The Watcher Ch. 01

What is this feeling inside of me? It’s like a rush of adrenaline throughout my body. I can’t help but stare at this magnificent creativity. Her petite, athletic frame is accentuated by the clothes she is wearing. Dark pink leggings, pink running shoes, White spaghetti tank, and a thin white cardigan hoodie. Her hair is pulled back into a tight pony tail giving a clear, unobstructed view to beautiful face. Her skin is unblemished and the perfect shade of light brown. A result, no doubt from running out doors, under the sun. Her eyes are steel blue. it’s like I am looking into the deep blue ocean. I have loved before but no woman has ever made me feel like this before.

I love writing and I always have. I love telling a tale in which I come out on top. A tale which ends with happiness instead of the cold dark reality that is my life on earth. I don’t really have a bad life, but I can’t escaped the inevitable of going to work and coming to. I’ve never wanted that life but I can’t leave it now, either. I love my wife, regardless of how our relationship started, so I escape the mundane routine of life by the occasional stop by a local shop and writing about my fansies about a girl I would otherwise never have a shot at.

I haven’t been inspired as what I should write about yet, so I pretend to type on my laptop as I glance over the screen, my eyes barley visible to hers. I can’t risk getting caught, not by her. Brooke is a student in my psychology class at the university and her mother, Gisele, is a colleague in the same department. Gisele maybe 15 years her senior but she is just as good looking as Brooke. I’ve watched Gisele before but the feeling is not quite the same. It could be Brooke’s young age. She just turned 19 and this is her first year of college. It could be a number of things but whatever it was made it the most exciting thing I had ever done.

Brook sits up straight and arches her back causing her open hoodie to slide even further offher D sized breasts. They absolutely perfect and my mind is caught up in a series of thoughts about what I would do with them as I lay naked with her in bed. It’s almost like she knows I’m watching because she doesn’t stop there. Next, she uncrosses and spreads her legs, giving me the perfect view of her crotch. I swallow hard and my face flushes with blood as my cock twitches beneath my pants. I can’t stop it from growing. Her legs are tight enough to show me every part of her: Her compli mound leading into her pussy lips and eventually her butt cheats. I wish I wasn’t in public because all I want to do is pull out my cock crank one off right here and now… among other things…but I can’t do those things without her consent.

The coffee shop is the perfect place for watching. So many people crowding into such a small place, all doing pretty much the same thing, give ample cover while stoking your prey. I have no desire do anything more than watch but if she walked over hereright now and offered to suck me off, I doubt I would refuse the offer.

I’m not a creep or a pervert or anything and I am no danger to the women around me. I just like looking at them and feeling the rush that comes from trying not to get caught. I love everything about sex but there are some things that I cannot act out in real life. I still love my wife, Laura, but there is no way she would be up for trying the things that I think about. The things that turn me on and the things that make me who I am. It’s natural to have these urges, however dark they may be, but it’s also natural to control one’s self and be mindful of other’s sexual wants and needs. I watch because I can’t get that excitement and rush anywhere else.

Laura is my whole world but there’s no excitement in our love making any more. Well, at least not until I started watching that is. I get so riled up watching Brooke, and other girls, that I go home and have the desire to fuck my wife. For some reason Laura picks up on my sexual energy as well and gets turned on in an instant. She’s asked me about it before and where all the energy is coming from but I can’t tell her. It would break her heart to know that I get turned on by other women and have sexual fans of tying them up and fucking them in every hole, so I just make something up that has to do with her.

I try thinking about my wife like this but There is no excitement, no rush, no feelings of panic when you think you’ve been caught.

Some may describe my sexual tastes and dark or rough or even evil but that’s what I like. I love thinking about a woman giving herself completely to me. Having that power over them and forcing them to do whatever I want them to do and punishing them beyond all mercy if they do not comply. I don’t get turned on by force beyond their consent. I desperate the thought of rape. I think it’s disgusting and week if a man has to take that from a woman. But a man she trusts so much to give it up tohim… no that’s hot.

It doesn’t matter what shitty thing may be happening in my life, whenever I flip open my laptop and start typing, I just feel free. I feel like nothing can stop me and I push myself to the limits. All the stress in the world has no effect when I’m writing.

As Brooke crosses her legs again and scoots up to the table to resume her work on her computer I picture myself walking up Behind her and sliding my hands over her shoulders. I am so incredibly lost in my thoughts that as I touch my finger tips to the keys on my computer everything changes and now I am living it, not just thinking it.

As though I am having an out of body experience, I watch myself touching her. She jump, started, and turn to see who it is. The look of fear falls from her face as she sees me and it is replaced by a smile.

“Oh it’s you.”

I chuckle as she takes my right hand with hers and then leans her head to the left and places it on my hand. The touch of her skinon mine is enough for her to let out a whimpering moan. I smile with delight, knowing that I have this much power over her. She lifts her head up and looks at me, smiling as wide as she can.

