The Waitress Ch. 3

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This story is dedicated to sweet Connie the Cunt- slurrp** slurrpp*** 🙂


… Ashley was sucking Paulie’s cock softly, increasing enjoying the feel of a cock in her mouth ( something she was always reluctant to do in her old days as a married housewife was to suck cock; now she was discovering that she had been denying herself of delightful pleasures! ). Suddenly Harry pulled her by her hair, and said ominously ( Paulie’s dick went out of her mouth with a loud pop ):

“… And you better get used to swallow the cum when you suck cock, did you hear that, cunt? My friends complained to me that you refused to do so while sucking them, the days when I wasn’t here… I didn’t like to hear that, cunt. You will swallow the cum everytime they pay you to do so! Is that clear, bitch?”

“Y-yes…”- said Ashley, afraid of making him angry.

“That’s ‘yes, Daddy’, for you, whore!”

“Yes, Daddy” – she said without hesitation, a look of abject password in her beautiful blue eyes…

He released her beautiful red hair and snapped his fingers, and immediately Ashley took Paulie’s cock in her sweet mouth, and resumed sucking him again, taking all of his dick in Her throat, until he came loudly… Ashley swallowed all of his sperm obediently, and kept sucking him fervently, until Harry took her by the hair rudely again.

“That’s better, honey. You’re learning fast. That’s my baby…”

She looked him in the eye briefly, enjoying his affectionate words almost to the point of crying, but then noticed the stern gaze in his eyes, and instinctively lowered her head and looked at the floor, in an ages old display of the female’s submission to the male…

“Harry!”- yelled Trish suddenly. She was looking outside the window. The highway patrolwas slowly getting off the highway and heading for Sam’s parking lot.

“Shit, they came after all!”- said Harry- “Well, we don’t want any troubles with the law, do we? Let’s go to Sam’s backyard. We still may have a good time there with our little toy… Now, crawl, baby. Go there on your hands and knees… Move bitch!”

He quickly led her by the chain attached to the dog collar on her neck, and there she went, on her hands and knees, out to the restaurant’s backyard, followed by Harry’s friends, while the waitresses frantically sprayed deodorant in order to vanish the smell of pussy and semen from the air…

“Oh hi, officers, nice to see you!”- Trish greeted the policemen, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, so they looked at her proudly.


There was no concrete floor, so it was all mud because of the rain… There was a big log in the middle, that Sam used as a benchmark. Harry pulled Ashley by the hair until she stood up, and ordered her to stand still. Then he proceeded to tie her hands to a small tree that was in front, with cord, and he fastened it to her wrists until she gasped in pain… There was fear in her eyes. She was now held prone facing the tree, her hands in front of her, her wait painfully scratched by the log, her bottom exposed to whatever might come…

“Hey these cute shoes, I paid $ 200 for them!… They gonna be ruined if I don’t take care of them”- said Harry. He took the high heels off Ashley’s pretty small feet, so she now had to stand on tip toes, because the cord was very tight on her wrists…

“Hey, look at that ass!”- said Charlie. In spite of her small frame, Ashley had ample hips and tighs, and absolutely gorgeus fat ass cheeses. She looked seductive as hell, with her ample bottom and short legs, her small toes barely sustaining her, all exposed and defenseless…

She wanted to beg for mercy; she was so afraid now she was trembling… What were they going to do to her? She wanted tobeg Harry for mercy, but was too scared of making him angry, so she only gasped and cried, terrified of saying the wrong thing.

“She’s trembling…” – said one of the men with a chuckle.

“Yes. She’s my little girl. She needs her Daddy. Well, gentlemen…” – said Harry, welcoming his pals to enjoy her charms with a wave of his hand.

“Wait a minute!”- said Paulie. “I just found out I paid $ 150 for a blow job, but Roddy here says he got the same for $ 80 a few days ago!”

“Oh… Is that true, sweetie? So my little slut is doing business by herself, without asking Daddy for permission? I didn’t know that ( of course he did ). Tss tss… You’re a bad, bad baby… I’ll teach you how to behave yourself, honey, and when I’m done with you, you won’t forget the lesson, believe me…”

She shook uncontrollably, out of sheer fear, a wild look in her pretty eyes.

“No! Please!”

“What did you say?…”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. No, Daddy… please. I need themoney for my son. You know that. I didn’t mean to upset you. I didn’t know…”- she was crying softly by now.

“Well, you’ll get to know, baby. Pretty soon…”- he said with a sinister tone of voice that started even his friends.

