The Virgin East

Author’s Note: After a brief respite from my erotic writings, I am back with this work. It’s a collection of fansies compiled into one wild time on the East coast. Be aware that this is not textbook BDSM. Those into the hardcore S&M scene may find that my real-life take on the subject bends some of the rules a bit. Please send feedback and vote when finished reading each portion. Part 1 introduces the characters and sets the stage for what is yet to cum. Do enjoy…


Minky Smith’s heels tapped a swift staccato on the concrete as she hurried to the terminal. At last, the long-awaited day had arrived. The silver bird that would take her on her virgin trip out east (virgin because she’d never been out east) was waiting on the runway.

Minky had said goodbye to her husband When he dropped her off at the doors. He’d been clingy, and for a moment, Minky felt sad about duping him. After all, he thought she was on a group sight-seeing tour, and though he’d tried to tag along, she’d made it clear that she had NEVER gotten to do ANYTHING by herself. He’d been by her side since high school, and she needed to venture out on her own. She had promised him, that yes, she would return. Little did he know, though, that she probably wouldn’t be the same person then as when she left.

Now, thinking of what lay ahead, Minky shivered, and tried her best Not to let her nervouss boil over. She made it through the ticket counter, then was stopped at the search station. She would’ve gotten aroused as the attendant’s hands patted her down, but he did it with such an efficient and bored manner that it wasn’t even interesting. ‘Sort of like a robot,’ she thought.

“Excuse me?” The man’s hooded dark brown eyes suddenly lifted and drilled into hers. She’d said it out loud?

“Oh, sorry, just talking to myself.”

“What did you say, ma’am?”

“Well, I was thinking that you seemed rather like a robot. But then, you must do so many searches a day…” She laughed, to make light of the situation.

But obviously the attendant was in no kidding mood. “Ma’am, I’ve been highly trained for this. I hear everything everyone says and I must take it into consideration. You think I’m a robot, you think I’m amusing. Well, it doesn’t amuse me. I’ll have to look into your bags.”

‘Shit. No. Fuck.’ Thankfully this time Minky kept the words inside her head.

She didn’t want to cause more trouble, so she followed the attendant to the farthest room and hoisted her bags to the table. She took a seat in the indicated chair and watched in distress as the attendant unzipped the larger of the bags.

He withdraw a leather skirt, four inch spike heels, filmy blooms, sheer negligee, thigh high stockings and hows. His bored demeanor was gone and Minky watched in growing anger as he pawed through her personal belongings. He held up a choke chain, the very chain that Matt had instructed her to buy specially for the trip. “You got adog along do ya?”


“What’s this for, then….you?” He grinned at her lecherously and for a minute Minky considered launching herself out of her chair and pistoning this evil man straight in his crotch. But no, that wouldn’t do. She had a flight to catch.

“Maybe…I’m really not sure.”

“Not sure….not sure….hmmmm…she’s not sure…” He mimicked her as he continued through the rest of the bag. Then, “Well, well, WELL…….now here’s some interesting shit! You have NO idea how much I love my job!”

With a flourish, he held up a pink plastic vibrating dildo. “Where are the batteries?”

“In a BAG, which you’ll find if you’ll just dig a LITTLE further!” Minky was fuming.

“Getting mouthy are we? Tell me….just what are you…some sort of whore? Are you a prostitute?”

“Oh fuck you!! You can go straight to hell. NO, I’m NOT a fucking whore. I’m meeting someone and it’s really none of your business.”

He grinned again, that toothygrin that she was beginning to despise. “Oh, but is IS my business. You see, your plane takes off in exactly,” a pointed glance at his wristwatch, “forty-five minutes. From all this shit here, I have an idea that whoever you’re meeting might be a LITTLE disappointed if you don’t show. Am I right?”

Minky didn’t answer.

“Answer me. Now, if you’re going to get on that plane, you’ll need to do exactly as I say. So tell me…..who the FUCK are you meeting?” The attendant pulled a chair across the room as he spoke, and the last words were practically spit into Minky’s face.

“A friend…off the internet.”

More rauchous laughter. “The internet, huh? You gonna get yourself killed. And besides, what do you need the internet for? You’re way too pretty to be meeting someone off there. That’s for skanks.”

Minky didn’t know what to say, so she kept her mouth shut.

