The Waitress Ch. 4

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I dedicated this story to hot Connie the Cunt.
Slurrp slurp!! 🙂


The birds were singing merrily all around. It was the morning sun that was bringing some warmth to her exhausted body, but still she was trembling, feeling cold… Her bones hurt. Her legs and feet hurt, after all those hours of standing on her toes. Her belly hurt, the enemys having distended her abdomen painfully… Her wrists hurt, and there were ugly purple marks on them… Her asshole was very sore, having been forced to receive big cocks for hours, and because the plastic plug was still inside her, pressing her delicate membranes… She couldn’t move, all tied up as she was… And still she felt sheer aboration by now, for the cruel man that was bringing this nightmare of pain to her… She couldn’t wait for himto come back, as he had promised. She was all nervous, anxiously longing for an affectionate word from him… even if it means more punishment right after, as it surely would be… The realization that she actually was a masochist person – just like her own mother had been; Ashley’s drunkard father used to beat the hell out of the poor woman practically every day, but nevertheless she died loving him – was fully sinking in her guts by now, filling her soul with awe… and sexual craving.


The sunlight hurt her eyes ( well, everything else was already aching in her tortured body, so welcome mr. Sun!, she thought quizzically ). Sam had opened the cage.

“How you doing, girl” – he asked.

She didn’t answer. She glanced around nervously, looking for Harry.

“He’s Here, eating something at one of the tables. Come out”

He had to carry her out of the cage. She could hardly stand up, so beaten up she was. Sam untied her and help her walk some steps.

“I’ll call him” – he offered.


“Oh there she is, my little slut. I hope you had a good night, baby” – he laughed. He was munching chicken bones still, noisily- ” Betty here says she forget to bring you your meal. Bad, bad Betty” – he chuckled again.

“Oh you know I hate her guts. Why should I feed her? She used to be so cliché, always Pretending to be the great lady… Ha!… Look at how she behaved last night! She’s a piece of shit”

Harry was amused.

“Hey you’re mean, Betty! Bad girl, bad girl…”

Ashley’s feelings were very hurt by this display of indifference by him. Tears fell down her cheeks, but she remained silent. She thought she’d like to die…

He smelled her.

“Baby, you stink. You need a shower badly hee hee…” – he stumbled… then she noticed… he was drunk.

“You really need to have a bath hee hee… but I think I’ll test your endurance first. I wanna see if you’re now ready to become my full time slave, cunt”

She was tired and spent, but still she felt her anus contracting tightly, cold shirts running through her body. Was it fear or sexual yearning? Who cares anymore, she thought, probably both. She couldn’t distinguish fear from lust clearly anymore…

“Betty, think of something humiliating for this bitch. I’m not done with her yet. She’s so silly a bitch that I want to see more tears in her eyes again…”

Betty’s eyes shone with perverse pleasure.

“Oh that’s easy, baby!”- she said.

Betty had something in mind already. She was a pretty blue- eyed blonde of slender figure who attracted men easily. A bit on the cheap- looking moll side, but still definitely pretty. She had one defect, though. Her feet were always smelly, and everyone knew that at Sam’s. Now after a long shift there, she knew her feet were going to be terribly smelly and sweaty when she took out her closed shoes, which she did.

“Get on all fours, bitch! I want you to lick and suck my toesclean!” – shouted Betty perversely.

Ashley looked at Harry instinctively, embarrassment making her blush intensely.

“Yes, obey Betty’s commands. She’s got my permission to abuse you”

She suddenly felt indignant.

“But… WHY?!”

He slapped her hard.

“Never raise your voice to me, honey” – he said calmly – ” Next time you do that, I’ll crush your bones”

She shuddered.

“No! Forgive me, please. Daddy, I’ll take anything you do to me, but her… please do not allow her. She’s the real bitch, she never liked me!!…- she sobbed.

“I’m doing this to you, so you have no choice, slut. You must prove your total submission to me. Thus, you’ll do as I want! Fail to be obedient, and last night will seem child’s play to you, compared to what I’ll do to you, bitch!! You’re mine and you’ll do as I say!!”

She lowered her head again. Nothing hurt her more than his shouting at her viciously. She wanted to say ‘Yes, Daddy, please forgive me, Daddy. Please don’t talk to me as if you hated me, please, it hurts me too much’, but she couldn’t talk at all. She could only sob in deep sorrow, her beautiful face so sad that Sam was feeling strongly tempted to stop vile Harry dead in his tracks… but he thought better. There was too much money at stake, so he decided to keep his cool…

“Get on all fours, you silly bitch!!” – yelled Betty, unmoved by Ashley’s pain.

