Minky and Stephanie napped, showed, readied themselves, then tried not to wolf down the delicious meal brought to their room. According to Matt, they were sluts, so they were not allowed to eat at the dining room table. That was fine with them because the food tasted so wonderful it didn’t matter where they ate.
Matt had surprised them both by bringing several boxes to their room. “Inside are costumes,” he’d told them. “Tonight, dress as Old West bar maidens. I’m sure you’ll look good enough to eat,” he’d added wolffishly.
The girls oohed and ahhed over the costumes, and when all was said and done, did admit they looked the part. Minky’s blonde hair compiled the floor-length rose-colored dress, trimmed with cream lace. The neckline was so low cut that she was half afraid her tits would come loose, and she’d had Stephanie synch the back so tightly she could barely breathe. But at least her tits would stay intact.
Stephanie looked the part of the bar maiden in aroyal blue gown similar to Minky’s. Minky thought Steph’s neckline looked way better as she had much more cleavage to bare. Ah well.
At last the three piled into Matt’s vehicle. He drove through the city for what seemed like hours, and finally they arrived at what looked like an old-time saloon. Matt turned to them, “Ok, ladies, here we are. This is actually a dancing joint. The men are permitted to touch you here, just like in the old days. There’s a mixed crowd, from young horny men to old fat geezers. Have fun. Oh, and any money you make you can consider to be mine!”
All too soon they left the safe confines of the van and were standing in the doorway, next to a sign proclaiming “Amateur Night…Show Us Your Goods.”
Minky smiled thinly. Yeahhhhhhhh…she knew Matt would be up to something like this. Next to her, Stephanie was visible shaking, and she pawed at Minky’s arm, “We’re going to…strip?!”
The old, grizzled doorman heard her. “Sure, lil’ missy, if thegentlemen pay you ‘nough. You ‘ere for ama-ter night?”
Minky cleared her throat, “Well, yes, I guess. We’ve never done this before…”
The doorman leaned in close to her. She could smell the chewing tobacco on his breath as he whispered in her ear, “I’ll show you the ropes, missy.”
“Oh great,” Minky tried to act excited.
The doorman gave them instructions and they went to the sound booth to pick out a song. They opted to dance together, mainly because Stephanie had a death grip on Minky’s arm. There wasn’t much to choose from in the dance music department, but after all, this WAS a theme club.
In just a few minutes, the sound booth gave them a heads up, and they headed up on stage. There were hots and catcalls from the men around the stage, and at first, both girls Almost frozen. Then the sounds of Irish fiddle music filled the air and soon both girls took up the beat. It was a rather quick beat, not like the normal sensitive strip club music, but Minky and Stephanie had watched the girl prior to them and she hadn’t stripped at all. Apparently, the women just danced and then they made their rounds and made friends with the men.
Soon their song ended and there was appreciated clapping within the dim room. They headed backstage and Minky found the girl they’d watched. “We’re new here. What do we do now?”
“Nobody went over the rules with you?”
The girl told, looked bored, and chomped on a rather large piece of chewing gum, “Ok, nobody touches you unless they tip you. Usually it’s ten dollars, and then you sit on their lap, dance in front of them if they like, flirt, whatever, only for a couple songs. Then you have to move on unless they want to tip again. They want to cop more of a feel, then you take ’em upstairs. Upstairs is…that’s a little different.”
Minky was shocked, “You mean…this is a … whorehouse?” The word was out before she could stop it.
“No, bitch, this ain’t a WHORE house. Some of the girls might go all the way but most of us just do hand jobs. That doesn’t make us whores.”
‘Holy shit,’ Minky thought. She wondered if Matt knew what went on here. This was no “dance club.”
But they were here. She hadn’t thought to bring along money for a cab that evening, and Matt wasn’t coming back til midnight. She grabbed Stephanie’s hand and pulled her into a corner. “Now, we need to go our separate ways and try to make as much money as we can.”
“Why? It’s just for Matt.”
