You cannot use this story for any commercial purpose, and you cannot publish it in any website other than Literotica. Respect original writing. Thanks.
I dedicated this story to Connie the Hot Cunt, and its conclusion to miss X, there in Alabama.
Thanks very much to all the readers that heartily agreed with me in my points of view that I expressed in episode 9. It is true that most of the readers in this site are enlightened people, I have witnessed that time and again. Thank you so much for your support.
I was very angry, but still the editors of this site published all of my comments without any censorship. I applaud that, for it is about the best thing that can happen to the Internet, that there be total freedom of expression… and remember that the Internet is just a mirror of our ‘real’ world… so defend please freedom of expression at all costs.
About the reality or lack of it of the Internet, I can only say that I found my true love on the Internet… so if you say to me that the Internet is just ‘virtual’ reality, I just won’t believe you… So when we’re defending freedom here, we are defending it in the real world as well, for they are the same…
Ok, I’ll get off my soap box now…
The story comes to its end, hope you enjoyed it… Goldsssnake.
Still in California soil, Harry went to a gym for six weeks. He had much to accomplish there. His body was in bad shape. He had gained lots of fat on his belly. He worked and worked and worked out really hard, a single obsessive goal in his mind…
“Do it, you moron!! This is my Harry? Oh boy, this ain’t my Harry, this is some sissy girl!! Can’t carry 20 more pounds, the cutie!”
“Leave my baby alone, Wally! He’s trying his best!”
Yes, Betty and Wally and Harry’s sister Grace were there, to give him engagement. What Harry had learned about Ashley’s new life had devastated him…
Sam drank onceMore from the bottle… He went to Douglas’ chambers and entered without knocking…
Ashley was sucking Douglas’ cock, on her knees. She could barely take the head and little else inside her mouth.
Douglas looked at the old man, annoyed.
“Didn’t your mommy teach you to knock on the doors, Samsta?”
“I want to fuck her. You never let me touch her. I’ve been longing for her for months!! I never both you, but today I’m hot!”
“Oh… old Samsta is hot… I see. Well, I can call one of the girls to serve you. Even two of them, if you so wish…”
“No. I want HER”
“Mhh… Do you wanna be with old Samsta, cunt?”
“Y-you have taught me to never decide anything by myself, Master…”-sad Ashley, scared.
“Very good answer, slave. Ya just spared you ass a good spanking”- he said chuckling.
“Let me have her!!”- said Sam, a manic gaze in his eyes.
Douglas chuckled again.
“Well, I have an idea”- said Douglas- “Let’s make a sandwich, how about that?”
“Yes! Yes!”- Sam was actually drooling by then.
“Alright, Samsta. But… just for tonight, ok? You understand this lil bitch here is mine only…”
“Yes. Ok.”
Douglas carried her to the couch, and made her sit on him. Her pussy stretched painfully. She didn’t like that position because he was huge, and it forced her cunt lips to open wide for him.
“What are you looking at? Come over, Samsta”
Sam got rid of his pants, and frantically jumped towards them.
“Hey, take it easy, Samsta! Wait a sec…”
Douglas turned her around on the couch, so that now Ashley’s bottom was facing Sam.
“What now?”
“Don’t be such a dumb ass, Samsta. You go in her asshole, I go in her cunt. Doncha know wadda moddafucka sandwich is?!”
Sam went into her ass up to the hilt in one wild thrust.
“Oh!!”- she complained.
They both got to fuck her mercilessly in both her holes at the same time. She started to moan and move her hips instinctively.
At one point, Douglas told Sam to stand up while he did so too, so Ashley was then carried in the air by the two powerful cocks forcing their way inside her…
She came loudly, her strong female’s nature taking control.
“You slut!!” – yelled Sam- “You silly whore!! You never loved me! I was willing to marry you but you never liked me! May your soul burn in hell, you pitiful slut!”
Sam hit her on her face with her fists. He was completely drunk by then.
“Enough, Samsta” – Douglas disentangled the sex mess, and poor Ashley fell to the floor noisily.
He hit Sam hard on the nose, just once, and Sam’s nose started bleeding, he falling flat on his ass.
“What the…”
“Just get outta ma room. Next time you touch ma bitch I’ll kill ya”
“This is my property!!”
“Just get out”
Douglas throw him out of his chambers. If Sam wasn’t indeed the owner of the place, he would have killed him long ago.
