The Walk-In Closet 02

Chloe 2: The First Time

“Stand up.”

Chloe didn’t know exactly why she did it, but it was something in Sean’s tone. It broke no argument. And to be commanded like that… She instantly stood and turned and faced him so she could look him in the eyes when he gave his next order.

“Good… now we just need to make you more presentable.” He rested his hand under his chin, the gesture almost theatrically calculated. He knew what he would demand before he even told her to stand, but he seemed to enjoy prolonging the moment. “Take off your clothes.”

Her mind went blank in confusion for only a second before it filled with questions. What did he just say? Naked? Right now? With him watching like that?

Sean’s smile was all the confirmation she needed. The Feeling of being a gazelle returned, being looked at like a slab of meat to be devoured. But, part of that turned Chloe on because that means that he wanted her. Knowing that Sean could be with so many otherwomen, that so many of them would want to be with him, would do anything for him. But instead, Sean chose her.

She started by unbuttoning the blouse, each movement slow and deliberate. Even just undoing a button seemed to be a turn-on, that feeling of being sexy, of putting on a show for him. That, in a way, he needed her. He needed her to be like this, that without this act of willing submission, he wouldn’t be interested. Chloe’s full and total submission made her the sexiest person in the world to him at that moment.

But soon enough, the blouse was unbuttoned and fell to the floor, but she still had to continue. Next, she moved on to the skirt. Taking her time, she unzipped it and let it slide past her hips, allowing the skirt to pool at her feet before stepping out of it. Standing before him now, clad in only a bra, panties, and the ever-present collar.

She didn’t know what to do with herself. Her arms began to try and uselessly cover different parts of her body.She seemed to squirm out of embarrassment but couldn’t help but notice a warm wetness spreading between her legs.

As the silence dragged on, Sean tilted his head and asked, “Did I say to stop?”

A moment of confusion spread across her face before she realized what he meant. Chloe looked down at her body, not sure why she wanted to continue, but she did. So she carefully put her fingers under the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them down. Now with her lower half fully revealed, she stood up, shifting her legs a bit, trying to hide what little of herself she could. Partially out of embarrassment to be seen at all in this state of undress, but also because she didn’t want him to know how turned on she was in that moment. She didn’t want him to see the wetness between her legs, to know that she was the kind of girl that was turned on by something like this.

Her hands moved to unclasp her bra, pausing only a little before releasing her breasts from their padded cage. Letting the bra fall to the ground, she now stood before him with only the collar remaining. Her previous embarrassment now gone, she stood straight and with confidence.

Sean looked up and down her body. His deliberate scanning of her made her body go hot. Chloe loved the way he was inspecting her, but more so that he seemed to like what he saw. He stood up and began to walk around her, inspecting what for Now was his, what she had freely given to him. He stopped in front of her and with confidence looked her in the eyes and said, “You’re beautiful.”

Hearing him says that made her heart flutter, it made her entire body want him in that moment. This made Chloe absolutely certain that she made the right choice in whether she would put on the collar. She knew that nothing had ever made her feel the way she did now.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Good,” he said a little under his breath before returning to his normal authoritative tone, “Now if you’re going to serve me,you must be taught something. First, if you are ever to offer yourself to me again then you must be as you currently are. If you offer yourself with any clothes on again then you will be punished. If I want you to wear clothes when you are mine, then I will tell you explicitly to wear them.”

Chloe’s heart began to beat louder in her chest. She realized that she was taking This to heart.

“Now there’ll be more rules for you to learn, but that will come with time and training.”

The way he said training stood out and surprised her. What could he mean by training?

“Tonight I’ll give you a taste of what you should expect from being trained by my hand. It should be enjoyable for both of us. Follow me.”

He turned and led her to one of the doors, opening it to reveal an absolutely massive walk-in closet large enough to fit every piece of clothing she’d ever owned in her life. Down the middle of the closet was an absolutely massive walkway with enough room that hehad a benchmark to sit on in the middle with more than enough room on either side to walk by. Chloe got lost in awe from seeing such luxury. Sean let her be lost, letting her walk past him and into the closet.