“No! Please! Please!”- she begged, totally terrified.

“You’ll regret having been so slutty, bitch!” – he suddenly barked at her ear.

“Eeeeeekkhh!!” – she shrieked, a terrible high pitched sound escaping from her throat, her small body trembling in terror…

Harry was smiling while Ashley lost control and couldn’t avoid peeing, to her infinite shade, as her pee went down her legs all the way to her feet. She was crying and gasping, feeling miserable and humiliated, when Harry started to softly cares her cunt with his hand, from behind.

“My poor baby. My sweet little baby… I love my little darling Ashley…”- he whispered to her ear, in his best fake- tenderness voice.

“Oooh Daddyyyyy…”- said poor Ashley. She started to thrust her behind against his hand, to meet his cares… She lost control of herself once more, and soon came in his hand, while repeating:” Daddy… oh Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!…”

“I told you”- Harry instructed his buddies.- “She’s got no self- control at all. Tame her fragile mind – and as you see, that ain’t difficult-, and she’ll do anything you want her to do…”

“I think I wanna do that!”- said Paulie cheerfully, looking at her want bottom still convulsing out of control, her orgasm still not fading…

“No way, dude. She’s mine! I’m just telling you how to tame a bitch… It’s easier than to tame a pet…”

“I still paid more than Roddy, and I think…”

“Yeah you’re right, Paulie. You got a point there. Well, I was still thinking how to organize this, when you guys started to fuck her by your own will… Ok, let me think for a minute, you punks…”


Some hours later, the highway patrool offers had gone away, and many big trucks had come and parked at Sam’s.

“Hi Sam. Harry summoned us tonight. He’s got something to tell us. Where is he?”- said one of them.

“He’s in the backyard. Go one by one there, with a minute between each of you… Remember, one by one. We don’t want any trouble…”


They were all gathered, 17 in all, waiting for Harry to talk. He was up on the log, and he looked just as serious as your neighborhood politician before a public speech. Meanwhile poor Ashley was prone over the big log, on tip toes, showing her ass bare naked to the men. They had put a big light right in front of the improved stage, and Ashley’s buttocks were shining brightly, her own wetness between her thighs quite obvious… Sam had to concede the guy had a sense of humor…

“Ok listen fallas, she’s my bitch, ok? That’s point number one. You can fuck her, but we’ll set the rates now, so that it is fair business for everybody – he looked charminglyat Paulie while saying this-. Ok, you can have her cunt for $ 150. You can have her ass for $ 200. If you want a blow job, it’s gonna be $ 100 if you want her to swallow your putrid scum, or only $ 50 for a quickie suck without her swallowing…”

All of the men laughed and applauded cheerfully.

“Hey!!”- said Sam, obviously angry- “This is my restaurant you’re in. Don’t make noise now you guys! Or we’ll all end up in jail. You hear that?”

“Listen to Sam, listen to him, you punks” – Harry said mockingly, as if scolding spoiled brats.- “OK, you are not allowed to treat her roughly in ANY way, you hear that? She’s my bitch and only I can do that. And if anyone forgets this warning, because he’s too drunk or whatever, I’ll remind him personally how he should treat my lady… Understand boys?”

All of them nodded in silence. No one wanted to face Dirty Harry’s ( that was his nickname ) wild fury. The last hapless falla that chose to do so ended in the hospital, and hadto remain there for weeks, his jaw broken in pieces, among several other shattered bones…

Ashley moved nervously on her toes, sensing the fear Harry inspired in his colleagues, the poor girl almost peeing again down her legs out of sheer terror… She almost couldn’t stand anymore on her toes, but anytime she tried to rest on her heels, the excruciating pain on her wrists prevented her from doing so. But she wouldn’t dare to interrupt him now, she would certainly be punished, she knew it. So she painfully breathed deeply and stood on her small cute toes, now snow white because of the weight of her heavy hips upon them depriving them of blood…

“I want you to pass the flyers I’ll make to all the comrades you know all over the country… Your set of flyers for each one will have your name in them. For each new customer you bring, you will receive $ 10 dlls credit that will be good to use at ‘the house’…”

“The house?” – the men asked- “What the hell you talking about?”

“Ha ha!! Allow me to talk, please, kind gentlemans… Sam here has graciously agreed to build in his premises an… extension to the restaurant. It will be a joint for us the heroic truck drivers, to have a time of pleasure in between our hard work tasks! It will be our own WHOREHOUSE!!”

