“There is no fucking way you’re tying me up!”
Brandi’s vehemently dismissive response crushed the suggestion her husband, Wyatt, made during a discussion about their sexual fans and desires, about how he could restrain her, and edge her to orgasm.
“I don’t like being restrained, Wyatt, you know this” she added, “It is difficult enough to focus all my attention on being able to climax. Being tied up… it does not help!”
What irked him most, was that Brandi was pretty much open to anything when it came to sex. She had been very open about the many partners she had before marrying Wyatt and coulddidly shared the experiences she had with the men and women she’d been with. Case and point, Brandi was Wyatt’s first anal experience when she simply slipped his dick into her ass while riding him ‘reverse cowboy’ one night.
But Brandi was also her own woman. It would happen when she wanted it to happen. Wyatt learned early on in their relationship that she preferredbeing the initiative. It was important for her to be in control of her orgasm. She believed that life was too short for “shitty men or shitty orgasms” and she perfected her climaxing techniques over the years.
She preferred no-nonsense fucking. “Don’t fuck around, just fuck!” she would growl at Wyatt whenever she felt he was playing too much, going on a “fucking walkabout” as she would put it. She was not a fan of foreplay and wanted to be taken, fast and furiously. When she did reach her orgasmic state, this would largely be due to focused clitoral stimulation. And she could manipulate this state for multiple orgasms lasting anywhere from five to ten minutes, sometimes even longer. And when it was done, she was done.
Brandi knew what she wanted, how she wanted it, and for how long she wanted it.
Wyatt, on the other hand, enjoyed play and exploration during sex. The longer the build-up continued, the more his senses would be stoked into a flamencing password. Foreplay wasa huge turn-on for him. He would want to get his tongue inside her pussy so he could lap her juices into his mouth. He loved the aromas and flavors of a pussy and would suck and nibble on her clip to get her flowing and eat her out. He would want to tongue her ass, probe and prod her with his fingers, or whatever else was on the menu. He loved to explore her thoroughly and build her up to an orgasm.
They did not Always see eye to eye about this.
Restraining his wife, therefore, had become some of a fantasy for Wyatt. A fantasy he could only explore when masturbating. He had done hundreds of searches about restrained sex, ogling through countless pictures of people rope-tied, cuffed, chained, hung, stuck, and whatever else someone could come up with to erotically restrain another person.
He came to understand that what he wanted, no, what he craved, was to have her under his control. Total control.
What she feels. How she feels it. When she feels it. For howlong she feels it.
‘One day… maybe,’ would regularly enter his mind.
As it turned out, the two of them had a ‘debate’ (read: argument) about something or the other one day. In the heat of the moment, Brandi blurted out the words that would become Wyatt’s golden opportunity.
“Okay, okay! If I am wrong, then you can… hmm,” she paused before adding smugly, “you can do anything to me that you want. How’s that?”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Whatever. The Fuck. You Want.”
She deliberately mouthed the words, winded at him, and did a little wicked lick around her top lip. At that moment, he realized the opportunity that presented itself.
“Deal! I’ll take that bet, one hundred percent,” he agreed excitedly and jumped onto Google, searching frantically for an answer which could prove him right, and win the price of ‘Whatever the fuck you want!’.
After a couple of searches, he could confidently confirm the correct answer. And guess what? Hewas right!
“Why, thank you, darling,” came his cocky quip when he showed her his victorious proof.
“I will be banking my prize for a later date, and you can NOT retract the offer. Ok?”
“Sure, what’s the worst that can happen?” she coolly chirped back at him.
‘Oh, if she only knew’, mulled in his mind. He did not show too much excitement but knew he had a real chance to finally execute his fantasy.
Planning his night of erotic domination (as he kept referring to it to take the mickey out of Brandi, but also to build it up in his mind, and hopefully hers) was as exciting as it was daunting. Wyatt certainly did not want to risk their kids walking in on them, and he wanted a space where Brandi could feel at ease, which was imperative.
So he decided on their outside pool room. There, they would have no interruptions, and there was a steel-frame couch, which he thought would work perfectly. He could tie her to the frame and with the backrest reclined, shewould be more than comfortable enough in the position he envisaged. He also had to decide on what to use for restraints. For practical reasons, he decided on leather belts since his rope techniques would more than likely digress into a farce.
