The Walk-In Closet 01

Chapter 1: An Introduction

All that surroundings you is darkness. Blindfolded and chained in place, all you can think about is the proverbial ticking clock and counting in your head. And the pleasure, so much pleasure. You’re scared of what will happen if you fail your Master; scared, but also aroused.


Chloe had been working at this furniture store for a few years Now but had never met someone like him. She knew that men would usually buy more because of her curves. She tried not to play on it too much because sometimes they could get a bit overly touchy. But Sean was different. He was beautiful, and this time she actually wanted him to ask her out. This time she would happily say yes, unlike all those other times losers asked her out and she would say no.

For Sean, she would bend or lean over as many couches as needed to get him interested. Unfortunately, he seemed to be nothing but a perfect gentleman. He kept everything professional and above board theentire time, never seeming to take the hint. Eventually, he finished purchasing everything he came in for. Dejected and a bit sad, Chloe expected him to walk out of her life forever.

But, as soon as the receipt was in his hand, his entire demeanor changed. He looked at her like a lion would look at a gazelle. Her heart began to pound.

“Excuse me, Chloe, I’m sorry if this is too forward, but would you happen to be free tonight after work?”

Her body frozen from shock, and it took a few seconds for her to realize what he had just asked.

“Uhh, sure. I’m free after this.”

“Great. When do you get off work?”

“My shift ends at 6.”

“Then I’ll be waiting outside at 6, or will you need some time?”

“6 will work.”

“I’ll see you then,” he said as he walked away and out the front door.

Chloe spent the rest of her shift half in a daze. Did he actually ask her out? She wanted nothing more than for him to do just that, but for someone like him to actually ask her out like that? Hell must be freezing over.

But when she left the store at 6:03, just like he promised, he was sitting in his car waiting for her. Sean took her to a restaurant she could never have afforded on her salary. Yet Chloe walked in wearing her cheap dress skirt and button-up shirt. In a sea of ​​beautiful women in beautiful dresses, he only had eyes for her. Eventually, during the appetizer, Chloe began to relax and enjoy herself. They talked into the night about work and what they do for fun.

Once they were back in the car, she seemed to get nervous. He could tell that something was bothering her.

“Is everything okay?”

“No… Yeah, I just… So I don’t normally do this, but do you wanna take me back to your place?”

His smile spread across his face as Sean responded, “Sure thing.”

On the drive, she started to realize what part of town they were driving towards. The cheapest apartment around therewould easily be twice or three times what she’s currently paying in rent. His building did not disappoint. The lobby was massive with an absurd amount of marble. When they got into the elevator, he pressed a button for one of the top floors.

Sean’s apartment was gigantic, with a living room twice the size of hers, and if you add in the space from the kitchen and dining room, it would easily be larger than her Current apartment. And yet, he apparently also had a bedroom and home office. She continued to ogle the amount of living space he had while he went to mix them some drinks.

As the night went on, Sean mixed them a second and then a third round of drinks. This loosened them up a bit more until Chloe finally asked, “So when are you going to make your move?”

Understanding her full meaning, he responded, “I actually wasn’t. I didn’t expect anything sexual to come from tonight.”

Without a hint of anger, she confusedly asked, “Why?”

“This is a little embarrassing to admit on the first date, but I’m into power play.”

“I… don’t know what that is.”

“I find that when I’m having sex, I want to have control over the person I’m with. Now, I do realize that most women these days aren’t okay with being as submissive as I would like, so I usually try to bring it up carefully.”

Chloe’s head was spinning with confusion, so she asked, “I’m sorry, but I still don’t get it. Can you give me an example?”

Sean smiled and responded, “I might… have you on your knees in front of me… and tell you to cowgirl a dildo stuck to the ground.”

She gently bit the side of her mouth before answering, “That doesn’t sound so bad, seem kind of hot.”

“It’s not bad now. But it’ll be more difficult When you’re on your third orgasm, your head is spinning while you lay on your back exhausted, and then I tell you to get up and give me a blowjob.”

Chloe’s cheats flushed as he painted such a vivid picture. She wondered if that wassomething he had done before, or if it was just something he wanted to do. But she also couldn’t stop thinking about how great that would feel. Her crotch began to feel warm. She wanted to try it, she wanted to know what it was like. But she was also scared and embarrassed; she’d never done something like that before.

“I… might… be willing to give it a shot.”

“You sure?”

“Ye…,” Chloe could hear the nervousness in her own voice, so she composed herself before firmly answering, “Yes.”

