Chapter 1 The Beginning
I knelt at the front door waiting for my girlfriend to come home from work. She was later than usual. I had been on my knees for over 30 minutes waiting for her. Tonight was a special night and I didn’t want to upset her. She had “given me” a special birthday present this year. I had always fantasized about serving a dominant woman and she had agreed to serve as my mistress for a 30 day trial period. That trial would end tonight and I had to decide whether I wanted it to continue on a permanent basis. I had mixed feelings about the decision. Reality was not the same as fantasy, and while I enjoyed some of the activities we experimented with, there were also things that I did not enjoy. Kneeling on my knees waiting for her was one of those activities.
Tonight I took the time to remind myself how I got here. I’m a man of 55. Recently retired with plenty of time on my hands. I was always shy around women and didn’t date in high school or college. If you looked up the definition of ‘nerd’ in the dictionary, my name would be there. I read my first stories about female led relationships as a teenager. I was immediately hooked and began my fantasy life as a male submissive. Those were the pre-internet days and my search for information about female domination was confined to porn magazines, especially the ones like ‘Variations’ that printed stories and articles about such things.
The arrival of the internet fueled my fansies. Stories, articles and even videos were now available to me. I lived in a rural community so there wasn’t a lot of opportunity to experience real life adventures, but the internet provided all of the information I needed to fuel my fansies. Soon I was buying toys or improving to act out the fansies I read about. I would imagine I was the submissive male depicted in the stories I read and act out as best I could what took place in the story. I experimented with spanking and paddling,clothespins and clamps, enemy and butt plugs, and bondage including CBT.
Most of the experiences were enjoyable, at least until I climaxed. After that, the rush was gone and I lost interest in the scene. The one thing I couldn’t experience was the ability to give up control. I was always able to end a scene whenever I needed to so the feeling of submission was never really experienced. I browsed on line dating sites that catered to BDSM and eventually met several women who claimed to be dominant. I played with a couple of them but never felt that they were totally in charge. I remained unsatisfied.
Several years ago I saw a woman at my high school reunion that I hadn’t seen for nearly 30 years. We were friends in high school but never romantic, although many thought we should be. We started dating and the relationship Lasted for two years. I hinted of my desire for her to take the lead in the relationship but couldn’t bring myself to tell her all of my fans. I came upwith a plan to loan her my Nook so she could read some of the books we both enjoyed. I purposely left several of my femdom stories “hidden” in the library for her to find. Evidently she did as she broke up with me several months later telling me my secret was safe with her.
That brings me to Shirley, my current girlfriend. We met on line on a vanilla dating site that caters to singles over 50. We quickly hit it off and started dating regularly. We are both a bit overweight so we often discussed who should be on top during sex. I argued that I was too heavy for her so she usually took the more dominant position. This continued for a while until I confessed I liked her on top because I was submissive. Shirley questioned me more about my comments and I confessed my desires to her.
Instead of being shocked by this revelation, Shirley seemed to accept it and wanted to see some of the sites I visited on the internet. She read some of the stories and watched a few videos. I showed her my toy collection and explained what various items were used for. She called me kinky, but said she was willing to experiment a little. The next night she spanked and paddled me for the first time, placed clothespins on my nipples, cock and balls and used a straw-on to fuck my ass. She was not into giving pain and stopped whenever I moaned. She simply wanted to give me the fantasy I wanted.
We continued to play over the course of the next few months. I encouraged her but she remained hesitant to administrator pain. Still, we remained happy in the relationship and I continued to browser my favorite sites to satisfy my needs.
She moved in a couple of months before my birthday. She told me that she wanted to do something special for my birthday. She fixed me a wonderful birthday dinner and then handed me an envelope. Inside was a card stating that She would make my fansies become real for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the trial we would discuss whether to make it apermanent arrangement. During the 30 day trial I would do anything she requested and I would be punished if I misbehaved or did not perform well. We would experiment with some of my fansies, but she would decide when and where that would happen.
