The sobs quieted again, and again they heard the door open. Slow steps. Then nothing. Minky got to her feet, preparing herself, for a blow, for a hit, for whatever might come. Where was he? He was here. She could feel him. Where?…
Minky felt his hand in her hair first. Gripping. Tight. So tight it brought tears to her eyes, then releasing. “Hmmmmmmmmmm…let me have a look…..inspect the meat, as it were……” He chuckled softly, but to Minky it already seemed rather sadistic. But, he had a nice voice, she decided. She had to give him that. She liked the faint English accent. She wished she could see his eyes, but knew he’d remove her blindfold when the time was right.
“I-it’s nice to… you…. finally,” Minky ventured. “I just…have one question.”
“Only one?”
She took his silence for acquisitionsence, and asked tenatively, “May I please use your restroom?”
More silence. Then, “No.”
Minky couldn’t help it. The stresses of the day thus far were too much and she felt her bottom lip quiver. “But….I…”
“Have to go really bad and if Matt makes me stand here for much longer I won’t be able to hold it?” He finished for her.
She could only nod.
“Ok, I’m taking off the cuffs, so you need to promise me that you won’t hit me, or try to get away, or do anything stupid like that, ok?”
And she nodded.
She heard him fishing around for keys, and then the metal locks were released. “Thank you,” she whispered.
He guided her to a spot farther from the post in the room. The chain around her ankle dragged a bit painfully. She’d expected him to undo that too. How else would she get to the bathroom?
She heard him set something on the floor with a clunk. The he lowered her, “Sit.”
She felt something cold beneath her ass. A bucket? Good grief.
She heard a smile in his voice. That sadistic bastard. “Yes, you will piss in the bucket. You will dispose of it later….unless, of course, you disobey me, and then I’ll make you drink it.”
God what a bastard. She couldn’t believe her ears. He wanted her to pee in front of him AND the strange woman? There was no way she was doing this. No way. Her face burned from embarrassment as she pictured the way she looked. Classy suit and heels, sitting on a bucket, trying to pee.
“What’s the matter? Can’t go?”
Oh christ, he was still in front of her. “Well, no, I mean, not with you WATCHING me……”
She heard his zipper and figured she knew what he was doing. Fine, she’d suck his dick, and gladly, but that still wouldn’t help her piss.
“Ok, I’m gonna count to 10 and you’re going to piss or I’m going to piss all over you. Maybe THEN that’ll help you go.”
She felt close to tears… “Oh, please….no…”
She concentrated. She had to go so bad. Oh god.
“Two. Three. Four.”
Shit. Go. Go. Go.
“Five. Six.”
Oh god, please….. She was smoking.
“Seven. Eight.”
Ok, almost there…..oh god.
“Nine… Ready, lil Minky?”
“No, no, no….please,” she started sobbing, and then mercifully, thankfully, her full bladder released and she heard it echo in the empty bucket in a stream. She buried her face in her hands and cried, releasing all the tension of the trip.
Matt took her hands and helped her stand up. “Lucky you, slut. I’ll have to save my urine for another time.”
She could feel his eyes roving over her body, figuratively tearing her limb from limb. “Nice long legs. Hmmmmmmmmmm…nice figure…posture’s not quite so hatty as it was when I first came down those stairs.”
Suddenly she felt his hand at the front of her suit jacket and then a rip. Buttons clattered over the cement floor. ‘That fucker just ripped my clothes….if he was gonna do that, then he could’ve at least told me to wear something I didn’t mind having ripped.’ Minky could feel her face contort as her thoughhts got angrier, as that emotion replaced the distress of moments earlier.
“Pouting, are we?” Matt’s voice contained laughter now.
“And now we are lying too.” More steel in his tone, and then Minky heard a click. “Well if you don’t like it when I rip your clothes, I’ll cut them off.”
With that, he slide a cold metal blade under her lace camisole. She could Feel the steel against her breasts, cold, sharp. She knew if she moved….it would be dangerous. Oh yes, dangerous. She forgot the other woman in the room, then, forgot her, forgot the cold, and nothing existed but this sharp steel steel against her breast. The cold metal against her nipple. The sliding across her skin and then the sliding outward, the tearing sound, the ripping of her camisole and then the chill of the air at he ripped her jacket and underthings downward.
“Hmmmm…small tits. But nice. Perky.” He traced the tip of the knife over her rock hard nipples, and Minky felt her body shake. The cold on top contrasted with the heat between her legs. She couldn’t believe how wet she was getting. How sopping wet.
Matt traced the blade of his knife down her flat stomach, to the waistband of her skirt. Riiiip. One smooth motion and it was lying on the floor at her feet, in shreds. Next, her panties. Minky felt the cool metal briefly on either side of her underwear, slitting, and then her lacy g-string was ripped away from her crotch abruptly.
A deep inhale sounded and Minky’s face burned. ‘Really I wish he wouldn’t be so obvious and dramatic. He wants to smell my panties, fine. I don’t see what’s so special about it though.’
Footsteps….he was walking. Walking where? Minky stood still and concentrated on listening. Then she heard a slight surprised yelp. “Here, take a whiff.”
She heard the other woman mutter something and then her words became muffled, “What is that, are you Matt, ewwwmmmmphhhffffff….”
Oh christ. He just fed that other womanher panties.
Stephanie had been listening for some sign of life in the house, and when she heard the door open, she turned that way expectedly. There was a shuffle, that what sounded like heels on the stairs. They paused a couple times, then she heard someone mutter something, a woman’s voice? She didn’t think there’d be any other women here. What was going on?
The woman said Something about her being a dog. Well, fine. Fuck you, bitch.
