The Warehouse

I pushed open the wound metal door. There was very little light in the warehouse, only a stream of dust mote choked sunlight came in from the skylight window. It formed a pool of dim light in the middle of the room where a metal cage of construction scaffolding rested. It was too dark to see anything beyond that pool of light, but a firm scuffle tells me something is moving deep within the abandoned building.

Was This the right address? He had called me an hour before, to clear my schedule for the afternoon and meet him here.

“Don’t be late,” He had instructed, “And be sure to wear your high-heeled sandals.”

“Hello?” I call into the darkness. I got no reply. I crossed the threshold, curiosity overpowered fear. This is a bad neighborhood after all, lots of unsavoury types about. Without thinking, I pushed the door shut behind me. It closed with an echoing clang. I approached the pool of light, my high heels clacked loudly in the empty warehouse.

I stopped at the edge of the light, trying to peer deeper into the darkness on the other side. The hairs on the nape of my neck rose. An almost animalistic instinct warned me that something was staring back at me, even though I couldn’t actually see anything. I shook my head, and I was about to turn and leave.

“Stop. Don’t turn around.” I froze. Perfectly still. It took a moment for me to realize that it was his voice. It was different though, more like a low growl than anything else.

“What are you-” I started to say.

“Silence.” He snapped, “Now, take off your shirt.”


“I will not ask twice!” He yelled, so forcedly that my body shook with fear.

It’s okay. I told myself, He’s just playing silly-buggers, he won’t hurt me. I smiled slightly, fine, I’ll play with this kinky little game. The shot of adrenaline from the first fright heightened my senses for a few seconds. The dirty cement on the ground, the dusty air, the rusted scaffolding, the risk location, the scuffling…something; it was all so very sordid.

I unbuttoned my blouse, at first my hands were still shaking from the shock, but then I thought I’d have some fun with this. I slowed down, taking my time on each button. I could sense his eagerness welling up behind me. In any case, a game takes two. I shrugged my shoulders out of the blouse, slipped my arms out of the sleeps and tossed it behind me. I hoped it fell against him, giving him a scent of my perfume. I stood with my back straight and shoulders square, I’ll be a good little soldier.

“Drop your skirt.” He ordered. I undid the front clap of my skirt and let it slip off my hips a little. I bent forward, legs straight, ass out and let it slowly cares my thighs as it came down. Oh, he would be eager to start now and drop this game. How could he control himself? My tanned skin, round ass and firm thighs were always my little boy lean. I slowly straightened again, giving him plenty of time to admire me. I flicked my head up, letting my long black hair catch some of the daylight. At last I then stepped out of the crumped dress. Next, I reached up behind me with my right hand to unclasp my black bra.

“Stop. I did not tell you to do that.” I froze for a second. Okay, what are you doing? I stood at attention again, waiting. Paranoia crept into me again. I really couldn’t see beyond the pool of light, not with the midday sun shining above me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. I blinked the thought away. I was almost naked in an alien place, and he was watching me of course. I heard his heavy footfalls behind me, echoing in the room. Something fairly heavy slapped onto my left shoulder. I glanced down at it. It was a thick leather blindfold.

“Put it on.” He said quietly. I hesitated, “Let me explain something. You are alone here. Nobody can hear through these thick walls. Disobey, and be punished. Submit, and be rewarded.”

“Wait-” I tried to sound in control, but my voice waited.

“You are already in trouble for taking your time with your blouse.” As he promised, he didn’t ask a second time. My hands were starting to tremble again, my heart fluttering in my chest. I took the blindfold off my shoulder and strapped it around my eyes. The ominous pool of light shrouded out of sight. I wanted nothing more than to be able to see it again. Instead, I Just had a sea of ​​infinite blackness before me. I was in a cavern, an infinite gallery of darkness and unknowns. What would be waiting for me here?

His footsteps circled me. Although everything, I swear I could feel my nipples hardening, my cunt almost quivered in anticipation. He had stopped in front of me. I could hear his steady breathing. A cold slip of leather wrapped around my neck and tightened slightly. I felt his fingers pinching at the buckle. The collar was in place. He tugged at the lead, making me follow him forwards, into the light that I couldn’t see anymore. My own breathhing was quickening as I felt ever more vulnerable, almost bare to the world in broad daylight.

