The Vault Pt. 01

Tiffany and I have been friends since college. We shared a lot of classes and spent a lot of time together outside of class. We grew very close as friends. Of course, I was very attracted to her. She is a 5’4″ American girl of Chinese heritage. Her hair is raven black and has a face as cute as a button. During our College years, it was inevitable that there was some sexual tension (inevitable for me Anyway). We would flirt back and forth and even spent a few nights in each other’s dorm rooms. I did make one pass at her, but she told me that she didn’t want to risk our friend. I was devastated at the time, but in the 5 years since college, I have come to appreciate our friend so much that I suspect that her decision might have been the right one.

Our friend had grown so much that there is almost nothing that we don’t tell each other. After graduation, she and I lived in the same city and would hang out after work and on the weekends. A couple of years after college,she started dating Edwin. Although he was also an American of Chinese descent, he was a good deal more traditional than Tiffany. After a short time, they became engaged, married and moved out into the suburbs. She still worked in the city not far from where I live. So, two or three times a week she would stop by my place before heading home to avoid the rush-hour traffic. She would hang out at my place, have a beer or two and we would shoot the shit. We talked about everything.

One of her favorite topics was my dating life. I’m not the most attractive guy, but I’m attractive enough that I’ve never had much difficulty finding dates. Tiffany found my dating life amusing because I had a tendency to find girls that were some crazy or eccentric. I would almost always stay with these girls much longer than I should because once I started getting some action, I would get hooked. Once sex was available, my second head would do most of the decision-making. Tiffany knew that sex was my weakness when it came to my dating life.

On one particular occasion, I was lamenting my experiences with a girl I had dated a few times. This is when Tiffany started a conversation that would change my life.

“Dan, why do you let yourself get sucked in by a pretty face and spread legs?” She said.

“Isn’t it obvious?! I’m a guy. I find myself very conflicted when I’m dating. I do want to find a nice girl, but once I have a chance to have sex, my libido takes control and I fail to see or I ignore the negative qualities my dates have.” I responded.

“Can’t you just pull yourself out of that pattern and not focus so much on sex until after you get to know the girl?” Tiffany said.

“I tell myself that all the time, but once I get out there and sit across from them at dinner or dance with them a club, I find myself thinking about nothing more than getting them back to my place. And when I get them there once, I just want to get them back there again. It is only after the sex gets boring that I start to recognize all of their negative qualities.” I offered.

“Hmm… I have given it some thought and I think I have an idea that might help you. I could help you screen your dates.” Tiffany said.

“Well, I would love for you to meet them and give me your opinion, but I don’t see how that would stop me from wanting to jump them as soon as I get the chance.” I countered.

“Well, I have a solution for that… Do you remember that club we went to a few years back? The one in the old warehouse downtown?” She said.

“You mean that S&M fetish club?” I responded.

“That’s the one! When we were there I signed up for their list-serve and I have been receiving e-mails from them ever since. I always read them and will occasionally check out the web sites that they link to. Some of those sites are about chatity. I think that if you wear a chatity belt, it would remove your bad habit of taking a girl to bed before you get to know her.” She offered.

“Wow, that seems a bit drastic. But, how would that even stop me? I would just come home and take it off.” I retorted.

“Well, the devices are locked. You would give the key to some one you trust – like me! I would hold on to it until you got to know the girl. Once you decide that you liked her enough, I would meet her. If she seems like a good match for you, I would give you the key and you could date her normally.” She said.

“Huh… I don’t know. It sounds like a weird idea. I think it could work for the dating, but what about my needs? I… well… take care of myself more than a few times a week. Not being able to do that would probably make me crazy!” I said.

She laughed.

“Take care of yourself?! Of course you do! Well, I’m here about 3 times a week anyway, I could try to make it 4 times a week and I would unlock you to take care of your ‘needs’ and then you would put the belt back on before I go.” She suggested.

I laughed, somewhat nervously.

“Well, I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think my situation is so bad. This seems a bit drastic. But I appreciate the offer… ha ha ha ha.”

“Okay, you let me know if you change your mind. I just want to see you happy. When you find a nice girl and move out to the suburbs we can all hang out as couples. It would be great.”

At that, we turned to other topics and didn’t talk about it again.

About 3 months later, I was out on a Saturday night with my guy friends and I picked up a woman at a club. The sexual chemistry was intense and I brought her home that night. We had drunk sex. I woke up the next morning and she wasn’t there and neither was the cash in my wallet or my watch. I never even got her last name. I felt stupid. I didn’t even call the police. I figured that I lucky out only losing some cash and an inexpensive watch. I told no one about what happened, except for the only person that gets all of my secrets – my vault – Tiffany.

