The Visit

It was 9.15am and Sir Mal told Daisy of the forth-coming days plans, it was a Saturday and He did not have to work. He had planned a visit from a fellow Daddy.

He was a ‘Whip Expert’ an implementation Sir Mal had never preferred, but felt Daisy was getting too complicated with her current correction and needed something to beat it out of her.

Daisy gulped as she was told, and thanked her Daddy for His consideration.

She wondered why whenever her Daddy sprang a surprise on her it usually means she’d feel pain.

The last time was when Sir decided she needed some body adornment and he took her to the high street to be “linked”, a saying for having your hood ringed.

She was to wear only a dress for the occasion and when they arrived in the piercing room she had to strip naked in front of the young man who was to perform the task, which caused her to blush, but did as she was instructed at once.

She knew the penalty for hesitating so obeyed His orders immediately.

Once naked she awaited further instruction, with her hands on her head, back arched tits out, it was her normal status for presenting when outside.

She was told to sit upon the table, lay back and place her legs in the stirrups.

The ring was loaded into the gun, then, POW! Followed by an; Owwwwww.

Now tonight, she had new instructions: She was to go shower, then change into her slave dress.

It was just one piece of beige, cotton material which when placed over her should, spread out and catch with a thin piece of the same material around her wait which gave her the appearance of a slave during the 15th century.

She duly obliged and heard the doorbell ring twice as she was descending the stairs.

She rushed to open it and into her view came a sight she would always remember.

A man in his late twentyties or early thirties, maybe six foot four inches and dressed in a white shirt and matching chinos.

He was immaculately groomed with long dark hair swept into a left-sided parting and combined back complete with designer stubble.

She was tongue tied by his appearance and gave a garbled introduction, then stood back, head bowed until He had entered the hall.

“I see we need to do something regarding your manner girl,” he said.

She wanted to say yesssssss pleaseeeee, but decided quickly it would do her no favours so she politely said, “Yes Sir.”

She closed the door behind him and led Him to Sir’s study and knocked on His door;

“Come in.” He said not getting up from His desk.

“Your visitor, Daddy,” she announced.

“Ah! Welcome to My home Sir Red. I see you have met my little one, Daisy.”

“That I have”, he said. And he thanked him for the kind welcome.”

“Drink Red?”

Red accepted and thought he might just and an iced tea for now.

“Coffee for me.”

Daisy went into the kitchen to prepare the drinks and returned to her Masters study, she knocked.

“Come in Daisy.”

Daisy opened the door and set the drinks onto her Daddy’s desk and stood with her hands by her side and head lowered.

The 2 talked while they drank.

“Right Daisy” Daddy said, “Go to the punishment room and wait; presented.”

Daisy opened the door off the hall into the room Sir used for her punishment; in a previous life it was a large drawing room.

She pulled on the bow of her tie and her tune opened.

She removed it from her shoulder and placed it neighborly on the clothes hook by the door, Sir called it, ‘the naughty girls’ knickers hook.’ To be able to wear knickers in the first place would be a treatment in itself she thought.

She took her clip lead off the adjoining hook and attached it to her ring and placed the lead over her Shoulders.

Her hands to her head arched back, tits out and head lowered, and wait.

Sir Mal and Sir Red arrived after about 20 minutes, Sir Red had something in his hands, but she tried not tolook.

Sir Mal sat on his chair and called Daisy forward, she moved to His side and he took her lead and led her over His knee.

She had prepared and now her preparation was rewarded with a good hard hand spanking from her Master.

He spanked her and talked as daisy fidgeted over His knee.

He was very skillful in his task.

She got wetter and wetter and used Sirs tigh as a rubbing post on her public bone.

She was talented herself and could cum in secret, unless Sir tasted her, then she was in real trouble.

The last time had her unable to sit for 4 days, with an additional bedtime spanking for 3 nights, hard and over the spanking stool.

Tonight’s spanking was not because she had been naughty for correction, or even as a reminder, but for her benefit.

