The Voice

She had planned on a quiet, romantic weekend away with a friend who seemed to be becoming more. And though she knew some of the possibilities, her current situation was beyond the fans she’d allowed herself to consider.

Her surroundings were dark, her world inky-black. She saw nothing, heard nothing, yet she was content. She knew there were candles, even if she no longer saw them, and she could still hear sounds… especially her sights.

She was warm, and even comfy — despite wearing only a bra and panties of purest white. Leaning back at an angle, she was relaxed. Behind and beneath her was soft, luxurious fur that she didn’t want to leave… not that she could.

Indeed, she had been some uncomfortable at first, walking into this room of scattered, shadowy furniture, lit only by a smattering of candles. It seemed like a dream — or her worst nightmare if she had been wrong about her host. Her disappoint had increased slightly with the blindfold, robbing her of visual references.

But she could still feel… and hear. She remembered the hands guiding her in confusing circles around the room, feeling the pieces of furniture graze against her as she was paraded about. Then, she was turned around — and with a step back and up, was lying against the relaxing fur she now enjoyed. The hands spread her legs apart, and tied the ankles down. Then they lifted her arms above her head and bound them to the fur. Her head, while not bound, rested against a padded support that took the stress and weight off her neck.

For reasons she didn’t understand, when the last strap was cinched into place, her fears ran away. All that was left was contented peace, gentle breathing — and a desire to hear one thing.

“Hello, little one.” There was! The Voice! The Voice that had called her here, that had attracted her weeks and months before with gentle laughter and friendship, and now enchanted her withcommand. The Voice that made her do things… feel things… be things that nothing or no one else could. The velvet Voice that earlier had told her, “strip to your undies” — something that, in her desire for modesty and self-control, she never would have done otherwise. But in that moment, it was the Voice that made her comply. The Voice that had initially been alluring, and was now mesmerizing.

“Are you comfortable?” One hand grazed her right cheek, another the left side of her body. Hands whose fingers danced along her body, playing it like a concert piano. Hands whose movements turned her simple “yes” into a long, luscious and lusty sight. As those hands glided down the sides of her body, the Voice spoke again. “I brought your bag down here, little one.” She heard her overnight duffle thud on the thick carpet. “I looked through it, and found you brought everything you were supposed to.” Even without his handsdancing on her hips, the Voice dispelled any concerns of her privacy being invaded. “Very well done.”

“Thank yoouuuuu, sssiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.” Her voiced stretched and crescendoed as his hands caressed her inner tights. Her petite body shuddered as his hands moved higher, then relaxed as they spread apart, dancing back up her hips. When the hands reached the base of her breasts, she gave voice to one lingering fear: “I hope I am enough for you, sir.”

“Enough for me, little one?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“I’m not very big sir… not very well endowed. Many people have called me ‘cute’, but avoided me because of my small size.” With a note of disappointment, she added, “I Know they… they’ve looked at me and found me wanting.”

“Your small size? Explain what you mean by that.”

“Sir…” A small amount of despair crept into her voice. “I’m not a ‘bombshell’. I’m petite, there’s not that much of me. Especially my breasts… Ohhhh…” His fingers were dancing on those small breasts, probing them through her brassiere. In short order, her dark aureoles under-painted the white fabric as her nipples attempted to break through.

“There are many reasons,” the Voice said, “why I have chosen you, little one. I selected you because of your intelligence… Your mental strength… and not least of all, because of your beauty. You ARE beautiful, little one. There are many who look only for certain things. If and when they look past you, that is their loss… and my gain. You may not be the image of a Hollywood glamour model,” the Voice said, deepening his probing of her supplement breasts. “Do not let that idea knock you down. You are special because of who YOU ​​are.” His hands dropped from her breasts, but the Voice continued. “You don’t need to be a supermodel,” the Voice whispered in her ear. “You don’t need to be a ‘bombshell’. Be proud of and happy with yourself as you are, little one. Simply be good enough for you… and know you are more than good enough for me.” She couldn’t say anything; the words of the Voice had mesmerized her, while his breath on her neck had sensitively enthralled her. “Tell me your name.”

