Ann woke more than an hour before her alarm was due to ring. She hadn’t had a nightmare, which was surprising. The idea that she was being groomed to take over the Academy, and it’s dozen employees, and it’s report, frightened her like nothing else had since she started working here. Ann sat and stared out the window, trying to decide what she could, or should, do. There wasn’t anything obvious but there was Something she could do. The question is, should she?
At 6:45, she opened her door and followed Jeannette to Devon’s room. She was already shown and dressed, ready to face her day. It promised to be a busy day, if she was able.
“Good morning Jeannette.” Devon said as Jeannette opened his door. Turning he saw Ann and raised an eyebrow. Ann gestured towards Jeannette and Devon compiled, he issued the morning orders to Jeannette and she turned to leave.
Ann held up a hand. She was supposed to teach this morning, a class for Geneva. “Devon, can we change theplan a bit. I’d like to take the day off, I need to do some things, alone.”
Devon looked at her for a moment. “I’ll be teaching Geneva this morning Jeannette, everything else remains the same.”
“Yes Master.” Jeannette said and left.
Ann waited, she expected a question, or a polite inquiry. When it became apparent that Devon was waiting for her to talk, Ann bit her lip. “Devon, I need to talk to a couple people, I just need to take off for a day.”
Devon nodded. “It’s yours, take the time you need Ann.” She wasn’t running, she was backing away, and Devon understand that. She wanted to back away and take a look at her life, her career choice, and her future, before she committed herself. She’d done the same thing before taking the job here in the first place, and Devon already knew what her answer would be. He suspected she knew it too.
Ann turned and stopped at his door. “Devon, I won’t lie to you, I’m scared.”
“Nothing to be afraid of Ann, before youassume the mantle, you’ll be ready for it.” Devon said softly. “I’ve never pushed you beyond where you were comfortable, and I won’t.”
“Devon, I think I could do it, but if I’m wrong, so many people depend on you. They would be depending on me, and…” She let the sentence end awkwardly.
“And you’re afraid that if you aren’t as good as I think you are, or you aren’t really cut out for this, that all those people would suffer your mistake.” Devon finished the thought for her. “I know it too well. Dominique does too as a matter of fact. There hasn’t been a lead trainer that hasn’t known that fear.”
“How do you do it?” Ann asked looking back at him. “How do you do what you do Devon?”
“I do the best I can.” Devon admitted. “I’m very good, perhaps even as good as everyone says I am. In the end, I’m human, and as we know, I make mistakes too.”
Ann nodded. “That’s what scares the hell out of me Devon.” She turned and walked out the door, passing the house slaves,Two of whom were staying in the staff wing to clean up, there being more than were suitable facilities with the trainees right now.
Ann got her keys and her purse, and turned on her cell phone for the first time in months. She left the house, taking her car, and wondered what she was doing. First stop, a dining somewhere, just to eat food with regular people.
Twenty minutes later, she was convinced that this Was a huge mistake. The regular people were assholes. They talked too loud, were boorish in their manner, and a couple were giving her lewd looks that bordered on insulting. After breakfast, she went to visit her old boss, and her friend. Jack Mitchell was arriving at the station on time, exactly at 8:30, as he had for the last twenty years. He saw Ann and waved her in.
After pouring them both a cup of coffee, and telling the Watch Commander to brief him in later, he closed the door to his office. Ann sat where she had before, on the couch next to the wall. “Uncle Jack, Devon said he told you that he saw me taking over his job, taking over the Academy.” Ann began.
Jack nodded. “Yeah Ann, he did.” He looked long and hard at the coffee cup. “How are you doing out there?”
“Not bad.” Ann admitted. “I just found out last night, when he announced he was sending me to California to demonstrate for some actors that are going to film a Psudo Academy for the products we’ve patented and are licensing to a company.”
Jack considered. “Filming in California?”
Ann smiled slightly. “Yes, we’ll train them here for a week, teach them to fake it, then they’ll film elsewhere. Devon won’t break the agreement Uncle Jack, you know that.”
Jack nodded. “I didn’t think he would.” He leaned forward and looked across his desk at Ann. “So what can I do for you Ann, do you want me to talk you out of this? I tried that once.”
“Do you think I can do this? Do you think I can run that place?” Ann asked.
