After Tiffany left, I found myself entertained for the rest of the evening. I had no plans for that Friday night, so I spent much of the night admiring the device that now keep me from my junk. It was a pretty ingenious device. It consistent of two clear plastic rings and a curved, clear plastic tube. My penis and testicles passed through the larger plastic ring and only my penis went through the second, smaller plastic ring. My penis then went into the plastic tube. All of the pieces were kept at an even distance from each other with small plastic posts on each of the pieces. And, of course, they were kept in place by the small padlock that Tiffany had attached.
It wasn’t at all what I would call comfortable, but it didn’t hurt either. I tried on various pairs of pants and found that it caused a noticeable bulge in the dress pants I wore to work. But, it really wasn’t noticeable through my casual pants and jeans. I decided that I would have to go shopping early tomorrow to getSome pants for work that wouldn’t tip people off that something plastic was locked on my junk.
I admired myself naked in the mirror and took a shower. Cleaning wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but using the toilet was the part that I honestly hadn’t considered beforehand. I would have to sit to pee.
In addition to admiring the device, I spent the whole evening thinking about Tiffany. Every time she popped into my head, I would feel those long-dormant feelings well up. Each time this happened, I would swell up as much as the device would allow. I would then have to redirect my thoughts. It was frustrating to not get hard, but it even more frustrating to think about Tiffany. She is the only girl I have known that I’m truly happy to be around. I would just have to let those thoughts go and focus on finding Another girl who made me feel the same way.
My sleep was a bit restless that night. The sensing of the device locked on to me and the thoughts running through my head, made sleeping a difficult task.
I awoke the next morning feeling a bit grggy and with a bit of disappoint emmanating from my crotch. I realized that the disappoint had been caused by the device’s denial of my morning wood.
By the time I was shown and ready to go out shopping for new pants, I was feeling very on edge. I was beginning to feel a bit anxious about the device and desperately wanted to get the device off and rub one out. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t a big deal and that the anxiety would pass as soon as I was outside in the fresh air.
I took a bus to a neary clothing store and looked for new pants for work. I noticed women. I always noticed women, but this was different. I noticed them all and desperately wanted some relief. I tried to collect myself and restrain my urges. I bought a few pairs of pants and returned home.
The day passed more or less normally but I found myself cleaning my apartment and doing any other task I could think of to take my mind off the longing I felt.
Evening came and I got ready for my date. Just before I left my apartment to meet Diane, my date, I received a text from Tiffany. “Good luck on your date!” I wrote her back “Thanks”, and headed off to meet Diane.
My date with Diane started with dinner. We chatted and joked with each other. She was wearing a skirt that showed off her lovely legs. Her blouse was low cut and showed off her cleavage. I could feel myself occasionally fixed on her feminine charms. I had to pull myself away from my internal turmoil to focus on our conversation. While she was very nice, she didn’t strike me as particularly bright.
We finished dinner and went to a neary spot to grab a drink and dance. After a few strong drinks, we were on the dance floor. Our Chemistry was good, so it was only a matter of time before we were dancing closely.
After a little bit, Diane said, “Something is poking me. Do you have something in your pocket?”
Istammered a little bit. Finally, I managed to say “It might be my keys. Sorry about that.”
“Well, move them to your back pocket.” Diane said with a smile.
I knew that moving my keys would not solve the problem, as it was the chatity device that was poking her. I had to get out of this situation.
“Why don’t we get out of here?” I suggested.
Diane agreed and we headed off to her apartment building. When we got there, she invited me up but I decided. I gave her a kiss. I didn’t want her to think that I wasn’t interested, but I couldn’t go up to her apartment. My secret would have been discovered. I told her that I would call and then caught a cab home.
I was lucky that the meal and alcohol had made me pretty drawsy, so I went to bed immediately and fell sleep.
Sunday morning was much like Saturday morning. When I felt up, I could feel my penis struggle against the device. I spent a while laying in bed trying to redirect my thoughts without success.So, I got up and took a cold shower. The show didn’t solve my problem, but it did dampen my urges slightly.