He got up from his chair, and dug to the bottom of her bag, extracting two more dildos. “Sheesh. YouARE a slut. How much does it take to satisfy you?”

Minky again refused to comment.

“Maybe I should confirm these…for evidence.”

Minky replied, “Oh, I HIGHLY doubt I’ll be able to kill someone with a plastic DILDO.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhh….there ya go. I like it when the prey fights back. Well, we have 37 minutes til your plane lifts off Now. What are we gonna do with you?”

Minky knew it was a rhetorical question, and she felt the curls of fear in her stomach. Thirty-seven minutes. That’s not enough time. Christ, she didn’t want to miss her flight. Matt would kill her, totally kill her, and besides, as scared as she was of actually meeting him, she was also looking forward to it. She tried to keep her voice low and steady, but it raised to a shaky squeak all on its own. “Look, ok, surely there must be something we can work out. I mean, I’m not breaking any rules. I don’t know why you detailed me.”

“No? Because I could tell that under that nice lil’ suit you’re wearin’, you’re a slut. Aren’t ya?”

“Well, I suppose you could put it like that.”

“So take out my dick and suck it. It’s already hard. It won’t take long.”

Minky was nonplused. “Wha-….you want me to……what?”

“Suck my dick, bitch,” the guy’s voice had lowered to a menuing growl. “It won’t take long, I’m already hard, so get to it. You don’t want to miss your flight and believe me, you’re not leftin’ here til you suck me dry.”

Minky’s mouth instantly went dry. Suck some stranger’s dick? God, what if….. “Can I use a rubber or something? I mean…”

“No. Get to it. Now.” He grabbed her hair and pulled her forward.

Minky fumbled with his zipper and soon had it down. She could see his hard cock beneath his uniform pants, and then she reached inside and withdraw its length. She stroked his cock…… ‘A nice specimen,’ she mused.

His hand gripped in her hair shook her back to reality, and he forced her mouth down to his dick. “Wet your lips. Lick ‘em. Lemme see you do it. Look up at me and lick. Get lotsa spit. C’mon, lemme see…yeah, like that, yeah,” then he plunged his prick into her mouth and nearly down her throat all in one motion. Minky gagged at the sudden invasion, then she controlled herself and opened her mouth wider to accommodate his fast thrusts. Just when she didn’t know if she could take Any more, she felt him swell. She reached up and massed his balls gently, felt them tighten, and then she felt the first hot burst of jism hit the back of her throat. “Uuuuuughhhhhhhh…” the attendant grunted out his release, his hips moving slower and slower til they finally came to a rest. He withdraw his dick and tucked it away. “That was good, slut. Really good.”

Minky swallowed. “Thank you.” Then she realized she was shaking. She’d just sucked some stranger’s dick. Oh god, what the fuck was she thinking.

“Get your stuff packed up. Then you’re free to go,” the efficient mask was back on, the hooded eyes not meeting hers. He reached the door, “Oh, and I’ll call Matt and tell him you’ll do just fine.”

The only sound was the heavy metal door clanking shut. ‘Matt? What? Oh god…..oh GOD.’ Minky’s breath was ragged. She should’ve known he’d test her. Was it a test? Oh thank god that guy was someone he knew. Thank god. She was half joyful, have scared. She throw her things into the bag, grabbed them, and made quick steps through the terminal. She finally reached her gate and managed a wan smile as the flight attendant directed her to her seat.

‘Great, just my luck,’ she thought as she squeezed her way between a stout grey-haired woman with a mustache and a rotund mid-thirties gentleman with a bald head and gold-rimmed glasses. ‘Damn, I was hoping for someone good-looking,’ she mused, because suddenly Minky realized that her panties were a soaking slippery wet.


Stephanie Monteray stumbled along the cool cement wall that lined Matt’s basement. She was blindfolded and chained by one ankle to some sort of pole in the middle of the floor. She shivered slightly, the air damp and chilly on her bare skin. This wasn’t what she’d expected.

She’d received instructions from Matt via email, and she’d been looking forward to meeting him for months. She thought he was a bit different, but he seemed nice enough. She thought maybe they’d see a nice movie, hopefully a romantic one, before eating dinner for two at a restaurant and then making sweet love in a hotel room. But that had changed the minute she’d gotten into the taxi waiting for her. Someone was already in it, and that someone had blindfolded her and gripped her hands so hard that it hurt. It really hurt.

