your mind to be able to focus and block what is to come.

Suddenly something pulls at my hair…I scream, a long fearful wail! Total panic! I fight, I twist, I pull, I kick, I loose all control. Finally, wearing myself to exhaust, I dangle limply, from my bindings, crying softly. “Please, nooooooo. Please, don’t hurt me. Please leave me be. Please leave me be. Please…”

“Shhhhh, little one. Calm yourself. I will not harm you, I could never harm you! Breath now, come on, breath for me, take some deep slow breaths. That’s it. That’s a good girl. Calm yourself for me.” I feel Logan struggling my back, my hair, my arms. Gently holding me to him. Trying to calm me. The Punisher? My Watcher? Logan? Who is this person? I don’t understand!

Finally, needing to know, I ask “Are you going to punish me? Am I to be tortured as I’ve heard you’ve done to others?”

“Do you deserve to be, little one?” he asks.

“Well…no. No, I don’t think I do. But Master wants me paid for cumming without permission.”

“Then paid you will be little one. But it will be the sweetest punishment you’ve ever known. I’ll give you torture your body will beg for, hunger for, crave. Punishment that will forever make you long for more.” And kissing my forehead he steps away and removes my blindfold.

He simply stands there, looking deeply into my eyes. I can see the heat in his, the molten desire. Then his eyes slowly, ever so slowly scan my body from head to toe and back again. Lingering along the way, examining different areas of interest to him.

Now and then he reaches out, strokes, fondles, pinches, pulls, here, there, where ever he chooses, at my body. Walking slowly around me, he continues this examination till I can feel myselfgrowing wet again and feel the familiar ache starting deep within my belly. My head eases back, my eyes close, a soft moan escapes my parted lips. Yes, this kind of punishment I could take forever! Every inch of my body is touched, poked, produced, in minute detail. He even takes my head in his hand and pulls my mouth open to poke and prod inside. Using his fingers to fondle my tongue till I begin licking and sucking on them, as he slowly shoves them in and out, fucking my mouth with his fingers. Again I hear myself moan deeply.

“It would appear you are ready for the first stage of your “punishment” little one!” he says. And with that he walks to the dresser and reaching for…the ball gag! Turning to me he says “You are going to have to trust me now little one. It is very important that you do. Do you think you can do that for me?” I look into his incredible dark brown eyes that are heavily fringed with thick, long lashes.

For some reason, I feel myself nodding and hear myself saying “Yes! Yes Logan, I’ll do my best for you!”

Logan whispers in my ear “That’s my girl! I knew you were going to be special the first time I laid eyes on you. You and I were meant to meet little one, did you know that? We have a special bond unlike any other.”

And i realized he was right. There had been something special from that first moment when I looked up and saw him staring at me from my window. I should have been afraid of a total stranger outside my window. But I was not, it had felt… right! As if it were meant to be.

Without another word Logan presses the ball gag into my mouth, fasting it securely behind my head. Walking to the dresser, he then opens a case that is sitting there. Reaching in, he pulls out a very large, oddly shaped dildo.

“This is my own invention, lil’ one. A special butt plug. I call it the NAIL!” he says as he holds it up and shows it to me.

It is a very large, long butt plug, but aside from that, it is shaped oddly. From the tip, every inch or so it wides then dips abruptly in. In ever increasing cone shapes, much like a drawing of a pine tree. So that it continues to grow in circuitference from the tip to the base. And the base is not flat like other butt plugs are, so that one can sit with them inserted into their ass. Instead it has a protrusion that would appear to extend beyond the ass cheeses of the person who is forced to wear it. I can’t help but wonder how one is expected to sit while that thing is shoved into their ass for it must be well over 15″ long from end to end. To sit with it inserted would be impossible. Perhaps that is the whole point of the unusual shape!

Taking some lubricant from the case, Logan proceeds to liberally coat the huge dildo. Then moving around behind me, I feel him also apply the lubricant to my ass, slowly inserting his finger and working it around to open me up. He continues to thrust his finger in and out of my ass. Then adds another finger and anotherr and more lubricant. I realize I am moving back and forth onto him fingers. I can’t help myself, I’m fucking myself on Logan’s slick, moist fingers. By now he has all four fingers ramming deeply into my ass and I feel the cool, wet lubricant dribbling down my ass cheeks.

Suddenly he jerks his fingers from my ass and I hear myself moan from the loss of sensing. Then he’s prying my ass Cheeks wide and I feel something pressing against my wet, welcome asshole. And being in such a state of need, I try to help by spreading my legs and pushing back onto whatever it is he has pressed against my asshole. Without a word, without any warning at all, he rams the huge dildo up into my ass. I try to scream from the sudden, hot, tearing pain of it. But of course the ball gag only allows a muffled gurgling sound to escape.

With one hand shoving the dildo into my torn, burning ass and the other arm wrapped around my wait to hold me tight against him, Logan whispers in my ear “maybe Ifibbed to you, just a bit…I do so love giving you some pain with your pleasure lil’ one!”