Jack leaned back. “A year ago,I would have said no. Six months ago, I would have said I doubt it.” He looked at Ann. “I’ll tell you something else Devon told me. He said I had given you a raw deal, I should have treated you like any other Deputy, and let you fly, or fail, on your own.”
Ann looked at Jack surprised. “He did?”
Jack nodded. “He was right by the way, I did sideline you. I just couldn’t bear the thought of telling your folks that you’d been hurt, or killed.”
Ann felt warmth for this old man who had looked out for her for as long as she’d been alive. “I guess I can understand that.”
“It took me a while to understand it.” Jack admitted. “He was right about one other thing too. He said in the whole county, the Only place where your Uncle Jack Mitchell couldn’t influence your future was out there, with him.” Jack paused and sipped coffee. “I guess your flying along pretty well, if he told you his plan.”
Ann nodded thoughtfully. “Do I do it Jack? Do I try to do it?”
Jacklooked at her and frowned. “I don’t like that school, you know that.”
“I know but Jack, I’ve known you as long as I’ve been alive, and I need to hear your advice.”
Jack settled back. “Yeah, you do it Ann.”
“Because he’s right. Everyone has to fly or fail, on his or her own merits. Right now, you’re flying along fine, at least I guess so.” Jack admitted. “If he’s opened the plan to you, then he expects you to succeed, and I don’t think he’s wrong very often.”
Ann sat silent for a long time, considering the words she’d heard. Finally she nodded slowly, and looked at the man she had called Uncle Jack as long as she’d been alive. This man was her Father’s best friend, and had been as long as They’d both been alive. “Thanks Uncle Jack, I know you’re busy.”
“Never too busy for you Ann. You know that.” Jack said.
Ann glanced at her watch and made another decision. Proving that Jack knew her as well as he thought he did, he answered the questionbefore she mentioned it. “Yeah, he’ll be at work now, your Mom should be home though.”
Ann nodded again. “See you later Uncle Jack.”
Outside, she dialed the number that she’d dialed ten thousand times, the one that led home. She needed to touch base, to touch a symbol of her old life, before she truly embraced this new life, then she had work to do.
Her Mother wiped tears from her eyes as she welcomed her Daughter home. Ann managed to contain her own emotions, better than her Mother anyway. “Mom, I wanted to talk to you, I know it’s been a long time.”
“Almost five months since you stormed out.” Judy told her.
“I know, it’s been a busy time. I’ve been working hard.”
“Jack said you were doing fine out There, said he saw you when there was some problem or another. Your Father wouldn’t hear about it, so I couldn’t ask him either.”
Ann briefly filled in the details and highlighted what had happened. Then she sat next to her Mother on the couch. “Mom, Devon, the lead Trainer, the head of the operation, is planning on passing the torch to me.”
“You?” Judy asked surprised. “You are already a; what did you call it, a Dominatrix I think you said?”
Ann shook her head. “Not much more to learn, another couple months. He’s talking in a year, or two. He’ll leave and set up another facility somewhere else, Florida I think, Perhaps California. Anyway, he wants to leave this one to me.”
Judy stared at her daughter and softly said. “Are you that good at it?”
Ann shrugged. “I’m good, they’re good, real good Mom. I’m just scared, that’s why I’m here, I don’t know if I can do this.”
Judy listened as Ann described the type of training she oversaw. Leaving out the details of learning it herself. She described the people they were helping. Reaching Cathy, giving Diane more self assuredness, giving Geneva stability. Giving Crystal somewhere safe to explore her own life, her own psyche.
“Ann, I can’t believe all that really go on.” Judy admitted. “It just wasn’t even discussed like this with my Mother. She would have had a heart attack. None of my friends would have even considered watching someone practice oral sex. It’s almost more than I can imagine.”
Ann nodded knewingly. “I know, I still get a little uncomfortable from time to time. But they’re patient with me too, and they like me there Mom. I get to help a few people, make some money, and perhaps we can really put a stop to some dangerous practices in the world. Things that get people hurt, or killed.” Ann said softly.
“Those things really happen?” Judy asked with an edge of fear to her voice. “People really get stuck by needs, and the other things you mentioned?”
“Not at the Academy, not ever. That’s one reason Devon wants me in charge, he knows I’ll never allow those things.” Ann said seriously.
Judy looked at Ann. “I can’t tell you to do this, I just can’t.”
Ann looked at her Mother and nodded her undersstanding. “I get it Mom, thanks for listening though.” Ann moved to get up and a hand on her arm stopped her.