“Exactly. We’re going to pay him lots because he’s the one who brought us here in the first place. Now, shake your tits, make out with some guy, but for god’s sake, don’t let anyone fuck you without a rubber. And DON’T fucking cry!”
There were tears in Stephanie’s eyes anyway, but Minky pushed her in some guy’s direction and headed towards the front of the room. The doorman was sitting at the bar, she noticed, and he smiled lecherously as she passed. Minky was grabbed a couple times, and she slapped the hands away, “Not without a tip.”
One guy did give her ten dollars, and the tucked it away by her breasts and spent a song’s length in his lap. She actually started to like his touch. Well, maybe not LIKE it, but she started to get turned on. After one song, the guy lost interest and she went in search of someone else.
After four more songs, and 25 minutes of getting her tits squeezed, her thighs gropeed and her ass pinched, Minky went straight to the bar. She needed a drink if she was going to cope with this evening’s entertainment. She’d only made fifty bucks so far, and she was beginning to NOT like this place at all. On the other hand, poor Stephanie had obviously gotten over her dislike of this joint as she was making out with a thirty-something suit.
“Captain ‘n diet, please,” she told the barkeep, then she turned as she felt a nudge at her left elbow. It was the doorman.
He took her hand, and placed two crisp one-hundred dollar bills within. “Upstairs, now,” he said. Gone was the lecherous star. Gone was the old-geezer dialect. And strangely enough, in it’s place, was a firm, dangerous air.
Minky looked at the money, “Wait a minute. If you think I’m going to fuck you because you paid me this, you’re wrong. I’m not a whore.”
“Yes, you are. Upstairs.”
He headed for the stairs and Minky downed her drink. Why the hell was she doing this? And why the HELL was it turning her on?
On her way, she grabbed Stephanie by the hair and was glad when she yelped. “Quit making out and make us some money. This isn’t about YOUR fucking pleasure. I’ll be upstairs.”
Then she turned on her heel and stomped up the creaky stairway.
She reached the top and paused. There was a long hallway to her right, with rooms extending both ways as far as she could see. Some of them were open and as she walked across the floor, she got glimpses inside. One was full of mirrors. There was one with only a swing inside. One had a dentist’s chair. The realization dawned that these were smaller theme rooms, where men could bring the dancing girls to do with them as they pleased.
Minky saw a movement to her left, farther down the hall, and she saw the doorman motioning to her. Her heels clicked on the floor and soon she was beside him, looking into a room…and not just a room…but what appeared to be a mini-dungeon. There were hooks from the ceiling and hooks on the floor. One side of the room was covered with whips of all shapes and sizes, floggers, hand cuffs, chains, ropes, collars, gags, blindfolds and a number of other SM toys. The other wall was covered in full by a mirror.
The doorman pushed her within and locked the door. Minky started to panic. What if this guy was a killer…what if he was so sadistic that he beat her too badly…beat her…oh god, her ass still hurt from Matt. What if this guy beat her ass?
“Strip.” The command was simple, short and firm.
She hesitated only a second, then slowly removed her dress, her underthings, her stockings and her shoes. Finally she was naked, and she stood proudly in front of the man. He stepped closer and she could feel his long grey bear scratch her breasts. He came even closer and she could feel the bulge beneath his pants rub against the flat of her stomach. The man felt rock hard.
He twisted one nipple, hard, and he laughed when she jumped and yelped in surprise and pain. “I’m going to teach you about pain, slut.” He circled her, then whistled, low, when he saw her buttocks, “…but something tells me you already know about that.” He laughed again and twisted her other nipple, harder this time. And this time she was prepared, and she stood still, only a moan escaping her lips. “Yes, that’s better.”
And then, “I’m not going to fuck you. But by the time I’m through, you’ll be wishing I would.”
Minky felt some relief, but that was short-lived as he suddenly clamped on cuffs to each wrist and raised her hands upward, expertly clipping her to the ceiling. Then came her ankles, and now she couldn’t move. She was stretched taut.
Then, a blindfold. Her breath came faster now. She hadn’t counted on this. This wasn’t just a dance club and silently she thanked Matt for bringing them here. Surely he must know what went on.
