Part 17
Around 2pm the next day I got a text from Tiffany.
“Hey there, had a great lunch with Caitlin. Bad news, our long lunch today means I won’t be able to stop by tonight. But I will be able to come by tomorrow. I can’t wait to go shopping with you!”
I couldn’t help but sight. The first trip to the sex shop was embarrassing enough with Caitlin, but I was dreading the notion of being there looking for a dildo with Tiffany. At this point, I couldn’t think of a way to get out of it that wouldn’t mess up my relationship with Tiffany. And, to be honest, when I thought about Tiffany pegging me, I would get turned on.
For months I had been living with an intense internal conflict. I wanted the device off but I also craved the time I had been spending with Tiffany. Since she would not be coming over, I decided I really needed to sit down with no distraction and work out how to handle my internal turmoil. I had to acknowledge that I had feelings for Tiffany, and they were getting stronger. I also decided that I could not intentionally try to ruin her marriage. Although our interactions were definitely over the line, I absolved myself of guilt by affording that almost everything that had happened was at her direction. I know that this was a bit of a copout, but it was one that made sense to me at the time. It had also become clear that she really enjoyed holding the key to my sex, my attention to her feet, my frustration and embarrassment; and my heart would feel like it would burst whenever she seemed happy or excited by something I could do for her.
It hit me like a ton of bricks – I love her and would do anything for her. I had known her for a long time and trusted her implicitly. I resolved that I would turn myself over to her direction. And although I decided to subordinate myself to her there was a part of me that felt oddly selfish about this decision.
Although I still had some trepidation about the plans for the next day, I felt more at peace that evening than I had in a long time. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
The following day after work I awaited Tiffany’s arrival at my apartment. She called me and said that she didn’t want to waste any time and asked me to come down so we could walk to the store.
We greeted each other and began our walk. She was carrying a gym bag and her purse. I offered to carry her gym bag and she handed it to me. It was mostly small talk until we were about two blocks from the sex shop. Then Tiffany turned the conversation to what we were doing.
“You know, I’m so excited you and I are doing this! Pegging is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time.”
“Really? I had no idea. You never mentioned it to me before.” I responded.
“Well, I would have told you if I had done it. But, I have only told Edwin that I wanted to… let’s just say he wasn’t interested.”
This last comment made me feel weird. But part of me was excited by the prospect of offering her something that he wouldn’t give her.
“What other things haven’t you told me about that you’re interested in?” I asked
“Oh, a lot of things. But we can talk about that later. One thing at a time!” She said with a wry smile. “We are here!” She said with a bounce in her step.
We entered the store and I immediately noticed that the cashier was the same woman that was here when I came with Caitlin. She was in her early or mid twentyties with short dark hair. She had a few extra ear piercings and a couple of tattoos on her arms; nothing crazy, but noticeable from a distance of about 20 or 25 feet. It was embarrassing to be back here so soon, but I had to just assure myself that she doesn’t remember every customer that comes in.
About 5 feet into the store, the Cashier looked over to the two of us and said with some enthusiasm “Welcome back! Let me know if you need any help.”
Shit. I could not tell if she was looking at me or Tiffany, but I could immEditorially feel my face flush. Not knowing what to do, I just nodded in her direction and continued following Tiffany.
After a few more steps, Tiffany turned to me and asked if I had been there before. I told her that I had been with Caitlin less than two weeks earlier. “Oh, since you’re a regular here, why don’t you lead me to the strapon section.” She said with a little too much volume for my comfort. So, I took the lead and brought her to the back corner of the store.
“Oh! So many choices! This is very exciting!” She exclaimed.
I unconsciously took a deep breath and let out a little sight. She either didn’t notice or ignored me.
She asked me to point out the one that I had gotten with Caitlin. Speaking to herself she mumbled, “I can’t get one smaller than that.” And then as if remembering that I was there, she turned to me and said “It’s not a competition, but still, I don’t want to be outdone.” And then she just busted out laughing. I got red but couldn’t helpbut let out a laugh also, and I followed up with “I can’t blow you. If I could choose mine off a rack, I would choose a big one too.”