“Before I came here, I was called ‘Maria’. Now… now, I am ‘little one’.”

“Why did you come here?” His hand started dancing inside her left thigh.

“To spend… a romantic weekend… with a friend,” she told.

“And what is happening to you now?”

“I’m surrendering… submitting… to you.” As she said this, her whole body slowly squirmed against the fur. Then his hand flew up from her thigh, covering and caressing her Forbidden Gateway. “Ohhh… Oh God…” Her squirming increased as his other hand fondled her left breast.

“What am I doing to you?”

“Ohhh…. Oh God,” she gasped. “Taking me… possessing me… OOOOWwwwwnnnnnngggg me!” she yelled, the pitch of her voice rising along with its volume.

“Who am I?”

“My Dom… my Sir…”

“And what will you do now?”

“SEEERRRVVVEEE YYYOOOOUUUUUUUU,” she lustily moaned. Though her body still squirmed, it was now moving in time with the caressing of his hand on her Forbidden Gate. When he started to feel moistness there, he pulled his hand away. “Ohh… no… please, Sir…”

“Relax, little one.” And she did, simply from hearing the Voice says those words. “You have approached my world, little one. Do you want to enter?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes…” she moaned. “Ohh, GOD, yes!”

“You came to this house, to this room, because you wanted to spend time with me. You were looking for romance. But can you tell me… what brought you to my world?”

“Your voice, sir… it calls me… mesmerizes me… controls me…”

“And why does my voice have this power?”

“Because… I want it to… I NEED it to…”

“And when you follow my voice, what happens to you?”

“I relax… becomes the inner me…” His hands caresed her thighs and hips, sending a shudder through her body. Then she felt an edge of cool, dull metal against the skin of her thigh… gliding up her hip. There were several tugs at various places on her panties… then the metal glided up her flat stomach. She gasped as the cool, dull edge went through the valley between her breasts. It circled around the top of her left breast, then glided down behind her, below her left should blade. A tug at her bra, a sound of tearing fabric, and it feel loose on that side. Gliding further behind her back, there was another tug on her bra, more soft tearing sounds. Then the edge circled around the front, gliding along the base of her bra and round the back of her right side. Another tug, another soft tearing sound, and her bra suddenly felt very loose.

“Keep your eyes closed, little one.” After a few seconds, the Voice reached up and removed the blindfold. “Now, little one, open them.” Blinking a few times, she looked ahead… and saw herself in the mirror. “Tell me what you see.”

“I see me, Sir… but yet it’s not me. It’s the person I see every day. Yet, I’m… relaxed… sensitive… beautiful… the little one I dream of being.”

“Yes, little one, that IS you. It’s the inner you I’ve seen all along. It’s time you saw and experienced it for yourself. And it’s brought you to the doorway to My World. Are you ready to enter?”

“Yes… please… let me enter your world Sir!”

“Relax… and realize that once you enter, may never completely leave. Are you ready for that?” With that, the Voice moved behind the fur-covered, x-shaped platform she lay against. Reaching around her, he rested his hands just below her breasts.

“Oh, God… yes! Please… please… take me into your world, Sir!” In an instant, His hands flew to her breasts, Then pulled away… taking the remnants of her bra with them. Before she cold react, the voice had grabbed her panties… ripping them away.

“Now, little one…. look in the mirror… what do you see?”

“It’s me… I…” she gasped. “I… I’m naked…”

“What else are you?”

“Re… revealed…”

“How does that make you feel?”

“Sensual… beautiful… and FREE!!!” She screamed and cried. “I’m free… I’m me… thanks to you.” The last words came out as a sight instead of a spoken comment.

“I only guided you to a doorway, little one. You choose to step through.”

“Yes, sir, that’s true… but I made that choice because… I chose to be yours. I’m your little one… possessed completely by you.” Her last words came out in a dreamy voice, brought on as his hands caressed her bare breasts.

“Then who am I, little one?” The name came to her lips without hesitation or thought. As she spoke it, the Voice massed her left breast with his left hand, dropping his right hand to her Forbidden Gate. The name she dreamly showed proved the Gate no longer Forbidden to him.



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