Being gripped thusly, unable to pull away from the huge plug shoved hard into my ass, I can only hang there, shaking my head and crying. Wondering if Master had any idea what was happening to me.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Logan begins to move the dildo in and out, just a bit. Gently fucking my sore, bleeding ass. Then without even realizing it, I am again moving myself on and off of what he has stuffed into my ass. Sensation returning, the hot, wet, need again building within me.

Recent, without warning, Logan releases me, steps away from me and goes to the case on the dresser. In my hunger and need, I am moaning, still working my hips as if he were continuing to shove the dildo in and out of my ass. I can feel it protruding from my body, the weight of it pulling at my asshole as it dangles there. But the odd shape of it using my sphincter muscles to hold it in despite the pull of it’s weight.

Logan turns to me and I see in his hand a broad, flat, leather covered paddle. “Since your Master insists that you be punished, I have decided that I will test my new butt plug invention on you. You will be the first to feel what I hope will be a most unusual and stimulating spanking. my sweet little victim!”

I’m beginning to have doubts about just how far Logan will go with this “punishment.” He appears to take intense pleasure out of causing me fear and pain. But of course, being bound, gagged and helpless…at this point, I have no choice but to submit to his every whim.

Taking a handful of my hair, Logan yanks my head to him and kisses my face, neck, my ears. Then lowering his head, he licks, sucks and fondles my breasts. Again, I Hear myself moaning with need. As he mauls my breasts, he’s struggling my clip and ramming his fingers into my sopping wet pussy. And being the nasty slut that I am, I’m humping his hand as hard as I can. Feeling an overwhelming orgasm building.

Releasing my hair, he walks around behind me and as I moan from the loss of his attention, I tend, waiting for a blow to fall. I feel him wiggling the butt plug, twisting and turning it, pushing it in, pulling it out. And the need to cum begins to grow in me even more. I’m rocking back and forth, trying to fuck myself on the huge butt plug he’s working around inside me.

Then suddenly…WHACK! Trying to yelp I jerk my body forward. Away from the sudden assault. The stinging pain of the blow from the paddle on my ass no less a shock then the sensing caused by the butt plug being rammed into my ass by the very same blow. What on earth is he doing? NOW I know the purpose of the protrusion on the end of the butt plug! Again…WHACK! WHACK! Again I jerk and scream! It feels like he is hammering the huge dildo deeper into my ass with every blow. The combination of sensings is overwhelming. It feels for all the world like a huge “nail” being driven deeply up into my body by a red hot hammer.

“Yes, bitch! Come on…scream, moan, cry. That’s it, cunt…kick, thrash around. Fight me slut, fight me with all You have!” Logan bellows and begins to pound away at my sore, bloody ass. Every blow driving the dildo, further and further up into my tortured ass. And I do just that, I fight for all I’m worth. Because I now realize that if he succeeds in hammering that monster dildo all the way into my ass and body…I will be ripped apart before he’s done.

He has a rhythm to his blows now. Each blow slamming into my mangled, flaming ass. Each blow driving the “NAIL” an inch or so deeper up into me. Each blow tearing my already bleeding asshole even more. As I fight and twist, some of the blows are landing on my hips, my stomach, my mound. He does not hesitate to deliver each blow, no matter which part of me is exposed. Occasionally he even delivers a few blows to my breasts. Causing them to sting and burn and begin to turn bright redAlso.

I’m so tired and hurt, in such pain, that I can no longer hold myself up right. I’m now dangling from my wrists, turning and twisting from the continued blows of the paddle Logan is welding against me. From my breasts to mid thigh, I’m bruised and red from the innocent blows he has dealt me. And yet, to my amazement, I am also soaked with my own cum as it runs down my inner thighs from the many orgasms that have gripped me during my punishment.

Logan now flushed, panting and sweating from his efforts drops the paddle. Stepping up in front of me and grabbing my thighs, spreading me wide, he rams his swollen, engorged cock deep into my sloppy pussy and begins to fuck me as hard, deep and fast as he can.

The dildo, buried deep inside my ass, is produced with each stroke of his cock inside my pussy. Causing my ass to tense and flex with each of his plunges. His fingers, gripping my bruised and battered thighs, feel like talons tearing my tortured flesh from mewith each thrust.

Glaring madly into my eyes, Logan growls “Is this what You want? You want extremes…is this extreme enough for You? Does your Master cause your cum to flow like water from you this way? Does he drive you to the very edge in this way? Will he ever be able to satisfy you now? What do You want now? Tell me!” he roars as he reaches up and rips the gag from my mouth.

Licking my dry lips and looking into his lust crazy eyes, I growl “I want your cock buried deep down my throat. I want your cum gagging me as you spurt it deep into my stomach. I want You to bury yourself as far as you can into my mouth and feed me what I need…and I want it NOW!”

And with that he drops my legs, reaching up and removes the chain I’m bond with from the hook in the ceiling. Lowering me to my knees before him, he grabs my hair in his hands. Yanking my head back till my mouth is open wide, he rams his dripping cock to the hilt down my throat. Then holding me there, my face buried in his crotch, he looks down into my eyes and asks “Tell me lil’ one, do you think you will ever be satisfied with your puzzle Master again?” With that he pumps his huge load of cum into my throat and stomach till I choke and gag. And I orgasm so hard I feel it gushing from me in hot, wet waves just before I pass out.


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