“Ann I’ll ask you this. Do you enjoy your work? Your life?”
Ann nodded. “Yeah I do. Strange as it sounds, they’re good people Mom, they take care of me, and I take care of them. We all need each other.” Ann waved a hand helplessly. “I Know it sounds crazy, but we do make up a sort of family out there, and we’re doing good things.”
“Ann, follow your heart, you know the answer, you know it before you came here.” Judy said with wisdom from many years of experience.
Ann bit her lip. “What if I screw it up too?”
“Then it wasn’t meant to be, and you take what you learned here, and apply it to whatever you settle on next.” Judy said softly.
Ann nodded, and wiped an eye. The decision made, she stayed and chatted with her Mother for another hour, finally checking her watch and deciding it was time. She had a couple more errands to run, and they werein the city.
An hour before dinner, she parked her car behind the Kitchen at the Academy. She entered and found Diane and Geneva in the kitchen. They didn’t look especially busy. “There are some packages in my car, take them up to my room right away.”
“Yes Mistress.” Diane said as she and Geneva moved for the door.
Walking through the Dining Room and into Admin, she saw Jeannette at her normal desk, and walked by to Devon’s office, through the open door, and found him sitting behind his desk, what would be her desk one day, and sat before it. “Devon, did Dominique call?”
“No, should she have?” Devon asked.
“I spent half the day with her, in town. Right now, Diane and Geneva are taking something up to my room.” Ann said. She considered for a moment. “We got me a laptop, and other things that would scream success to the phonies in LA.”
Devon nodded. “The toys of the powerful, I’m sure she picked good ones.”
Ann nodded again. “So am I, and I’m not quite a computer nerd, but I’m not an idiot.” She shifted mental gears. “Devon, I’m scared, and I’m not sure you’ve made the right choice. But I’ll do my best.”
Devon leaned back. “Ann, that’s all any of us can do, we struggle for perfection, knowing we’ll never reach it. Knowing we’ll fall short. We only hope it’s not too short, that we at least accomplish the other goals we set for ourselves, and others.”
Ann took a deep breath. “OK, I’m going to put together that list for you. I’m concerned about Diane’s hang up, her deep throat issue.”
Devon nodded slightly. “I worked on it today, and she managed to take the smallest probe without gagging.”
“How come you were able and Thomas wasn’t?” Ann asked. Then she frowned. “Not right, sorry, what did you do differently?”
Devon shrugged. “I distracted her a bit, and then slide it into her throat when she wasn’t looking.”
Ann chuckled. “You’ll have to show me that sometimes.”
“Certainly.” Devon said witha smile. “One of the tricks that come with experience.”
Diane knocked on the door. “Mistress, your packages are in your room. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Yes Diane, as you saw that’s a laptop, and I’ve got a new smart phone. I want you familiar with them before we head to California. That way you are able to help me send reports home on what we find.” Ann said without glancing at Diane.
“Yes Mistress.” Diane replied.
“Good. You can return to your chores now.” Ann said.
Devon smiled as Diane left. In a soft voice he said. “When you spend time with Dominique, you become more like her. More in control, more sure of yourself.”
Ann stood and headed for the door. “She’s got a very strong sense of presence.”
Devon watched her leave and returned to the training report he was typing. Diane had managed the slender flexible probe without too much trouble. The hang up was fear, and only partially fear of gagging. Devon noted his suspicion that the real problem for Diane was fear of failure.
After dinner Ann sent for Diane as she opened her new laptop and linked it to the local network. She tapped the password to it into her iPhone as well, and soon was all networked in. Taking Dominique’s advice, she opened an email account with another carrier, one for more personal information, keeping the business one business.
Diane arrived and knocked on her door. Ann called for her to enter. Signaling for Diane to knee she said. “Diane, I want us to spend some time together, over the next few days, so we learn to communicate without words. I think there are times when I’ll want your input, and I don’t think we’ll want them in on it.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“When you’re not in training, find me, and attend to my needs.” Ann told her next.
“Yes Mistress.” Diane said. Then she hesitated. “Mistress, do you mean like Jeannette does Master Devon? Bring him coffee and other things he needs?”
Ann nodded. “Yes, just like that. When we’re in California, I want to be able to keep them off balance, I want them to be confused as to our position, authority, and influence.”
Diane considered. “I believe I understand Mistress.”
