He awoke alone, His arm reaching over to her furs to pull her closer to Him encountering nothing. His eyes snapped open with a start; quickly adjusting themselves to the early morning gloom … He sat up, His eyes sweeping the room for her and saw her nowhere. Concern lined His face, she was always there, where could she be?
He rose and throw on His does quickly… the Bowie snuggling into the sheath on His back and strode out into the halls of the palace, why was it so quiet? Where was the hustle of the monks heading to pray, the slaves cleaning, and the soldiers on guard? Everywhere the sound of silence and emptiness greeted Him, Moving quietly like a tiger He slipped from hall to hall, up and down corridors frequently and seldom used until He was almost at the temple.
A dull roar erupted from the temple rooms … echoing through the silent stone halls of the Palace … the clash of wood and metal meeting, shrinks of rage and grunts becoming louder the closer He was to the temple doors … then another roar and some applause …. again the sounds of combat, because that was the only sound like that, biting through the silence. A scream like the large cat of the jungles below told Him who at least one of the combatants was … He recognized the sound of His girls voice, He’d heard it so many times like this during the wars, standing side by side with Him as the bodies piled around them. His hand slide back without even thinking and as He kicked open the temple doors the Bowie was in His hand vibrating in bloodlust…
There was a crowd of slaves and soldiers gathered around what appeared to be a circle of monks in the middle of the temple floor… Cheering and gasps intermingling with laughter and surprise … some of the soldiers were moving back and forth through the crowd gathering bets and slave girls were swooning with the excitement of whatever was going on in the middle of that circle.
He drew close to the back of the crowd, moving silently as He always did (a fact which was very disconcerting to His people when He caught them by surprise like now) … He cought and a low pitched growl suddenly filled the air … heads turned and slaves fell to the floor .. soldiers stood straight and proud … all noticing the Bowie in His hand … the monks however were too intent on the circle to feel His eyes upon them … He saw a staff rise high in the air, spinning like a propeller and fall back into the crowd to be met by the flash of a small sword and a grunt that He instantly recognized.
Finally, He stood behind the monks, taller than they He looked to see what was going on and a grin split His previously worried face. His girl was standing off three of the young battle monks which served as His private guard. Her sword flashing back and forth, her feet flying in the dance moves that she had adapted so well for combat, she stymied them at every turn and had them backing up slowly. The look on her face was ecstasy, she loved this … born to be a warrior she had been hard to train as a pleasure slave, a lesser Man might have given up and rejected her, but He had made sure she could fight with the best of His men, that she could deal with people with diplomacy (even though that was a lesson she still needed constant attention with), that if He should be absent for any prolonged period of time His vision and leadership would be in the best possible hands.
His Men recognized it; the citizens of the valley worshipped her, her beauty and heart touching them all individually so many times they had lost count. He chuckled as she disarmed first one then a second and backed the third to the floor pinned with her sword at His throat, the look in His eyes furious with being beating by a woman. He would have to keep an eye on that one, He was young and Though a capable fighter, He had a temperature that if uncontrolled would get Him killed … He stepped through the crowd and picked up one of the staffs. She turned her head to look at Him and then dropped to her knees, head down, sword at her side … hands palm up on her thighs … “good morning Master, I expected to be back sooner, but they fought well”
He suddenly stepped back and swung the staff at her… straight down in a sweeping arc, His eyes lit up when she automatically grabbed her sword and parried the blow, her legs curling under her and launching her to the side and into position … Master, what are you doing, she said calmly .. her eyes watching Him carefully … without a word He attacked… the staff spinning and thrusting over, down… back and around … her eyes following His as He had trained her … each blow sliding past her due to her skill … the crowd gathered back in to watch the Lord of the Valley due with His girl. They moved like a trained dance troupe… in and out, back and forth… welding, dodging, blocking and then thrusting and swinging…. the weapons moving faster and faster … the staff in His hands nothing but a blur … impossible for any but the most trained eye to follow, the sword in hers as deadly as a viper and much much faster … a sudden thrust a flick of His wrist and a turn to sweep at her feet left the sword flying through the air and the girl laying on her back on the stone floor … the staff at her throat. Mixed chefs from His soldiers and sights of disappointment from the slavegirls who looked to her for leadership filled the room … He stood over His girl… eyes locked with hers and dropped the ironwood staff to the floor… leaning down He grabbed her hair and drew her up to her feet then throw her over His shoulder with a delighted laugh … and to the victory go the spoils, He roared.
