The Vacation

A colleague asked her, “So, Sandra… it’s almost time for vacation. Are you going to the Hamptons again this year?”

“Not this year, Charles. I’ve not completely decided yet, but I’m tired of just going to the Hamptons summer after summer.”

He chuckled. “Well, as they say, a change is as good as a rest. I hope you find something enjoyable. Your schedule has been pretty hectic this year.”

“Yes, it has,” she admitted. “But we know that people need to talk with their psychologist on a regular basis to get through hard times. We need to help all we can.”

“And you’re one of the best,” he compiled his blonde colleague as he walked away. “It’s no wonder that you’re so busy.”

She couldn’t share with Charles the strange Compulsion she felt when she’d read that ad. She’d gotten into the habit of reading the ‘underground’ papers, often amazed at the articles prompting the benefits of ‘alternative’ lifestyles. The writers were advocating the glories of some fascinating deviancies. It was great reading for basic psychological research, or so she convinced herself.

But that one ad. The first time she saw it, she assumed it was a joke. But it kept reappearing, along with contact information. In bold letters, its header said ‘BONDAGE SERVICES’ followed by a phone number. Finally, she did a search of that area code, and found it was for a nearby area, outside the city limits. She’d wrestled with the temptation for weeks. In her practice, she’d occasionally had clients who incorporated bond games into their lifestyle. They weren’t seeing her about a problem with it — they were there to discuss other issues. But they did share that ceding control by being bound or even caged often gave them relief from stress. Lacking control, they experienced relief from worry about decisions. They just submitted, accepted, and found a strange, difficult-to-explain comfort.

Sandra felt that she owed it to herself to learn about this experience first-hand. And this ad offered that opportunity. Still, there was a great bit of mystery wrapped up in that tiny ad. But recently, the ad also cited a web page. She visited that, and found more information, including a list of offered services, testimonials, and, of all things, a Better Business Bureau logo! That was enough impetus for Sandra to start thinking seriously about this. But still she divided. It seemed that Each time she toyed with the idea of ​​ceding control to someone else like that, butterflies took flight in her tummy. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny the moodness that also appeared between her thighs.

Finally, as the time for vacation neared, she decided to act. She called the number. A pleasant female voice answered saying, “Hello, Bondage Services. How may I help you?”

“Hello. I saw your ad and have visited your web site, but I wanted to verify that I’m understanding your services.”

“Certainly, Madam. What are you interested in doing?”

“I’ve got a very stressful job and I want to ‘switch my mind off’ for a long time. In looking over what you offer I have a suspicion of what might help with that. But I’d like your opinion, since this is your field of… shall we say… expert?”

This led to a spiritual discussion about each of the services offered, and an expectation of the possible benefits of each. The provider, Lori, answered Each of Sandra’s questions carefully and clearly. She wasn’t giving a rushed sales pitch, allowing Sandra all the time she needed to draw her own conclusions. This cinched it for Sandra. She made an appointment to meet with Lori in the first Saturday of her upcoming vacation, in the afternoon. As she hung up the phone, Sandra’s heart was already accelerating in anticipation. “At least this’ll be quite a department from going to the Hamptons,” she murmured to herself.

On the appointed day, Sandra nervously dressed to look her best, as if she was going to an important business meeting.She entered the address into her car’s navigation system and set out on this new adventure. “It’s great to get out of the city,” she said cheerfully as her surroundings transitioned from urban to suburban and finally rural. “I’d almost forgotten about fields and what trees look like in their native habitat,” she voiced to her empty car. That prompted her to roll down her windows and let in the fresh air.

Following the navigation instructions, she was free to inhale the countryside scents, like fresh mowed grass or hay, and various floral smells that she could not identify, but enjoyed. There was a lot of green around her, and sparkling ponds and rivulets. The day was perfect for such a drive. The sun was now in the west, not quite ready to set. Thankfully, the navigation system said, “Your destination is 500 yards on the right.”