Chloe noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and whipped her head over to see a full-length mirror. Her heart rate settled as she realized it was just herself, but then she actually saw herself. There she stood confidently with nothing to cover her naked body but the collar. She saw herself, but in her place was also someone else. Her openness and confidence added to her beauty and gave her a glimpse of something that lived inside her. Chloe’s nipples hardened and she felt her crotch grow wetter. She could see Sean come up behind her, his tall and powerful body adding a comparative beauty to her own. He put a hand on her shoulder and used the other to turn her head towards him.

They spend a second looking into each other’s eyes before he leaned in to steal a kiss.Chloe enjoyed this moment, being taken while also freely giving herself over to him. He pulled back from the kiss while her eyes remained closed, letting out a breath as a shudder of password coursed through her body. Opening her eyes, she saw him looking back at her with a smile.

Sean took her by the hand and led her further in, telling her to sit on the benchmark. She did so happily as he went to a set of drawers and opened one. Still looking around in awe, she saw an area that seemed oddly clear. It had a pad on the floor in front of a full-length mirror, two long leather cushions, three metal rings, and a metal stand against the mirror with some sort of brake attached to it. Unable to figure out what the oddly shaped brake was for, she returned her gaze to the rings. They stood out to her as important or useful for the space Even though she didn’t know what they would be used for. Now that she noticed those rings, she began to see others scattered throughout the closet; all of them hidden in plain sight around her, some even attached to the benchmark she was sitting on. But soon Chloe’s mind was taken back to the tableau in front of the mirror. She stared at it questioningly.

As she pondered, Sean walked up to her and realized what she was looking at. He knelt down in front of her with some strips of leather in his hand. Gently grabbing her wrist, he lifted it up and told her to hold it here. So she did, and that’s when she realized that the strips of leather were actually little versions of the collar she was wearing around her neck.

As he put on the cuffs he explained, “Soon, you’ll be expected to put these on yourself, but since it’s your first time I’ll help you out.”

She admitted them against her body. The leather was the same as the collar she was wearing, and had similar bright brass loops and hardware, just with more metal loops around the outside. Chloe grow a big grin as she realized that her wrists and ankles had collars of their own. Moving her hand from side to side she admitted the cuffs, hoping to be able to wear them again.

Sean finished putting them on and stood up before telling her to do the same. He led her over to the mirror that she was looking at before.

“Get down on your knees. You see the cushions in front of you? Those are for your legs, get on them facing the mirror.”

So Chloe went down as she was told. The soft leather on her skin and the little bit of giving that the cushion gave felt good. Then she felt a tug from her ankle, looking over she found Sean moving her foot closer to one of the metal rings. Once close enough he clipped her in place so that her foot was unable to move from the cushion. As he moved on to the other leg and ring, she looked on in fascination. She could feel the wetness between her legs grow in Anticipation. Being told where to be and what to do, knowing that she was bound by him, that she was his to command, it rubbed something inside of her that she had nEver felt before. He took her arms and placed them behind her back and then clipped them together. In the mirror, she saw him clip a small metal chain to her cuffs and then run the chain down to the last metal ring on the floor. He made sure that she had just enough chain that she wasn’t forced down, but that there was also no way for her to stand up.

He stood up to look at his work, to look at her beauty. She saw him in the mirror admiring her curves. She softly bit her lip, knowing there was more, but also knowing that he wanted her to wait. She had to let him work at his own pace. After all, she wasn’t the one in control.

He went over to a drawer and looked for something inside before pulling out two dildos, both with suction cups on the bases. In a bit of shock, she frozen in place. They weren’t anything too girly or long; in fact, she knew that she owned a larger one from the time she got super drunk and swore off men the year before. She waited and began to wonder wherere go. Her hips moved and gyrated a bit on their own, hoping to be able to grind on top of something. To be able to give a proper show to her Master.

He walked back over and knelt down next to her. She felt his hand as he placed it on the small of her back, just above where her hands met. A bit shyly, she looked over to him while her breathing became heavier than normal. Her body seemed to radiate heat; it wanted more, expected more, and it would take anything he’d give it.

