The first thing Harry did after the show was to carry Betty on his arms and throw her inside DarkHorse’s cabin.
Ashley recovered her consciousness only after several minutes, after the men had beating and fucked the hell out of her. She could barely stand up, and the girls were taking her to the bathroom, all spent and stinking of piss and sperm, and still Betty had the nervous to make mock of her…
Harry ordered the giant size plug be taken off her ass hole, but poor Ashley already was suffering of acute pain and irritation in her bowels…
“There you are, bitch!! Look at yourself now, you silly slut!! What kind of a pitiful star you are, that all the men abuse you!! I’m happy!! You hear that, bitch? This is the happiest day of my life!! Ha ha ha!!”
Harry just watched Betty silently for some moments, then he caught her in his arms and carried her to his trailer.
“I’ve had enough of you, Betty. You insist in being a cheap bitch, well, alright, you’ll havewhat you’ve been asking for!”
Betty’s pretty blue eyes were open as plates, in shock.
“Hey no!! What you’re doing, Harry? I’m not your slut! Leave me alone right now!! You want to abuse someone? Then go and abuse that silly bitch Ashley!!”
“Of course you’re not my slut” – said Harry – ” I don’t set my eyes in cheap whores such as you!!”
Tears filled Betty’s eyes, when they reached DarkHorse’s black shiny frame.
“A-alright. I’ve had enough too” – said Betty – ” I always like you, but I don’t have to endure your insults. Just let me go now and I won’t make a fuss…”
Harry looked at her, an amused expression in his dark eyes, while she was sobbing. Everybody was looking at them.
“Can’t you see that I love you, asshole?! Why you hurt my feelings?! Why are you so blind, you stupid motherfucker trucker!!!”
I was there, and I could notice that everybody heard Betty’s confession of love. But Harry laughed softly. He didn’t care much for her feelings, I knew that.
He talked to her in a very soft voice, so that nobody else could listen. I’m telling you this because Betty told me later. I was kind of a confident to most of the girls there.
“You love me, eh? Well, I don’t love you, you silly girl. I love Ashley…”
“No…” – Betty said softly, and her cries became the sorrowful cries of a scorned woman… ” No, don’t love her. Love me!!… I would die for you… Please don’t hurt my feelings this much… I can’t stand it…”
“Then never offend Ashley again. Never again. You hear that, Betty?”
“No. No. Never. I promise, I promise. Will you love me, baby? I’ll kill myself if you don’t make love to me… I swear I will!!”
Harry was losing his patience.
“You can kill yourself anytime you want. Now, if you’re still gonna work here, you’ll do exactly as I say. Otherwise, walk on your smelly feet outta here and never come back. There are enough girls at the restaurant envying your position.So?…”
“No. No. I’ll stay. I’m sorry, baby. You hurt my feelings. Will you love me… Please, baby…”
“I love Ashley. But if you don’t mind, I can give you the remnants of my heart, ha ha!!”
You know, Harry had never fucked Betty at all. He just liked to tease her, telling her that he would give her the fuck of her lifetime one day. He Just liked to tease her pinching her bottom and her tits, and sometimes kissing her deeply, planning on her one of those big deep kisses of his.
“I may give you a real good fuck, one day. Is that good enough for you, Betty? Because if it isn’t… you may go to hell!!… And don’t both to come back, because the door will be closed forever for you…”
Betty had grown totally infatuated with Dirty Harry… It had only been a game for him… but she had fallen in love with him… That was why she hated Ashley so much, and because Ashley had classy looks…
Harry knew how to talk to a girl, and make her crazy for him. Betty was hopeless, just like little Ashley had been, and they both knew it.
“Yes. Yes, baby. I’ll be good. I’ll stay”
“I thought you said you wanted to leave”
“No. No. I’ll be good. I’ll be happy with a little of your love…” – Betty’s pretty blue eyes were full of tears… and hope now- ” But please love me, even if you have to love that Stup… even if you have to love Ashley too. Please… I’ll be happy with that. Please, baby…”
Harry looked at her, amused to no end.
“Mhh… We’ll see, we’ll see. Depends on if you are a good little girl with me”
“I’ll be a good girl!! I promise!! Try me!!”