We stopped at what I guessed was the middle of the pool of light, under the metal scaffolding. He grabbed the lead where it connected to the collar and pulled me up to his face. I had to teeter on my toes, my arms flapped out to keep my balance.

“I said that you would be punished if you disobeyed me.” He smirked.

“I haven’t disobeyed you.” I pleaded.

“You were not given permission to remove your bra. And don’t you know how to address your master?”

“Uh-ah…sir?” I hated a guess.

“‘Uh-ah sir’?” He mocked, shaking the lean violently. My balance swung from one foot to the next. I nearly fell over, but he dragged me back up by the lead.

“Sir!” I wailed. He released the lead.

“Raise your arms to your sides.” He said, turning to my right. I did so. A few moments later I felt a stick wrap around my right wrist and tighten. My right ankle was strapped and tightened. His footsteps passed in front of me to my left, and strapped in my left arm and leg as well. He walked away from me, behind me, it sounded like he was beyond the pool of light. The sound of leather straps rubbing against rusted pipes resonated in the room. The straps binding my wrists and ankles pulled away from me, opening me up, spread-eagle.

His footsteps approached me again from behind. A short whistle cut the air, and the hot slap of a belt across my back. I yelped in shock, my body contracted in, muscles tension, but I was going nowhere. I couldn’t escape the refuges, I couldn’t run, I couldn’t shield. I grit my teeth. The belt hurt. I could feel the red warmth flowing up to my skin.

“Ten strokes for acting without my consent and five additional strokes for improper address.” He meted out my sentence.

“That’s not fair!” I cried, “You didn’t tell me so…sir!” I added just in time, I could imagine him on the verge of adding another five fora second infection.

“Fair? You want fairness?” He laughed, “There is no fairness. No justice. There is just you and me. Powerful and powerless. Use this time to work out which one you are. Additional five strokes for dissent.” He picked at the edges of my panties around my ass, pulling them up and out of the way of the flesh, letting them slip into my crack, “Now, count from one.” The strokes landed at an even pace. They covered my back and ass in red prickling warmth. After the initial shock of the belt had killed off it didn’t seem so painful, a moment’s sting and then the pleasant tingling warm afterglow. But I knew he wasn’t using his full strength as this was only my first translation. I finally counted out the twenty strokes.

The strokes stopped, I heard him breathing behind me. The belt tip drawing circles on the concrete floor. He walked up to me, placed his chin on my shoulder and whispered, his breath brushing strands of my hair over my cheek and ears. I feelthe restraints at my ankles give some slack, but I didn’t move my feet.

“I will give you a minute to think about what, exactly, your situation is.” He walked away. I heard another metal clang open and shut. His feet vanished.

I dropped my head and my body sagged against the restraints. My back and ass still tingled. To my surprise, my panties were soaking wet, and my nipples were scanning to poke through my thin bra.

It was deathly silent now. No other breathing, no footsteps, I hardly dared to make a sound. He really had left me alone here. I pulled at the restraints, how well could they have been tied on? I pulled with all my might, but after a few minutes I had to give up, it was pointless. I had only hurt my wrists by scanning, probably rubbed red by now. I sagged down again.

I had once read about torture. It had been a milk fascination at university. One philosopher had described it as “the two-way battle of attrition that fully revealed a person inThe torturer, a beast of voraciousness and devilry. The tortured, a beast of service and sycophancy. And how easy it is for the roles to be reversed despite mutual revulsion!” I shook my head at the blackness. He wasn’t a beast, he wasn’t the devil. We had been together for so long. I knew he was the dominant type, and I liked that. I just couldn’t believe that this had been lurking inside him for so long.

“What is this?” He suddenly grew right at my ear. I recoiled in terror, but the straps kept me put. “Stand up straight!” I hadn’t heard him move or the door open again. I stood up as straight as I could, bringing my legs together, taking up all the slack that was given. My heart hammered in my chest and my legs were shaking with fright. He started circling me again. God, Please not the belt again! It still tingles…

“What are you?” He asked. The question caught me by surprise. My mouth open and shut a few times before I answered.

“I am powerless, sir.” I said. He stopped circuit. I don’t think he was expecting that answer.

“Good.” He witnessed, and continued pacing, “I will generally overlook your tardy posture in lieu of your…enlightenment. Now, open your legs.” He had hardly finished speaking as I felt the ankle restrains pulling in the slack, forcing my legs apart.

