Authors Note: I have taken a long hiatus from publishing chapters of my story here. Years ago, I wrote chapters 13-16 but never transferred them here from where I originally published them. Recently, I was inspired to continue the story and have written a couple of new chapters that I will publish in the weeks to come.
I have not written the chapters to be standalone, so reading all preceding parts is probably necessary to follow the story.
Part 13
I had made it through the first two weeks of Tiffany being out of town. I had tried the prostate massager that she left for me to no effect and had been fucked in the ass and milked by Caitlin.
I swore to myself the Monday morning after Caitlin’s last visit that I would hold out for the two weeks until Tiffany returned. Although I was still very horny, my balls no longer ached. I would just go to work and keep myself occupied and avoid anything that might stimulate me.
Or that was the plan, anyway. The first half of the third week was pretty uneventful. If anything, I was starting to become accustomed to wearing the device and keeping myself occured. Then, Thursday morning I woke up to an text message from Tiffany that read “Going to the beach today. Had to get a pedicure yesterday. It was good, but I like yours better 🙂 ” And attached to the message was a picture of her feet.
Needless to say, I became aroused… or as much as I could. I was still so horny. I just wanted to rip the damn device off and touch my penis. I felt like too much of this and I just might go crazy. I wasn’t sure how to respond to her text and I was feeling frustrated. So I just sent back a sad face.
Later, while I was at the office, Tiffany sent me another text that read “Why the sad face? I thought you like my feet.” I responded immediately “I do.” And then she wrote “Do you want to kiss them? Do you want to suck my toes?” Just reading the question made my penis swell and strain against its cage. I only responded with a “yes.” Her final text, to which I didn’t respond, read “Less than two weeks, and you can.”
I spent the rest of the day thinking about Tiffany. I missed her. I missed talking to her. I missed having her around. And I missed the new sexual element to our relationship. I would try to concentrate on my work and then she would pop back into my head. It was a wasted day and really sent my plan to avoid sexual stimulation off the tracks.
Before going to bed that night, I succeed to my temptations and reread her texts and looked at the picture of her feet. It was a mistake that cost me an easy entry into sleep.
Friday, I woke up to some painful morning wood and a return of that ache in my balls. I took my shower and tried to meditate and clear my mind. I decided that I could control my body if I tried hard enough. Yeah right. My balls still ached.
I went to work and was able to keep my mind occupied since my morningng was busy. But that afternoon I received an e-mail from Tiffany with the subject “Life’s a beach.” Attached to that e-mail were 5 pictures of the beach and her at the beach. She was only in three of the pictures but those three made me crazy. One from her perspective of her legs and feet with the ocean in the background as she reclined on a beach chair. And the other two showed her from head to toe in her bikini. I wanted to pound my fists on my desk in frustration. I felt so frustrated that I teetered between feeling angle and feeling weak.
It was Friday, and I considered calling Caitlin, but I decided not to. Only a week and a couple of days more before Tiffany returned. I can make it. I can make it. I can make it. I can make it. I repeated to myself as I tried to go to sleep.
Part 14
Saturday morning started off with painful morning wood and aching balls. Without a thought I just took a cold shower, dressed and got out of my place. I knew thathanging around would just be terrible for me. I ran errands, sat at a coffee shop and read the paper, and went grocery shopping. I returned home in the late afternoon and took another shower.
I was very horny and I ached, but I was doing okay. Then shortly after dinner, my buzzer rang. It was Caitlin. I recognized her voice even though all she said was “It’s me.” I buzzed her up.
A few moments later, there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Caitlin standing there in her scrubs with her gym bag.
“Hey there sexy.” She greeted me with a full body hug.
“Hey. How’s it going.” I said as we hugged. I was a bit confused, but I stepped back from our hug and motioned her inside and shut the door.
She dropped her gym bag near my door and walked over to the couch.
“I’ve been thinking about that ass of yours and I want a ride. I have to be at work in just a bit, so I only have time for a quicky. Jump in the shower and make sure you’re clean.” She said asshe sat back on the couch.
I stood there for a second, quietly. I was annoyed, turned on, and frustrated. I was about to object. Then I thought about my aching balls and figured that she was already here. I could just refuse, but I could just do as she asked and be free from that nagging ache. So, I just turned and headed to the bathroom. I quickly got into the shower and made sure I was clean. I dried off and headed to the bedroom with my towel.
I heard Caitlin call from the couch, “Pull out the cock and harness and get into position. I’ll be there in a sec.”
I got the harness, dildo and lube out and put them on my nightstand, laid out the towel and got into position. Just a few moments later, Caitlin walked into the room wearing nothing but her panties. She walked straight over to the nightstand and put on the harness. Once it was secure, she picked up the lube, gave my ass a smack and got on the bed behind me. She lubed my ass then the dildo and just pressed it upagainst my anus. She didn’t move.
“Do you want it?” She asked me.
“Yes.” I answered. More because I knew what she wanted me to say than it being true.
“Show me that you want it.” She said, still unmoving.
