The Wanking Race!

“Come with me,” said the pretty red-headed mistress. I had just gone through the first phase of filming outside with class 5b and now I was being walked naked to a film set for some interior shots.

Our red-headed mistress hardly said a word. She just walked beside me in her knee-high cherry leather boots, her tight jeans stretched over her ample ass, defining her pussy. She wore a tight white flowery blouse loosely hanging on her big breasts. Her arms were in her red cardigan swishing her crop, an old fashioned garment that was out of kilter with her punishing skills.

We got to a small set with a camera on a tripod, a large leather armchair a mock window and a sideboard. The Mistress turned on the professional redhead film lights and then turned on the camera.

That made me happy as it means I’d be alone with the mistress and not have some hairy arsed cameraman watching my every move as they did in the garden.

“Crouch on that stool, legs apart,” demanded my red-headed mistress.

I crawled up on the small cushion stool and croouched down as ordered.

“Now hands on your head and open your legs.”

I obeyed but felt a little unsteady especially when my hands went to the back of my head.

“Wider!” She demanded while hitting the insides of my legs with her crop.

I somehow managed to obey her but still wobbled slightly on the stool with a little ache on my inside thighs. My cock and balls hung below me, the feeling of a phantom humbler still suffocating my gonads from the ordeal in the garden.

My mistress sat beside me on the large leather armchair and stretched her long leather booted legs out before her. She held out a black electronic cuff.

“I’m not touching your disgusting dick piggie, put this on yourself.”

I took the cuff and looked at it puzzled.

“Attach it around your cock and balls and make sure it’s tight.” I obediently wrapped it around my genitals as ordered and it felt quite snug aroundmy cock and balls.

“Now hands back on the back of your head,” she ordered.

“Yes mistress,” I obeyed as I saw her hand come forward with a little black box, which had a small plastic ariel on it. She pushed a button and I heard a high pitched beep. No sooner I had heard the beep an electric shock buzzed in my balls. I cried out in pain much to the amusement of my mistress who laughed out and cried, “Oh, it works!”

Whereupon she pushes the button again and zapped my balls. I yelped and struggled to keep my balance on the cushion, which had her laughing harder. “Hey, I like this!” And once again she shocked my roasting nuts.

I sweep, croouched on the cushion, resisting the urge to take my hands from my head.

“Do you like that?” Asked the smiling mischievous mistress leaning forward from her chair really enjoying her new toy.

“No Mistress,” I winced as she produced a crop.

“If you had a choice of a good whipping on your ass or a shock to your balls what would you choose?”

“The crop mistress.”

“In that case, I’ll zap your balls!” She laughed as she merrily pointed her control and pushed the button. I cried out as I felt as if my balls expanded and glowed through the shock!

As the pain ebbed away I took in some deep breaths.

“What do you say?” Asked the mistress but the question was lost as my concentration was taken up by my humming balls and my balancing act.

“What?” I garbled only to get another zap.

“Thank you, mistress!” She regaled.

The eclectic coursed through my cock and balls with a sharp biting sting that flowed randomly over the skin. I came down from my next gonad shock and thanked her. That was hard to do for when electric was flowing painfully up and down my penis and bouncing around in my balls my thoughts totally emerged in the fluctuating pain with-in.

I got my breath back and replaced my balance on the stool my inner limbs no aching to the point of cramp.

“Okay, I’m going to ask again, your choice, Shall I whip your ass or shock your balls, what’s it to be?”

I mulled over the alternatives as she looked on smiling. Her big blue eyes shining in the backdrop of her pale flawless porcelain skin. She licked her ruby ​​red lips and flicked her long dark red hair, her face animated in the enjoyment of her newfound power.

She swished her crop in one hand and held the zapper in the other. It was easy to see that she was excited about being able to inflict pain sitting relaxed in her chair.

“A shock mistress,” I said with resignation, knowing that whatever punishment I chose nothing was going to stop her attacking my balls.

“Okay, a shock it shall be!” And with that, she pushed the button twice.