She’d been led up a cement path and then through a door and down some stairs. She’d tried to find out whether the person holding her in such a tough grip was Matt, but it couldn’t be. He wouldn’t be that means. He wouldn’t. A single tear drifted down under the blindfold as she realized that she’d misread the whole situation. ‘Oh God, please don’t let me die,” she silently prayed.

That’s when they’d reached what she’d found to be the basement. She’d be told to strip, and at first she balanced but the man twisted her arms behind her back and grew something about doing it himself. She’d felt metal cuffs being clamped around her wrists and then something cool was slicing Through her clothes. When she realized it was a knife, she nearly failed. All too soon she was completely naked, but she didn’t have time to be ashamed as her ankle was clamped into a heavy chain and she was told to occur herself until otherwise. All was silent then, and once she was sure she was alone, she broke down into heavy sobs.

At length, she finally quietly. Her tears dried on her cheats and she sniffled. ‘Well, might as well feel what I can…’

She felt around, exploring, but there was nothing but the chain, the pole, and the wall. It was peculiar.She had nothing more to do then, so she sat on the cold cement floor, her nipples hardening with the chill. She was uncomfortable, scared and lonely. “Matt…where are you?” She whispered shakily into the dark room. As she expected, there was no answer.


Matt checked the caller ID on his vibrating cell phone before flipping it open to connect the call, “Hey Colin. How’d things go?”

“Really well…yeah, really good. You’ll have fun with her. She’s a bit mouthy, but I’m sure you’re up to that,” there was humor in his voice.

Matt grinned wryly, “Well, I never did like a limp dishrag. She get you off?”

“OH….yeah, thanks for that, buddy. I wasn’t sure she’d give in, but she’s just a slut at heart guess.”

“Good. See you tomorrow night.”

“Gottcha. Leave somma that ass for me.”

As the connection ended, Matt glanced at his watch. Almost time for Minky’s plane to arrive. Stephie slut had been downstairs for nearly an hour and had just quit whining and crying. Once he was sure she was fine, Matt headed for the airport.


“Mike, would you please take out the garbage, load the dishwasher, and fix the bathroom sink before you head to the game?”

Mike Jones grunted out of his easy chair and stretched. Too much work for a week, he thought. His old lady could get to be rather much sometimes. Sure, he loved her, yeah, but she was……well, how could he put it…..she was a tired, heavier version of the woman he’d married. Guess kids’ll do that.

But tomorrow……tomorrow there’d be none of the honey-dos. Tomorrow night was poker night. Matt said he’d had something special planned and Mike was willing to bet that Colin was in on the big secret

from the shit-eatin’ grin he’d been wearing for the last week. But Colin wouldn’t spill the beans, no matter how much pressure Mike put to him.

“Sure thing, hun,” Mike called back. Oh, til tomorrow.


Rob Miller shuffled his feetather nervously as he watched the flight monitor. He glanced at his wristwatch. Matt should’ve been here by now. Hope he didn’t have trouble with that other bitch. Matt had said he’d have no trouble handling her on his own, but he wanted Rob here to meet Minky. Minky….weird name. He’d have to ask her about that. He didn’t know what this chick looked like, but Matt said she was Very tall and had blonde hair. Shouldn’t be too hard to spot.

Rob turned his gaze to the neary parking area and saw Matt drive up. He waved in greeting, then turned as the flight he wanted was announced. More time passed and he was getting impatient, but then he saw her….blondish-brownish hair, no, more brownish…thought Matt said blonde. Glasses. Sort of tall. Not really special looking. Matt was gonna be disappointed. She walked towards him, smiling, and then the grey-haired gentleman to his right took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. ‘Oh, guess that’s not her. Guess maybe I shouldn’t seem so eaged. Could get myself in trouble.’

A few guys had gathered to Rob’s left, and as Rob searched the crowd with his gaze again, he felt them nudging each other. He followed the direction of their eyes and this time it had to be her. Had to be. Taller than he expected. Slimmer than he expected. Blonde hair. Most definitely. A tight-looking tanned body. Legs……good god….long legs. The guys were chuckling and saying something about legs to wrap around a guy but then Rob hurried off and didn’t hear the rest.


She turned, locking his gaze as he greeted her, “I’m Rob.”