He took her to Wally’s too. And when they got back, I knew that he had had a few tatoos made on her. Tatoos… and a single piercing on her body… I couldn’t see any of that right away, but I saw her later that night, when she was forced to be on all fours, right at the entrance to the Hot Spot, all naked, chained to the wall…
…All naked, except for a pair of long black boots covering her pretty smelly feet ( another of Harry’s ideas heea heea ), and going up to her thighs…
She looked strangely beautiful, her long blonde hair covering her face and caressing the dirty floor, and nothing else on but a single, big and heavy silver ring hanging from her belly, and a dog collar attached to her neck and to the wall.
Yes, the contrast between her Very white skin and the long black boots made her look strangely beautiful. So I was hypnotized by the view, and I just stood there, I’m sure already drooling, holding the stupid broom in ma old black hands heea heea heea…
… Until Harry came and asked me if I was done with my cleaning job, since he could see that I was very relaxed. I said, no I wasn’t, and please excuse me, sir, I’m gonna go on with ma chores now… But Harry said to me:
“Well, this little bitch needs to be taught some good manners, don’t you think so, Barth?”
“I- I don’t know, sir. This is none of ma business, I reckon, sir” – I just managed to say.
I’m always terrified to make the bosses angle, since my… room and board ( so to speak ) depend on my ability to have them content with me…
“Come on, don’t be afraid. I think I’ll let you have a nice time with lil Betty here…”
I was going to say no, very embarrassed, but he looked at me impatiently, with that cruel gaze of his… so I just stood there, petrified. I’m sure I looked very ridiculous, still holding the broom in ma hands, and my eyes open wide, all hunted back because of ma fear.
“Just do it. Now” – he said and walked away.
I felt even mo’ embarrassed to have to take ma dick in front of everyone there, and because I’m sure everyone could see ma old trousers, all sewn to cover the holes.
“I’m sorry, nina Betty. You know I can’t say no to the boss” – I said.
She didn’t say nothing, just closed her eyes while I started to shake ma wang. I had sometrouble at first to reach an erection, it had been years since the last time I had had a pussy for me… but then Betty had a nice slim rounded ass, and now a very exclusive tatoo of a red bulleye around it. Right above it, you could read these words:
… tatooed over her lower back, and an arrow pointing to her asshole encircled by the bulleye.
So that made me hot soon, as I’m sure it made hot the countless johns that indeed fucked her ass for free, since she was appointed by Harry HONORARY HOSTESS for the Hot Spot, heea heea heea… didn’t he have a sense of humor, the bastard…
So I just fucked her, man. What could I do? I didn’t last long, I have to say. I’m not young anymore, so what were you expecting? But I at least filled her guts with my still warm milk. I suppose the milk is warm even when you die… but not much longer than that heea heea heea…
Betty didn’t move at all, she just lied there on all fours. We found out laterthat she was what the doctors call a frigid. Yes, she couldn’t feel much pleasure down there. Never. And she wasn’t very pleased either of being fucked by the old cleanup man heea heea heea…
The night went by, and Spice announced on the big apeakers to the johns that were dropping by ( in large numbers again, since the gossip had run away fast, that the show at the Hot Spot was indeed hot ) that Betty was going to be their hostess, and that they could use her body orifices FOR FREE! as warm- up act… and so they did… every night, for many months to come.
There was also another tatoo on her belly, the words:
… and an arrow pointing to her snatch. She must have received whole dozens of littleters of man’s seed in her cunt and in her asshole and in her mouth, all those nights, never being able to have an orgasm to sooth her embarrassment.
But time has come to stop laughing now, because what I’ll tell you made me sad when it happened… and I still feel sad when I remember all the pain that poor Ashley had to suffer after that night.
Well, to begin with, Harry had been very mad at Sam, because Ashley had been treated too roughly the night before, the opening night, and he wanted to know who had prepared the ‘show’ to be that way…
But Sam feigned ignorance and just kept saying that he was the administrator only, and that he didn’t know what Harry was taking about. There was a strange smile on Sam’s lips while he was saying this, though.
“Then who the hell was?” – asked Harry very angry. Then he asked Douglas ( the first time ever, and one of the very few times those two ever exchanged any words at all ), but Douglas smiled too and said that he didn’t know either.
Then Harry went to the bar, and asked Red Mask ( who had taken his mask off his face by then ), and was drinking cold beer there, if he knew who had ordered the show to be that way.
But Red Mask said harshly that he didn’t know, and that he didn’t care either, that he just had done his job and he was waiting for his pay, and that was that, screw the bitch if she hadn’t liked it.