Wally’s van parked in front of Sam’s lot. It was a drive-by motorcycle, with a fast food joint outside. Nobody there knew the van…
Ashley’s Hot Spot and Sam’s restaurant were visible from where they were, on the other side of the highway.
“Are you sure you wanna do this, Harry?”- asked Wally.
“Yes. But you are free to chicken out… I won’t take offense, pal”
“Maybe you won’t, but I am taking offense right now, you asshole. What’s that bit about me chickening out? You better watch mouth!”
Harry smiled. Trish was giving little Tim something to eat from a disposable plate.
“You always was a fucking whacko, Harry”- she said- “What would of being of this lil kid if I hadn’t taken care of him all this time?”
“Yeah you’ll go straight to heaven, Trisha”
Harry kissed her lips affectionately.
“Thank you, babe”- he said to her.
“What time we hitting?”- asked Wally.
“By 4 in the morning…”
Betty was watching TV nervously inside the van, while listening to them in silence. What would be of her after all this? The mere thought of losing Harry forever, now that he had come to life again, hurt her deep…
But she knew she was doomed. She knew she would have to live with her heart broken, regardless of what might happen that night… She was just the cheap- looking moll with smelly feet… Tears blocked her vision.
But this was a new Harry. An instant later, he came and hug her tight.
“What’s up, Smelly Toes?”- he said, while he kissed her good, not releasing her from his big arms- “Don’t be sad. We’ll win…”
She caressed his chubby face, and more tears rolled down her pretty face.
“Oh Harry. Oh baby…”
I started to pick up my few belongings. I knew I had to. It only took me five minutes or so, since I am a very poor man. I had many hours to do so, but I was nervous, restlessly pacing inside my little shade.
I am a hoodoo. There are good hoodoo andevil hoodoos. People don’t believe in us, but still we exist. They think that our thing is bullshit… but still we carry on. We have to. I could have been a very rich man in this life, but that was the wrong way to do things, for me.
I had a job to carry, and for that, I had to be humble and poor. My Teacher had been very clear about that. Yes, Granma Hattie was very strict and stern with me, always.
Before Ashley came to the place, I had to pick up ma food from the garbage cans, the remain of Sam’s customers’ meals. And I had to sleep below a big tree near the premises, in a cone I made of cardboard. Fortunately, the river was very near, so I always was able to take a shower there. Otherwise, I would of being a stinging hoodoo, heea heea heea…
Sam tried to make me go away forever Several times. He claimed I was an ugly sight for ‘the business’. What kind of man Sam really was? I’m not sure, but I know there was no compassion in his heart.
I was ok with thismy life, but then Ashley one day, when she had just arrived here, and she was the cutest of all the waitresses here, she noticed me, and she begged to Sam to let me stay, she argued courageously that I had no home and food to eat…
Trish and even Betty had begged to Sam about me too, but to no avail. But when Ashley asked him to let me stay, then Sam obliged… this was the kind of man Sam really was *chuckles*
Sam so desperately wanted to gain Ashley’s sympathy, that he even suggested that I could live in the premises, and have three meals a day, served in my own plate, just like any customer. Whew!! I admit I had a better time since then, but I knew it was thanks to Ashley beauty and kind heart, not to Sam. I may be an old and batteryd clean up man, but I ain’t no fool…
Sam gave me wood and rolls of steel and tools from his backyard, and indeed I had a nice little home since then… Hell, Trisha even came one day and gave me an old black and white TV set fer me to watch… It was HER TV set, her hubby was always watching the NFL and NBA on their big color TV, and her kids had another little color TV for them.
Of course, Trish never told me that she had actually given me her own TV set, it was Betty who told me. That day, when Betty told me that, I cried. And my little rituals that night were full of hope and joy…
Early in the morning, though still under the full Moon light… I looked at Her, devotion and awe in my old eyes. She was there, shining brightly for several minutes, right at the time She had told me She would be there… Then, clouds that were very dark engulfed Her totally, for the time She told me it would be so. Then, She emerged again, triumphantly from the dark.
I understand. Joy came to my heart again, for the first time since when Ashley had caressed my old face, when she had presented me with my first decent meal in many years, a tender smile on her beautiful face… Well, this night I feelJust as joyous, or perhaps even more.
But I knew I had to show confidence before the facts, because that is what blind faith really means… So I went on my knees, and cried again, full of awe at the enormity of what was coming… I blew hearty kisses to my Beautiful Child of the Night, then to my Beautiful Child of the Morning…
Time had come to honor my vows… In a soft voice, looking at the Heavens, I offered my miserable soul in sacrifice, in exchange of having my humble request granted…
“Now!”- said Harry, again looking at his watch, for the nth. time.
