The Visitor Ch. 02

The handle going down and the door opening softly was suddenly, he had heard no sound of approaching footsteps, it increased still, his level of now abject fear and yet it combined with the maddening tingle in his sex to make him feel weak and submissive.

The first touch was soft, gentle almost, the blindfold sliding over his face into position, the tie behind his head securing it tightly, no word was spoken. He Felt his right wrist taken, his quivering hand obviously, the fasting and binding of it to his left wrist, done swiftly, securely, yet not roughly in an almost erotic, hypnotic possession. The ball gag placed against his lips surprised him a second, then he remembered, the threats they’d chatted about. He felt his lips being pushed apart, the ball touching his teeth, then his mouth inexorably opening to its invasion until it slipped inside. Smaller than he had dreaded, yet pressing down against his tongue, his lips closing around it as the straws tightened behind his head, pulling it deeper, effectively preventing any attempt at speech.

He stood there virtually incapacitated, seemingly alone for a few minutes, the only sounds the soft rustle of movement from the quietly exploring invader going from room to room. Suddenly the hypnotic control subsided, the full realisation of his situation, his bondage and his vulnerability dawning on him. He began to struggle, wrist pulling against wrist, wriggling his hands to find any possible looseness to gain his release, but the bindings were unyielding. He tried to call, to make some noise as he wriggled, but the gag stifled his attempts leaving him to nothing but muffled groans, his fear growing more by each second. Where, what, was he being robbed, what, what, the total black unknown terrified him beyond belief, dressed as he was, bound as he was, he was close to losing his mind.

He felt a hand on his arm, it held him tightly for a minute until he calmed a little, then it began to gently pull him,leading him somewhere. They stopped, he felt disorientated, no idea where he was, it made him feel so scared that he was almost tearful, when suddenly he became aware of warm breath against his face. He gasped inwardly at the feel of the lips touching his own around his ball gag and then becoming somehow aware that a tongue was touching the ball, licking it softly, its’ tip sometimes touching his lips too. Hands slipped around him as the erotic kiss continued making him whimper submissively, in a defenceless, vulnerable, arousal. They continued on, exploring, touching, up over his chest, then down over his dress, finding its’ hem as they stroked down against his legs, then sliding up his thighs beneath it and all the while the lips and tongue played over and around the ballgag in playful kisses.

He seemed rooted to the spot, unable to stop this controlling Visitor, he should have tried to step away, to try to raise his knees in defence, but the hypnotic effect of touch, blindness and silence mesmerised him. He sensed a body heated against his own as the hands slide up over his bum, palms warm against him as they slide further in their search for the waistband of his tights. He suddenly realized what was happening too, sensing the exploring fingers search. As they discovered what they’d been looking for, he felt them then, fingers and thumbs gripping the elastic edge and inexorably pulling as the nylon of his tights were Drawn slowly down over his bum. Slowly almost gently, but unstoppably down over his hips in their journey down his legs. They had both known in their own way that the one still unfettered area of ​​his freedom was his ankles and the visitor was keen to address that, keen for total immobilisation of his prey, the tights in their loose bondage to become a restriction there too, preventing flight from the fright bubbleing Through him.

Trying to step blindly away his tights prevented the movement of his ankles, whimpering now in the swift realisation that he’d allowed himself to become drawn into further bondage, his body trembling so much he was swinging in his fear.

The hands gripped him tightly, suddenly strong now, he thought he was falling, he squeaked, stiffening in expectation of hitting the floor, but he was under the visitor’s complete control, the fall hadn’t happened and in a few minutes of movement and adjustment he realized that he was across their knees. His bottom was in the air, his head downwards almost touching the floor, depending fully on and in total reliance of the visitor holding him, preventing his crash against that hard floor.

An arm was around him now holding him tightly on the visitors lap, the other hand slowly raising his dress, slowly revealing the satin pink panties to their eyes. He was trembling more again now, knowing what was to come, knowing it was what the visitor wanted. The cool air was tickling his satin panties, the burning embarrassment making him whimper softly as he felthis dress tucked around his waist and the hand, soft and warm sliding over those shiny soft panties that he’d been told to wear.

The visitor took their time in milk exploration, knowing that the soft touch was arousing them both, then the first slap, it came as a shock to him, making him jump, gasp into his ballgag. The visitor adjusted his other hand slipping it up between his legs, slipping over his clip, clip was what the Visitor made him call it, it was soft in fear yet it tingled in arousal too almost beginning for that touch.

The spanking began slowly, causing heat and building the sensing of pain softly and all the while the fingers touched and ticked his clip, confusing his feelings from pain to pleasure. Slowly almost imperceptibly the spanking became harder, he was whimpering more and more, it was painful now, each stroke hurting more, he tried to beg to stop but couldn’t, to wriggle free from it, any attempt to evade but all to no avail. It seemed relentless, never ending, all knowledge of time and space were gone, just a focus on that spanking until as much to his shock as anything, he realized tears were running down his cheeks and suddenly everything seemed lost, he could feel himself breaking down and before he knew it he was sobbing in floods of tears. Only then did the visitor stop, the hand softly moving again over his satin panties, the fingers tickling his clip Remorselessly. When his sobs subsided and the whimpering arousal resume, the visitor gently slid him to the floor, he lay on his side in a near foetal position.


I apologise to those who want an instant story, but shall I continue with this story?


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