“I imagine you would!” She said, returning her focus to the wall of cocks. “Hmm, I feel like this is more personal than I would have anticipated. I really want it to match my energy. Hmm…” She continued.
After very methodically scanning Each of the many options, she zeroed in on one. It was actually about the same size as the one chosen by Caitlin. It was a darker beige bordering on brown. What really set it apart was its hyper reality – its head was really well defined and was veiny – even its texture looked like real skin. Another differentiating feature was the base. Caitlin’s choice was just a flat round base, this one had a curved base that looked like it would rest snugly against a woman’s vagina. It also had hole in the bottom for a little vibrator that was included in the package.
“I feel like this one is really speaking my language.” She said with a smile. “Ok, now I want to get my own harness.” At which she floated off to the section with the harnesses. She chose one with a very utilitarian look. Then we began our journey to the register.
“Did you find everything that you were looking for?” asked the cashier with a lingering eye contact that made me start to flush again.
“Yup.” I said meekly.
“We will also need some lube. Do you have any recommendations for this toy?” asked Tiffany.
“Of course” said the cashier as she turned around to the shelves behind the counter. She pulled down two bottles and placed them in front of us. Putting her hand over one bottle she said, “they are both water based and appropriate for the strapon you selected. This one is thicker and what I would recommend for anal play.” Moving her hand over the second bottle she continued “and this one is thinner and is what I would recommend for vaginal play or…” and she paused ever so briefly “reachararounds.”
Tiffany chuckled a little at that last bit and reached into her shirt drawing out the chain that had the key to my chatity device and let it drop outside of her shirt as she said “We’ll take the first one.”
The cashier did not miss the key, raised her eyes to meet Tiffany’s and the two of them laughed. After a few moments they avoided their composition and the cashier looked at me and winked saying, “You’re very lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend as your keyholder.”
“Aw, thanks.” responded Tiffany “But we aren’t a couple, just friends.”
The cashier looked a little confused and then said “Oh, was the other g…” and then she caught herself and began to blush.
Tiffany then jumped in “Don’t worry, I know about the blond. She is also my friend, Caitlin. And no, They aren’t a couple either.”
At this point I was starting to feel light headed and could only assume that every ounce of my blood was in my face. This could not have been more embarrassing forme. I almost felt like I wasn’t there. It was like I was having the most embarrassing dream ever.
The cashier witnessed a sight of relief and said “Oh thank God! We are supposed to be discreet and I thought I just said too much. Sorry about that.” She continued turning to me “So, your two beautiful lady friends are holding your keys and bringing you to the sex shop to buy strapons. There must be one heck of story behind that arrangement.”
All I could do was nod my head meekly in the affordable.
“Oh my god he is so cute when he is embarrassed!” she gushed to Tiffany. “I would love to hear that story!”
“What’s your name?” asked Tiffany.
“Lily.” she responded
“Nice to meet you Lily! I’m Tiffany and this is Dan.” she continued “Why don’t you give me your phone and I’ll enter my number and see if we can’t get you that story.”
“Absolutely.” said Lily as she handed Tiffany her phone.
After the number exchange, Lily rang up the order. I offered topay, but Tiffany insisted that she would pay for her cock and produced cash.
We bid our farewell to Lily and left the store.
After our exit, we started our walk back to my place.
Tiffany turned to me and remarked, “She was cute! What did you think?”
“Sure.” I said.
“I’m so excited to try out my new cock!” She gushed. “I think I should name it. Little Tiffany doesn’t seem right. Hmm…”
“Oh, do we have to name it?!” I objected. “It makes it kind of weird.”
“Like you don’t have a name for yours!” She countered. “What do you call him?”
As if he knew he was being discussed, my penis started to stir in its cage.
“I really don’t have a name for it. I guess I have on occasion referred to it as little Dan.” I responded.
“So basic! I think I will call my cock… Calvin.” She beamed.
I just shook my head at which she laughed.
At the entrance of my building, she paused and looked at her phone. “That took longer than I anticipated. I don’t think we can do it tonight.”
I gave her a pouty face and then rolled my eyes.
“Ha ha ha. I could come up for one beer, a foot rub, and some toe kisses if you ask nicely.” she offered.