It was a nicely maintained house, set well back from the road. It had the appearance that it might’ve once been a farm with a lot of acreage, somewooded, and a few outbuildings, set far back from the house. The nearest other houses were about a mile away in either direction. This really was farming country. As Sandra pulled into the long driveway, a dark-haired young woman stepped out onto the porch. She had her hair done up in a ponytail, and was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans.

As Sandra got out of her car, the young woman walked forward to greet her, extending a hand. Both women were sizing each other up as they shook hands. Sandra said, “Hello, I’m Sandra. Have I come to the right place?” She was thinking, “This woman certainly looks like a farm girl. Her grip is strong, and her hand feels like she’s accustomed to manual labor.”

“Hi, Sandra. I’m Lori. We spoke on the phone. Yes, you’ve come to the right place. Come on inside,” she offered. She was thinking, “Look at the way she’s dressed in those expensive clothes, and look at that car of hers. Her hand feels like she’s never done a day of hard work, but her body appears to be trim, maybe from workouts with a personal trainer. Another member of the privileged upper class wanting to experience a taste of the forbidden. Well, if she’s like most of the others, she’ll probably get more than a taste. We’ll see.”

Inside, they sat on a comfortable sofa, sipping freshly-squeezed lemonade as they finalized their agreement. “So we’ll start with two days, Sandra — you’ll need at least that long to accomplish what you’re after. Then, if you feel like it, we can extend your stay out to the end of the week. Agreed?”

“Yes, Lori. That sounds OK. I really hope I get the intended benefits. I must admit I’m curious, and rather anxious to begin. Oh, here’s your payment.” She handed over the amount to which they’d agreed.

“Thanks, Sandra,” she said, pocketing the money. “OK, let’s get started. Right this way.” She led her blonde client over to a door. Opening it, she flicked on the lights, revealing a staircase going down into the basement. The two women descended into what turned out to be a spacious finished room. The temperature was quite comfortable, but Sandra wasn’t paying attention to that. Her eyes were darting around, her mind slightly spellbound trying to understand all the items she was seeing. From out of nowhere, the phrase ‘Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas any more’ sprang into her mind as she looked around.

Along two walls were pegboards holding hanks of rope, chains, riding crops, dildos, things that looked like modified turkey basters, paddles, floggers, canes, and whips. There were also leather cuffs, handscuffs, metal rods with Velcro loops at each end, colored tapes that looked like shiny latex — all manner of kinky things! Also, arranged around the room were things like a tall cross, a large wooden X, a bed with a steel frame, a huge wood frame against one wall, a padded bench, and a pulley system suspended from a struggle beam. Then Sandra saw a few cages of varying size, and her heart started thumping hard in her chest.

“That’s what I contracted for,” she mentally reminded herself. “To be locked in a cage for at least two days, with nothing to do. To be forced to slow down and relax.” She was a little fearful of this upcoming ordeal, but she had to be honest with herself. She was also curious about how she’d react. She got her first inkling of that when she heard Lori issue a command.

“Take off all your clothes, Sandra,” she ordered, her tone of voice having taken on some strange quality that shocked Sandra.

“Undress?” she thought, her heart climbing into her throat. “In front of this virtual stranger?” Sandra wasn’t actually shy about her body and its appearance, but the surprise of that command caught her by surprise. “What? Here? Now? In front of you, Lori?”

Lori’s voice acquired a steely edge as she spoke sharply. “I’m not thrilled to have to repeat my commands, Sandra. You’ve now lost the privilege of being placed in the big cage, so you’re going into the medium one. That is, unless you balk again, in which case you’ll go in the smallest one.”

Sandra’s eyes bulged slightly as she examined the cramped little cage, and her hands flew up to her neck and began unbuttoning her blouse as quickly as possible. Without delaying to pull the blouse off her shoulders, she reached back to the zipper of her skirt and shoved it down. This allowed her to let her skirt drop, so she could step out of it as she removed her blouse. She kicked off her pumps and leaned over to rapidly roll down her pull-up stockings and step out of them. She almost hesitated at her bra and panties, but another glance at that smallest cage solidified her decision. She reached back, unhooking her bra. Leaning forward again, she shrugged the bra away as her hands yanked down her panties. As she stood naked Now, one part of her mind declared, “I’ve never gotten undressed that fast before!”

