Warning: This is written as a fantasy, not fact. Never have sex with a strange partner without using a condom. More especially never go out on a cold street at night without a hat, gloves, a scarf and warm boots.
By day the road was busy with traffic serving a group of small boat-building firms which lined the river. At this time of night it was quiet; the businesses all boarded up behind high gates and fences. The workers had gone home to their beds. Only Lily and Conrad were there. Lily had expected a night of password lovemaking when she’d agreed to obey his commands for the evening; instead she was here, shivering.
Lily wasn’t the type of girl who would end up in a man’s bed on the first date, but when she met Conrad, two weeks ago, it had seemed natural. Dominant men were against all her woman’s lib principles but she enjoyed reading tales of dominance and submission on-line. Swarthy good looks and muscles pushing against a tight shirt made her ovaries leap for joy. Blow woman’s lib, Lily wanted a real man. Within hours she was in his bedroom allowing him to erotically remove her clothes.
‘Aren’t you going to use a condom?’ she worried as he hovered over her.
‘No. I never do.’ Lily felt dampness between her legs at his forcefulness and was blown apart by it. Her body erupted as he plunged into her with fierce long strokes. When they lay together afterwards he stroked her hair.
‘Fear is quite an aphrodisiac for you, isn’t it?’
Lily had never considered it before, but she knew Conrad had brought out the truth of it. His dominant disregard of how she felt had ignored her into the strongest orgasm she had ever felt.
‘I guess it is.’
‘I can frighten you, if that’s What you want.’
He leant over to kiss her, provoking chills of desire through her nipples.
‘I want you to be my slave.’ Lily pulled back, alarmed. ‘Not yet. We’ll feel out where your limits are. When you are ready, I want you to beg to be my slave.’
Lily wasn’t sure if he was serious or joking. She wasn’t sure what she felt about his statement either way.
His already hardening erection rested on her buttocks.
‘Get on top, slut.’ The order was firm, yet delivered in a joke voice. Lily obeyed, as much because she wanted it as he did.
A breeze blew between the high walls, lifting her skirt.
‘Give me your jacket.’
Lily was all set to protest, but then remembered her promise. She was his slave, for this trial night. She shrugged out of the jacket and handed it to Conrad. Cold or desire hardened her nipples, she wasn’t sure which. Conrad was standing behind her where she couldn’t see him, or his sexy body.
‘And your blouse.’
‘Your blouse, Slave!’
Lily undid the buttons.
‘Yes Master.’ She joked as she handed held it out behind her for him to take. Her feelings were swingingfrom an enjoyment of the mastery she had given him and the humiliation of obeying his commands. Her bra was designed for sexiness not warmth and she could feel her rocky nipples peeping out over the top.
Lily didn’t even protest, she was feeling his power over her. Because of Conrad she was now walking down a city road dressed only in low-heels and a lacy pair of panties. At least in the dark Conrad couldn’t see how damp her fear of discovery had made her crotch.
‘Pants!’ His voice seemed even more dominant. His strict order enforced his power over her and she bent over to remove them, allowing him to catch up.
Conrad grinned as Lily handed them to him, his teeth white in the gloom.
‘I see they are deliciously wet for me. Scared?’
‘Yes.’ Lily stammered.
‘Yes what?’ Conrad’s voice was cold.
‘Yes Master.’
At a gesture from him Lily resumed her walk. Again Conrad was intimidating her by walking where she couldn’t see him. She was aware of the steady stream of cars passing the end of the street. If any of them came down here she would be obvious in their headlights. When Conrad demanded her shoes she didn’t look at him. She was careful, however, to use ‘Master’ in her reply.
Lily had a flashback to the previous week. Conrad had taken her to one of the more expensive restaurants in the city. Lily had been nervous, afraid that her table manners may not live up the expectations of a posh place like that. The meal was delicious. As they waited for coffee Conrad had taken Lily’s hand. Mystified she had followed him to the rear of the restaurant. When he started to pull her into the men’s room she balanced, pulling back. Scared of making a scene and being thrown out of the restaurant she allowed him to pull her into one of the cubicles. He did not even shut the cubicle door, just lean her against the toilet and shagged her. Lily was both terrified and turned on. Her orgasm was earth-shattering but she tried to keep quiet in case anybody had come in. Conrad had left her there to pull down her dress and organize her hair. Hastily Lily closed the door so she wasn’t seen and set to renewing her appearance. She heard the door open and footsteps crossed the floor. Lily had stood there for five horrified minutes before she was sure there was nobody in the washroom.
When she reached the table Conrad grinned at her. He knew how he had made her feel. Lily wanted to rant at him, but Conrad knew that the embarrassment would be too much. She had still been excited when he had bent her over a chair and took her from behind. That was when he had asked her to be his slave tonight. She smiled fondly. That was quite some orgasm. How could she refuse?
The asphalt was rough under her feet but she walked proudly, pleasing her master. Every item of clothing she had shed under his commands had strengthened his command over her. Conrad’s slave held her head high.
The feeling of pride ended when she couldn’t feel his presence behind her any more. Glancing backwards she saw him casually leaning on a concrete boilard several metres behind her. Conrad caught the movement.
‘Carry on. Don’t stop now.’
She was moving steadily nearer to the main road; surely Conrad didn’t intend to make her walk out there. Last week he had terrified Lily in the restaurant, there were no words for how she felt now, but it was worse. Her limbs were shaking. She was trying to walk with her legs closer together in a vain attempt to stop the overflow from her pussy.
‘Turn around and head back here.’ There was more level in Conrad’s voice now. Lily knew she had pleased him by obeying all his commands without demurral. It took all her control to walk back at the same pace rather than rush for safety. A few minutes (hours?) later she stood in front of him.
‘On your knees, Slave.’
‘Yes Master.’
The ground at his feet was dotted with gravel which had escaped from the boyard’s base. Lily ignored the painful prickles as she gingerly knelt at his feet. She knew he wanted a blow-job but waited for him to give the order.
‘Unzip me!’ was followed by ‘Blow me!’
Shivering in the cold Lily followed her orders. Absorbed in the task she didn’t hear somebody unbolting a gate near them until it slammed back with a crash. She pulled her head away but Conrad forcibly pushed it back.
‘You haven’t finished yet, my sweet slave.’
Lily wasn’t in any position to answer. Thankfully the gate shielded them from view as a van drop out of the gate turning to head away from them. By the time it was out of sight Lily was licking the last drops of cum from Conrad’s cock, and he was singing with content.
‘Lovely job, Slave.’
He patted her head as if Lily was a dog. Instead of resenting it she grinned in the happiness of pleasure her temporary owner. Conrad put his hands on herpussy to stroke her clip and Lily stopped thinking about anything as she climaxed.
She forget to worry about her nakedness as Conrad put his hands round her to lead her back to the car.
‘Did you enjoy that, Slave?’
‘Yes Master.’
And she had. Lily was not ready to be Conrad’s full time slave. The thought of what he might expect was too frightening. Still frightening could be good. Maybe some day …
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