Once more I cried at the ceiling as my balls ballooned up with the twisting current fizzing painfully through every vein of my testicles. I was caught off guard as I started to come down, a different shock danced through my nuts!It throw me way off balance and I fell off the stool and landed at my mistress’s feet.

“Bad slave!” She scolded and whipped my upturned ass. I yelped and straightened out my body to flatten out my rump and make the sting of her crop less painful. Such was my folly. She zapped my balls again and I quickly rolled into a ball. This presented my rounded ass once again and my mistress didn’t hesitate in flogging me. I naturally straightened up again, somehow trying to escape the pain only for her to zap my genitals again making me bend into a ball, the shape my body naturally took in a subconscious attempt to evade the singing electric.

Crop straight, zap ball, Crop straight, zap ball, she had me vacillate between the two until she convulsed so hard with laughter she couldn’t go on. I groaned and took in deep breaths as my boiling balls and humming ass recovered along with my fresh carpet grazed body.

My Mistress calmed down, tears running down her cheeks in joy, only tooquickly zap my balls again bringing forth a fresh bout of laughter.

“Now knee before me,” said commanded croakily through her tears.

I quickly got into position. “Bring the other slave in,” she shouted.

I stayed bowed in my low position with my eyes on my mistress’s boots. In my peripheral vision, I could sense a male being brought in beside me on a collar and chain.

“Right you two piggies I want you to masturbate before me, the winner gets his balls shocked and the loser gets to lick up the winner’s cum off my boots. While doing so he will have his ass whipped before I’m satisfied he’s licked my boots clean.”

After finishing her instructions she stood with her legs parted hinting that she wanted us to cum on a separate boot.

“Right piggies, hands-on cocks and when I say, ‘go’ wank away for all you’re worth! Remember the quicker you cum the less painful it will be.”

We both reached back for our cocks ready to wank. I was very concerned as I had been ordered to wank in front of a mistress for a video once before and I was unable to achieve an erection let alone an orgasm.

“Go! Go on wank those cocks, piggies!”

We both went at full speed right away, both of us mirroring each other moving our syncronised wanking arms.

I flexed away hitting my head with mini-strokes at speed. I glimpsed over at the competition and saw to my horror that he was already up and hard. I had never masturbated in front of anyone before with the command to cum. I was still a bit soft with my hand flexing at full speed. It looked like I’d be the one eating his cum.

The mistress laughed away, tapping her crop against her long leather boots, “Come on you little wankers, come for your mistress.”

I decided to slow my strokes down and concentrate on slower, longer more sensitive strokes. Meanwhile, my competitor was struggling away in a blur and I felt I was done for.

“Wanking a bit slow there?” Scolded my mistress, “Come onfaster.”

With that, she shocked my balls and I felt the charge of electricity surge through them. I speeded up my tossing and for an instance, my cock surged upwards, begging towards my leather booted mistress only to receive again after a few seconds.

The competition started to gasp on his way to cumming, “Not so fast fly spray,” mocked the mistress and zapped his nuts. He cried out and his head fell forward.

“And no watching,” hissed my mistress zapping my balls again. My cock and ass jerked forwards and again I felt a surge of hardness in my dick as if it was begging and obeying my firm breasted strong thighed mistress.

Again I went to flexing quickly, edged on by the electric kick start in my balls. Again I felt my dick harden and then fall slightly. Meanwhile, my opponent wasn’t taking the Shocks to well. He lifted and started to toss carefully scared of another shock.

I thought I’d take advantage of his slow down and wanked harder. I felt I was getting somewhere as I felt that tingling in the tip of my cock signalling I was on my way. Unfortunately, it was a false dawn for although I felt the tingle a quick squeeze signed I was far from hard.

My enemy in the cock war was again up and hard, his cock head red through rawness. I was going to lose and slowed down as my arm were aching already.

She pointed her zapper at his cock and balls and double-clicked. He screamed and bent over holding his balls as I laughed at his electric brake.

“What’s so funny?” Reprimanded the young mistress seeing my mirth.