Wally drove silently his van to the nearby u- turn, then headed straight to Sam’s parking lot. What happened next happened fast, so open your ears…
The bouncers were all sleeping like logs. I didn’t want to trust in chance, so I had put greda, which is an herb that induces heavy sleep after one hour or so, in their barrels of beer.
That wasn’t an easy feat to achieve, but I’lltell you ( provided you know where to get greda roots ): you can always inject the tea into the barrel 🙂
Betty and Trish ushered the girls and the musicians that were still there, and told them there was an emergency, so they had to leave at once.
Wally and Harry brought gallons of gasoline that they had bought in the afternoon, and sprinkled all of the Hot Spot with it…
Harry then walked fast to the restaurant, where Sam and Douglas were having their meals and counting the money for the day. Harry and Wally had been watching them for hours from the van.
Harry put on the big black hat over his head, so that Douglas couldn’t recognize him at first. He kept walking fast til he was right in front of Douglas, who was eating peacefully, at one of the tables. Ashley was sitting sheepishly at his feet, her dog bowl beside her…
When Douglas looked up and saw this tall man all in black clothes, he felt fear… Or at least, I saw fear in his eyes. That wasn’tusual in him. A premonition?
Harry then took off the hat, and looked at Douglas square in the eye for a moment.
… Now there was wild fear in Douglas eyes…
“What the hell…?!”
He tried to reach for his 9 mm that was always in his hip, but Harry had had many weeks to plan what he was going to do…
Harry already was carrying a big razor in his hand. He, fast as the cat he had Always been, took Douglas by the hair and pulled his head back roughly. Then he slashed Douglas’ neck side to side, deeply, in a single cut.
Blood spilled alarmingly from Douglas neck. He tried to beg for mercy, but torrents of more of his blood coming out his mouth made him choke painfully instead.
Harry forced him to face the dog bowl, then slammed his face over the dog food mixed with men’s semen…
Douglas died shaking painfully, choking in his own blood, dog food and sperm…
Wally lit a match and throw it at one of the innocent humid wood spots. That simple act created a big fire, that soon invaded all of Ashley’s Hot Spot. That was the last show ever, as they say…
The bouncers finally woke up, or at least many of them, and they tried to escape away, but mysteriously the windows and doors refused to be opened… How did this happen, you may ask? Well, sorry, there is no reasonable explanation for that one… Except perhaps that I am a Hoodoo Witch! But I know you don’t believe in Magic, so don’t worry about that…
All of the bouncers, who had indeed been crooks all their lives, died inside, devoured by the flames…
“DADDY!! OH DADDY!! You’re here, Daddy!!”- Ashley went on her knees and held Harry’s legs desperately..
The sight of Harry right in front of him, murdering Douglas in cold blood, made Sam think he was losing his mind. He grabbed his new automatic rifle and jumped out of his counter.
“You are not supposed to be here!! You are dead!!” – yelled Sam, already pointing the rifle at Harry.
“That is a pretty stupid thing to say, Sam ” – said Harry.
“Well, seems I’ll have to kill you twice…”
Sam shot, and the firing made lotsa noise. Two things happened:
Ashley saw what Sam was about to do, so she, without even thinking, jumped and stood between Harry and the rifle, instinctively protecting her true love… with her own life…
“AArgh!! Argh!!”- Sam screamed, under inhuman pain. The rifle had blown his face and made a horrible- looking bleeding mass of it…
I had ‘fixed’ Sam’s gun many weeks before. I knew he was going to do something evil with it someday… and I kinda knew by then that Harry was going to come back… I mean, you can’t expect hideous souls to behave themselves, can you?
So I had put some extra oil in the chamber, along with a minuscule lead ball. This was supposed to block the shot and make it backfire… but I didn’t do it too well, because part of it went out and hurt Ashley in her chest badly…
“Baby, no…” – said Harry crying, carrying her in his arms- ” You can’t do this to me. I love you, baby. I survived for you. For you… Please live… I need you, baby…”
Oh no, I couldn’t ruin everything this time. I already was living a miserable life due to my past mistakes… How could I be so stupid? I can’t even block a fucking rifle correctly? Oh God…
“Lemme, lemme alone with her, Boss”- I said to Harry.
“Get away, Barth! She’s been hurt!”
