The Very Famous Five – Part 1 – slave girl sara
During specific notable events in the Gregorian calendar The Very Famous Five were in great demand, so much so, more and more groups of five were gathered together and trained.
Before we get ahead of ourselves let’s get the original cast introduced to you.
1 is Onesie
2 is Tuppence
3 is Thrupenny
4 is Fortuitous
5 is Five
Each person is described more fully below and have their special talents revealed.
Onesie is a sweet delicate framed type of person, in this case, twenty-one and female. Being of a delicate nature her main asset is tightness so ideal for the breaking in of young gentlemen.
Tuppence is a more robust sort of person altogether, one, who in Another life would try and black your eye if riled. Her main attribute is a liking for more rough play, beat her and she comes back for more, twenty-two and struggle.
Thrupenny is a special person. He is twenty and a nine-inch male. He the sort you can fuck hard and wank him at the same time, just a sheer delight.
Fortuitous a true allrounder who specialises in solely what her client wants, in our case a girl of twenty-two with an ample bus.
Fiver is completely house trained with a particular emphasis in housekeeping. If needed, you could take her from behind and fuck her as she vacuumed, suitable for dual use.
Today, The Very Famous Five have been booked by the foresto most adults only holiday entertainment company in the land, `FranTons` the holiday camp with Tons of adult fun, guaranteed. They are holding a whole host of sporting challenges, such as mud wrestling, naked arm wrestling, naked toss the cock, I think you get the idea.
The elite team all arrived at different times at different gates in Plickington, the group’s showcase vendor. Each member had a park pass stamped on various parts of their body which they had to show to get in.
They will each tell of their own expErience of this.
Onesie’s tale:
We all got to the park gatehouses at different times. I used Gate A, no reason, it`s just where the tax dropped me off.
“Onesie Sir.”
“Come in here and show me your pass.”
“Yes Sir.”
“How old are you little girl?”
“Twenty-one just gone Sir.”
I undid my shirt, lifted my title out of its warm cup by my nipple and showed my pass on my breast.
“That will do fine, could I interest you in some special services we have here in camp?”
My answer would normally have been no but one never knows when one needs a favor, plus his bosses are paying us all £4,000 for our five days stay, starting tonight at nine.
“Yes please Sir.”
“Pop back and see me at this time tomorrow, ok?”
“Ok Sir if I am not tied up.”
“Good girl! Now, into that green door and ask for Mr. T.”
I was taken to Mr. T. by a handsome young man who asked for a wank on the way, who was I to refuse. We went into a storeroom and I wanked him until I finally allowed him to cum when he cum so hard he fell over with his cum all over himself.
“Wow Miss, that was some fucking wank and cum, my best ever.”
He tidied up and pointed me to the office of Mr. T.
“Good day Sir, I am Onesie I believe you have been expecting me?”
“Yes I sure have, I am intrigued to see your pass.”
I began to lift my shirt and jumper up.
“Not here, go into the next office, through that door and get undressed, all new staff need a through seeing too, I mean inspection.”
I got undressed, knelt with my 29 A cup tits sticking out only enlarged by the dream coming under the door hitting my perked hard nipples. My hands folded behind my back, waiting. As the door opened wide so did my mouth with my tongue slightly pushing out.
“Good girl, I see you have played this game before.”
I nodded and he fumbled pulling down his zip. He walked towards me, the nearer he got the further out my tongue pushed until his cock was laid on it. Like with the young man I had just wanked I wanted this to be special for him, so as he was about to cum I put a nip on the base of his shake and a finger up his bum until I was ready for his cum, and cum he did.
“That was wonderful Onesie, Mrs. T. does not allow me in her mouth and very rarely wanks me, what do you think of that?”
“Do you punish her Sir?”
“How do you mean, punishment?”
“Turn her over your knee and spank her bottom scarlet Sir”
“Why no, are you punished?”
“Yes Sir.”
I stood and turned around and bent over.
“Who in God’s name gave you those stripes on your back and bottom?”
“Some off my dad and some off my brother.”
“How so?”
“Because they could Sir as I still live at home.”
“Well, I did not or do not even spank my late teen boys.”
“Would you like me to break them in Sir?”
“However do you mean?”
“Capture their virginity Sir, fuck it out of them.”
“Yes, for sure, I will tell you when, but first I will show you to your cabin and then home to sort my wife out while the boys are not in.”
“Would you like me to come with you Sir and you can show her my back and bottom?”
“But how would I explain me seeing your back and bottom?”
“If you are the house boss, why would you need to explain anything Sir?”
“Exactly, yes, bend over the chair I will fuck you first, if that`s ok.”
“Yes Sir of course it is, just take, no need to ask, both ports available to you Sir.”
“What, bottom too?”
“Yes Sir, don`t tell me you do not fuck her bum even when it’s her monthly?”
He never answered he was too busy fucking my tight pussy.
We eventually made it to his home, a lovely modern chalet.
“Is that you dear, home for lunch?”
“Never mind lunch, get in here, now.”
She came in as I was undressing.
“Who, what, how.”
“Don`t garble, look at Onesie’s back and bottom, caned and strapped for answering back at home, things are changing round here. Pull out that dining chair and lower your knickers.”
She never answered but did as she was told. He put her over his knee and spanked her pretty hard. She was soon in tears then crying hard, I signed for him to rub and spank a little softer. Then mouthed, ‘Thank You’, and opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. He stopped spanking her bottom and knelt her in front of him.
“What should grateful girls say after being given something?”