“Th-thank you, sir.” His fingers caresed down my back, running up and with the lightest of touch. Against the red flesh it felt so soothing, I gave a tiny gasp of pleasure. I had been in such anticipation for the pain that the gentleness really was a surprise. I realized that it was only one hand that was touching me. He was still holding something. The belt again? I didn’t feel so afraid now. It wasn’t that bad, really, I assured myself. There was Just a little sting, and then the tingling. His fingers stroked my wait, my hips, and ran slowly over my butt. Goosebumps rose on my skin.

He broke contact with me and continued walking aroundme, in the opposite direction. Crap, was it the opposite direction? I had lost my orientation for a moment. I shook my head to clear it. It didn’t help.

“Do you know what the powerless are, to the powerful?” He asked, stopping in front of me. I had to think for a second.

“Toys, sir?” I guessed again, if I was wrong, I would be belted. If I was right…what? The gamble made my pulse thumb.

“Toys! Ha! Toys, yes. You are toys. Slaves might be a better description, but toys will be fine, my pet.” I told in relief. My muscles, that I hadn’t realized were tensed, relaxed. He stepped close to me, suddenly I felt a cold piece of metal on my shoulder. Was that a knife? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My tired muscles flexed again, trying to get away, but completely failing. “Hold still.” His whisper was as cold as ice.

The blade slipped under my bra strap, and cut it apart. He did the same on my other shoulder. He reached behind me and unclasped it; the bra fell to the floor. My breasts were heaving from the panic. Was he crazy?

“Open your mouth.” He ordered. I did as I was told, and he placed two fingers on my tongue. “Suck them. Show me how much you like to suck and guzzle.” I sucked on his fingers, struggling my tongue along their side. I lunged down on them, taking them as deep as I could, and held it there for a second. As I pulled back up I ran the very tip of My tongue along their underside. I pulled my head back until they were out my mouth, and I danced the blade of my tongue on the tips of his fingers. I licked the shake of his fingers again before stuffing them back down my mouth with an eager moan. I had to please him. I would be punished otherwise.

He pulled his fingers out. I tried to reach out for them with my mouth, pleading for more. He ever so lightly ran his fingers down my throat, between my breasts, down my stomach, over my navel and down to my soaking panties. With his other hand he gripped the top of them, and tore them off with asharp yank.

His wet fingers glided over my wet cunt, and slowly stroked the top of the labia. My hips shuddered and surged forwards, becoming for more, but he cruelly kept just ahead of my hips. He was slow and patient, painfully patient. He came forwards and brushed his lips against mine. I didn’t know if I was allowed to kiss him. I didn’t risk trying. He touched our noses together, and at last he slipped his fingers into my waiting cunt. He stroked up and down, generally penetrating a little deeper with every stroke. He twisted his fingers inside of me, finding new, primed and sensitive flesh to stroke. I moaned as I felt the waves of pleasure spread upwards from my crotch.

He curled his fingers in a come-hither motion, petting my g-spot.

“Oh, fuck…” I breathed as it throbbed with pleasure. My toes curling with pleasure at my reward for obedience. He pulled his fingers out of my cunt, “No, please sir, more.” I implored. I felt a tug at my leash as he pulled my head downwards, as he did so the arm restraints gave some slack, tightening again as my torso hung parallel to the ground.

“Don’t you dare bend your knees!” He barked. My knees immediately straightened, my hamstrings stretched. The leash had been attached to something, so I couldn’t straighten my body again. But my weight was supported by the wrist strraps. It almost felt like I was floating. He quickly moved behind me, and ran the length of his finger along the length of my cunt, and wagged it swiftly from side to side, the tip of his forefinger struggling at my clip.

After a few minutes of it I couldn’t contain myself. “Aah!” I wailed as the pleasure washed over my entire body, every neuron on fire. Nobody had ever done that to me before. I had to take deep swallowing breaths between my wails. My knees buckled in.

“No!” His left hand spanked my stretched out ass hard, I whimpered at the pain, “Straighten your legs!” I barely managed to comply, “And you had better ask permission before you cum!”

“Yes sir!” I managed, “Please sir, can I cum sir!”

“No, not yet.” He increased his tempo, I had to grit my teeth and groan, my hands clenched and unclenched as I tried to keep control of myself. I was either going to cum or piss myself, either way I was seconds away from release.

“Please sir! Master, I beg you!” I cried.

“Count down from ten.” He ordered.

