You cannot use this story for any commercial purpose, and you cannot publish it in any website other than Literotica. Respect original writing. Thanks.
I dedicated this story to Connie the Hot Cunt, and its conclusion, which will happen in the next episode, to Miss X, there in Alabama.
Note: This story was never intended to be a quick teasing ๐ so don’t think of it as that. Its MAIN purpose is not to tease. I received an angry question: what is sexually exciting about all this? The answer is, the possession of a woman as a sexual object, and the fact that she can be forced to experience pleasure even under conditions of bondage and slavery, as any D/S couple knows.
That said, there is a huge difference between writing or reading a story and acting it up in real life. If you can’t tell the difference, then you’re in the wrong website.
But anyways my main purpose was not to tease, but to shock, and to make a statement about the inherent evil present in human nature, in an atmosphere of sex.
Also, the same person implies that there hardly is nothing erotic in all this, that I have no idea what erotic writing is about. I disagree.
Actually, the Ashley character is directly inspired in Justine, or the Misadventures of Virtue, by the Marquis de Sade. And for all the connoisseurs of literature know, his purpose was not to tease, but to shock, and to make a statement on the evil nature lurking within the human beings…
… And his literature is considered as erotic, even though many of his scenes are much more shocking and about degradation than what I present here, and even though he’s been critical as lacking in literature flair… still he’s recognized today as the master of sadistic writing. I certainly used his narrative techniques.
Someone has to tell you that storytelling and real life are different things.
You called me a sadist. This section of the site contains many stories about Sadism, because they are the core of any real Dominant/Submissive relationship, and the terms Sadism and Sadist come directly from the Marquis de Sade’s name. So are all of us wild whackos, as you say, because we indulge in, yes, sadistic writing and reading? Whew it is fortunate that you aren’t a court judge ๐
And de Sade’s stories are wildly whacked out… and still always to be found in the erotic section of book shops, nevertheless. How does your square mind explain that fact?
So if I am a sadist because I write stories meant for this section, then you are a sadist too because you read them? Is this true? No, it isn’t.
But there’s a big difference in writing or reading stories, and acting them up in real life. Didn’t your Literature teacher tell you this? ( if you ever had a Literature teacher, that is )
… But, you are right in one count: if you are one of those persons so that all you need is a quick jack off without any troubles for your puritan conscience,Then yes, by all means you can look elsewhere, there’s a vast selection of different types of stories in this site…
( But by the way, if you didn’t like it, how come you’ve read ALL the episodes, as you just confessed? Who forced you to read ALL the episodes -?!?!-)
Moreover, this site is for adults only, so stop crying, please.
Oh boy. All in all, seem I succeeded in causing a strong impression. Thus, I reached my goal with this story…
Final note: Some readers ( like this one ) seems to think that the writer is supposed to please them. Not me. A true writer wants to please himself and make a statement… We are egocentrical, did you know that? So, no I am not concerned with pleasure your desires. Look for your hand for that ๐
Even so, I Always listened to POLITE and reasonable requests. So, no, I’m sorry to dissapoint you, but the story will end in episode 10, as I planned it to be from the very start. I don’t know why it upsets you so much ( sincenobody is forcing you to read), but that is your problem, not mine.
You may not like the story, and that is your privilege as reader, but you of course cannot subdue my freedom of expression at all, you like it or not… That request of you sounds pretty full of bigtry to me. I’ve got a feeling you’ll drop by again, but no, goodbye, you are not welcome in my story ๐
I would like to say to you that Liutenant Morrow came and took all the crooks to jail, but sadly it wasn’t so. He came, yes, but Ashley was locked in the hen’s cage, and she had been ordered to not make any noise, just as every other night, and she obeyed. He and his assistant made questions, but no one reported anything suspicious, including Betty. She felt tempted to, but felt afraid of what they might do to her…
Nevertheless, he went to Lake Cheetachooga, and with the help of the local police, had the trailer located and taken out to the ground.
They found many packets containing crack… but not all of them… Some 300 packets were missing, if the trailer was full to capacity, Liutenant Morrow noticed.
Douglas have heavy shadows put on Ashley’s wrist and ankle, and throw away the ones put there by Wally. It was easy to get rid of them, but these shadows, she would never be able to take apart without ripping her own bones.
Some nights he would tie all her body up in heavy chains, and would put a mask without holes for her eyes, and would just throw her to the hen’s cage, with the ass plug in her hole.
He forced her to always eat in the dog’s bowl, and often with it full of dozens of men’s sperm. He would not allow her to take a shower for days, until she was stinging of semen and sweat…
He sometimes would tie her shadows to the wall of His own chambers. He then would use her body all night long, sometimes fucking her for as many as thirteen times, even though he wasn’t so young anymore.
He stopped beating her,so after some weeks, she recovered her usual attractive appearance. She was not allowed though, to have sex with any man other than him, outside of the show, and after some months, only the three highest bidders would be allowed to have sex with her, and that, for a limited amount of time.