“Tthank yyou.”
He lowered his zip and his cock flopped out.
“Do I have to?”
“Your choice, you will never be forced.”
She nodded and sucked him off, she was nearly sick as he squirted into her mouth.
“Thank you Sir.”
“This is a new beginning and Onesie, or one of the other members will stay with us a few nights, for me to fuck up her bottom, unless you want me to fuck yours, which?”
“Mine please Sir.”
“She will also fuck the boys; time they were men and did not need you to keep wanking them.”
“Yes Sir, whatever you say.”
As he was getting dressed, she mouthed, ‘Thank You Onesie’, and blew me a kiss. I winded back and hoped I would soon be fucking a mature lady.
We left and Mr. T. showed me to my cabin, of course I could not let him Just leave, I needed to test his stamina.
I saw him out and went towards the main building for a coffee.
Tuppence’s tale (with input from Onesie)
I arrived at gatehouse B just on lunchtime, rang the visitor’s bell and waited, and waited. I was in no hurry apart from needing a pee, no, I really needed a pee. The security man just got back in time before I dropped my pants and peed on the spot.
“Can I help you Miss?”
“Yes Sir, you are expecting me, I am Tuppence.”
“Ah yes, pass please.”
“Please may I go to your toilet and show you Sir?”
“Of course.”
Hewas head of security so watched me, every step of the way. I leant right forward, as us girls should when peeing.
“It`s on my right bum cheese Sir, can you see it?”
“Not quite, let`s wait till I wipe you and you can stand up.”
Till he wipes me, really! He pulled off two pieces of loo roll and folded it double.
“Ready Sir.”
He bent down and wiped my lips.
I stood up and bent forward when he slapped the pass on my bum cheese.
“I see a white bottom, were you not spanked this morning?”
“No Sir, I was off too early, perhaps you could help me out on this.”
“Yes of course young lady, I had practice with my wife and daughter this morning before they set off for work. Into that room and get naked whilst I check the gate.”
Naked, must be afters too, I hope. I got naked and waited for him to come back in, I did not wait long.
“Right young lady, lets deal with your morning correction, my belt is my favorite instrument, would you likea hand spanking to wake up your bottom`s nervouss first?”
“Yes please Sir, and thank you Sir.”
“Hopefully I will take my thank you when I am done.”
“Yes Sir, of course.”
I went over his knee and he had a right bulge going on in his trousers so I wedged it onto my clip and cum even before my first spank. He was a good, through, and fair spanker. Good because his spanks were felt, through because he covered the whole area and fair because he stopped before I was distressed.
“Your spanking is over, you may stand and compose yourself.”
I could only nod.
“Now, unbuckle my belt.”
I did as I was instructed, I did not want to go over his knee again,
“Pull my belt out of the loops.”
Release, I compiled, it looked a well-worn belt, I bet if it could talk it would say it had whipped many bottoms.
“Bed over and grip onto your legs. You took your spanking with decorum, so the belt count is only ten instead of thirty.”
“Thank you Sir.”
Swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, “Ouchhhh,” swishhhhh crack, “Nooooooooo,” swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack, “Pleaseeeeeee,” swishhhhh crack, swishhhhh crack.
“Good girl, would you like to dress or sit on my knee?”
It was a no brainer, I went to where he was sat, took out his semi-hard cock, wanked him stiff and sat on his knee with his cock inside me.
“Do you like your nipples rubbed?”
I whimpered a “Yes please Sir.”
So I was cock sitting, he had one hand on a nipple and the other on my clip, squeezing each in turn. He could see and hear me cumming.
When I stopped sobbing he stood me up and bent me over, my hands on his warm chair. Then straight in and up my bubble hole, how could he know it was my fave fucking position. He fucked me long and hard and eventually cum over my hot bottom.
We cleaned up and I was getting dressed.
“I will keep your knickers as a trophy Tuppence.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Stop dressing and knee.”
He got his cock out again and I sucked him into my mouth. He gave me the best face fucking I ever had.
“Right young lady, anything to say?”
“Yes Sir, that was the best welcome to a new job I have ever had, could I please cum the same time tomorrow Sir?”
“Yes, you can, in fact if you ask anyone where security Joe lives, I will fuck you and the missus together, daughter too if she’s in.”
As I was shown out of his office I saw Onesie heading for the main building, I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled. She turned, we hugged, and patted each other`s bottom.
“Come with me Tuppence I will take you to our shed.”
It was actually a chalet and was not half bad, good in fact. We talked about what had happened so far and went to the staff coffee bar.
“Who do you think will be next Onesie?”
“If we stick to our normal order it will be Thrupenny.”
“Oh I hope so, I could do with some cock.”
“Me too.”
We got to our chalet and chose our beds, there were three in this one. We unpacked the bits we had and showed, together. Tuppence had a bottom like a beacon.
Then a game of rock, paper, scissors which I never ever won. I made paper and Tuppence made a pair of scissors, so she won. She led me by a nipple to my bed and put me on my back, head almost hanging over the end. She knelt facing my feet, lowered onto my face and fucked my mouth and nose with her pussy while her hands fingered and squeezed my pussy and clipty. The heat from her spanked and belted bottom was awesome. I cum at once so I got five pussy slapses.
“I swear you get tighter Onesie.”
She eased off my face.
“Aww thank you darling.”
Then back to her grinding and fingerprinting till she cum. Then with my head hung over and she stood astride me, closed her legs and ground my face. Her watch pinged; it was my turn on top.
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