Ann smiled and tapped Diane on the head. “I expect this was a surprise to you Diane, and before you question our wisdom, an event that would result in a rather severe Punishment, I should tell you this. If Master Devon had offered me a slave to go with me, I would have selected you anyway.”
“Mistress, Jeannette is the lead.” Diane said, not objecting, but merely pointing out her status.
“Yes she is, and like Master Devon, she’s needed here for this. She needs to be looking at things from a regular persons point of view, as well as a slave. She had a good talent of understanding how people will react to things, from the point of view of a slave. You have a good talent of obedience, and of extremely loyal service. You are going, where we need you to go, and doing what we need you to do.” Ann explained.
Diane lowered her head a bit in embarrassment. “Mistress.” She hesitated. “Thank you Mistress.”
Ann nodded. “OK, I have a laptop here, and these are the programs we’re liable to be using.” Ann showed her the email, web browser, and a couple others.
“No problem Mistress, I know all those programs.” Diane confirmed.
“Good. We have less than two weeks, and during that time, I’ll need to round up some more clothes for you, something suitable for a slave accompanying me to California.” Ann said as she considered. “Of course, I’ll have to get some bindings to take with us. I wouldn’t want you thinking you are on some sort of vacation.”
Diane smiled. “Yes Mistress.”
Ann smiled down at her. “Diane, are you supposed to attend anyone tonight?”
“No Mistress, only you.” Diane said, knowing what was coming next.
“Then you’ll attend me.” Ann said running her hand down through her hair, and caresingher cheek. “I’ve found you suitably skilled to entertain me.”
“Thank you Mistress.” Diane said smiling up at Ann.
Ann wasn’t alone in feeling a little randy. While she’d been talking with Diane, Rebecca had walked across the hall to Andre’s room, and entered it closing the door behind her.
Thomas wandered down the hallway, and found Geneva watching TV in the dayroom. Deciding she would do, he signed to follow him. She did so without any comment or question. Hitting the power button on the remote. Whatever Master wanted was fine with her.
Thomas closed his door and looked at Geneva carefully. “Your nose, it’s well?”
“Yes Master, a little tender is all.”
Thomas nodded. “When that’s over, you’ll return to Oral Arts training.” He stepped a little closer and reached out caressing Geneva’s breast. Geneva tried to lean into the caress. Thomas saw she longed for attention, and then decided she was a phase three student, it was time she learned how to makelove, as a slave of course.
He walked behind her, keeping his hand on her breast, gently rolling her nipple with it’s gold ring between his fingers. He spoke into her early gently as she began to breath more deeply. “Sometimes, a Master may wish to have a slave attend him in a more gentle manner. More like the traditional making love that couples do. The duty of the slave is obvious isn’t it?”
“Yes Master.” Geneva breathed. “The slave must do whatever the Master wishes.”
Thomas breathed the next words into her ear. “We don’t always want a rough and tumble fuck. Sometimes, we want to cares, touch, play, and tease.”
Licking her lips, her temperature already shooting up as Master Thomas snuggled closer to her from behind, his clothed body touching her nakedness, making her feel more vulnerable. Geneva managed to speak. “Yes Master.”
“Slave, you are to attend me, and I want to make love to night, slow, sensitive, and tender. I want to come, deeply within you, and I want you to enjoy yourself.” Thomas breathed into her ear as he kissed her neck.
Geneva hesitated. “Master, please tell me, am I to make love? I mean, am I to touch, caress too?” She was panting already.
“Yes. No restrictions on Orgasms enjoy the experience, but always with an eye to pleasure your Master.” Thomas said softly as he licked her ear.
Geneva didn’t wait to be told again, He moved one hand and gripped his arm, her other hand reaching back, finding Thomas’s leg, and then his cock, already stiffening behind her, trapped by the trousers. She turned and found herself drawn into an embrace, and she kissed her Master, deeply, tongues flicking, playing, teasing. Geneva gripped his head tightly, and melted into the embrace. She allowed him to lead. To do with her as he pleased. She was to be an attractive love tonight, that had been explained in sufficient detail, and yes by God, she would enjoy it.
Geneva hadn’t made love since she was in the Army, notcounting the times with the other slaves. She found the experience, of sex, with more emotion, even more arousing than being fucked silly by Master Andre had been. Even though that experience had been so intense as to cause her to pass out from the constant climaxes. No, it wasn’t more arousing, it was just different is all.
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