There was silence in the room, silence punctuated Only by the clinking and rattling of the whips on the wall. Minky shook slightly, sure he was simply trying to find the right one to use on her.
*THWACK* She jumped more from the sound than anything. The whip landed on the front of her thighs, then on the backs of her legs, then across her back. Thankfully he was avoiding her ass at the moment.
The whip stung only slightly, and simply seemed to warm her skin. Over and over again he struck her, increasing the tempo and strength of the blows almost imperceptibly. Her skin feel warm, and the tingling between her legs increased til she knew she was sopping wet.
The *HIIISSSSSS*, a different kind of whip snaked through the air, landing again on her thighs and back and stomach. This one hurt. “Owwwwww…” Minky cried out at length, tears finally rolling down her cheeks.
The man didn’t say a word; he simply stuffed a gag in her mouth and continued whipping her. Finally she couldn’t take any more. Her legs were burning, her back was burning, her stomach was on fire. The pain was more than she could take and yet there was a throbbing in her pussy, in her clip, that wouldn’t quit. She half sobbed, half moaned.
Then, as suddenly as he’d started, the man stopped. Minky heard his zipper and then slick noises and then he grunted. At length he told, then she heard his zipper again, and then the door opened and closed.
That was it? That was all? He simply beat her, then shot his wad and left her? What the hell? She was alone. Oh god. Who knew she was up here? She might starve. She tried calling out, but the gag muffled the sound. She couldn’t move, and when she did, her cuts hurt like a bitch.
Then the door opened and closed again. Someone removed her gag. She swallowed gratefully. “Oh thank god. I thought you were gonna leave me here.”
No response. Two fingers tweaked each nipple, then suddenly thrust up into her wet cunt. She gasped, then moaned. “Ohhhh…please…”
The fingers fucked in and out and she tried to tighten her muscles down around them, tried to keep them inside her, filling her. A thumb joined them, rubbing on her clip. “Please…please fuck me…please…”
“Told you you’d beg…” but it wasn’t his voice.
“Matt?!?” Minky was incredulous, and overjoyed.
“Minky, he marked you very well. You look fucking hot, and you’re so fucking wet. I think I just may have to fuck you.”
“Yes, Matt, please, please fuck me…fuck me hard, please…”
She heard the crinkle of a plastic wrapper and then he was thrusting into her. Urgent.Mindless of her needs, but that was alright. All she really needed at the moment was his dick. Deep inside her, pounding. She thrust her hips forward, meeting his strokes. They were the right height, and each thrust of his hard cock rubbed on her swollen clip.
He grabbed her waist and pintone in and out. “Matt, I’m gonna cum….please…oh god…”
“Now,” he grunted, and as she spasmed around his dick, he came deep inside her. She felt him swell and throb and felt her eyes rolling back in her head, the waves of orgasm non-stopping, felt her legs give out, felt her arms grow heavy, feel the pain in her back and on her thighs and feel the pleasure in her stomach, in her cunt, up through the top of her head. She barely noticed as he withdraw and undid her cuffs.
He slapped her face lightly, to get her attention. Minky was dazed and so so tired. Matt took off the blindfold, then helped her into her dress. “Did you know that guy?” Minky asked him.
He grinned, “Yeah, I found this place a few months ago and he agreed to help with your…training, shall we say.”
“I see.” Minky remembered the money, and handed it to him.
“I’m sure you could’ve done better, but this isn’t bad for a couple hours work.”
Minky didn’t know whether to say thank you or piss off.
They collected Stephanie, who was still unharmed in the arms of the suit. They headed for home and upon reaching her pillow, Minky fell fast wait.
From the double closet, Colin stretched. It had been damn easy to jimmy the back lock. Then…all he had to do was wait. Wait and stroke his dick. Stroke his dick, which was now straining in his pants at the sight of the two women sleeping in the same bed. He’d have ’em both, he vowed.
He touched the butt of the gun tucked in the back of his pants and crept silently across the carpeted floor.
to be continued…
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