I tried to push back, but I couldn’t with my hands behind my back. After watching me struggle for a little bit, she told me I could use my hands to give myself leverage. I put my hands under me and pushed back on the dildo.
I didn’t go very quickly, but I eventually pushed all the way back.
“You do want it, don’t you. You dirty little boy.” Caitlin cooled. “Now hands back into position.”
I dropped my shoulders to the mattress and put my hands behind my lower back. She grabbed my wrists and pushed forward. I fell flat to the towel and she lowered down with me. She wasted no time and didn’t give a change to adjust the way she had before. She started pumping furiously. Her breathing became heavier and heavier. Then she groaned and thrust in one last time and remained there grinding her groin against my ass. She had cum and then collapsed on my back with my arms pinned beneath her. She laid there for a minute or two and then got off of me.
“Damn that was good.” She said as she got off the bed and started to remove the harness.
I rolled to my side and looked down at the towel. I didn’t think anything happened for me since I didn’t feel the pulsing I had felt last time. I was right, there was no cum on the towel.
“I’m glad that you enjoyed that, but it didn’t work.” I said.
“Oh, I can assure you, it worked.” Caitlin countered with a smile. “But I think I know what you mean. This was a quicky… a booty call. I had a need and I used your ass to satisfy it. You’re free to give me a call if you want to ask for my help. But, right now I need to get going or I’ll be late for work.”
She went into the other room and throw on her scrubs and I followed her to the door.
“Thanks for the ride, Hon.” She said as she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheese and then she left.
I was very frustrated. My balls still ached. My ass was sore and I felt used.
Part 15
I spent Sunday feeling very frustrated. My balls ached terribly. I tried to keep my mind focused on other things. No matter how hard I tried to ignore my situation, it Keep creeping back into my consciousness thought. Although I was bit annoyed how Caitlin had used me, I considered calling her. That desperate feeling had returned. But, no. I wouldn’t. I decided I can handle this for one more week.
I went to sleep Sunday night and woke up Monday morning feeling determined and mentally strong. When I left the office, I was feeling hopeful. Then, when I was eating dinner, I got a text from Tiffany. We exchanged a few back and forth. The exchange was mostly just chit chat. Then she told me that she had gone shoe shopping earlier in the day and had gotten a new pair of sandals. Sheincluded a picture of her feet in her new sandals and asked if I liked them. I told her I did and she responded “I bet you do 😉 “
She was teasing me, I knew that. It didn’t matter that I knew it, it was working. My penis struggled against its prison and I felt frustrated and desperate. I was somewhere between wanting to pound my fists against the table and breaking down into tears.
I Missed her. I’ve always felt for her and now my desire felt like it might overtake me. I had tried so hard over the years to push my feelings down. It had worked for the most part, but they were always still there. Those feelings were brought back to the surface by Tiffany locking me and spending all of that time with me. And the addition of flirting and a “sexual element” in our friendship had made it nearly impossible for me to keep those feelings totally under control.
I went to bed that night and fantasized about being with Tiffany. I imagined us together doing all sorts of normal things. I thought about having her feet in my lap. I fantasized that it had been Tiffany and not Caitlin with whom I had shown. I even fantasized that it had been Tiffany behind me with the strapon. When my mind went there I was shocked at myself. It was at that point that I realized that I hadn’t had sex in months. I told myself that I was just picturing the only sexually stimulating things that I had done recently. Though the thoughts disturbed me, they still aroused me. I eventually fell asleep with Tiffany on my mind.
I woke on Tuesday feeling terrible. The woman I wanted wasn’t around and she was with another man. I was frustrated and I ached. I decided to text Caitlin. I asked if she was free that evening. After a while, she texted back “I’m busy through Thursday, but I’m free Friday night.” I responded to her that Friday would work. Now, just to make it until Friday.
I bought myself during the week in all the ways that had now become normal. I worked, avoided stimulat and keep myself as busy as I could at home… and of course, frequently cold shows.
When Friday finally came I was oddly excited. I suppose the prospect of getting some relief was esating. My elation didn’t last too long. Shortly after lunch, I got a text from Caitlin saying that work was short staffed and she was going to have to work doubles through the weekend and wouldn’t be able to stop by. I was distraught and a bit angle.
Dispite my disappointment, I tried to maintain my composition and just concentrated on the fact that I only had to endure one more weekend before Tiffany returned. I can do this.
Part 16
I went to bed Sunday night with a smile on my face. I had gotten a text from Tiffany that she had returned and was on her way home. She said “I look forward to seeing you this week :)”
Monday morning was a blur of excitement for me. I was excited that Tiffany was back and by the end of the day I would both get to see her and get my long awaited release.
It was around lunch that I got a text from her. “Work has piled up while I was gone. Cannot stop by tonight. See you tomorrow. xoxo.”
My heart sank. I tried to console myself. I could wait one more day.
I focused back on work, went home, ate dinner and went to bed.