“I love you.” She whispers, not wanting others around her to hear.

I smile back but instead of returning kind words of love of my own, I mouth the words, “Fuck me”!

She smiles devilishly and her whole body shutters with pleasure but she never take her eyes off me.

She quickly glances around her and says, “Not here with all these…” She cuts herself off with a gasp and says, “Fuck it. I want you to screw me right here and right now and I don’t care who sees it.

I lean in and kiss her with purpose. She breathes heavily as she forces her tongue inside my mouth. My hands travel over her shoulders until they reach her chest. I take a breast in each hand and massage firmly. She moans and pulls my hands with hers to step in front of her. Our lips break apart long enough for her to stand up and then we start all over again.

My hands are all over her body and she reaches one of her down to grip my cock. It feels good and I can feel grow the more she plays with it. She pants heavily and pushes her body into mine. Her enthusiasm is palpable and I respond in kind by wrapping my arms around her and squeeze her tight.

I hold off my deepest and darkest desires but when she says, “I need you inside me right now”, I loose it and just can hold back any longer.

Everyone in the coffee shop are staring at us but they don’t seem to mind. Most of them are still going about their business but a few of them stop take notice of us. Some of them are even getting into it and making out with their partners. No matter how many of them look, however, neither Brooke or myself remotely care. In fact it seems to be making her even hotter. I love the moment I am in right now but I can’t stop thinking about where this is going.

I step into her and we kissas we move closer to the table. When we reach it I roll my hips into her causing her to grunt, “Fuck me.”

Now that’s one thing I can do. I eagerly comply and start with removing her hoodie and then sliding her tank up and off of her. She doesn’t seem to care about the eight pairs of eyes staring at her and she returns the favor by ripping my shirt off and starting on my pants. She slide them off my hips and down my legs showing every one in the cafe my semi hard cock. It is long and thick and heavy with the blood that is flowing through it. She looks at it for a moment and then looks up at me and smile as she takes my cock with her right hand. It twitches within her grasp which causes her to giggle. I Smile back at her and then lift a hand to grip her neck with my right hand.

My left hand drifts towards her title and I pinch her nipple as hard as I can and say, “You’ve been a bad girl.”

She smiles and plays along, “Yeah, what’d I do?”

I squeeze her nipple harder andtighten my grip on her throat as I explain, “You have an assignment that you haven’t turned in.” I squeeze her neck until I hear her gurgle, trying to take a breath. I continue, “no no, only good girls get to breath and you are a very, very bad girl.

Unable to breath, Brooke still smiles and begins to stroke my hard length. Her desire to let me do anything excitings me and Suddenly, I want more. I release my grip, allowing her gasp for air and move my other hand down her tummy and slide it into her legs. Over her smoothly shaven mound, I glide my fingers over her cunt and lightly ticke her outer lips. I can feel her body move in response touching her soft, velvety skin ever so gently.

With my ring and index fingers, I spread her precious peddles and stroke her cliporis a few times. She is so wet that when I press lightly against her opening, my finger slides right into her. She gasps at my fingers intrusion to her most precious place. I pull out of her and a look of disappointment appears on her face.

If it’s something she like, she’s going to have to work for it. I touch her ear softly with my lips and whisper, “You like that?”

She only nods. The look of disappointment is replaced with one of desperation and her lips quiver.

I give her a small kiss on the lips and ask again, “You like that?”

She nods again and I tease her a little More, “You want that?”

“Yes,” she gasps.

I place my middle finger to rest on her opening, “You want me inside of you? Don’t you?”

“Yes,” her voice fear. She nods to make sure I know.

I quickly push my finger inside of her as far as it will go. She gasps and her eyes open wide and I ask, “Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” she answers with haste.

I take a quick look around me to see that the crowd around us had grown. Men and women both, looking upon the scene we have created right in the middle of this coffee shop. They’re clearly OK with what I am doing and I decide to give them more of what they want.

I lean in and kiss her fiercely, forcing my tongue into her mouth. I pull away and just look at her, thinking of what I want to do next. The anticipation is killing her but that’s what I want. I want her want more, regardless of what it may be.

“Take your legs off.” I demand, finally realizing what I want. “But make it quick. The longer you Take, the harder I squeeze.” Referring to my hand still wrapped around her neck. She smiles in agreement to the terms, removes her hands from my cock and slowly begins removing her legs. She can only get them as low as the middle of her thighs when she realizes that I’m not lowering my hand and cannot reach any further down.

Instead of lowering my hand, I squeeze tighter and tease her, saying, “What are you doing?”I toy with her. “Did I not tell you to take off you legs?”

She nods, no longer having the ability to speak, and extends her arms, once again not pushing her leggings down any further. My grip tightens once again as I ask, “Do you not want to breath?” Brook nods her head with hast, running out of air.

