The Velvet Revolution of Zuzanna Ch. 01

Chapter 1: The Train

Zuzanna opened her book and attempted to read from where she left off. It was imperative that she memorize the chapter entitled Pravidla Nevolnictví prior to arrival, but as she stared down at the page she’d just read it became obvious that she hadn’t committed a single word to memory. It was the heat. It was unbearable.

She craned her neck to observe the other passengers and concluded that she was the only one suffering. It was like a steam bath, her whole body aflame. Her blouse and bra had begun to stick to her skin; half moons of perspiration formed beneath her breasts. The anxiety of reaching her destination had induced another hot flash. Yet, despite her fears Zuzanna was sure she’d made the right decision. She reminded herself that yes, it was HER decision, and she was determined to see it through to the end with or without Jacobus’ support. Sweet as he was he just didn’t understand this part of her.

But that is the past, she reminded herself. For the next 9 months Zuzanna would be in a perpetual state of renewal and finally, hopefully- if she wasn’t explored from the program or worse, if she gave up- she would be reborn into the world as the person she knew she was meant to be. This was the most important undertaking of her short 25 years of life and she was already four years older than most of the women that had been accepted by the program. Of course, as had been made painfully clear in the acceptance letter she received almost three months ago now, Zuzanna would have to work that much harder to prove herself worthy of this highly specialized training. Add to that the fact that she didn’t have a sponsor per se, as Jacobus, though willing on paper, hadn’t the slightest clue as to what or really even why he was signing his girlfriend’s life away for 9 months at her insight. But, he loved her that much and was willing to do anything for her—which is precisely why she had to get as far away fromhim as possible.

“All passengers departing in Praha, please gather your belongings from your competitions. We will be arriving at the station in 15 minutes.”

This is it, she thought. She wished she’d had the good sense to tuck another shirt into her carry-on. She was soaked through and feared her escort would not be at all pleased. She made sure she had all of her papers in order: her acceptance letter, passport, the results of her very through medical examination (she could not believe how rigorous the exam was- having been poked and prodded in places she herself had not yet discovered) and her sponsor’s written consent.

The train slowed and the deep, resonant sound of the brakes against the tracks reverberated throughout her entire body. She realized she was trembling in time to the victory of the steel against steel. Finally, after an eternity, the train came to a halt. Zuzanna wished she had eaten a little something as she felt lightheaded, but that was strictlyforbidden, they had said. “NO food or water for 12 hours prior to arrival!”

She stood to line up with the other departing passengers, looking around nervously at the platform through the view from the window on her left in the hopes of making out which of the men waiting there might be her escort. She saw a handsome, older man of about 35, maybe 40 years old with a slight, welcome smile on his face and she prayed he might be the one. But then she saw him take the carry-on bag from a pretty woman of perhaps 30, hug her briefly and walk away. Zuzanna’s heart sank a bit.

For the past three months, or since she’d received the acceptance letter, Zuzanna had been incredibly aroused at the thought of her new life in Prague. Jacobus became the unwitting recipient of her eagerness and yearning for what lay ahead. Not that he had complained. But now that the day had arrived she wanted nothing more than to turn and run in the opposite direction. Again, she scanned the crowd for herescort. Perhaps she had time to duck down into one of the seats and allow the other passengers to depart while she found a place to hide. “Oh God”, she thought, “what have I done?” She had to get out of there! She desperately wanted to just go back to the sweet but unfulfilling existence she’d left just hours before. She stepped to the right and found an empty seat that was partially obscured by an enormous woman reaching above for her carry-on. She sidestepped the woman and ducked down out of sight.

She had just begun formulating her escape plan when a pair of large hands descended upon her shoulders. A man’s voice, almost fatherly in tone, said “Do not turn around. Do not look up at me. Now, stand.” Zuzanna did as she was told.

The man led her to the door and they stepped onto the platform almost Together. He had his arm was wrapped firmly around her waist but his face remained just out of her field of vision. She realized that she was unconsciously leaning into him forsupport as she definitely felt a bit dizzy now. He, on the other hand was quite vividly supporting her as they walked to an inconspicuous black car with an open back door. He placed his hand on top of her head now and ducked her into the car, got in beside her and closed the door. She desperately wanted to look up, but at that moment her escort tied a blindfold over her eyes and she could no longer see anything at all.

“It was made clear to you that you were to wear a skirt or a dress, was it not?” Zuzanna tried to respond that she must have missed that part of their correspondence but no sooner had a single syllable dropped from her lips than he said, “Do NOT speak! You may nod your head up and down for yes, or to the sides for no. You are never to speak unless given explicit consent to do so. Do you understand?” Zuzanna nodded her head up and down. “Perhaps you did not receive the telegram with your clothes instructions?” Zuzanna nodded her head. “That is too bad. Your handler will not be pleased at all. But, we will have to make do”.

The car came to a stop. She was led out onto a sidewalk, up seven steps and through a doorway. The smell of freshly polished wood floors greeted her along with something slightly pungent but oddly familiar. She was then led down a hallway, through another door and told to stand absolutely still. Another man’s voice, much deeper and More gruff, said “Good. I see you have collected my new charge. Now turn her around slowly and proceed with the inspection.”