When the planned day finally arrived, Wyatt prepared the outside room and converted it into a makeshift sex chamber. He made sure all their toys were ready. Her beloved vibrator was charged, a bevy of dildos were cleaned, and all his other props were in place.
The kids were sound sleep. It was time!
“Babe!” Wyatt called Brandi outside. She appeared wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and pajama shorts. The night breeze stiffened her nipples which pushed proudly against the cotton fabric. Wyatt’s thoughts were immediately filled with images of his tongue swirling around those erect nipples.
“Get your ass to the pool room,” instructed Wyatt as he walked up to her and whispered, “because tonight… is winners night.”
“Oh, no! Not now love,” replied Brandi, and turned around to go back into the house, but Wyatt grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him.
“Babe, I’m cashing in my ‘whatever the fuck you want’ and whatever the fuck I want, is now,” he insisted and leaned in to kiss her. But Brandi raised her hands in protest.
“Babe, I’ve had a hectic day. I’m really tired and I’m not up for anything now. Please, can we do it another time?” she pleased in earnest.
Wyatt was relentless though. By now, he had done this in his mind so many times, and the expectancy about tonight had built up to such a degree that he was sexually super-charged at this point. Postponing it now could make him exploit.
“No,” he replied firmly, “I’m afraid you don’t have a say in this. So please, come with me,” and he led her towards the outdoor room.
When they stopped at the door, he asked her to turn around and tied a black scarf over her eyes. Oddly enough, she did not object, but as hewas about to guide her into the room, she stopped and softly pleased:
“Babe, be gentle.”
“You don’t have to worry love. If you are uncomfortable, just say so. Having said that, you are not in control. I am,” he added firmly, to which she reacted with a mock sight. But this was his reward, she thought, and she wanted to please him.
“Ok, let’s do this,” she said Suddenly. She perked up her head and pushed out her chest like she was priming herself for whatever was coming.
“That’s a good girl,” Wyatt’s comforting words eased her fears as he steered her into the room and positioned her in front of the couch.
He stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, from where he slowly moved up to the blindfold and pulled the knot tight against her skull. He noticed how her shoulders tightened when he did this and gently massaged her neck muscles with his thumbs, back down to her shoulders.
His wife’s head dropped slightly to the one side and she let outa soft moan. He slide his hands down her sides onto her hips and feel her huge breasts drop free when he drew the thin cotton T-shirt over her head. His fingers slipped into the waistband of her pajama shorts which he pulled down slowly and held as she stepped out of them.
Bar the black scarf covering her eyes, Brandi was standing naked with her back to Wyatt. Her blonde hair drawn loosely and her arms hung to Her sides. Her legs twitched nervously from side to side. He gazed longingly at the beautiful curves of her body; the voluptuous bulge of her tits outside the silhouette of her back. The curved arch at the top of her butt.
“Aren’t you just fucking perfect,” he applauded his wife’s uncovered beauty, moved closer, and placed both hands on her hips. He curled his fingers around to the front of her hip bones and dug into her soft flesh. Brandi feel his hot breath on her neck, his lips met her skin and just made out his whisper.
“You, are what I want most.”
He turned her around slowly, feeling how his strong hands gripped her arms tightly to guide her backward onto the couch until she gently reached the edge of the seat. He eased her back to where her head touched the backrest.
“Comfortable?” he asked.
“For now,” she replied with a smile.
Wyatt took in Brandi’s nakedness for a moment. He watched how her large breasts heaven gently up and down. He followed the details of her jutted ribs and hipbones in the stretched-out position. He pushed himself between her feet and forced her legs open to expose her neighborly trimmed pussy. He took a foot in each hand, lifted her legs, and pushed back slowly towards her head. Brandi immediately started objecting.
“Good God, What the hell are you trying to do?” But there was a giggle in her voice and she wriggled her body to accommodate Wyatt’s will.
“Good girl,” he prayed her again.