“Ten…nine…eight, seven, six five-four-three-“

“No! No orgasm for you.” He pulled his hand away.

“What? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you! I want to cum! God damn it!” I screamed, my knees gave way and collapsed down, head hanging, cunt throbbing, screaming for the last few seconds it needed.

He walked around to my front. I heard his zip being pulled down. His engaged cock flupped out, batting against my left cheek. Although myself, I managed to wait for his command. He didn’t immediately order it. First he knelt down in front of me. I heard the rattling of sticks. I wasat first confused, but as the first clothespins pinched at my title my attention was fully focused.

“Christ that hurts!” I said with ragged breathed. He added another, and another, they kept coming. I rolled my head, “Please, stop.”

“Breathe, focus on your breath. It’s not that bad. Once you let the initial pain subside it’s actually pleasant.” I believed him, and did what he said. What else could I do? I was powerless. He snapped on another peg, right on the areola. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Another, right on the nipple. “Don’t try and resist the pain. Never resist pain, or coldness, or wetness. Accept it. Let the sensing pass through you and let it become no more than a background noise.” He said. He stood up.

“I want a blowjob. Suck it.” He grewled. I wanted to say no, to spite him for robbing me of the orgasm. But he had been right. I am powerless. If I refused him he would just belt me ​​or worse, and I’d be even farther from release. “Suck it like you sucked my fingers you little fuck pig.”

I raised my head and spat on his dick to wet it. I ran my tongue along its underside several times, tickling it’s nib with my tongue, pausing at the balls to lick, nip and suck on them. As I ran the cock down my mouth and into my throat I could feel my juices running down my inner thighs. Massaging his dick with my tongue I could feel the throbbing veiny texture. I began a Steady rhythm as I sucked and slurped. The clothespins, easily more than two dozen of them, clicked as my tits jiggled with my motion, I realized I could hardly feel the pain. It was just a hiss, a strangely pleasurable tingling and singing.

“Come on, faster.” He slapped my cheek. I tried to go faster, but as I did my tits jiggled more and that reawakened the pain. I slowed again. “Fuck.” He muttered, grabbing the both sides of my head by the hair, and started fuck my mouth. I gagged at the force and depth. He’s fucking my face, I can’t do anything! My arms strained weakly atthe straps, his grip on my hair was too tight. I squeezed my blindfolded eyes tightly shut, and feel a tear escape. The sensing of panic rose in the pit of my stomach. I’m choking I’m choking I’m choking-

He pulled out at the very last second that I felt I could withstand. I spat out the pre-cum, cought and gasping at the same time. He grabbed the back of my hair, angling my head up. He spat on my face. I flinched.

“I’m not punishing you,” He said in an almost soothing voice, “I’m torturing you, for my own pleasure.”

“Yes sir.” I said as I managed to get my breath back. He knelt down again and began to unclimb the clothespins. The warm sensing that spread from the pinched skin was euphoric. As more came off, it felt like all my breasts were being massaged in warm water. Two pins left, one on the areola. He just yanked it off. I yelped out in pain.

“Oops.” He sniggered as he unclipped the last one. I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed. I justgave a smile to the blackness. The lean was released and I could finally raise my head. “Stand up.” He ordered as he gave a light kick to my ribs. On wavevering legs I managed to stand up again. As I did so, the wrist straps took up their slack, keeping me spread-eagled, but the ankle straps slackened. Cautiously I brought my legs tightly together.

“Please sir, have goal.” I whimpered. My legs, back and shoulders were tired from the stress position he had me in and my throat burnt. My skin was slick with cooling sweat. But he had proven he can be generous, my tits were still glowing in the euphoric aftermath of the clothespins, and my cunt was still warm and eager.

“You are still resisting.” He said, starting to walk around me again, “Surrender yourself to me, and you won’t have to be punished again. Torture occasionally, but not punished.”

“I surrender, really I do!” I enreated.

“It’s not something you say, or physically do. Submission is an entirely internalprocess. You will know when it happens, as will I. Three lashings for improper address.” He stated. At first I was relieved it was only three. But when I heard the sharp whistle of cane cutting the air I knew this would be worse. The hot streak of pain across my ass burnt like a branding iron. I gave a short scream, but quickly controlled it. I knew he would punish me more severely if I didn’t. A few seconds later the second landed, and then the third. They had hit with perfect precision on the same line across my ass. I sagged against the restraints.


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