Then some guy came down the stairs and after telling the woman she couldn’t pee, he tied her. Stephanie supposed the other woman was blindfolded too, and she hoped that was the case as she didn’t want someone inspecting her without her clothes.
Then the other woman asked her how long she’d been here and suddenly Stephanie again felt the burden of her situation. She broke down crying and wished she were somewhere else.
She heard the bitch tell her to shut up and she did when she heard the door open again. Some guy with an English accent was talking to the other gal, and then Stephanie got the shock of her life when she finally figured out that the man was making the other woman go to the bathroom in a bucket. How disgusting. And, oh my god, he’s going to pee ON her?
Stephanie bit her lip to keep from sobbing. This was all too much.
She finally heard the other woman go to the bathroom in the bucket and she feel nauseous. What did this guy think he was doing? This just wasn’t right.
Then she heard him saying things about the woman’s body. Long legs, small tits. Oh great. I probably look like a fattie next to her. He’s not gonna want to look at me. Oh, I’m so miserable.
Apparently the guy was cutting the woman’s clothes off. A knife? Oh shit. Now this is something she really hadn’t bargained for. She heard his steps coming closer and then she felt him hold something under her nose and tell her to smell. Then he opened her mouth. She tried to ask him what he was doing, buthe just said, “Enjoy the pussy clothes, slut.”
“Ewwwmmmpffff…” Her words of protest became muffled. She didn’t want some other woman’s panties in her mouth.
Her panties? The thought sank in. Oh dear GOD. He had to be joking. But they were. The taste wasn’t bad really, just surprise. The texture was slippery and yet rough. The woman must like what he’s been doing to
her. She wondered why. It didn’t seem all that fun.
Matt quickly walked back to Minky, who was standing in only her heels. He grabbed her hair, “Hey slut, that other who just said ‘ewww’ about your panties. You hear that? That must mean you taste bad. Can’t have my sluts tasting bad, now can I.” He dragged a small table from the corner of the room directly in front of her.
“Now, I have a switch in each hand. Pick a hand.”
Minky cringed. Shit. “Right.”
“Right? You sure about that?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Good, you picked the bigger one. That pleases me. Now bend overat the wait.”
Minky cringed again. OH shit. She gripped the edge of the table and told herself not to wince. But she wasn’t prepared for the sting and she screamed as the switch lashed out and made contact with the tender flesh of her buttocks. “Owww…”
The switch lashed again and again, and by the time several more blows had landed across her butt and tighs, Minky was panting and crying, sobbing and sweating. She didn’t know anything could hurt so much.
Matt leaned down by her ear. “Wait here…I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
Minky heard him head up the stairs, and in a few seconds he returned. She was in too much pain to care what he was doing, but she jumped lightly when she felt his touch on her sore ass. Then a cooling soothed the pain. He was rubbing some sort of cream on her cuts. Wow, the man DOES have a heart, she thought.
After gently tending to the lash marks, he helped her stand up. The he pressed her back against the table so she was lying on it, the sore half of her ass hanging off the edge. He brought a couple stools over to support her feet so that she was lying back on the table as if in stirrups.
Minky felt him knee between her legs then. “Let’s see how this pussy tastes.”
He started by licking her folds, his fingers fucking slowly into her wet cunt. “Geez, the whipping really agreed with you, huh, Minky. I knew you’d get wet.
‘Course, you’re a perpetual wet kind of gal, aren’t ya.”
Then he stopped talking again as he latched onto her clip. He sucked and nibbled and sucked harder and Minky was already on edge. The suspension, the blindfold, the restraints, the extremes, the whipping, all of it combined and she moaned, loud, and then she moaned again, “Matt, please, I’m so close….may I cum?”
“Not yet.” Matt walked across the room again to the other girl. He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to a standing position. He dragged her, stumbling, across the floor and forced her to her knees. Minky knew what was happening.
“Now taste, Stephie-poo. Taste a real pussy. I’m gonna guide your mouth to her cunt and you’re going to suck on her clip and you’re going to make her cum. If you protest, I’ll make you piss in the bucket and then
drink your pee and Minky’s too. Is that clear?”
The girl nodded.
Minky felt her breathe first, then her tongue, and then her mouth. Gingerly. Hesistating. Then, at Matt’s instruction, the girl sucked on her clip. Minky was already so aroused, and the burning on her buttocks contrasted the pleasure radiating from her clip. She reached down and held the girl’s head between her legs, grinding her pussy up into the girl’s face.
She felt a touch on her face then, and knew it was Matt. And then, that kiss. The kiss she’d long for. Hard, long, deep. She felt her senses reeling, the tension in her body radiating, building, out of her control. She backed off to take a breathe and said quickly, “Matt, please…please may I cum?”
She felt the blindfold quickly lift off her face and she tried to control her orgasm. She was so on the edge and she ground against the strange girl’s mouth as she blinked a couple times. She looked up and straight into a pair of blue eyes as the weak English accent said, “Yes. Now.”
On the ‘now’, her back arched and her breathing quickly lifted to an impossible rate and she peaked, Her whole body going through tremor after tremor. She grabbed the girl’s hair and held her to her crotch when she tried to get away. She wanted to cum all over that bitch’s face.
When she finally tired, she lay simply and finally looked Matt over. “Hmmmmm….nice…” And then she grinned.
Matt smiled back briefly, then helped her to a sitting position. They both looked at the girl still kneeing on the floor, shaking, tear tracks down her face. “And now….you get to have some fun…and I get to watch!”
To be continued
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Please feel free to give me feedback or just drop me a line to my email. Also, be sure to vote below!
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