“That’s better,” Lori stated. She opened the door to the middle cage. “Now get in.”

Heart racing, and a slight sheen of sweat forming on her bare skin, the blonde croouched a little to enter the indicated cage. It’s floor was covered with a soft mat which felt good on her unprotected feet. She couldn’t fully stand erect in this cage, so she sank to her knees as Lori closed and secured the door. Strangely, she felt no urge to cover her breasts or sex with her hands. Perhaps she was subconsciously worried that Lori might take offense, and force her into the tinier cage. Perhaps, caged, she felt a little like an animal, and animals don’t wear clothes or feel ashamed about parts of their bodies. That last thought would bear further examination.

“There’s a jug of water on the roof of the cage, and a tube with a clamp will gravity feed you water if you get thirsty,” Lori explained. “And Here’s a bowl with some fresh vegetables that you can munch on if you get hungry. Just reach through the bars for them. And if you must go to the bathroom whileI’m here, I’ll take you to the toilet over there. If I’m not around, and it’s urgent, you just have to pull a corner of the mat up out of the way and squat over the mesh grid of the cage floor. I can hose it away when I return.”

Lori proceeded to putter around the room, replacing and straightening things, occasionally ignoring Sandra. But she was actually being very watchful, seeing how her client was accepting her new situation. She almost smiled when Sandra surprised softly and placed herself on her side, curling up into a comfortable ball, obviously setting in. Lori finished arranging things for her client tomorrow, and softly told Sandra, “I’m going out for a while. I’ll be back later.”

Sandra murmured, “All right,” as she tried to let her everyday work tension drain from her mind and body. It wasn’t easy. Her mind was thinking about scheduling, and grocery shopping, and phone calls, and paperwork. She had to keep reminding herself that she was powerless to do any of thosethings now. Perhaps grumbling a little about not being allowed to follow normal procedures, her mind gradually quiet.

She was not trying to focus on anything, just letting her mind drift now. Vaguely, she heard Lori climbing the basement stairs. There was a click, and the basement lights all went out. When the door closed, the room was plugged into pitch blackness. Sandra was scared at first, grabbing the bars of the cage and staring hard, trying to see. It was useless. Gradually, her fears quietly, because she began to feel like the struggle cage was protecting her. She again relaxed into a calm, meditative state.

An unknown amount of time passed.

Lying in the darkness, Sandra became aware of the sound of footsteps on the floor upstairs. “I guess Lori is back,” she thought. “I wonder what time it is?”

Suddenly, a harsh female voice called out “Lori!?” in a loud voice. It wasn’t long before the doorknob to the basement rattled loudly. Sandra was on full alertNow — wondering who that was, and now feeling very vulnerable, naked and trapped in this cage. It didn’t help any when she heard that female voice yell, “Dammit! She locked it!” This was followed by the sound of a foot kicking the basement door in anger.

The caged blonde felt very scared now. She hardly dared to breathe. She was straining her ears, listening for the slightest sounds. She heard more stomping footsteps, some door slams, and then the house went quiet again.

More time passed. As Sandra’s adrenaline rush subsided, she felt tired, and dozed off. Later, she was awakened by a sound at basement door. It was obviously a key turning in the lock. The door creaked open, and the lights were flicked on, momentarily blinding her. Through blurry watering eyes, she saw someone descending the steps.

“Hello, my lil pet!” It was Lori’s voice. Sandra felt a surge of relief. “Howsh my lil pet doin’?” Lori’s voice betrayed that she was clearly mildly inebriated. She must’ve been out partying, since she’d changed into a sort of sun dress with a hem that ended only a little south of where her thighs joined her torso. It also had a plunging neckline that attested to the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “I’m so horny now, I know my lil’ pet will help me out,” she muttered. Stepping right up against the bars of the cage, she lifted her skirt, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties either. Her pussy was smoothly shaven, and her sexual cleft came into sharp focus as Sandra’s eyes cleared.