This was no way to talk to Dirty Harry, of course not… but, weird enough, he backed off in silence, after exchanging nasty looks with Red Mask.
Harry had just realized a very disturbing fact: After the show, his pals the drivers weren’t there anymore. Worse, he didn’t know many of the new customers at all…
And now he was alone here, facing the prospect of having to fight not only Red Mask, but very probably also Douglas ( who was a very big man ) and maybe the other bouncers too. And all those bouncers Douglas had summoned from the north looked all like hardened crooks, lemme tell ya…
So Harry was wise in swallowing his hurt pride at that moment, even though Sam and Douglas were laughing dryly behind his back. But sadly, his prudence wasn’t useful anyway, as you’ll soon see.
Fortunately for him, Ashley didn’t see that embarrassing moment. She was taking a shower, feeling all numb and dizzy. She had a very irritating ache inside in her bowels.
Harry came in silently, and looked at her sheepishly while she was under the hot water.
She didn’t say anything. She had felt very sad that Harry had allowed the men to treat her so bad at the show, but she Thought that if that was the way her man wanted things to be, then she would do it. But tears came to her beautiful blue eyes…
“Baby…” – he started. Then, he didn’t know how to go on. He wasn’t used to apologize. He finally managed to say:
“Baby, I’m sorry of what happened…”
She looked at him, very surprised.
“No, baby, I had nothing to do with it. It is true that I’m dominant, and that I want you to be mine and obey my commands… but that was too much, even for me. I had nothing to do with the roughest parts of it. I swear I didn’t”
“But then who…”
“I don’t know exactly. If I did, I’d kill the man. But I think it wasn’t a single man’s decision”
“Sam and his… friends he brought!”
“Right. It was them “
“I never liked those men, Douglas and the other ones he brought with him. You are rough, but they are MEAN. I can see it in their eyes”
“I know, baby… Baby…” – Harry hesitated again, and then, the words he said, it was the first time ever he said those words to anyone… ” Baby, I love you”
Ashley could not believe what her pretty small ears were telling her, at first. Then, she fell to her kness and held Harry’s legs with her small hands.
“Thank you, my love ” – she said.
“Get up, baby. Baby, I was so foolish I can’t stand myself. Baby, we are in danger here. We are in serious danger here. I fear all of Sam’s friends are ex- cons, and that they all were in prison for serious crimes…”
“They certainly look like hardened criminals” – said Ashley.
“Yes. It is my fault.I am very sorry, baby. I’m always playing with life, and now life is playing back with me… only life can be much tougher than I…”
Ashley felt very sad to realize that Harry was actually scared. She offered bravely:
“I will do as you say, my love. I am yours”
“No, no, you don’t understand, baby. We have to get out of here. I just saw hatered in Sam’s eyes. If I’m not here, who knows what they would do to you!!”
Ashley shivered, terrified to death. It was true… She could sense it in Douglas’ mean eyes. Who knows what she would do to her if he laid his hands on her.
“Then let’s go away, Daddy!! Take me away!! I’ll go with you wherever you take me”
“Yes, baby, we’ll do just that. But not now”
“Why not now? Daddy, I can’t stand that goddamned show! ” – she said boldly – ” I wanna be your slave, not other men’s!! I hate them!! They are mean, you care about me but they just want to make me suffer” – she cried again – ” I am not an animal!!”
“Yes you’re right. I’m sorry that I put you through that. I… “
Harry felt to his knees. She caressed his dark hair.
“You don’t have to say you’re sorry with me, you’re my owner. But please let’s go away. I was happier when I was a waitress. Please stand up. It’s me who’s supposed to be at your feet, and not the other way round…”
She managed to make him smile. There were tears in his dark eyes now. Before standing up, he bent and kissed her pretty small feet many times.
“Yes, baby, I promise you I’ll take you out of here. But I can’t now”
“Why not?”
“I don’t have any money left. Stupid me, I put all of my loan and all of my savings into the night club. Now I’m ruined…”
“Oh God. Then what are we going to do now? Can’t you take all the money from last night, and we’ll just get away?”
“No way, with all of the bouncers armed and ready to attack”
“Yes. I’m sorry, baby. That was stupid. I shouldn’t have said that. I just want us togo!!”
“I know. Don’t worry. I’ll go do a… special job”
“What job?”