The men cheered and whistled wildly this time…

“Hey!! I told you, you morons! Shut up now!” – shouted Sam, but even he was laughing, thinking that indeed Dirty Harry had a brain, apart from that big cock of his… and thinking of all the thousands of dollars they would make…

“Well, Sam, please understand our men. They have reasons to be happy!! From now on, they will have a sweet pretty young thing to fuck everytime they want, in the company of their peers, and without having to go face the ugly old witch at home for that ha ha!! Ain’t I great?!”

“Yes” – the men shouted in unison.

“Ain’t I great?!”

“Yes” – they shouted again.

“Ok, friends. You know I’m doing this because I want big money, but also you know I’m doing it for you, my brothers, the Warriors of the Road!!”

They whistled and yelled wildly again. Sam looked at Harry sternly, as if warning him that they were making too much noise.

“Ok, friends. Sam thinks we should calm down a bit. I think he’s right. So shut up now and listen”

No More noise… Sam thought some politicians would kill to have Harry’s self confidence and charisma…

“Ok. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? But we’ll need some big effort in order to achieve our little paradise. I’ll be direct. We need funds. We need money to build the joint. We’ll use cheap materials, but still we’ll need money for that. We’ll need money to pay for a license to be able to have our own night club with a permit to sell hard drinks in it… And we’ll need money for furniture and boxes of booze… And we’ll need money to make the flyers, and the artwork for the flyers, which will include color photos of soe of the ladies naked… “

“That sounds like too much, Harry”- said Charlie with a frown, thinking that Dirty Harry was scheming one of his little frauds again…

“Yeah, I know, Charlie. It IS too much. But then, paradise is not an easy thing to get. Now think of sweet Ashley rubbing your feet and kissing them while you’re comfortable resting in a real nice place – as opposed to the quickies in the cabin -, just like heaven must be, with a naked angel trying your every desire and all… And I know we all make very good money in our work line, so come on…”

He saw the hesitation in their eyes. Yeah, you want the paradise, but for free, you morons, he thought. So he drew his aces on the table…

“Everyone of you contributing to the business, will receive special treatment as honorary members, and will have an open credit line… just in case you’re short of funds one day… Let’s not fool ourselves, ok? We all can get a juicy loan from the union. We know that,Fellers. I myself will ask for a loan too. That bloody union is always exploiting us. It is time it helps us live a better life”. – He prepared the final stroke. Right to the jugular- “Who wants to go home anymore to fuck the old witch that’s always in a bad mood? Think!! We can have our own paradise ready in a few days!!… Ok… tell you what: ALL of you will have Ashley for free for the whole of the inauguration month everytime you drop by!!”

They looked at each other.

“I’ll ask for a loan!”

“Me too!”

“Me too!!”

“I have $ 300 now. I’ll give them to you”

“I have $ 200″…


Nearly all of them decided to support the ‘project’ in the end, and the few ones that didn’t were relieved by Harry in no uncertain terms that they would receive no special treatment at all, should they want to go to the joint one night…

“Alright. Sam will lead the accounting for the business. Now it is time for pleasure. My little darling is freezingout here”- he touched her buttocks, and they were cold as ice. She shivered. She couldn’t help but begging…

“Daddy… please could you release my hands? I can’t stand on my toes anymore”

He looked at her, amused.

“Please, Daddy. I’ll be good”

He kissed her lips savagely.

“Sure, baby”

He released her hands from the cord. There were purple marks in her wrists, and her palms and fingers were numb.

“Betty!!” – he yelled.

The girl came running.


“Bring the camera. We’re going to have fun now. Baby, you are not allowed to stand up. Why did you do that?”

Her eyes showed intense fear.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Daddy” – she quickly went prone again, resting her arms on the log, showing her ass cheeks to the men again.

“Tonight’s for free, gentlemen. It’s on the house. I want you to fuck her in the ass, one by one, for as long as you can fuck her, and until her asshole is so wide open that I can see her heart thru it!! But let’s clean her ass of shit first, I don’t want her to taint you with her excrements. Besides, I wanna teach her a lesson. She resisted me at first, and now I’ll teach her to be my obedient slave, if she doesn’t want to suffer”

“No. No. No, Daddy!!! Please don’t!! I’ll be good. No please, Daddy!! NO, please don’t!!” – she started to cry and sob pathetically. She tried to run, but fast as a cat he pulled her by the hair and slapped her hard on the face, twice. She gasped in pain. He then proceeded to tie her hands to the tree again, and she ended up in very much the same position as before, her arms extended towards the tree, her belly over the log, her bare as facing the men, the full weight of her body upon her toes. This time her ankles were tied to the base of the log too, so she could hardly move at all, except for shaking her hips, which she did wildly, once she saw what was coming…

Betty handed him an enema vase, and he introduced the attached plug into her anus.