“Tiffany, would you please come up for a beer, foot rub, and toe kisses?” I implemented in a somewhat mocking tone. And just at that moment I caught an older couple that lives in my building glaring in my direction as they departed the lobby. Once again, my face flushed.
Laughing, Tiffany agreed to come up to my apartment. Once we got to my place, I grabbed a couple of beers, stripped down and took her feet in my hands and began my massage. We talked more about her vacation. She then turned to ask me more about being pegged by Caitlin. She seemed to squirm some in her seat as I described my experiences with Caitlin.
After a while, once the beers were finished, she put her feet on the floor, wiggling her toes, and said, “I should go. Is there anything you want to ask?”
It took me a moment to pick up on the que and I asked “May I kiss your toes?”
She smiled, “You may.”
With that I bent down on all fours and kissed each of her toes in turn. She told me to put her shoes back on her, which I did and then I walked her to the door.
“Wait, you left your gym bag here.” I reminded her and started for it.
She stopped me and said that she intended to leave it here and that she would appreciate it if I would wash and air dry the clothes. I agreed.
“Also, do you have plans for tomorrow night?” she added
This was an odd question for her since she rarely visited on Fridays.
“No, I don’t. What do you have in mind?” I responded.
“Who knows, just leave it open.” she said with a wink. She then hugged me, opened the door and disappeared into my hallway.
Part 18
Since I had no other plans for the evening, I decided that I would do laundry and include whatever was in Tifaffany’s gym bag. I prepared my clothes and opened the bag to find a sports bra top, yoga pants, a couple of pairs of ankle socks and some running sneakers. As I unpacked each item I felt my pulse quicken and some restrained arousal. Since she asked me to wash them I had to assume that they had all been wound. I am embarrassed to admit that, with shaky hands, I brought each item in turn to my nose to take a deep breath. I was disappointed not to catch her scent on any of the items.
After doing the wash, I air-dried her items. Folded everything and packed it back into the bag.
I also spent a little time admiring the harness and the dildo that we had purchased. I tried to picture her wearing them. I imagined what it would be like to have her pin me down as Caitlin had; to be on top of me thrusting, and then shaking with climax. It was almost too much to handle. I decided to stand the dildo, harness, and lube in the gym bag.
Up until a few months ago, I had no idea that Tiffany had any interest in such kinky things. And just today, she had said that she had other interests, but wasn’t ready to share them. Personally, I had never really thought about any of the things that we had been doing. But, doing them with her had shifted my mindset a bit.
It then occurred to me that if I expressed some interest in knowing more about kink, that she might open up to me. So, I decided to text her. “Hey Tif, can you recommend any sites that talk about chatity and/or pegging?” Of course I could have just done an internet search, but I wanted to see what she was looking at and flag for her my interest.
It took her a little while to respond, but she sent the name of two sites. I immediately jumped on the computer and pulled up the two sites. They were both basically blogs run by women in “Female Led Relationships” with their partners. They both used various kinks to reinforce the dynamics of their relationships. The kink they shared as a centerpiece was theuse of chatity devices.
The first blog was the tamer of the two. The Dominant partner kept her male partner in chatity but seemed to have sex with him regularly. Sometimes she would lengthen the time in chatity to encourage or discourage specific behaviors. They also engaged in pegging, but for them it just seemed like something they did because they both enjoyed it. Most of the rest of the blog was really geared around ordinary activities – house work, life decision, etc – and how she was the decision maker and the allocator of work.
The second blog was a little more intense. It was also an FLR, but the woman had a more sadistic streak. For that couple, chatity seemed to be more about tease and denial that seemed geared to making him ache. She seemed to relish in the destination it evoked. She enjoyed when her partner would beg; all the More so when he would beg for something that was humiliating or painful. Since chattity and denial were given in that relationship, the woman expressed dissatisfaction and frustration with spankings. Even the pegging had a different vibe. It seemed it was more an expression of dominance and submission than of mutual physical enjoyment.