Sean gently took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. He had her sit on the end of the bed and went to a dresser. Chloe was unable to see inside the drawer after he opened it, but was shocked when he lifted a leather collar into view. The deep red color of the leather paired beautifully with the brass rings and clasp. But seeing something she would have expected to see in a high-end dog shop was a bit of a non-sequitur.

While she was a little afraid, she was stillcurious, so she asked, “What’s that for?”

“This is a collar. This one is only supposed to be wound by someone who wants to wear it. Anyone who has it put on them must first ask their Master to have it put it on.”

She could feel her breathing becomes deeper, and a heat grow inside her as he explained further.

“While the collar is on, nothing the person wearing it wants matters. They are obligated to follow the commands of the person they’ve given themselves to. And, until that person takes off the collar, that will hold true.”

Chloe gulped as a reflex. She wanted to know more, to try more. But her entire life she’s been told that doing something like this would be terrible and wrong. That she should hate the very idea of ​​going through with this. And yet… Here she is, contemplating how the collar would feel on her neck, how harmless it would be to try.

Sean smiled and continued, “But in the end, nothing has to be absolute. Even the rules I just described canbe broken at any time. The wearer just needs to say the ‘safe word’.”

Recognition flared in her mind, “Oh! I’ve heard of that. That’s a word that means stop without saying stop.”

“A bit simplistic, but yes, you’ve got the idea. But… you should know that saying that word tonight would end our relationship. I would never push you further than you are willing to go, but If you say your safe word, then everything stops. Including your ability to be with me.”

Chloe couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off the red leather. She brushed her fingers across her neck, trying to feel as if it was already around her. Once she realized what her body was doing, her embarrassment flared again, and her cheeks went scarlet.

Chloe hung her head and quietly asked, “How do I do it?”

“Let me explain,” he sat down next to her and got close. “You must ask. You’ll hold out this collar and ask for me to put it on you. You’ll ask me to do this while knowing what asking means, and you’ll know that going against my orders will have consequences. You’ll turn yourself and your pleasure over to me for the night or until I take the collar off.”

As he finished talking, Chloe realized that at some point he had placed the collar in her hands. Noticing the collar and its implications made her wet. She wanted it, she wanted to wear the collar, she wanted to be his for the night. To feel those things he had promised. But, this was something that she’d never thought of, never believed would turn her on.

Chloe wanted to ask, to beg him, to take her right now. For Sean to order her onto her knees and ravish her. Though part of her was afraid, what if this was some elaborate trap? What if he tried to hurt her? What if she liked it?

“I don’t know if I should.”

Still smiling but a bit coyly, he responds, “How about a trial run? That would give you a taste of what you’d be signing up for with a time limit to make things easier.”

“How long are we talking?”

Sean pondered her question for a few seconds before responding, “How about a maximum of… two hours? After that, you would be free to take the collar off and leave with no hard feelings.”

“Or I could use the safe word, right?”

“Oh, yes. You could always use the safe word.”

“Okay… I’ll do it.”

“Then ask.”

She looked up to him. Sean’s face was serious and placid. Her confusion played across her face as she wondered what he meant. Seeing her confusion, he took goal on her and explained.

“You need to ask me outright. You must ask for me to put the collar on you. If you are to be mine, even temporarily, you must ask for me to accept you as mine.”

She gulped hard and held the collar close to her chest. While looking down at the collar, she asked, “Please, make me yours for the night.”

Chloe was scared but elated, worried but turned on. She looked up with a hint of embarrassed joy playing across her face. When their gazes met, she sawa kind face looking back. The face of someone who cared for her, someone who would make things right. All of her worries from before melted away along with her body. Sean carefully took the collar out of her hands and had her turn away. He lowered it around her like a necklace. Chloe could feel the soft inner lining tighten against her skin, closing around her throat. A bit of panic flooded her brain.

How much More will it close around her?

What did she get herself into?

But just as Chloe felt like he wouldn’t stop, just as she could feel the soft leather pressing in from all sides, it stopped. It loosened a bit as Sean claped the collar shut.

A shudder ran down Chloe’s spine. Her body flooded with feelings of safety and love. She could feel her hair being pulled out from Under the collar and then letting it drop overtop of the clap. Sean used a finger to pull some loose strands of hair back around her ear and tenderly kissed the now exposed side of her neck just above the collar. He moved his mouth up to her ear and whispered.

“It looks good on you.”

“Thank you,” both of them could hear the quiver in her voice.

With solid finality, he said, “No. We are no longer equals… you are mine. So anytime you speak to me while wearing that collar, you must call me Master.”

Even thinking of it made Chloe blush. Her face felt hot but her body was excited as she replied, “Yes… Master.”



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