“Don’t ask. I’ll be back soon. Meanwhile, try to endure the shows. I’ll talk to them in a minute too, I’ll ask them to tone it down” – he looked very sad – ” I’ll go now, baby”
Her eyes were filled with tears again.
“Don’t leave me here, please. I have a horrible feeling in my guts”
“We can’t go away without money. I’ll get very good money for this job ” – he caressed her gorgeous face – ” Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a couple days “
She was terrified.
“Daddy, please don’t go without me…”
He hesitated. He should have taken her hand then and take her out of there even naked, climb in the DarkHorse and just hit the bloody road… but he didn’t. That was a horrible mistake that he would regret hours later, when his life was coming to an end…
If he had taken her with him, both of them would have died… but a few hours later poor Ashley was wanting to die too anyway…
His pride took the best of him. He couldn’t stand being a loser. He had to have money first, to take good care of his baby.
He kissed her lips, and that was a long, delightful one, the kiss of the true lovers.
They didn’t know it was their last kiss.
He went out. She fell to her knees, and started to sob uncontrollably. She was about to run after him, but her submissive nature made her obey her man and stay there, on her knees…
“Please, Sam, do not allow anyone to piss inside her or to hit her that vicious way ever again” – said Harry before leaving -” If that happens again, I’ll get dynamite and I’ll blow the night club to pieces. I swear I’ll do it!!”
The men were not impressed. They were still smiling mockingly, and Sam and Douglas exchanged a quick knowing look, that Harry ( because he was much younger, thus, inexperienced ) couldn’t perceive. To his surprise, Douglas addressed him directly:
“Ok, man, you’s rightt. Da was too much shit on the lil bitch. I dunno who did that, but I’ll not allow any scum to do it again… I’ll take care of it”
Harry was surprised.
Betty had noticed when Harry had backed off on the verge of a fight with Red Mask, and so had I.
Douglas was a black man, just like me, but I didn’t like him either. He was disrespectful on me, Just as all his men were, and he wasn’t a good man, I could tell from miles…
Now Betty saw Harry rushing out, tears in his eyes, and still on all fours she wondered what the hell was happening. Some few johns were still forming a line to fuck her for free, most of them already inside watching the Dallas dancers…
That night’s show was different. Nobody was allowed to piss inside Ashley anymo’, and nobody was allowed to hit her no mo’ either. The men could fuck her on stage still, but the bounces enforced some order to it.
So for a moment, sweet Ashley thought that maybe it wasn’t going to bethat bad after all. But she didn’t know that all of the abuses she had already suffered, were nothing compared to the horrible, inhuman nightmare of pain that was coming her way…
What Harry had planned to go back and take Ashley out of there, was to agree to do a quick job. He had friends in California. They had offered him to transport drug in his trailer more than once. He had always said no to them, but this time he said yes, because there was big money on the job.
All he had to do was take the cargo to the north in Oregon, they had said… But when the men were loading the crack packages into his trailer, he didn’t know he was never going to complete the trip.
Some hours later, he was driving in the forests of Northern California, DarkHorse struggled to go up a very inclined hill, all full with the drug.
Then, DarkHorse had it easier, when the road followed downhill. The trailer gained speed dangerously, but Harry was an expert driver, and he used the powerful engine to slow down the speedometer.
Still, it wasn’t enough, and the trailer started to zig zag somewhat. Harry had already thought distractedly that the brakes hadn’t been responding as smoothly as usual. But he had too much confidence in his impressive DarkHorse, so he didn’t worry, and he pushed the brakes pedal about one third.
Suddenly, the heavy air brakes failed, and there was a big SSSSSSSSSSSSS!! noise outside the cabin.
The road had been straight for a while, but the contours of Lake Cheetachooga were visible now, in the late night, and there were heavy curves ahead of him…
DarkHorse was zigzagging violently now, struggleling to remain on the road…
He understood. He had thought he was very smart… but he reckoned he wasn’t. These crooks had easily fooled him.
He understands why Douglas had promised to protect Ashley from further abuses by the customers. He was only distracting him… Making him forget the important thngs.
“You slashed the brakes rubbers, just a little bit, you motherfuckers!!” – he thought – “… How clever…”
He felt suddenly very sad. What would they do to Ashley? He wouldn’t be there to protect her fragile body…
The trailer resembled a mad giant snake, violently sliding down the road. Harry opened the door and tried to jump out, but it was late. The cabin had Just easily broken the road’s protections.
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