“Rob, nice to meet you. So, when do I meet the man of the hour?”

“I suppose you mean Matt. Well, that’s really not up to you now is it.” He saw the shock in her face.

“Good grief. Can’t any of you guys take a freakin’ joke?”

“Not really. Now, follow me.” Matt had said to be harsh with her, but she really looked too sweet. However, Matt had seemed to know what he was talkingng about, so he’d do his best.

“Hurry it up…..keep with me.”

“Ok, ROB, have you ever walked on a cement floor in heels as quickly as you can? It’s not easy.”

“Do I care? No, I do not, if there was a doubt in your mind. But, lucky for you, here’s the taxi.”

They piled in and Rob laid his hand on her leg. He was hard just thinking about doing her. She’d be a fine piece of ass to bang. He glanced behind the taxi. Matt was pulling into traffic, just behind them. Rob reached forward and handed the driver an address on a slip of paper.

Soon, the taxi arrived. Minky got out and looked around at the residential neighborhood. ‘Wonder if this is Matt’s place.’

Rob led her to the door, and directed her downstairs. This had to be Matt’s house. Had to be. Rob shut the door after her, and Minky heard a click. ‘Oh funny, I’m locked in his basement. Very funny. Somehow it’s not all that amusing though.’

She gingerly felt her way down the step stairs, and then paused instantly when she heard the clanking of a chain. ‘A dog? Oh surely not. What if it’s mean. Oh god. Shit, I’m down here in the dark with a dog. Hope it’s a nice one.’

She was panting by the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, half in fear, half in trepidation. She paused on the bottom step. The clanking had stopped and she could hear panting in the room. She closed her eyes, blinked, Willing them to adjust to the dark interior of the house. Then shapes became visible, slowly, and then she blinked again. Another woman? Surely not. She was supposed to be the star of this party. But hmmmmmmmm…yes, there WAS another woman. Chained to the pole in the center of the floor. ‘Thank god it’s not a dog….’

The woman started, “What?” She squeaked.

“Oh, was I talking out loud again, gee, I must’ve been. Well, I thought you were a dog and I was scared, but you’re not and….” Minky realized she was babbling and shut her mouth. She set down her bags and inspectedthe woman more closely. She was nude, had huge tits, and was a bit on the pudgy side, but not too bad. She could be called volunteer. She was blindfolded, and her wrists were cuffed behind her. She was either cold or turned on because her nipples were rock hard. Minky opted for the former reason as she realized she was shivering herself.

The door at the top of the stairs opened then, and both women frozen like a deer in headlights. Minky breathed a sight of relief. “It’s just Rob.”

“Who’s Rob?” The other woman called out.

“Oh, Rob is…well, he’s Rob. I’m not sure who he is. Who ARE you anyway?” Minky turned to him.

“None of your business. Turn around.”

Minky saw a blindfold in his hands. “May I please use the restroom first?”

“To piss or shit?”

Minky was started, “Well, that’s none of your……” The look on his face stopped her, “to piss.”

“Then no, you may not. Turn around.”

Minky turned around, in shock. No? No? What the hell.”Hey, wait a minute-…”

Her wrists were quickly clapped behind her in metal cuffs and her ankle was hooked a few seconds later. She was caught. Hook, line and sinker. ‘Damn.’

Rob grabbed her right title through her clothes and squeezed hard. “Matt wants to undress you himself…unwrap his package, so to speak.”


Minky could do nothing but stand silently as Rob wrapped the blindfold around her head and tied it securely. Then he trusted heavily up the stairs and Minky heard the click as the door closed. Then, quiet.

Minky shuffled around a bit, then squatted in a semi-comfortable position. “Hey… long have you been here?”

“A couple hours…” Came the whimpery voice. “He didn’t let me go pee either and I’ve gotta go BAD….”

The other woman started crying, sobbing, and Minky rolled her eyes beneath her blindfold. “Oh come ON. Quit babbling. Sit there and shut up so I can fucking think.”

The sobs quietly again, and again they heard the door open. Slow steps. Then nothing. Minky got to her feet, preparing herself, for a blow, for a hit, for whatever might come. Where was he? He was here. She could feel him. Where?…


To be continued.

Author’s Note: Please send me feedback and suggestions on this story…I appreciate all comments! Also, please take the time to vote!


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