The room burst out in glee as He turned and ran with the flailing girl over His shoulder back to the palace, her Small frame bouncing on His shoulder and a blush filling her face as she looked back at the crowd waving to T/them … . He moved quickly thru the familiar passages … His lust growing by the moment, combat always aroused Him and He could smell the excitement on His girl as well … into His chambers they sped ,… His foot swinging out and kicking back to slam the door shut then spinning with His girl and pinning her against it .. one hand in her hair gripping tightly … forcing her eyes to His .. the other reaching down to her tune and ripping it from her ..
Sweat glistened all over her from the exercises and He leaned to lick the salt from her shoulder .. His hand sliding down her belly between them to grab hold of her cunt and squeeze … she moaned into His ear .. Master, I must bathe first .. girl is dirty, she smells of sweat … please Sir let Me get presentable!
They had had this conversation before …. the smell of the legs, the sweat and the salt … the rise and fall of her breasts as she gasped for air … the heated flesh .. all contributed to His lust. Her face turned bright red and her eyes fluttered closed as He grew into her ear … yes, you are dirty, you stink, you smell like a common house wench … as His fingers sunk into her cunny He whispered … you reek like a cumslut … you are My whore aren’t you littleone?
Her whimper and moan said it all … yes Master, i am Your whore … i am Your slut … i exist for Your pleasure, to satisfy Your needs. Thank You Master.
He dug His fingers deep into her .. curling them towards Him and pressing against her hot spot, His thumb rolled over and over her cliporis .. her hips bucking up to Him as she slipped quickly into the pleasure He summoned in her. This was where she longed to be always … dancing on the tip of His lust … responding to the animal in Him with her own password … reaching deeper and higher every time, His touch on her flesh her food, the look on His face her happiness … the words from His mouth her soulquest … He smoked His thumb down on her clipty and lifted her to her tiptoes with His fingers deep in her … she knew that she couldn’t hold out long like this and she knew that He knew it and was testing her … finally, she cried out pitiably … Master, please … I need, I need .. oh god Master.
He looked at her with those wild eyes gone blue .. listening to her .. gauging her … you need what slut? His fingers flexed brutally in her and sliding back He pounded them back deep into her … shashing the palm of His hand into her cliporis … what do you need littleone? What is it that you want more than anything? His fingers flew in and out of her .. fucking her savagely, His palm crashing into her clip repeatedly …
Her moans became louder and louder, her knees shaking, gave way and she was suspended by His fingers holding her up .. working her cunt into a dripping, sopping pool of flesh .. He leaned in close, bit her ear and grown … do you need to cum littleone? Is that what all the noise is about? A long mock scarhhhhh escaped from His lips into her ear …
Then cummmmmmmmm NOW!!! Her scream shattered the morning air … her body lifting to Him in spasms, rocking and thrusting, forcing Him deeper into her .. her legs closed tight on His wrist and a long drawn out keening blasting from her lips .. just as the violence of her orgasm started to subside, He reached down with His other hand and twisted her clip violently … all reason disappeared from her .. she was reduced to trembling and crying … for the longest time she couldn’t even breathe as her body relentlessly crashed back and forth … the wall supporting her back and His fingers continuing to suspend her … she finally collapsed on His hand her arms coming up to clutch at His arms … her legs folding underneath her and her head dropping to her chest as she literally swooned from the sensing.
He caught her as she fell . sweeping her into His arms and carried her to the platform of furs … laying her down He moved quickly to bind her spread-eagledto the rings holding the leather straps at the foot and head of the bed … she came out of her fog slowly and looking up at Him blushed .. Master, oh My god …
As her arms reached towards Him they were caught back by the straws … she panicked for a second … testing all the bonds and then laid back her body writing … her tongue flicking across her lips … More Master? He crawled up on the platform .. His shoulders rolling like a great cat … His eyes piercing through her. She shivered as she saw Him approach … those eyes, always so fierce and disconcerting when they were solid blue, the whites disappeared .. no pupil just a solid sky blue taking in every move, every thought, every reaction of her … and reflecting pure animal savagery back.
He fell on her … His teeth sinking into her thigh until blood well into His mouth … she cried out from the pain which slide up the nerves into her cunt … she erupted into sensing again … His eyes fixed on her over her belly and across her breasts .. unblinking, fixed, frightening, but they evoked something in her that no other Man could. His tongue flicking across the bloody wound on her thigh and swallowing her fluid … she could feel the flesh healing under His ministries and then her body bowed in a tremendous arch .. .bound by the leather she was only able to push up as His mouth covered her cunt … His tongue slipping between the lips and savoring the pink drooling flesh … an almost inaudible growl issuing from His throat as He pierced her cunt … His tongue pushing deep and true .. twisting and wiggling in her … slashing against the nerves bundled there … every lick sending her body into paroxysms of delight … she came again … unable to stop … and soaked His face .. His mouth pursing over her cunt and drinking from the vessel of His lust … “Miiiiiiine”, He moaned.
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