She sat on the dirt and took her shoes off. Her feet were nearly as pretty and delicate and small as Ashley’s, but so smelly that Harry and Sam had to step back.

“Gee, Betty, don’t you ever scrub with soap those cute toes of you? Shit!”- said Harry, covering his nose.

“Very funny, baby” – she said to him, and then to poor Ashley:- ” Lick and suck my feet clean, you silly whore!! And don’t forget to lick between all of my toes!”

Ashley felt devastatingly humiliated. Betty being her natural foe ( they had hated each other’s guts at first sight )made Harry’s sadistic antis almost unbearable. She hesitated, seemingly unable to give in to this mean bitch…

For the first time, Harry felt doubts about his control over her… He knew he had to threaten her more seriously.

“I will say this only once, Ashley. If you don’t do it… this and everything else I command you to do…” – he recalled slowly – “… you will be dead to me. Even if it means cancelling the plans for the night club, if you ever disobey me, you will cease to exist for me… So if you wanna be free, go ahead and free yourself, anytime you want. But be aware that you will not be able to step back. Once you cut the tie between me and you, it will be gone forever… Otherwise, if you want to be mine, you will belong to me totally, in body, mind and soul. I am loving you already, in my own way, but my love is absolute. The choice is yours…”

“Oh don’t say that! How can you love this ridiculous bitch!” – said Betty red with jealousy- “Of course youdon’t love her!”

“Shut up, Betty. No one asked for your opinion on the matter”- he said ominously. In that moment, a bit of Ashley’s pain magically went out of her and landed in Betty’s poisoned heart. Betty felt the humiliation burning her!

“Lick my feet, y-you b-bitch!”- Betty yelled, and her voice broke in the middle of the sentence. She wasn’t able to avoid a couple of tears running down her face.

Ashley felt secretly happy because Daddy – in her tortured mind he no longer was Harry, but Daddy – had defended her against this evil woman… or so she wanted to believe… Almost contentedly she started licking Betty’s toes clean, ignoring the strong cheese- like smell of her feet.

“Swallow your saliva, sweetheart”- said Harry- ” I want you to fully taste Betty’s feet. Don’t spit or you’ll regret it”

She obeyed. She swallowed her saliva, well-impregnated of Betty’s feet smell and sweaty matter. After a few minutes Betty’s feet weren’t smelly anymore and were shiny clean.

“Good job!”- said Harry playfully- ” I now certainly like your pretty toes better, Betty”

Betty didn’t answer. She was feeling obfuscated and terribly jealous nevertheless.

“Mhh… now let me think what else we’ll do to my bitch just to test her…”

“Can I suggest something?”- asked Betty, suddenly interested.

“Mhh… Nah… You already had your satisfaction”

( Not quite!- thought Betty, full of hatred )

Harry looked at Sam, all of a sudden.

“Sam, have you ever thought of fucking Ashley?” – he asked casually, as if he was discussing the sports scores.

Sam looked obviously started.

“What?! You’re not thinking seriously… I means… I’m old…”

“What do you mean you’re old? Your wang is dead already or what?”

“No, no. Of course not! It’s just that…”


“Nothing. Nothing. You’re serious?”

“Do I look like I’m not?”

For some obscure reason, the mere thought of being fuckedby the old man sent fire shocks through Ashley’s crotch. It reminded her of her own father, the drunken bastard that she hated… and loved, to the day of his death. A death caused by severe alcoholism… Ashley remembered feeling all horny when she was 19 and her old father was caresing her legs in her sleep. Her mother came suddenly and made a scene, and that was it, her father never dared to touch her again… but the memory remained in her mind, the memory of her cunt all wet because her own father was caresing her legs in her sleep… He had left her so horny that morning that she had had to finish herself off to orgasm with her own hand, while her mother was crying and insulting the old man…

Suddenly Sam was in front of her, his cock already out of his long old- fashioned trousers, a big erection standing right in front of her face. She was amazed to see that old fart Sam had a cock just as huge as Harry’s!! Perhaps not as long, but even thicker!! And not as long by nothing more than a tiny bit, she thought perplexed!!

