It is midday at the home of the dark elf domme and huntress Unya. The day is milk with wisps of pale white cloud in the air. Birds whistle love songs to each other as they flutter about. A gentle breeze carries the aroma of jasmine from the hillside below. Mistress soaks her strong ebony body in the hot tub after a long and successful morning hunt. She sips from a glass of chilled wine held firmly in her elegant, graceful hand.
Her devoted pet and head servant Brock prepares for the coming of her Mistress. With only the gentle ringing of the bell attached to her collar as she moves around, she prepares with careful ritual the items for her impending task. She places soft, neighborly folded, blue towels into the arms of two beautiful girls kneeing near Mistress. One small towel is for drying Mistress after her soak, and the second is a large one to wrap around Mistress’s body. Pauling for a moment to see if she had missed anything, and finding nothing out of place, she turned herattention to the next phase. Her eyes fall on a long wooden bench just wide enough to lay down on whilst keeping both arms at one’s side. At the end of the bench stands a table waiting to be filled by Mistress’s girls with the items required.
In a slow process, each girl comes from the main house carrying an item: full-length towels, hand towels, shampoo, conditioner, containers of warm water, and a comb. The girls place the items in evenly spaced order, then step back and stand waiting, displaying themselves for their Mistress’ pleasure. Pet broke retrieves one long towel and inspects it for imperfections. Satisfied, she draws it across the benchmark where only Mistress will lay.
Two girls with the softest hands and mouths are positioned on the other end of the benchmark. One at the front, one at the back. With everything in order, pet calmly returns to the table adjacent to the bench and sits nude awaiting her Mistress…
Mistress Unya, having finished the wine, sets the empty glass down. Seeing this, a waiting serving girl rushes over to fill it once more but is casually dismissed with a gentle wave of the hand. Bowing her head, the wine girl reaches to retrieve the glass and come within reach of Mistress. An ebon hand pinches and tugs one of the girl’s plump nipples. The girl, caught by surprise, gasps, drawing everyone’s attention. Mistress grinins and winks at her before releasing the nipple. The girl blushes with embarrassment but is also stimulated by Mistress’s touch. A small groan escapes her lips as she humbly backs away.
The Huntress rises from the steaming waters like a phoenix. Dazzling light is reflected from her glistening body. The girl bearing the dry towel rises to meet her Mistress, ready to be used as support if necessary as Mistress steps from the tub. Mistress stands with arms held wide. The girl softly pats the mood from Mistress’s powerful form. After a moment, she backs away and knees, a silent signal to the next girll to cover Mistress’ majestic body with the second towel. With timing care, the girl worshipfully kisses each breast before wrapping Mistress in the large towel. Her task complete she immediately removes herself from Mistress’s path.
Mistress smiles as she strolls to the bench where her pet awaits. Pet Brock has straddled the bench, her thighs spread wide, ready to accommodate Mistress’ head.
Seating herself in the middle of the towel laid upon the benchmark, Mistress turns and lays down. Pet’s hand reaches Mistress before she has fully lowered herself and guides the head down between her tights. Her other hand places a small folded towel beneath Mistress’ head. Mistress Unya feels at ease within the tender care of her pet and relaxes fully.
Pet places the edge of one hand along Mistress’ brow, applying light pressure to create a barrier. Her other hand retrieves a pitcher of pure water, warmed to a gentle temperature. Pouring slowly, Pet watches as the water flows throughthe strands of Mistress’ hair; twisting and turning through her flowing locks, soothing as it cools. The weak sound of a distant pan flute drifts in the soft breeze, reaching the sensitive ears of Mistress. Mistress smiles as she remembers with pleasure how she purchased the highly trained young musician – at a discount after a long negotiation over strong drinks – on her last trip to the city.
Across Mistress’ hairline the spout of the pitcher travels, moving from ear to ear. Having wet the front, Pet uses her supporting hand to gently lift and turn Mistress’s head back and forth, completely wetting her hair. The empty pitcher is returned to the table and a small bowl is picked up in its place. The smell of roses wafts gently from the disturbed liquid. Swirling around the noses of Mistress and her pet. The viscous liquid flows thickly from the lip of the bowl into the waiting hand of Pet. Scraping the side of the bowl to gather the overflow, she swiftly returns to its place onthe table. Her hand transfers the rose shampoo to the now thoroughly wet Silver hair of her Mistress. Pet’s hands cradle Mistress’ head; her movements sure, yet infinitely gentle, as she takes the utmost care while working the shampoo into a pale pink later.
Pet – her naked thighs now resting in the warm, soapy water that not moments ago touched Mistress’ skin – smiles to herself at the closeness of her Mistress.
With Mistress’ hair now ready for rinsing Pet signals another girl. A slave girl with hair the colour of fire steps closer, ready with a pitcher of clean water. She carefully pours along the edge of Mistress’s hair as Pet turns the cradled head from side to side in her gentle hands. The process is slowly repeated as Mistress’ hair is conditioned as well, leaving Mistress’s hair soft and flowing. With Mistress’ hair now clean and conditioned, Pet retrieves a towel to dry her shining hair. Patting softly, she uses the towel to absorb the wetness. Mistress pulls herSelf up with an easy touch of her pet’s helpful hands. Pet dries the back of Mistress’ hair, then lays the towel across her lap. Next pet picks up a comb with large teeth to untangle the extremely silent mass. With utmost care, she draws the comb through Mistress’ hair following it with her other hand.
Having grown hungry Mistress summons a girl to her. Excited at the opportunity to please her owner, the girl almost stumbles as she rushes to her Mistress’ side.
“Yes, Mistress?” she humbly utters.
Mistress eyes the girl slowly, her eyes travelling down then back up the girls’ lovely body; followed with a smile as her eyes meet the slave’s who looks down and blushes. “Fetch me some fruit and be quick about it, girl!” she commands. As fast as she can without running, the girl returns to Mistress’ home, soon returning with a bowl of fresh fruit.
Inspecting the fruit selection, Mistress chooses a bright red apple grow in the neary orchard. She waves the slave away andTake a bite, her white teeth biting through the soft flesh of the apple, crunching loudly. Chewing slowly, Mistress admits the view of her properties. Her body’s hunger satisfied, Mistress turns her attention to another more intimate need requiring satisfaction. Looking down at the two slave girls with their mouths trained to please she smiles. As they knee at her feet she rises, commanding them to follow her. Almost as an Afterthought Mistress turns to her pet, smiling warmly as she prayes her. “Well done Pet. Please see to the slaves as I withdraw to my chamber for some much needed, ummm, rest.” Pet returns her smile and replies “yes, Mistress, sleep well.”
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