She gave me a form she had downloaded from the internet. It listed hundreds of activities, some of which I had never heard of. She told me that if I wanted this to happen I was to evaluate each activity on as directed on the form.
I looked over the form. The directions said to rate each activity from 0-5. Zero means the activity was a hard limit, something I did not want to experience under any circumstances. Five means I was experienced performing the activity and it was something that was enjoyable for me. It took me over an hour to complete the form. I had to research some of the terms. There were over 200 items listed and I had to evaluate each one. I signed the form and gave it to Shirley. Were my fansies finally going to come true? I hoped so.
Shirley asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this. There would be no backing out once the trial period began. I told her I was ready and she told me the trial period would start in the morning. She took the list with her and locked herself in the spa bedroom while I went to bed. She reviewed the list and my responses to it. Some must have amused her because I could hear her laughing in the next room. When she came out a couple of hours later she was smiling. She told me that the activities I rated as hard limits would be observed, anything else was fair game. I tried to recall some of the activities I had rated low, but was willing to try. I began to worry just a little, hoping my fansies were not something I would regret. Still, I trusted her and knew she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.
She told me to get up early tomorrow and fix her breakfast. She also said she would prepare a list of chores for me to do while she was at work. She told me thatshe would inspect my work when she got home and that everything on the list had better be done correctly or else. My cock immediately stood at attention to the prospect that she was actually taking this seriously. I considered messing up a few of the chores to see what happened, but decided against it as I wanted to make the experience as realistic as possible. We went to bed and had great sex that night.
The morning came too quickly. She got up at 5 am to get ready to make the one hour commute to work. She worked 12 hours shifts during the summer which means she usually didn’t get home until 8 pm or later. She was usually tired and in a poor mood due to the stresses at work. I hoped today would be a good day for her so she would be in a favorable mood when she got home.
Her list included a few surprises. I was to shake all of my body hair from the neck down. Following that I was to put on a pair of my women’s panties that she knew I had. I was to wear nothing else until she got home. I was to clean the entire downstairs. I was to take down the draws in the living room and wash/iron them. She wrote that she would help me hang them when she got home. I was also to do the wash and hang it out to dry. Finally, I was to make a nice dinner for two and have it ready when she arrived home around 8.
I mapped out a plan. I did as much cleaning as I could prior to taking down the draws. Once down, the entire interior of the downstairs would be visible to anyone passing by. With me wearing nothing but woman’s panties, I was not enthusiastic about having neighbors taking a peek in the house. I got the rest of the laundry done and went into the back yard to hang it out to dry. We had a fence around the yard but it was only 5 foot high. Anyone who wanted to investigate my activity or come over to chat would be able to see how I was dressed. Fortunately no one did, but my mind was constantly imagining someone looking at me from one of the neighbor’s windows. IEven imagined seeing shadows in a window but attributed it to an over active imagination.
Finally I had no choice but to take down the draws so they could be washed. The room lit up as the sunlight streamed through the windows. Fortunately she had not told me to clean them as well. I would have dreaded the thought of standing in front of the windows to clean them in my present attire.
By 5 pm the house was clean and the wash had have been done. I had gathered the clothes hanging on the line and hung the draws to dry. I was contemplating what I should fix for dinner when the phone rang. It was Shirley checking up on me. She confirmed she would be home about 8 and said she was looking forward to my first inspection.
She arrived home as I was putting the food on the table. Chicken Parmesan with a salad was waiting for her on the table and I was pouring the wine as she entered the door. She waited there for a minute with the door open before finally telling me that I was togreet her every night at the door with a kiss. I hurried to her and hugged and kissed her while she held the door open for anyone who might pass by to see how I was dressed. Finally the door closed and I escorted her to the table where I held her chair for her before taking my own seat.
After dinner she made her inspection of my work and by 9 pm she summoned me to the living room. She was holding a paddle in her hand and told me that there were a few items that needed to be corrected. First was the windows which I did not both to clean. Second was the cabinets that I failed to dust the tops of and finally was the improper greeting at the door.