Wyatt was still dressed and could feel himself swelling against his trousers. His cock had becomes uncomfortable encroached in the tight confines of his underwear. He walked over to his ‘tool station’, selected two leather belts, and used both to bind her forearm to the bottom part of her leg. He reckoned the tinkling sounds of the metal clasps and the feel of the leather straps pulling tightly on her skin, would be something of a sensory experience for Brandi.
She lay still and felt relaxed while Wyatt wrangled and maneuvered her body. She could not believe that she was allowing this to happen but was becoming, albeit blindly, intrigued when she felt the cold leather against her skin. She became aware of her increasing heartbeat when he pulled and buckled the belts tightly. Her fingers involuntarily grasped at the air from its bound position.
He repeated the process for the other side. Wyatt worked slowly and methodically with no words exchanged. Their mutual silence was only broken by the sounds of belt buckles being strapped tight. To finish, he looped anotherr belt through the backrest and connected this to her strapped limbs. Each leg was now pulled up past her head and secured to the couch frame.
‘Fuck me!’ blurted Wyatt unexpectedly when he stood back and observed the final result. He savoured every inch of this visual fest which he found immensely erotic.
Brandi’s butt was raised off the couch and exposed her privates exhaustively. She wriggled a couple of times to get comfortable and then remained still as she waited for the next step. Wyatt unbuckled the belt on his jeans, loud enough so she could hear what was happening.
“Ooh,” she said, her head lifting to hear what was happening, “Are we undressing too now?” and snickered sarcastically.
Wyatt pulled the belt out from his jeans, stepped forward, and strapped a hard lick across her bare buttocks. The leather slapped loudly when it struck her skin, and her started body as it recoiled in pain.
“FUCK!” she cried out in agony and continued cursing at him. She did not expect the blow and it stung like hot coals stuck to her ass.
He said nothing but observed a red welt swell up where the leather licked her milky-white skin. When her wriggling and moaning stopped, she was taken aback by the tone of Wyatt’s forced words:
“You can talk when spoken to. Bad behavior, will be punished.”
She did not reply, but her anger appeared to be ignored by the burning sensing she experienced. Wyatt could sense it building, but kept quiet and took his time as he removed the rest of his clothes. He then switched on his laptop and placed it on a table close to her. A pre-selected porn video, specifically chosen for the soundtrack, started playing and the sounds of sex moans and groans, and moist flesh slapping against each other, filled the room.
Brandi kept quiet and lay still with only her head tilting towards the sound of the loud fucking noises. She felt vulnerable all of a sudden. She knew now, at this moment, that she had nocontrol over what was happening. And she did not like it.
Wyatt could see his wife was not happy which made him a tad nervous, but he was determined to stick to his plan. He picked up the feather from his tool station and, leaning over her, gently pushed it between her toes. Her body jolted, surprised by the sensing of something slipping between her toes. Realizing it was just a ticle, she immediately came to enjoy the soft traces of the feather on her skin.
Wyatt zigzagged down the taught hamstrings of her stretched leg, brushed along her outer buttocks, and trickled down to her back where it met the material of the sofa seat. She twitched and shivered and even moaned a bit. She did like a good ticle after all.
He thoroughly enjoyed tracing the feather across her restrained, exposed body and how she reacted to it. He had purposefully avoided touching her pussy, but now he ran the feather down the inside of her thigh, letting it brush against the sides of her protruding labia. Then the other leg, and this time, as he got to her pussy, he drew a slow circle around her clip. His cock throbbed when she gasped another moan.
“Hmmm,” hummed through her closed lips as she tried to wriggle upward, trying to push herself against the feather. She then felt the feather move onto her spread ass cheeks, across her asshole, which was also circled slowly.
“Leave My asshole alone,” she protected abruptly and tried wriggling away from the feather.
Dropping the feather, he stepped back and picked up the leather belt. Brandi could hear the belt buckle tinkling and expected the next strike when it struck her ass again. It still surprised her how painful it was. The singing sensing seared across her entire backside now.
“FUCK! What the fuck, Wyatt? I was just getting into my ticles,” Brandi cursed loudly once again, obviously agitated about the smack.
“I said, speak when spoken to. If you don’t listen, you will be punished,” she heard his firm, monotone reply.
