The Wait

45 minutes.

45 minutes I made him wait for me.

He was busy preparing for a trip and he took time out of his day to see me before he left.

45 minutes he waited at the bar before I showed up.

I didn’t intend to make him wait. I got caught up in things and made a poor estimate of time.

But I should have known better.

When I finally arrived, he greeted me coolly with a hug and got me a drink.

He was quiet. I was feeling guilty and I shifted uncomfortable under his stare. I drank and nervously rambled on.

One drink.

Then he paid the bill and we left.

One block.

His hand on my lower back, we were casual in conversation. I was lost in my babble when I felt him move me towards the alley.

Instantly, I knew what was coming.

His step was more fierce now as he shuffled me along down the alley way and then moved me off into an empty doorway.

Dirty doorway, graffiti on the walls, dumpsters a few doors down, parking garage next door.

It didn’t matter.

“Face the wall”. It was a demand and from the tone of his voice, I wasn’t about to protest.

Nose and hands against the wall, I felt him lift my dress. Ever so slowly.

The temperature outside was above 80 and yet a chill ran through me.

I had never been spanked before.


I gasped as his hand connected with my plump bottom.


Again on the other chef.

“Don’t you ever keep me waiting again. Do you understand me?” he grew in my ear.


I struggled to catch my breath.

“Yes” I breathed as he rubbed my bottom.


Before I could say more he spun me around and kissed me. Hard.

I had never been kissed like that before.

He meant business. He was letting me know exactly who he was and who I now answered to.

His hands grope me as his kiss grew deeper.

I was lost in his taste, his smell, his touch, his power.

Then it was overJust as quickly as it had begun.

He moved aside and fixed my dress. Ushered me out of the alley just as a car was coming up beside us.

This time he kept his hands at his side as we walked.

“That’s a very nice shade of pink” he said approvingly. I beamed inside.

My mind was racing and my body was on fire. I knew I had gotten merely a small taste of him and already My knees were weak.

For the next twenty minutes or so we walked the streets of down town and chatted. The mood was friendly and light.

Then it was time to part and I felt my chest grow heavy.

He followed me up the stairs in the parking garage, playingfully lifting the bottom my dress.

The mood between us was flirty as he walked me to my car.

I unlocked my door and turned to face him. He was just causing staring at me as I asked him if he was excited for his trip.

He smiled and said yes.

I opened my door as I chatted about weekend plans and turned to throw my pursuitinside.

Before I knew what was happening he had me bent over my seat and my dress up.




His hand found my breast over my dress as he pressed my backside up against him.

SMACK with his free hand.

No sooner than he had pushed me in, he was pulling me out.

His kiss sent waves of hot pleasure seating through my body and I Nearly melted when his hand gripped my hair.

He left no room for error when stating his future intentions and he made sure I’d be thinking about him the whole time he was gone.

Then he walked away.

I quickly drove away, feeling flushed and a little disoriented. A smile slowly crept upon my face and before I left the garage it was a full blown cheesy grin.

I knew that I liked him. I enjoyed being in his company and listening to him talk.

But I had never experienced that kind of raw masculinity that seemed to ooze from his pores.

I was mesmerized by the power that ran just under his surface and in awe at the control he had over it.

And I couldn’t help but wish that I could make him lose that control, and be on the receiving end when he did.


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