So it shocked her a bit to hear him simply ask, “Can you sit up a little? I need to access the floor under you.” But hornier than she could remember, her body compiled and lifted her butt off the ground. That’s when she saw him take the shorter of the two dildos, around 4 inches, and reach under her. That’s when he used the dildo to play with her labia, passing it back and forth through the lips, getting the toy wet and making her body go crazy. She clamped her lips shut to stop herself from crying out in surprise and pleasure alike. As he kept it up, she wondered why she had never tried something like this before.

She couldn’t hold it in any longer and softly moaned. While continuing to tease her, he said, “Looks like you’re ready for what’s coming next.” Sean leaned in to get closer to her ear and whispered, “I knew you would be perfect,” as he pushed the dildo inside of her.

Chloe let out a gasp of surprise. Slowly, the dildo was pushed in and out of her, making sure that it could easily glide back and forth. She shuddered as he pulled it out just far far enough for her entire passageway to close, while also making sure that it was never pulled out entirely. Letting her lips kiss the tip. And then slide it back inside one last time.

He told her to, “Lower Your hips as far as you can go.”

Slowly, ever so slowly, she lowered her hips until she couldn’t go any lower with his hand in the way. He moved his hand to let the dildo drop to the floor and then stabilized it in place.

“Lift your hips a bit, but keep some of it inside of you.”

Chloe followed his instructions immediately, getting faster with each command. When she was high enough, he pushed down on the suction cup to stabilize the dildo.

“Now that’s not going anywhere.”

She shuddered a bit in pleasure. Wanting to ride the toy, but knowing that she couldn’t. Not until she was told that she could, not until he said that she must.

“Lower yourself until you’re comfortable.”

Slowly, she descended. Each inch sent ripples up her spine, filling up her insides, making her need to call out. And then she stopped. She couldn’t go any lower. Opening her eyes, she didn’t realize she had closed them.

He moved closer to her side, and she turned her head to plead with her eyes for him to do more. For him to demand more from her, for him to bend her to his whims. Instead, as if he couldn’t care less, he adjusted the brake in front of her. At first, he was trying to adjust the height by sight, but soon he put his hand on the back of her neck to move her face closer. Once everything was lined up to his liking, he moved Chloe’s head back a bit and attached the second dildo right in front of her mouth.

Things clicked into place as she realized what this must be for. A bit of disappointment spread through her; she had tried to give blowjobs before. She had… But Every time she tried, it always seemed to end with no one being happy. Chloe always felt like she couldn’t go far enough, or that her mouth got tired. Her boyfriends weren’t always ‘large’, but even the average-sized cock seemed to be too much for her mouth to handle.

Sean then brought over a phone and turned it on. A bit of terror passed through her. What if he took pictures? He could hold They over her. Is that what he wanted this whole time? But, instead of photos, he opened an app and showed her the screen.

“This… counts every time you touch the screen.”

He demonstrated by pressing the screen, and showing her the large number 1.

“And it will continue to count up every time you touch it.”

He proved this again by touching the screen a few more times.




“And for you… the important thing to know is that this will work with your nose.”

Sean booped her on the nose playfully. Shock spread across her face.

“Oh, you’ll get it in a second.”

He put the phone in the brake above the dildo in front of her. He then placed his hand on the back of her neck again and told her, “Now we’re going to start you off on easy mode. So I want you to suck the cock in front of you and show me how far you can go.”

She willingly followed his commands to the letter and went in as far as possible. She gagged a bit, but she could feel his finger next to her mouth before she backed off.

“Not bad. Not exactly a deep throat, but I didn’t expect you to be able to do that anyway.”

Keeping the finger on the dildo where she was able to get down to, he used the other hand to move her head so he could see its profile. After a bit of mental calculation and adjustments of his finger placement, he adjusted the brake holding the phone in place. The phone moved closer, much closer. To the point where she could almost touch it.

“Here you go. Suck it again and touch your nose to the screen.”

So she did.