“Dude, that is ridiculous! I’m glad that you’re okay. That could have been much worse!” She said regarding my story.

“Yeah, it might have been the worst thing that has happened to me in a long time. I have to be more careful.”

“Well, you need to make better decisions. It is that uncontrolled libido again. You really are stupid for sex.” She chided.

“Yeah, I am.” I said ashamed.

“Well, I offered to help you with that, and the offer still stands.” She offered.

“ha ha ha, you mean the chatity belt?” I asked.

“Yeah, the chatity belt. If you had been wearing one, you would never have taken that girl home. You would have gotten her number instead. You would have called her and went out on a date and realized that she was a nut job. You’d still have your money, watch.” She responded.

“You know what… okay… hmmm… let’s give it a try. What do I have to lose?! I can always go back to normal if it doesn’t work out. And it might improve things.” I said.

“Really! Okay! Let’s go online now and order a belt for you.” She said excitedly.

We went online and after a while settled upon a plastic device. I ordered it and had it shipped to my place. Tiffany gave me some cash and told me to upgrade the shipping to overnight delivery.

“I’ll come by tomorrow and well get the ball rolling on your new dating life!” She said with a big smile.

“Ha, ha ha… just in time for my date on Saturday with a girl I met yesterday.”

The next day at work I was a filled with nervous anticipation of the package that was likely sitting at my building with the doorman. Around 3:30, I received a text from Tiffany telling me not to open the box until she got there.

Quitting time came and I got back to my building where I was greeted at the Front desk by the doorman and a package. I signed for it and brought it up to my apartment and placed it on my coffee table. About an hour later, I buzzed Tiffany into my building and she was sittingon my couch in no time. She shook the box with a huge grin.

“Let’s open it! It feels like Christmas!” She said.

I have to say that she seemed more excited about this than I would have imagined. This wasn’t a toy for us to really use together. She was married after all. But, she had complained to me many times before about the boring nature of her sex life with Edwin, her husband. Perhaps she was just excited to be even minimally involved in something that might be considered kinky. And, I can’t lie, I was excited at the prospect of having my dick locked up and knowing that Tiffany would have the key. Ever since her engagement with Edwin, I have tried to tone-down my flirtation and feelings for her, but they were still there, bubbleling under the surface.

“Absolutely, lets see what it looks like.” I responded.

She opened the shipping box and the box inside to reveal a few plastic pieces and a small padlock.

“I think you put your balls through here and then slide this on your penis.” She said holding up the relative pieces and pointing. She even put her finger inside the penis sheath.

A bit nervously, I said. “Yeah, this is odd. I can’t believe I’m even thinking about this.”

“Dan! Thinking about this?! You are going to give this a real try, aren’t you? I want you to promise me that you’ll take this seriously and really give it a chance.” She demanded.

“Okay, I promise.” I said in a drone, sarcastic way.

“Here” she said as she handed me the plastic pieces ” It is Friday, so I won’t see you again until Monday. Go take care of your self.” She said with a chuckle. ” Then put on the little cage.

I blushed at the idea of ​​going into the other room to masturbate while she was here. But I knew she was right. This was my last chance to cum before Monday (Tiffany doesn’t normally come by on the weekends). I turned on the TV for her and went into the bathroom and tended to things. I came really quickly from the excitement, but I was in there for a while trying to get the device on just right. After I got it on and it felt comfortable enough, I realized that she hadn’t given me the padlock. I called to her and she said to come out.

With the device on, I pulled up my pants and went out to the TV room.

“Is it on?” She asked.

“Yeah, but I need the lock. I left it out here.” I responded.

“I didn’t give it to you because I’m going to put it on. I want to make sure it is secure before I go.”

I was a little taken aback and began to blush.

“Oh, Dan. All of the time that we’ve spent together and those hotel rooms we shared during spring break, I’ve seen you naked a number of times. Don’t be shy!” She said.

While this was true, it has been years and all of those occasions were accidental. I stood there for a moment. Took a deep breath and unzipped my pants with trembling hands.

“Come closer and pull down your pants so I can get at it.” She said as she picked up and opened the lock.

Still seated on the couch, she scooted forward and looked at me.

I walked up to her and could feel myself start to grow inside the device. I pulled down my pants and shorts just enough to reveal my caged penis.

“Looking good! It fits well.” She said as she slipped the lock onto the device and snapped it shut. “Okay, all done! That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Before I could respond, she dropped the keys in her pursuit and stood up as I covered myself.

“Okay, well I have to head home. Have a good date tomorrow night. Give me a call if you need anything. I’ll see you on Monday.”

I was a bit dumbfounded and could only manage to say ‘See you later’ as she walked out.


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