Tuesday morning I texted Tiffany before lunch. “Hey Tif, hope your day is going well. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.” To which she responded, “I’m looking forward to it too. Missed you and my feet have been killing me. I guess they got used to flip-flops. ;)”
And there goes the pinch in my pants.
The afternoon dragged on. I sprinted out of the office at 5 on the dot, got some beer, and waited for her arrival.
Finally, she arrived and I buzzed her up. I met her at the door and we hugged for longer than usual.
“Hey there stranger. I’ve missed you.” she started.
“I’ve missed you too. How was your trip?” I inquired.
“It was good, I’ll tell you all about it.”
She walked straight in and plopped down on the couch while I grabbed a couple of beers. I handed her one, stripped down and sat on the floor in front of her and began rubbing her feet.
I actually felt a bit awkward. It had been long enough since our last time together that this ritual felt new again. But the awkwardness subsided quickly as Tiffany made no note of the ritual and just talked on about her trip as I massed her feet.
When she was finished telling me about her trip she asked how I’ve been. I told her about the mundane things that happened while she was gone. I specifically avoided the topic of Caitlin, but ended by expressing how frustrated I had been.
“Did you try to use the prostate massager that I left for you?” She asked.
“I did try it.” I started as I felt myself began to blush. “But I couldn’t get it to work.”
“Oh, poor boy. Did you call Caitlin for help?” She asked.
Now I started toblush in full. “I did call Caitlin.”
“And was she able to help?” She said as she tilted her head. I could tell she was holding back a grin.
“Have you talked to her about it?” I asked.
“Not yet, I’m planning on having lunch with her tomorrow. Why don’t you tell me what happened.”
I was silent as my face got warmer with embarrassment.
“Aww… don’t be shy.” She encouraged. “Did she massage your prostate?”
“Did she use her finger?” She inquired. “Tell me.”
“No. She didn’t. She used a strapon.”
“Oh my god! Really?!” She actually sounded surprised.
“Yes.” I responded. I was having trouble looking her in the face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Dan! I think that is hot. I’ve been curious about that for a long time. Is the strapon here?”
“Ooo, go get it. I want to see it.” She encouraged.
I slowly got up and retrieved the strapon from my bedroom and brought it to her. She took it with wide eyes.
“This is a pretty good size! Tell me about the experience.”
I told her about the trip to the sex shop, and the shows, and the getting into position. As I described my experiences with Caitlin, I could tell that Tiffany was picturing everything. She seemed truly interested.
“And, she was able to milk your prostate by fucking you with this?” She said lifting up the strapon.
“And she came from fucking you?” She continued.
There was a pause while she stared at me. Finally, she said “I want to try.”
“Tiffany, I don’t know…” I started.
“Dan. I really want to and you let her do it. We are good friends and I want it. Let me.” She cut in.
I just looked at her, and after a pause, I just nodded my head yes.
She smiled and said “I want you to say it.”
I said “Yes, you can.”
“I can what?” She prompted with a broadening smile.
“Yes, you can fuck me with the strapon.” I responded. I could feel my penis twitch in the cage.
“Yay! I’m so excited. I can’t wait to try it!” She bubbled. “But, we’ll have to get a strapon for me. I don’t want to use the same one she used.”
I forced a grin. “Can I please be let out of my cage today?”
“I would, but I don’t have the key. I have to get it back from Caitlin.” She answered.
“What? She had it while you were gone? Why?”
“Relax. I couldn’t take it with me. What if there were an emergency? Someone here had to have it.” She answered.
“Okay, point taken.” I conceded. “But then why didn’t she let me out instead of massaging my prostate?”
“Because I told her not to let you out. I’m the only one that lets you out.” She answered.
I could Feel my penis strain more against its cage. “Okay. I understand.”
“Oh my god! I can’t believe I’m going to get to fuck you with a strapon! I have to think about what kind of cock I want to have! This is so exciting!” She seemed giddy.
I grimaced a little at her use ofthe word ‘cock,’ but I couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. I loved seeing her smile like that.
“We can go shopping this week.” She said.
My heart sank a little at the prospect of another trip to a sex shop, but I didn’t protest.
“Well, it is about time I head home. That foot massage was really nice.” She said
She started to lift her feet out of my lap and then paused and looked at me.
“I know how you like to kiss my feet. You should never be shy about doing that whenever you want.” She said.
“It… uh… would be hard for me, you know, with the device on.” I stammered. I could feel a terrible pinch as I responded.
She laughed “I bet it WOULD be hard, but I don’t want you to deny yourself something that you enjoy. You do enjoy it, don’t you?” She posed.
“I do.” I admitted.
With that, she took her feet out of my lap and put them on the floor right in front of the couch.
I shifted position, got onto my knees and lowered my head to her toes and kissed them each in turn. As I kissed them, she leaned forward over me and whispered in my ear “I missed you.”
As I raised my head she was already putting her shoes back on and getting ready to go. My penis was as engaged as it could be. She walked to the door.
I was still naked. We hugged.
“I look forward to going shopping with you later this week!” She gleamed.
I smiled and said goodbye.
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