“Hey look at Sam! He’s my man! The old man has a big pecker! Shit!” – admitted Harry.

“Am I supposed to have a little one because I’m old?”- asked Sam obviously offended.

“No, no. It’s just that… hey… cool down, man. No offense intended. You’re my man”

Sam made Ashley lie down on the dirt, on her back. He instinctively went for the missionary position, his life belonging to an older generation.

“Hell, sweetie, I have to admit that yes, I have dreamt of being between your thighs more than once… but then who wouldn’t, you being the grogeous beauty that you are? Everybody is having you lately… Maybe I should have that joy too”

“It’s ok” – she said, her Feelings moved by his flattering, gentlemanly words.

She soon had to admit that the man was well- endowed indeed!! … As if her eyes hadn’t told her before… Was he well- endowed!! A few soft thrusts of his huge penis inside her pussy and she was already melting down there… He did things that no one there had done. He kissed her lips tenderly, time and again. He held her big breasts in his hands and caresed them softly, at times sucking her nipples gently. He looked for her tongue with his. His hands caresed her back and buttocks while thrusting inside her, softly in and out, but violently and pushing gently his cock straight to the end of her vagina… His cock was thicker than anyone else’s, and it made her feel a new kind of desperate heat in her moist pussy lips… The man had been a true lover when young, and never forget how to do things… Too much heat for a body as responsive as Ashley’s…

… He provoked a distinct different kind of moaning in her. Soft, rhythmic, intensely password moans, in a wanton tone of voice far lower than hers…

“Ah… ah… ah… ah… ah… Ahhhh… Agh… Mgh… ahh… ahh… ahh… ahh… ahh… ahh… ahh… Mmmhhhhhhhh…” – her orgasm took its time to come, but when it came, she felt like dying in grace… She nearly passed out in wave after wave of peerless pleasure…

Harry was speechless for once, his mouth wide open in disbelief. Quite obviously, the old man had managed to give her more pleasure than anyone else could, himself included, he hated to admit!!

“How about that” – said Betty, stupefied too – ” Sam, I know you’ve never asked me to be with you, but I want you to know that anytime you want to… I won’t be such a fool to say no!”

“Well, well…” – chuckled Sam – ” God knows you’re pretty. I wouldn’t say no to you either, honey… if you care to scrub your feet well with soap first!!”

Everybody laughed, including Ashley. She felt so good Suddenly.

“Well, I better go now”- said Sam, all of a sudden feeling shy, hiding his massive cock under his old- fashioned pants – ” Every time I leave the girls alone in the kitchen they mess up everything. Betty, go to sleep now. I want you here for the night shift”

“Yes, sir!”


Ashley was still smiling happily when Harry said:

“I’m not done with you yet, bitch”

She looked at him silently, the fear returning to her, but at the same time feeling some kind of strange inner peace. Harry ordered her to fall on her knees. She did languidly, and then he pulled out his enormous cock.

“Suck me, bitch!”

She did as ordered, only this time she wasn’t feeling any pleasure at all, and her sucking was mechanical, devoid of any emotion. It showed, and Harry was furious.

“Oh just what I thought! So the old fart made ya cum so strongly that now you’re all satisfied and you don’t need me eh? You slut!! You miserable, pitiful WHOOORE!! You’ll pay for this, you despicable bitch!!”

He pulled her by the hair with both hands and forced his way into her throat until she gagged painfully and started to salivate profusely… He kept thrusting his oversized cock inside her throat, making her gag, and makingher feel like puking… He used all the wild strength of his muscle arms to force his way down her throat, until what seemed impossible happened: his huge cock was inside her sweet mouth up to the balls… each thrust was harder, hitting her loudly in the back of her throat, making her salivate so much that there was now a flow of thick salivate streams running from her sweet lips and down to her feet, like long sinful cobwebs hanging on her breasts, belly, thighs, calves, and down to her feet. Her throat was now making a pitiful gargling sound with each wild thrust of him, and she felt she was going to die asfixiated by his monstrous phallus… She tried to beg for mercy, but only incomprehensible sounds came out of her mouth.

“Ngh… Mhk…. Mghhhhhh!!! Umghhhh!!!”

He finally came in her sweet mouth, and ordered her to swallow up to the last drop. But she couldn’t help gagging and gasping uncontrollably, desperately struggle to breath by then, and she ended up puking onhis cock while involuntarily pushing him away, with a sudden strength that came from who knows where… Her survive instinct, the primary instinct, proving to be stronger than any twisted password…

“What?! What?! You dare to do this to me!! To ME!!!”