He allowed her to calm down a little. Standing over her, he watched how her breathing gradually fell, and her weight surrendered to her confines again. With the belt already in his hand, he dropped the open leather face onto her and slowly dragged the flat surface across her legs. He stopped periodically and used his other hand to raise the end piece of the belt, and then drop it onto her flesh. It made a distinct ‘plop’ sound when it met her skin.
Brandi was still steaming inside. She was totally defenceless against the singing blows and the lingering burn across her ass, had defeat her patience thin.
But then he would give her a moment during which she would naturally return to this heightened state of awareness. She felt trapped in the darkness, unable to move freely and within this space, there were very cute sensings which she had not felt in a long time. ‘Or ever,’ she also pondered.
Then, when she felt the belt on her again,and slowly dragged across her skin, she did not only feel the leather. She experienced a profound sensing of the soft suede underside of leather. She was aware of its texture on her skin. The coolness of it. She felt it being lifted off her, and sensed its strike coupled with the distinctive sound in her ears. And she was suddenly conscious of the relief that washed over her when there was no pain. Her body responded, releasing dopamine which flowed through her. She felt like she was lying on a warm beach with cool waves washing over her.
Mesmerized from the belt-play on Brandi’s body, which she appeared to delight in, also brought him immense joy. He ran the belt down to her raised butt, eliciting retired moans when the leather was dragged across her pussy and ass. He stopped when the end piece reached her clip and then used the same motion of lifting the belt and letting it drop down on her pussy lips. The striking flop sound made her flinch slightly when the leather met thesensitive fleshy labia. She let out a throaty groan after the third flop fall though.
Deliberately making his way further down, he repeated the dropped belt flops over her dark asshole. He adored the way the sphincter contracted tightly before slowly losing until the next strike. He then swatted the side of her ass, a touch harder than the flops. The welts from earlier were still raised and the red lines traversed across her otherwise perfectly pale skin. Her pussy had developed a reddish blush from all the attention it had been receiving and the labia were pumping as the blood pulsed into her groin.
Brandi was dotingly aware of how her pussy was responding to the belt. The blood flow had created a buzzing victory in her pelvic area and her clip developed an ache that pounded through her with every heartbeat. She had embraced her dark, confined space and began to adore the focused attention on her body. And how incredibly sensitive it all was. The light leather spanks on her pussy, and her ass, were incredibly sensitive that blasted bolts of electricity through her entire body.
“Fuck, your pussy is so hot,” Wyatt muttered before he picked her favorite vibrator from his toolbox. He placed the small, pill-shaped bullet on her clip, and strapped it down with a piece of masking tape. She didn’t say a word, but when he used the remote control to switch it on, she groaned loudly.
“Ooh yeah, that I like,” she moaned while he observed how her breathing immediately quickened. He knew she loved this vibrator and adored the buzzing bullet against her clip.
Wyatt witnessed his erotic feast unfold as he stood back again. He looked at his wife with new eyes. His senses were acutely heightened and he revealed in his deep desire for her. His gaze dropped onto his throbbing dick and he squeezed it down with one hand while he clicked the remote control for the vibrator again. He changed the setting to a pulsing victory, watching her body buck under the change of stimulation.
Her mouth fell open as she exhausted in a moan, and her ass wriggled as she fought against her confines. The vibrator pulsed: ‘RRRRR… RRRRR,’ in loud bursts against her swelling love button. But after a couple of minutes of pulsed stimulus, he abruptly switched it off. He thoroughly enjoyed watching her become more and more aroused. And how he could control it.
“Noooooo!” she cried out in protest, “Don’t stop. I was so close.”
Brandi heard the belt being picked up again, the metal clap sounds aroused her senses of what was about to occur and quickly retorted:
“No, please, no more!” but another blow already lived across her ass.
She twisted in ago but did not say anything, bar a low vibrato groan.
Without saying a word, Wyatt clicked the remote and started the vibrator again. The monotone buzzer brutally engaged her clip. She shuddered against it when he changed the speed to high. He felt himself shudder in delight watching his wife’s body arch upwards. How her muscles flexed in response. He felt intotoxicated watching her desire to orgasm become longingly tangible.
“You have been a good girl, and you deserve a proper fucking,” he exhausted while he placed his hands on her butt and gently rubbed the welts, tracing the raised ridges with his fingers.
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