“I know, Boss. I know “- I looked him in the eye- ” Trust. Trust…” – I called my Deities and desperately asked for their help. They must have looked into Harry’s eyes, because he stopped mumbling, and listened to me.
There was lotsa blood in sweet Ashley’s chest. I knew she deserved to live. She had just proven her love by offering her own life in exchange of saving her man’s… But could I do it? Oh God… Oh Granma Hattie… You didn’t spank me well… I am a very stupid witch anyway!!!..
I took Ashley in my arms. I caressed her hair.
“You gonna be alright, nina Ashley…”- I murmured softly- ” You gonna be alright…”
“No!! I don’t deserve to live! I betrayed my Daddy!!”- she said, and started to cry sorrowfully.
Oh God… on top of it all… We don’t have time for remorse, nina Ashley, can’t you see?! I was at the end of my wits…
“What you mean?”- asked Harry- “No, it’s ok, baby. He forced you to be his…”
“No!! No, Daddy!! You don’t understand!! I WANTED to belong to him!!…. I am not pure. I don’t deserve your love… Let me die, please…”
Oh God. Even a hardened witch as I am felt miserable then. There was so much pain in Ashley’s eyes… and in Harry’s… I really was at the end of my wits.
I implemented my Deities for help, I offered my soul again ( I had already did that; ain’t I stupid? Granma Hattie would kick my ass all night long if she could…), but nothing happened…
Ashley’s chest was bleeding too much now, and she started to look very pale in an unmistakably dangerous way.
So I decided to perform my magic at once, even so I wasn’t feeling very confident. There was something very important missing there… Ashley’s will to live.
Her shame at having betrayed her Daddy ( in her heart, at least, she had, though I wouldn’t agree with her… not really… ) was overwhelming her…
Harry noticed that Ashley’s pulse of life was starting to go away, to the other worlds… He suddenly resembled a frightened little child in ma eyes…
“Do something, Barth. Please… You said you would…”- he said, his eyes red from crying.
Yeah, it was in my hands now. I hate that. I never wanted to be a witch, to begin with… But you know how granmas are…
I touched her bleeding chest with my right hand…
I murmured my prayer, so low that no one could hear but the Heavens and Ashley…
“No…”- she said- ” I don’t deserve to live… I betrayed my man.I would rather wanted to belong to his enemy. I betrayed my man…”
I noticed nervously that my magic had managed to make the bleeding slow down. But she was dead pale now. Shit! It wasn’t going to work if she kept stubbornly feeling that way.
I knew then that only one thing could save her. It came to my mind. Of course! But I knew also that I could not intervene anymore, for there was one last trial for the lovers, if they were to fuse in love forever, in this life and for eternity… the toughest trial of all…
… But ya know, Harry responded pretty good to the needs at hand, for despite his not being a witch, he somehow dug deep into himself, and said the right thing…
Without all my years of painful training, Harry somehow know what the greatest act of Magic possible was, and is…
“I forgive you. Please don’t go. I forgive you, My Love…”- he said, mumbling and sobbing…
Ashley opened her eyes wide.
Harry cleared his throat.
“Yes,I was burning in jealousy. And I just felt like dying to know that you willingly belonged to him. I can’t understand that, but I made you fall into all this… I forgive you, and I ask for your forgiveness too, baby…”
Ashley’s eyes showed the greatest joy I saw since I had met her…
Harry was no fool, so he knew he had to keep encouraging her…
“Hurry, baby. You gotta come back! Move your ass and come back to Daddy!”- he said, while she was struggling to remain consciousness… We all know – sensed- that if she lost consciousness, she would die. So much blood she had lost by then…
Trisha had noticed what was happening, from the van. She called an ambulance.
The siren announced the ambulance car was coming.
Betty came to Ashley’s side, and cried, and talked to her softly, holding her hand.
“No, baby Ashley, no. Don’t go. I was wrong, baby. We all love you. You are the best girl here. I was envious. I’m sorry, baby. Don’t go. Listen, baby: Harry needs you… I know him… You go and he’ll kill himself…”
Ashley smiled and held Betty’s hand in hers… That does it, I thought smiling, my soul coming back to me. Whew! What an ugly void in my stomach, man. Never be a witch… unless you like big responsibility…
“… ill me… ill m-e-e…”
It was Sam. His face was horribly destroyed by his own rifle… but he was still breathing, forced to endure inhuman, hopeless pain. His face had no recognized shape anymore, his eyes weren’t there, just masses of blood and shattered bones and tissues…
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