“Well then take them off.” She reaches her arms out but fails the task once again. “You’re not stupid are you Brooke?” I speak slowly and methodically. Brooke shakes her head.

I look down at her stretched out fingers trying to push legislations down any further. I look back up at her and tease her even more, “Oh! you can’t pull them down any further. It that the problem?”

She nods her head and I kiss her on the lips. She kisses me back and I tighten my grip even more to feel her lips shake against mine.

“Okay, Brooke.” I say as I pull away from her, I’ll help you pull your pants down but you’re going to have to do something for me. She nods her head.

I lower my hand, not touching her leggings, even though I could if I tried. “Nope, I can’t reach then either.” Brooke reaches her hands up and grabs my wrist and forearm in an attempt to show me that she needed air but I ignore her. “I think we need some help.”

The crowd takes notice to what I just said, curious as to what I am about to do. I point to a young woman I had seen here at the coffee shop before. She is watching intently at mine and Brooks display, shaking her head before looking at me.

“What’s your name?” I ask the girl.

“Mandy,” is her reply.

She is roughly the same age as Brooke and petite like her but instead of being athletic, Mandy is softer and has larger breasts.

“Can you come help Brooke off with her the rest of her clothes? I guess she forget how.” I turn to Brooks and ask, “Isn’t that right honey?” Brooke nods.

Mandy steps forward, cautiously and pulled Brooke’s legs down and removed her shoes and socks.

Once she is completely naked I let loose my grip and ask, “There, that’s much better, right?” Brooke nods while I continue, “Now, go tell Mandy thank you.” She turns to Mandy and just then,I am snapped back to reality as Brooke stands over me with her back pack swung over one shoulder.

“Mr. Cox?” She giggles and then adds, “Hi.”

She is leaning to one side to compensate for the heavy back pack, using one hand to hold the heavy bag from the bottom, making her pose and awkward one. This is made worse by the cup of coffee she holds in her other hand.

I am completely caught of guard. Did I just get caught? I thought, yes, but this did not explain her smile and bubble charm. I jump back in my seat hesitating to leap forward to close my laptop which would just make me look guilty but I can’t let her see the words and her name on my computer screen.

“Oh.” She gasps lightly, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, I… I was… just focused.” I try to relax and play it as cool as I can, forcing my best smile. “Just entering grades into the system.” I lean forward and close my laptop.

Brooke takes notice and give me a look. Oh shit, this is it. sheKnows something. Just then a thought pops into my head and I explain, “Sorry, can’t have ya finding out everyone’s grade before you do.” I lie with a smile.

She smiles and nods, accepting my lie. We share an awkward pause which I break, “So what’s up?” I cross my legs to hide my throbbing erection.

“I just thought I’d say hay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in here.”

“Oh yeah, I have a few different places around campus that I like to go when I can’t take being in the office any more. It’s nice to get out, have new surroundings.” She was right thought, I never have been here before. The only thing that brought me “Soft Peddle Cafe” was when I overheard her talking to a friend about meeting here. I just came here a few times the last couple days to try and catch a glimpse of Brooke.

As I speak Brooke places her coffee down and leans further to one side, giving me a perfect view of her cleavage. Once the bag loop in in reach of her free hand she scoops it up and threads her petite arm through. With her back pack now over both shoulders, Brooke adjusts the heavy bag on her back by leaning forward and arching her back, forcing her breast past the edges of her hooded sweater just as she had done before when I was watching her over my laptop screen. My eye’s growing wide but I try to hide it by scratching my forehead and averting my eyes.

Is she doing this on purpose. Did she see me watching her before and is somehow okay with it? And now she’s trying to do it more? I shake my head knowing that there has to be a more reasonable explanation. This is not my first time watching a girl and I know when I’ve caught. It must just be my mind making mountains out of mole hills. I was, after all, just thinking and writing about doing some of the darkest sexual things I ever had with her.

“Yeah, that’s true.” She says, reminding me that our conversation is still going. “I’m the same way with the library. I spend so much time in there that, sometimeses, I just have to get out.” She giggles slightly with a big smile, practically bouncing with excitement and adds, “Well, the next time you’re here, come sit by me. Won’t be so boring fir either of us.”

Did she really just says that? Is she flirting. I shake my head again. No, it must my mind making things up again. She’s just trying to be friendly. I try my best not to show that I am at a loss for words and stammer only slightly, “Uh, yeah, I… sure thing.

Brook smiles wide and giggles, almost as though she knows what just happened and was doing it on purpose. “Cool!” She happily exclaims as she turns to leave, “See ya Mr. Cox.”Even with that heavy back pack, Brooke bounces away, almost skipping.

I don’t know what to do with myself. I feel like I am in an episode of the Twilight Zone, where my thoughts turned into real life.

Not being able to concentrate on anything else, I pack up everything I have with me, waiting for my erection to go down, and then head tomy next class early.


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