First, I had to correct the ineptness of my cleaning. I dusted under her supervision as she gave me an occasional swat with the paddle. Second came the windows which I had to clean twice before she was happy. Several cars passed by as I cleaned. Fortunately they just kept on going. I’ll probably never know if they looked in to see me. We then hung the draws which allowed her to further expose me to any of the neighbors. It was while I was hanging the draws that some of our neighbors came home. Three college girls who attended the local university live in a two story house across the street. I saw one of them glance my way while getting something out of the back of her car. Once she went into her house I noticed the light to one of the bedrooms on the second floor come on. A few minutes later I thought I saw someone peering out through the window.
Once the draws were hung and shut, Shirley motioned me over to the couch. She had me bend over the back and place my palms on the seat. She informed me that I would receive 40 skes with the paddle; 20 for the poor dusting job and 20 for not cleaning the windows. She then swung and landed a hard blow to my ass. It was harder than she had ever hit me before which quickly got my attention. She swung about every 5 to 10 seconds, reminding me that this is what I wanted and that I had better toe the line for the next 30 days or I will receive more of the same. By 20 I was in tears and by 40 I was going her to stop.
She put the paddle down and put me across her lap. She applied some lotion which made my butt feel a little better, but before she let me up she took several pictures of my well beaten ass with her phone. While she held me there she explained that I was to greet her at the door every evening. She said that I should remain on my knees waiting for her beginning at 8 pm and remain there until she arrived home.
Finally she said it was time to inspect me. She told me to strip so she could perform a thorough inspection. She found several traces of hair on my body and marched me to the bathroom to assist me in its removal. She used a hair removal cream on my entire body. It was supposed to last for 30 days so I knew I would be without body hair for at least that long. She also told me that I had lost the privilege of wearing clotheses in the house while she was gone. She said that I could wear my panties when going outside, but they had to be thongs.
I told her I could not do the yardwork only wearing thong panties, especially in the front yard. She relented and gave me the bottoms of her swimming suit to wear when working in the front yard but told me I would be required to take them off and wear only the thong while in the fenced area.
About 10 days ago she checked my computer history and found that I had been spending too much time browsing the internet going to porn sites and chatting on line. She solved that problem by putting a security program on the computer and installing surveillance cameras throughout the house which she can monitor using the internet.
She also placed me in chatty when she caught me masturbating without permission. The device prevents any attempt of erection and has an optional belt that she can use to secure an anal plug in my rectum. She has done this on several occasions.
So here I am kneeing and waiting for her to arrive. She has become quite creative over the past 30 days. I am required to do all of the housework, cooking and laundry. I do the yardwork as well. She even had me paint the entire house even though she knows how much I hate to paint. She has kept me naked or near naked whenever I am home. When shopping I wear female clothes under my male Attire and she has made me go shopping for feminine necessities and clothing just to add to my humiliation.
During the last 30 days she has brought many of my fansies to life. Some I enjoyed; others I have not. The sex is great when she is in charge. It is primarily oral and often involves her sitting on my face while I bring her to multiple orgasms or her sodomizing me with one of the straw-on dildos she now owns.
While I have enjoyed serving her, living as her service 24/7 is more difficult than I expected. It is not always fun and games for me as she always has a list ofchores to keep me busy. Her punishments are rarely painful, although she has used the paddle and hairbrush to bring me to tears on occasion. Her punishments more typically involve some element of humiliation. One of her favorite torques is to threaten to take me to a femdom party or allow some of our friends to actually participate in my punishment. While she has never done this, she threatens it often. It is something I hope she never does.
So here I kneel; trying to figure out which road I will take. Should I agree to continue to be her service and enjoy the play that I have fantasized about throughout my adult life; or should I end it realizing that what I fantasize about is only a fantasy.
I come to attention as I hear a car door slam… and then another. I hear conversation outside the door as the door knob turns.
“Hello honey,” I hear her say as she opens the door. “We’ve got company for the weekend. Hope you don’t mind.”
Chapter 2 She comes home with afriend (Coming soon)
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