Sir Mal wanted her bottom to be as receptive as possible to its new feelings.

Sir Mal finished and pulled hard on her lead, breaking Daisy away from her enjoyment.

Yes enjoyment! She loved, no craved to be over her Masters knee for a bare bottomed spanking. Yes it hurt at first, but Sir soon progressed from the early spanks to the more rapid ones which He knew Daisy loved.

He pulled her up on her feet where Daisy stood, hands straight to her head, arched and pushing forward back, waiting for what was to come next.

Looking at His visitor he smiles and handed her over to him she’s all yours now Red, quite eager himself to watch his slave experience a new level of pain she had craved.

By the smile on the visitors face, she knew he was please by her Daddy’s offer.

Sir Red took Daisies lead and pulled it up, forcing her to tip toes, both saw the wetness on her inner thighs and the damp patch on her Sir’s trousers where she had lain only minutes before wanting so badly to cum.

He took her to a ceiling hook in the centre of the room and attached her to the shadows and hoisted her to her toes, displaying her beautifully and noting Daisies now glowing bottom.

Red acknowledged Mal’s expertise.

When He was happy with her positioning, he circled her like someone ready to purchase a price pony.

Then standing facing her, he hand cupped her Môn’s and nipped her lips, then seized her full breasts and rock hard nipples. She let out a slight moan in response. “Good girl,’ he said.

He walked back to where Mal was seated and gave him the single tailed dressage whip.

This whip is a favourite of Doms, when used correctly it punishes every inch of the slaves body, in the order you place them.

Its sting produces the endorphins a slave needs to comply.

Use it as though you were flying fishing, fresh air shots till you get near to the spot you wish to touch.

Once skillful you will be able to pick off Each nipple at will, Red chuckled as did Mal.

She heard the whistle get nearer and nearer then felt the touch, then the sting, then the stalling pain it left.

It was followed by 5 more over her bottom and back with a final one licking her pussy lips, which brought a shriek.

“You are a natural Mal,”

Red then handed Mal the multi leather tipped flail whip.

“This one I use to punish with.”

“The long thongs spread over a large area on each whiplash and the leather tips remind a girl of her place.”

“My advice is 10 maximum, and uses it to finish a Punishment off.”

“Now with this one you throw the whip shaft as if you were bowling at a ten-pin bowling alley, but to the side of course.”

“The following through is the impact of the lash.”

Mal sent his first bowl and aimed for it to wrap around her chest, Daisy screamed loudly!

“A strike I think Mal.” And both men laughed.

He gave her 4 more with equal force and with the exact same result, a loud shriek followed by sobs.

“I think that will do for now Red,” placing the whip down and looking at its effect on Daisy’s now welded body.

“It has indeed been a pleasure.”

Red nodded in pleased agreement and left the implements he’d brought along in the room.

Mal saw him to the door and on leaving handed him a white envelope.

He smiled with a strange satisfaction as he returned to the room where Daisy was still sobbing hanging in her shadowles.

He then undressed and pulled His belt through its loops and put it round Daisies neck.

He then undressed and pulled His belt through its loops and put it round Daisies neck.

He then undressed and pulled His belt through its loops and put it round Daisies neck.

He Pulled on it as He stood behind her, His cock between her legs and pressing onto her pussy lips, he moved forward a little and it pushed up against her clip.

He then took her from behind, pulling hard on the belt.

He used her roughly and she moaned and felt the restriction in her throat as He pulled tighter, she felt herself drifting as he released slightly and they both came together, He filling her with His love and her responding covering Him with her secret juices.

He withdraw and lowered her down, she fell to her knees and took him in her mouth and cleaned Him to perThe result is a result of the relationship.

He leaned forward and picked her up in His strong arms and cuddled her, licking the tears from her cheeks.

Daisy looked up at her Daddy, it was wonderful Daddy, you spoiled me once again, thank you Sir.


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