He hit her hard with his fist cinched, on her gorgeous face. She fell on the dirt, immediately losing conscience. He got to kicking her wildly, on her belly, on her back, and he was about to kick her face, when Sam yelled at him, coldly:

“You do that and I’ll blow your brain to pieces”

Sam was holding tightly his old rifle, directly pointing it to Harry…

Harry was panting, like the wild fiend he was…

They looked at each other’s eyes, man to man. Harry was furious, and felt tempted to jump over Sam, but Thought better. He knew that Sam was no fool to mess around with…

” I… I… “

“Shut up and go now, you scum, I should call the police!!”

“Take it easy, man. Look, I…”

“Just shut the fuck up and go, or by God that I’ll shoot you!!”

Harry extended his hands in the air, as if to appear the old man.

“Alright. Ok. You win. You’re the big man…”

“Just go…”


“Betty, I can’t understand why you like that asshole so much” – said Sam- “As I can’t understand why you hate Ashley so much”

“I don’t want to talk” – Betty was crying.

“Ashley, go have a shower now. You stink” – said Sam- ” And after that go to the kitchen. Gretchen will fix you something to eat. And take that silly plug out of your ass, for the Queen Elizabeth’s sake!! Hell!!”


As the hot water ran across her beautiful, now misreated marble white skin, Ashley tried to think of all that had happened lately. She hardly could understand that insane desire of hers to be subjugated by a man… She was an intelligent woman. How could this have happened to her? What hideous creativity was lurking inside her, ready to take over and fill her with depravation and shame? She now had realized that it had been there, dormant, for years, instigated by her watching her father everyday brutally overwhelming her poor mother’s weak personality with his cave man demeanor. Ashley’s mind had absorbed that notion of the dominant one and the submissive one, until it believed it was the right way to live a life. She could grap this, but now, how would she be able to shake it out of herself? She didn’t even know if it was right or wrong, all she knew was she wanted it. Desperately. She hadn’t known how desperately. She was ashamed of her absurd, degrading behavior of the past few days. If little Tim only knew who his mother really was… an abject who looking for punishment for her father’s sins!! How crazy, how sharp a miserable life…

She Understoo too that cruel Harry had only been the trigger for something that was already there, ready to be taken as prey… But still she wondered how was she going to be able to not get wet just to know that he wanted her? To not beg for his affectionate words, even knowing fully well that they were fake, just as fake as he was?! How could she feel… love?… for this monster of hatred? She sensed his smiles and jokes were hiding a very bitter heart, she knew that. And still she wanted him, his rough cares, his sadistic demands on her too- responsive body…

And Sam… She felt all confused now. He made love to her ever so gently… the way she had imagined real love had to be, when she was a little girl and she read those silly corny romance novellas… If she was given the choice, she’d much prefer to be loved that tender way, always. But Sam was much older… What was she thinking? Her pathetic life was doomed, she thought… Harry would never love her, because, she reasoned, she probably was not capable of loving at all… No one with that cruelty in his heart could possibly love…

“My son… I have to go to his school”- she remembered shamefully.

She put on her simple grey skirt and white blouse, and her sandals. There was a big purple mark on her right cheekbone now, right where Harry had hit her. She thought that Mr. Sanders, the school director, was certainly going to wonder what was she doing in her spare time… Her whole life was a practical mess.

When she got to the kitchen, the waitresses there suddenly stopped talking and looked at her as if she was an alien from another planet. She figured that they had been gossiping about her. Oh how she hated them now. If she had money, she would take his son and would go to live in Canada or something, she thought…

“Sam asked me to prepare you something to eat” – said Gretchen the cook. She was a fat and friendly middle aged woman, and looked at Ashley sympathetically – ” Here, sweetie. This is delicious and I made it for you”

“Thank you”- said Ashley, wondering just how much Gretchen knew about what had been happening at Sam’s lately. Most probably every single detail, knowing those bitches, she thought shamefully.


Sam was seriously considering sending to hell that wildly crazy plan of the night club, and wanting to forbid Harry to ever come again to HIS restaurant, when the telephone rang. It was Harry.

“Harry, I am not in the mood for you right now, ok? No, I don’t want to listen to you. We’ll talk later” – he was About to hang up when Harry said something that made him indeed listen actively.


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