The show based its success then in his whipping her only, after she went through her dance number. So after a time she looked gorgeous and clean again… except for her back and buttocks, that had now many, many long red whipping marks.
It was always a heavy, almost unbearable ordeal for her, the whippings, but she was content that he wasn’t beating her anymore, and he gave her plenty of sexual pleasure.
She was not allowed to walk on her feet anymore but on the stage, at show time, and she became even more submissive than she had been with Harry. Was it out of fear? Or was there a component of true password for him in her?… Well, remember that Ashley was a natural submissive…
Many months before, somewhere in California…
The kids ran home nearby and called the men in the families that lived there, very near the lake. The men and the bigger kids ran and took their boat and went to the spot where the trailer had sunk. One of them had an oxygen tank and mask for emergencies in Cheetachooga County, he was a volunteer…
He had to swim many feet down, to the bottom. When he took Harry out, helped by a tire, there was lots of water inside his lungs. They tried to revive him with mouth to mouth breathing. They succeeded at making him breath again ( after he cought out what seemed like gallons of water ), but he didn’t recover his consciousness.
He was taken to the hospital’s emergency room, and all the necessary aids were applied to him, but still he remained unconscious. He had spent too much time breathing water…
Meanwhile, the man looked in the trailer’s cage, it was open by the impact. He found the packets of drug. He took some out, and proceeded to open them and look at their contents.
“Diablos, es polvo!”- he said. (“Hell, it’s crack!”)
He went down to the box some other times, and took as many packets as he could, and gave them to his pals to take back to their homes. They then dissapeared…
“There are like 300 packets missing, sir”- said Liutenant Morrow while interrogating the man.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We just thought the driver was going to die, so we took him out. That’s all I know”
“Yeah, right…” But Liutenant Morrow knew he would not be able to press any charges on this man. There was no proof…
Where the drug had come from remained a mystery, and the case was soon closed. The drug dealers in both ends of the deal preferred to remain silent, of course, even though they lost big money…
After some 28 months have passed, Douglas said that Ashley would not work in the show anymore. The Dallas girls took her place. He told her she would only have sex with him, from then on.
Weeks later, Douglas made her pregnant, and told her she was to carry his baby until birth. When the baby was born, a cute girl, she had Ashley’s pretty facial features, and a nice half dark half white skin. Ashley couldn’t help feeling happy.
Then Sam demanded to have the same privilege, and he and Douglas argued about it, but Douglas would not listen a word of it. Instead, he made her pregnant again, soon after, and again ordered her to carry his baby up to birthday.
It was another girl, this one equally pretty and exotic – looking…
Ashley was allowed her own bedroom, and even a maid that helped her take her of the babies.
Every plans that she had harbored to escape dissapeared. She was now a taken woman. Douglas would fuck her in the ass only, for weeks, not allowing her to have orgasms at all.
After many weeks, she couldn’t help begging for pleasure. Then Douglas would fuck her cunt, and would allow her to come… once only. The he would repeat it for weeks, only fucking her ass.
But he became sweet at times, with her, calling her affectionate names, and softly caresing her face. After she was treated like this for months, she fell in love with Douglas, and willingly obeyed his every command.
She was allowed to talk again, though not much. Some nights, the maid would take care of the babies, and she would be forced to sleep tied to the shades, in the darkness, naked, in another room. She wasn’t whipped anymore, but by then her back and ass were marked forever by the whip…
Ashley forget about Harry, and I could see her all content, sitting at her Master’s feet, her bowl full of dog food beside her. Sometimes, Douglas would allow her to eat human’s food, Especially when Gretchen would beg him to please allow her to feed Ashley well. But still she would have to eat her meals in her dog’s bowl…
Habit rules human life often, and Ashley was living now a comfortable life in slavery and bondage. Was she happy?… I don’t know, but there was often a smile on her lips. More so when Douglas caresed her or kissed her.
What I know is that people need to belong to someone, and that some clever – though evil – guys know how to break a female’s soul and possess it…
Harry remained in coma for all those months… He was taken care of by the county at first, and then by his sister, when the union paid her the coverage for serious accident while at work ( carrying illegal substances was not mentioned in the insurance official rules, so the company had to pay )
Then he recovered consciousness one day, and his sister and Wally were there, holding each other. They were allowed to talk with him.
Betty had gone away weeks after she He knew of Harry’s supposed death. Later, she found out by Trish that Harry was in coma in a California hospital, and she came too, soon after.
“Hereyou are, baby”- she greeted him.
Harry cleared his throat.
“You can’t know how happy I am to see you, Betty”
“Me too, baby”- She held him tight, crying.
He kissed her lips.
“How’s Ashley doing? “
Betty looked at him, deep concern in her eyes.
“I’m not sure you wanna know, baby…”
To Be Continued …
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