Backing off, Chloe was even more surprised. It was definitely a blowjob, but it wasn’t all that deep.

Sean obviously noticed her surprise and let her know, “I told you. This is training. I don’t expect you to go the entire way on your first day. I expect you to do your best and do what I say.”

She nodded in agreement before replying, “Yes, Master.”


He reset the counter on the phone before telling her, “Now you must understand that taking you in like this is not charity. You owe me for allowing you into my life like this. That’s part of why you must ask. You have to want to give me total control of you and your body.”

As he spoke, Chloe’s body started getting hotter and hotter, more and more horny. She started to move her hips as he spoke, feeling the dildo inside of her with every movement.

“But part of what you owe me is what we’ll call ‘points’ for now,” he directed her attention to the phone and continued, “100 points to be exact. You must go until you reach 100.”

A bit shyly, she looked at him, not knowing how he would react to the question. But her body needed an answer. “Master… may I begin?”

Sean smiled a wide Cheshire grin and proceeded to kiss her on the forehead before telling her, “Yes, my sweet. For today, you have no other task than that. Move as you like. Take as little or as much time as you want… but you will give me my points.”

Turning her head back towards the dildo in front of her, Chloe started off by kissing it slowly and licking its head. Actively trying to make her Master know that she cared, that she would do the same thing for his cock if he demanded it of her. That she expected him to demand it of her. Finally, Chloe took it into her mouth.




She began to gyrate her hips on the dildo inside of her. She had forgotten it was there while she was so focused on the one in her mouth.



Slowly, Chloe started to bounce a bit into the air.



Now rising further into the air, allowing her to slam herself down harder. But the angle throw her off and made it so that she couldn’t touch her nose to the screen. The number 10 was still on the screen, highlighting her mistake, so she adjusted herself back into position.




Up and down, in and out. Her body started to find a rhythm.



She stopped lifting her hips and instead just rolled them, trying to press it against her insides.



Her mouth was getting tired, but the rhythm made it easy to continue. She went back to lifting her hips, and she was so close.




Why couldn’t she seems to finish? It just couldn’t seem to go far enough in.



Chloe was taking longer strokes now, trying to maximize her time moving in and out.



Deeper… deeper… please.



Please, more.







A deep gasp of air. But her hips refused to stop going up and down; she was so close that even if she wanted to stop, she couldn’t. She wanted, needed, her climax. Sean came close and kissed her on the mouth. As he pulled away from the kiss, she tried to Follow him. But she quickly reached the end of the chain. She wanted him. She needed him. But the dildo fell out of her. She tried to reposition and get it back inside but moved too fast, and it kept missing. In frustration, she almost cried, emotionally spent,she looked to him for help.

“Oh? Would you like some help?”

“Yes… please, Master.”

“Okay. But not like this.”

A bit crestfallen, she sulked, believing they were done. He started to unclip her legs from the rings on the pad.

“Why so sad? You followed my orders, so now you get your reward.”

After he finished unclipping her, he stood up and moved to the end of the bench in the middle of the room. Pointing to the end of it, he ordered, “Now bend over the end of the bench.”

Her heart left with joy as she understand. He helped her into position and quickly clipped her into place, bent over, her stomach on the edge, with her ass in the air. Sean left her there exposed while he walked over to his drawer of toys and pulled out a vibrating wand. A bit afraid, she wondered if she could take it, but also more than just a bit horny, she wanted to give it a try immediately.

Sean got on his knees behind her. She saw him bend over and kiss her buttwith a simple peck, then followed it up with a hard smack. She gasped in shock.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get yours,” he started the wand, the violences so intense that the sound drowned out the thoughts in her mind, “And I’ll get mine.”

The next 30 minutes were a rollercoaster of pleasure. He would tease her. When it became obvious that she was close, he would pull it away from her at the last second. She would have to beg him to stop, then beg him to continue, begging him to do with her as he wanted. But every time she talked, she would call him “Master.” She was never so far gone that she didn’t know who he was to her in that moment. She knew that not calling him Master would mean a punishment, it would mean retaliation. Or worse, it would mean that he would stop.


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