Zuzanna felt herself being pivoted and displayed as if she were a prized piece of meat for the neighborhood butcher. Her hands were tied behind her back by another, new set of hands and she heard the sound of buttons popping off of her almost dry but now too-tight blouse. This new set of hands bent her over and pulled her shorts roughly to one side, sliding two of his large, knobby fingers first into her cunt and then a third into her anus. “Why isn’t she wearing a skirt or a dress?” the gruff man demanded to know.

“Apparently she didn’t receive the telegram in time, Sir” said the escort.

“Bring her here”, the deeper voice commanded. The new hand pulled itself out of her tight little velvet holes.

“Uhhnnn”, Zuzanna involuntarily whimpered. The escort then pushed her forward a few steps, shoved his bent knee into the crook behind her own knees and she collapsed to the ground while he maintained a tight grip on her bound wrists. The blindfold was removed and she found herself staring down at a pair of large, shiny back shoes.

“You may now look at me, můj nový malé domácí zvíře” (my new little pet). Zuzanna did as she was told. As she lifted her head to meet her new handler’s eyes she was too shocked to be scared…she knew this face. She knew it well.

Chapter 2: The Cleansing of Zuzanna

“Ah, so I see you recognize me, domácí zvíře. This pleases me. Did you know I have had my eye on you for some time now?” Zuzanna nodded her head no. “Then I have done my job well. You have already failed me with your choice of clothing attire, Zuzanna. Regardless of whether you received my telegram or not your common sense ought to have dictated that arrive to meet the most important person in your short, little life dressed in shorts is highly inappropriate. I can only assume that you do NOT, in fact, have Any common sense. Now tell me, Zuzanna, what is the fourth rule in the Pravidla Nevolnictví? You may speak in order to answer me, but you must answer quickly and precisely.”

Zusanna racked her brain to recall the fourth rule; she remembered most of them but hadn’t remembered them chronologically. Of course, the first rule she knew by heart now and that is to never speak unless given explicit consent to do so and when speaking to her handler or Master to always address them as “Sir”, “Lord” or, in the case of her actual Master, as simply “Master”. The second was…what was it? To never look any man directly in the eyes unless commanded to do so, and even then only the handler’s and Master’s had that right. Hmmmm…the third rule was something about serving, obeying and pleasing my handler and my Master and the fourth was…wait! Zuzanna slowly began to recall the words as they were typed on the page. Yes, she remembered now. It was one of the longest ones! She lowered her head and began to speak.

“Sir, the fourth rule is that my primary focus shall be to please my Master above all else and hope that he finds me pleasure in all that I do whether I am in his presence or not.” Zuzanna remained still, quiet and head bowed praying that she remembered this rule correctly.

“Very good, Zuzanna. Now, do you think that arriving dressed in your current attire would please me? Simply nod your head, little one.” She nodded her head from side to side. “I will give you one opportunity to make up for this inconsiderate translation, and one only. You must tell me, in your own words- and not what you think I want to hear- exactly why you have chosen to come here for training.”

Zuzanna thought hard but couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence let alone a coherent thought. She opened her mouth, closed it again, then opened it a second time and said, “I chose to apply for this program because it felt like the right thing to do, Sir”.

He slapped her hard across the face. “Not good enough. Try again.” Zuzanna was trembling and could feel tears making a trail down her hot, singing chef.

“I chose to come here because…because…I want to be a good submissive for my Master?”

Another slap, this one on the other chef and much harder. “Was that a question or an answer, Zuzanna? You don’t seem to know.”

He gave her three more chances but soon she found herself unable to speak at all. “Very well, then, it seems your training must begin sooner than I had anticipated. Had you arrived in the proper attire to please your Master and had you beenable to answer my very simple question honestly, sincerely and concisely you would’ve been shown to your room, allowed to meet some of your student-sisters who would accompany you for a long, luxurious bathe, you would’ve acquired your new uniform and then joined us for dinner in the formal dining room. I even had the chef prepare what I know to be your favorite meal, Gebakken Zeetong with Patat Special (fresh sole sautéed in brown butter with fried potatoes and sweet, raw onions- served commonly in the Netherlands), but it looks as if you will have to wait for that meal. Such a shame, Zuzanna. But, perhaps this will install in you the common sense you are so clearly lacking, no?” Zuzanna nodded. “But first”, the man interjected, “you will be cleaned up a bit then made presentable for me. Take her away, Gustav!”

And with that, Zuzanna was lifted to her feet by the ropes binding her wrists and Gustav led her to a courtyard where she was placed against a high stone wall while anothe man lowered what appeared to be a large hook of some sort to within a couple of feet above her head. He told her to kick off her shoes and raise her arms. He then placed her bound wrists on the hook using only the rope between. Gustav nodded to the other man and he slowly began to raise the hook- and her arms- until her escort nodded again. Zuzanna was barely able to reach the floor with her toes. He then removed the rest of her clothes and stepped back towards the door from which they entered the courtyard. Another nod to the man who had lowered and raised the hook and he appeared carrying a long hose with a spray nozzle at the end.