I had the whole day ahead of me and found that I needed to stay active to keep from going crazy. Watching TV didn’t help as almost every show and even most commercials had me thinking about sex. I continued cleaning my apartment and finished a lot of tasks that I had been meaning to do for a long time. I punctuated my constant activity with cold shows.
By the time dinner had rolled around, I was nearly at my wits end. I needed this thing off of me. Not long after I finished eating, I received another text from Tiffany, “Hope the date went well. Can’t wait to hear about it. See you tomorrow.”
I wrote back, “Date was okay. I need to get out of this thing, it is driving me crazy!”
She responded, “It hasn’t even been three days! Don’t be such a wimp, I’ve gone weeks without.”
I was a bit mad about her response, so I didn’t send a reply.
I did some exercises, had a couple of drinks and took a final cold shower and tried to go to sleep. After staring at the ceiling for a while, I finally passed out.
Monday at work was a real pain. I have a desk job, so I spent much of the day with my mind wander off. I couldn’t wait to see Tiffany so she would let me out of this thing.
After what felt like an eternity, quitting time finally came. I hurried home to wait for Tiffany.
I waited for a while and was just about to hop in the shower for another cold one, when Tiffany buzzed from downstairs. I let her in and waited for her to come up. She finally knocked on my door and I opened it.
Even though I had just seen her on Friday, it seemed like I hadn’t seen her for a long time. Her face seemed fresh and her dark eyes had a light to them. Her lips were stretched into an effortless smile as she leaned in to hug me hello. She wasn’t dressed any differently than the dozens of times she had stopped by before, but it seemed different. She wore a white button down blouse and a black skirt with black high heeled shoes. Her blouse hugged her frame showing off that beautiful curve running in from her chest and back out at her hips – the perfect hourglass. Her long, black hair was pulled back into a ponytail.
“Hey, you!” She greeted me.
She sat on the couch and crossed her legs.
“How was the weekend? Tell me about your date.” She said.
“It was okay. Did you bring the keys?” I asked.
“Wow, you are anxious! First tell me about your date.” She said redirecting the conversation.
It looked like she was going to make me wait for the keys, so I grabbed a couple of beers from the friedge, gave her one and told her about my date with Diane. I tried to stay calm, but my mind keep racing between the lust I was feeling for Tiffany and getting a hold of those keys!
“Well, it sounds like our experiment is working out well. You noticed that Diane is not very smart and you didn’t have sex with her on the first date. I think you should go out with her again and confirm whether your initial impression of her is correct.” Tiffany said regarding my description of the date.
“Working out well?! I’ve been going crazy these past few days. Every morning I wake up with a pain in my crotch from morning wood and I spend the rest of the day taking cold shows. I need this thing off of me.” I responded.
“Dan! You promised that you would give this a real try. And one weekend doesn’t count as a real try. Will you put the device back on if I let you out of it?” She said.
“Uh…” Was all I could manage before she cut back in.
Her face had changed a little. That effort smile was replaced by a bit of a frown.
“That’s what I thought. I am rarely in a position to make someone keep their promises to me. But, this time, I can do just that. I will let you out as soon as I feel confident that you’ll put it back on.” She said.
“Are you kidding me?!”I responded.
“No. I’m not kidding. Look at how well your date went and your apartment has never been cleaner. Once you accept this, you’ll find that it will be easier and there might be some serious benefits.” She said.
“Tiffany! This isn’t funny. Give me the key.” I demanded.
“Don’t take that tone. I care a lot about you and I think that this will ultimately be for your own good. I think I’m going to head off. I’ll stop by tomorrow.” She said with a slightly raised voice and a furrowed browser.
With that she picked up her purse and started towards the door. I followed quickly behind her.
“Wait! Are you really going to leave?!” I implemented.
“Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said.
It flashed Through my mind to grab her or snatch her pursuit away, but I restrained myself. I let her leave. What have I gotten into?
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