I only read a handful of posts from each; there was much more to go through. But, what I saw was enough for me to begin understanding some of the ways that people incorporated these gyms into relationships. Now I had to wonder what Tiffany’s take on the two blogs was and what she was getting out of our interactions.
But I could ponder all of this later. I had work in the morning, so I hoped into a cold shower and jumped into bed.
Friday’s commute was spent thinking about the two blogs and Tiffany. I slogged through work. In the late afternoon, I got a text from Tiffany: “I want you to go to the sex shop this evening. Get there at 6:45 sharp! Talk to Lily when you get there.”
I was not happy about this text. I was so embarrassed by our last trip there.
Iresponded, “Will you be there? Am I picking something up?”
“Just go and be on time. You’ll find out.” she tersely responded.
“Ok.” was all I could manage as a response.
After work, I ran home and took a quick shower and changed into more casual clothes. I then went to the sex shop. I arrived about 5 minutes early. I saw no sign of Tiffany from the outside, so I entered and walked over to Lily at the counter.
Lily lifted her head from her phone and saw me as I entered. She smiled broadly as I approached. “Hey there!” she exclaimed.
“Hi Lily, good to see you.” I said. There was a bit of a pause as I stood awkwardly at the counter. “I have to be honest, I don’t know why I’m here.”
She laughed – “Sorry, about that. Tiffany Thought it would be more fun to surprise you. I’ve been texting with her and she said that if I really wanted to hear the story about you being locked, that maybe we should grab a drink. So, I’d like to take you out for beer, Dan. Mytreat – for your story.”
“Um… oh… sure, okay.” I stammered.
“Awesome, my shift is ending. I just need to close out for my coworker to take over. Why don’t you browser around for a few minutes and I’ll be right with you.”
“Okay.” I replied and began to awkwardly meander through the store. I wasn’t paying attention to anything in particular. I feel like I was reeling a little from this turn of events. I was trying to calm myself. This was not a big deal. She already knows the most embarrassing parts of what I’ve been through. I’ll just go have a beer, give a basic retelling of the story and that will be that.
Since I was spacing out a bit, I didn’t see Lily as she bounced towards me with a big grin. “Ready?” she exclaimed as she reached out and grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door. I didn’t both to respond, but just followed her.
She let go of my hand after we exited the store and told me the name of a neary bar we would go to for ourdrink. She told me that she was a regular there and knew all the bartenders, so tonight the drinks were on her.
The bar wasn’t a long walk from the sex shop, so we had some basic conversation on the way. We covered where we grew up, where we live now, and other basic “get to know you” conversation.
At the bar, Lily was greeted by the doorman with a hug and she introduced me. Once inside, we made our way to the back corner. We passed a few people that greeted Lily by name. We arrived at a secluded table in the back, she pointed to the chair facing the wall and asked me to sit there.
“So, what’ll you have?” she asked.
“Hmm… What are you having?” I asked back
“I thought I’ll start with a Cutty Sark on the rocks. Maybe I’ll switch to light beer after.” she replied.
“That sounds good to me, thanks.” I said.
With that, she went off to the bar and exhausted exchanged greetings with the bartender. I took that time to scan my surroundings. The bar wasdimly lit and divey. The walls had wood paneling and had black and white pictures of people and random bric-a-brac. Everything had a rundown feel to it. There weren’t many other patrons and no one was nearby. There were enough other conversations going on that there was an indistinct murmur over which you could barely make out some classic rock music. I would bet that Lily and I were the younger patrons by at least a decade.
Lily returned to the table with our drinks and sat in the chair against the wall that faced me and the bar.
“Here you go!” she exclaimed.
I thanked her for the drink, we cheersed, and took our first sips. There was a bit of a pause where neither of us talked and she just looked into my eyes. I looked back and noticed how dark her eyes were. They seemed all the more so when set off against her light skin and blue eyeliner.
She broke the silence by asking me if I had seen the newest superhero movie that was currently in theaters. I told herthat I had, and we began discussing the film. Over the course of the next 2 hours, the conversation meandered into other movies, then to music and books. It was an effortless conversation, where we both laughed and discovered overlapping tastes and had a few playful disagreements. The only pauses were when one of us would go to the bar to put another drink on her tab.
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