“Noooo!!”- she cried.

“It is necessary, baby. You have no self- control at all. Hell, my little niece is more in control of herself than you are of yourself!! You have to learn a lesson from Daddy…”

Betty filled the enema vase with warm milk mixed with laxative. Harry kept the vase higher than Ashley’s head, thus little by little the whole liter of warm milk went down through the tube and into her intestines. Ashley cried in pain, her bowels being distended by the warm liquid. Betty filled the vase with the mixture again, and the procedure was repeated, until the poor girl’s belly looked somewhat bigger, and she felt the urgent need to evacuate her intestines. She was trembling and sobbing in agoy.

“You are not allowed to loosen your ass, understand, baby? If you do, you’ll be punished”

“I-I ccan’t ho-hold it!”- she said stuttering.

“You better hold it, sweetheart”

There was a cruel smile in his lips; everyone wasexpected.

“Girls!! You gotta come to see this!”- Betty called the other waitresses triumphantly.

When they came, they had a good time pointing at poor Ashley and laughing at her.

“Look at the silly bitch, ha ha ha!!”- they laughed – ” She was the proper lady of the house and look at her now, ha ha!!”

With a loud farting noise, her tortured sphincter gave way, and a mix of milk, dietive juices and excrement went down her legs, and ended on her feet and finally formed a foul smelling mass between her legs.

“Look at yourself, Ashley. You are a mess of a little whore”- laughed Harry- ” I bet none of the gentlemen here would like to have a try at your cute ass now ha ha!!!”

She cried and sobbed in humiliation. Why was he doing this to her? When she loved him so… God!! What was that, for love’s sake. She couldn’t love him! She couldn’t be falling for this cruel man!! She felt she was the worst slut in the world… She felt even more goal for herself,and cried sentimentally, sobbing uncontrollably. Interestingly enough, her cries now closely resembled those of a little girl…

“Ah Betty, I’m sorry to say that little Ashley is a very bad girl. She is not an obedient baby and she has to be punished further!”

“Nooo!! Pleaaase!””

“As you wish, handsome!”- said Betty very enthusiastically.

Betty filled the vase with the milk with laxative again, and the procedure was repeated. The men were very turned on to see the tube inside Ashley’s ass, she moaning softly now, resigned to her luck, accepting the punishment she now strangely thought she deserved. Her belly was bigger now, again filled almost to the limit with the milk.

“Remember, slut, you are not allowed to loosen your ass. If you do, you will be punished… understand, baby? Try harder now!”

“Yes…”- she said, feeling all dizzy.


“Yes, Daddy”

She stood there from more than half an hour, restraining her spincter as bestshe could, which means to tighten her ass muscles as hard as possible, while the men were drinking whiskey, laughing at her and making bets on how long would she stand. But then her toes betrayed her, not being able to sustain the full weight of her wanton body anymore, and her heels took over briefly.. That move was all her sphincter needed to open instinctively. With an even louder farting sound, her shit mixed with the milk came out and slide down her legs, adding to the pile of foul smelling matter already at her feet…

“Mmhhhhaa!!” – she moaned in relief.

“Ha ha!! Let’s do it again” – said Betty, very amused.

“No. Enough of that. I guess these gentlemen are anxious to enjoy Ashley’s charms, now that’s she’s more… mellow hee hee…”

“Just one more time, Harry” – insisted Betty – ” She looks so funny!”

“I said enough, Betty… Unless you wanna be the one who receives the enema, honey?” – he said menacingly.

“No. No. Sorry, baby. I… was just kidding”- said Betty smiling nervously, involuntarily tightening her ass muscles.

The men had been drinking whiskey heavily, and now they were all primitive animals ready to attack their prey…

Charlie was given the honor to start the fire. He extremely spat on Ashley’s ass, who was now feeling spent and calm, and most of all relieved that there would be no more enemyas… She was more than willing to Take Charlie’s cock in her ass. He spat on her ass hole and just went into her with a rude thrust. She moaned softly, now getting used to the strange pleasures of anal sex…


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