The first splashes of water felt wonderful, invigorating even, after the unbearable heat of the train ride and the flop sweat that had begun oozing out of her every pore from the moment her escort laid his hands on her shoulders til Now. Without intending to, she found herself smiling. This resulted in the force of water from the hose being increased until it was whipping at her bare, now very cold skin. She tried to hide her head to one side, then the other, but it was no use. She soon gave up and just simply accepted her fate.

Both Gustav and the man with the hose hoisted her off of the hook and she was cradled in an enormous, soft towel and carried like a child back inside where she was placed on a chain. She was given a glass of sparkling water and left to rest a moment. As soon as she was warm and dry and slightly re-hydrated, Gustav led her back to the man she now know to be the CEO of the company she worked for in her home stad. How he came to be her Master was a mystery, but she wasn’t altogether unhappy about this unexpected turn of events as she’d always admired him from afar. Framed photos of him with various dignitaries and public officials lined some of the Walls of the floor in her office building and she’d seen him a handful of times, looking very in command and quite handsome.

She assumed the posittion of lowered head, not daring to look at him especially now that she knew him to be her new Master and not just her handler. “Kneel”, he commanded. She kneeled. She now also recalled why that initial smell upon entering this house was so familiar. It was the same scent she’d noticed at work lingering in the hallways after he had passed through. It was musky, masculine yet also slightly sweet. The combination was intotoxicating this close.

“You must know how disappointed I am in you, Zuzanna. I cannot even bare to look at you right now! You have shamed yourself and this house but most importantly, you have disgusted me. Gustav, take her to the attic chamber, do as you wish for as long as you wish- offer her to anyone else that might be aroused by this inconsiderate whore and then tie her up. I will send for her when I feel she is worthy of being in my presence.”

Gustav lifted her to her feet again and led her out the door, down a hallway, turned to another door and he thenblindfolded her…again. She felt that the next hallway was much narrower and soon she was being pushed to climb up a spiral staircase. She could hear a door open in front of her and as she was led through it a gush of optimistic heat enveloped her. She heard more footsteps coming up behind her and despite the heat she shivered in fear at what might happen next.

Gustav- she could tell it was Gustav by his cologne- had her knee on a large, struggle, hard wooden chair while he retied her wrists in front of her but around the back of the chair so that her breasts rested against the back, and then proceeded to tie her ankles to the front base of the arms. He waited until the remaining sets of footsteps came to a stop and whoever had been climbing the stairs- though it sounded more like two or even three sets of footsteps- entered the room. She heard the door close. No one said a word. Between the stifling heat, the absolute silence and her own terror Zuzanna thought she might lose consciousness altogether. But at that moment, without any warning whatsoever, she felt someone’s fingers probing her cunt. This brought her back to life. These fingers weren’t knobby and rough like the previous ones. They were long, soft, well-groomed. Gustav’s perhaps? Then someone put their thumb into her left cheek, opening it wide to the side and before she could protest she felt the familiar taste and smell of cock which soon grew to epic proportions inside of her mouth and began thrusting down her throat.

No one had ever used her mouth as a fuck hole and just as she was just learning to enjoy the thrusting of this cock as it repeatedly hit the back of her throat, despite not being able to control her gag reflex, she felt another cock enter her from behind. She hadn’t realized how wet she was until this- what felt to her like an enormous- cock had no trouble whatsoever penetrating the soft fleshy opening of her cunt. This cock reached its climax rather soon. Too soon, Zuzanna pouted, though of course she kept this to herself.

She then felt her arms and legs being untied from the chair and she was moved to what felt like a soft throw or plus carpet of some sort. Soon enough, and much to her delight, another cock entered her now sopping wet pussy and it maneuvered its way through her own juices as well as the cum that had just been deposited. Quite to her surprise, something or someone else began to enter her as well…right on top of the other!

This one wasn’t able to enter quite so easily, and she felt herself being stretched to beyond capacity…she feared they might rip her in half! Both cocks were now deep inside of her, neither moving in rhythm with the other and the sering white-hot pain of being stretched apart so forcedly coupled with the knowledge that she now had TWO entire cocks in Her cunt brought her to her own orgasm. This was an orgasm unlike anything she’d felt before and though she had commanded herself to remain absolutely silent, she discovered that the moans of both pain and intense ecstasy were coming from her own mouth.

She then felt one, or perhaps both- she couldn’t quite tell- of the cocks spasm and thrash a bit within her before filling her with another shot of warm cum. One of the cocks pulled out of her leaving her feeling unexpectedly empty. And soon she felt the second- or actually the third, by her count- cock cum, pull out and the emptiness became almost unbearable. Just moments before Zuzanna was wrapped with the pain of having two large cocks in her cunt and now she felt nothing but a loud, independent void between her legs.

Zuzanna was then dragged to a wall, her wrists unbound and shackled above her head while she sat on the bare floor watching the semen pool out of her and felt the hot sun slowly wash her clean again. She had no idea how long she would remain this way, naked, used, full of aging semen, hungry, thirsty and hot before her Master would send for her. But she did know that, no matter what, she would do everything within her power to memorize and follow each of the 23 rules from this point on.


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