Before I could answer she pointed her zapper at me and gave me a double click. Electric painfully flowed through my cock and balls and I quickly went back to flexing my cock. The zaps inspired my blood flow again and once More a stiffening took place.

I sensed and appreciated the sexy form of her body every time the electric ignored my cock and balls. I went up on my knees with my hardened cock in hand and took in her feminine delights. Her boobs looked more alluring and my penis reacted.

“No mistress I managed to groan,” feeling my dick swelling more. My partner in crime was up and tossing again and I decided to take a gamble.

I wanked slowly and posed pretending I was having a nice slow pleasure stroke.

“Come on!” The mistress barked zapping me another two times. Determined to procure a close race.

My cock and balls felt like they were about to exploit with imagined forks of little lightning bouncing about in the inner walls of my tests painfully pricking from with-in.

I bit my tongue and prepared nothing had happened as I admired her sexy pouting lips, large blue eyes and long red hair.

“Are you sure that things working,” I managed to say. With that, she sparked her wand at my genitals again. I gasped out loud at this extra surge and felt my cock harden to almost maximum rigidity.

My mistress became extra sexually exclusive as I wanked away in front of her. I looked at her curves and arches with loving devotion, wanting to please her with the urgency of my tossing.

“Oh mistress that was so nice,” I kidded as my cock and balls felt they were on fire.

This time she quadruppled her zaps and my cock filled with blood to the zenith of its hardness. I tossed hard on my electrically charged penis and could already feel my sperm ready to jump.

“Not so mouthy now are we?” Laughed the mistress as she perceived my groans to be ones of pain, not ecstasy.

My partner was up and ready to cum and so I played my last card.

“I don’t know, its kind of nice.”

“Nice! I’ll show you nice!” With that, she zapped my balls for all her worth clicking away at her zapper towards my balls with malicious glee.

Bang! I exploded on cue and sent a long stream of white thick spunk onto her boots, The stream was so thick it stung my pee hole as it burst through. The first glorious shot was away and I felt my energised balls rounding up the next evacuation of my cum. It gloriously spurted thick and hard again. Cum forced jetting out of my nuts pumping like never before, hosing my mistresses boots again and again. In between spurts my balls painfully gathered my semen and shot with a rapier speed, splashing on the hard leather of her footwear. I fell forward as my spurts pumped out at normal speed leaving me extremely drained.

I bent over and my head hit the floor in exhaustion. The mistress pushed her high heeled leather boots into my side and pushed me over. My softening cock was still leaking cum and some dribbled onto my stomach.

“Eat that or the loser will be licking it off you,” the mistress threatened.

I quickly scooped up my semen from my belly and ate it all as the last thing I wanted was a male licking my cum off me.

“You, loser, get to work!” mistress said presenting her cum-drenched boot to the loser. I looked up exhausted the salty taste of my cum on my lips.

“Eat it, loser pig!” she demanded and I watched as he hesitantly licked my thick white produce from her boots.

“Make sure you get it all piggy!” she demanded, giving him a stroke of the crop, making him speed up his licking.

“Oh, I’ve forgotten something,” the mistress expressed theatrically, “Oh yes, the winner gets his balls shocked!”

I groaned in disbelief as I had forgotten all about that. The Mistress laughed and made to push the zapper button. I rolled up and grabbed my orbs but there was no pain. She was playing with me, feining to zap time and time again making me envisage the worst every time until eventually, she hit the button for real! I crumpled up in a ball and screamed and a little more semen leaked out.

Later we were all in the pub. The girls chatted mainly to the camera guys and gave only a polite few words to we piggies. The camera guys wanted nothing to do with us and the bar staff laughed knowing which of us had undergone ball trauma. They had become accustomed to the way we walked apparently. I bought a pint for the poor fellow who had to eat my cum, “here, wash it all down, “I joked.

He barely acknowledged my gesture but drank my drink all the same.

Human competitiveness never fails to amaze me. He had lost in a wanking race! Hardly something to be ashamed of and not something to be proud of either! At least I didn’t have to eat his cum, he was sour enough!

I drove home with my balls throbbing, my legs parted as much as possible lamenting on a strange day.


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