“What?” the caged blonde said, incredulous. “You can’t mean… we didn’t agree… I never…” That last part was a lie. When she was in college, she’d experimented sexually with both men and women, and enjoyed it immediately. But when she became a professional, she’d had to shelve those urges for the sake of propriety. So she was protesting, but her tongue was already moistening her lips. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled the scent being given off by this randyfemale’s pussy. The aroma started facilitating certain pathways in her brain that’d remained dormant for years. Her nipples stiffened.

Hearing the milk protest from her client, the dark-haired woman pursued, “Eat my pussy, pet. Or you’ll go into the smaller cage.” That ‘threat’ was actually unnecessary, because Sandra had already rationalized that she had ‘no choice’ and was being ‘forced’ to do what she really Secretly yearned to do in the first place. Now she could do it and feel no guilt about it at all. She shuffled forward on her knees. The proven pussy was now right in front of her face, easily accessible between the bars of the cage. The scent was luring her like a butterfly to a narrow-filled flower. As Sandra daintily, tenatively parted Lori’s labia, the spread open pussy lips did resemble a flower — an exotic orchid with brownish-edged pink petals and a darker pink center.

She brought her own lips to the spread pussy lips and kissed, getting her first taste of Lori. Her second taste followed quickly, as she ran her tongue from the base of each pussy lip up to where they joined, gathering the lovely salty fluids. She knew from prior experience that those fluids would sweeten, if she coated this pussy past the point of no return. To that end, she pressed her tongue into the drooling opening, sealing her lips around it to claim Lori’s juices. She sucked gently, her tongue exploring the warm, wet muscle tunnel.

Lori clenched the bars more tightly, pressing her pelvis harder against them, willing that tongue to penetrate to her core. “Oooohh yes, pet!” she moaned. “You’re doin’ it good. Oh so good. More! Deeper!”

Dutifully, Sandra wriggled her tongue as deep as she could, curling and uncurling its tip. The motions seemed to dislodge more pussy juices, which the blonde’s suction pulled into her mouth and throat. The delightful scent and taste reminded her of the joys she’d experienced sexually in college. Her cunnilingus got even more enthusiastic, making Lori moan loudly. Sandra also moaned, but her sounds were muffled as they resonated inside Lori’s love tunnel. The caged woman reached through the bars and grabbed Lori’s butt cheats, pinning her against the bars and the mouth that was devouring her pussy.

Lori reacted to the hands warmly clenching her ass. Her alcohol-fogged mind still managed to register, “She’s not tryin’ to push me away! She’s holding me tight and tryin’ to shove her tongue even deeper! She’s eatin’ me like she’s ravenous for pussy! Like she can’t get enough!” As Sandra pulled her tongue back out, Lori groaned with frustration as her pussy muscles contracted on emptiness. But her eyesily open as her head and shoulders arched back. Sandra’d skillfully peeled back the hood encasing Lori’s clip and was Now dining on it with facial lips and gentle suction.

Lori gripped the bars harder — so tight that her knuckles turned white. She was desperately trying to delay her orgasm, because Sandra’s mouth was doing magical things to her crotch. Waves of sensing were radiating from there like heat from a blast furnace. Those waves expanded, rippling from their source up her torso and down her legs. The waves traveling upward made her tummy muscles contract, her nipples so swollen that they ached to release non-existent milk, her heart race, and her lungs pump like bellows. The waves traveling down her legs made them tremble and her toes curl. She was hanging onto the cage bars as if she was on some thrill ride at an amusement park.

Oblivious to all that, Sandra’s world had become the taste, smell, sight, and feel of Lori’s pussy. Instinctively, she knew that this woman’s cum would be sweet and delicious — it would be amazing. And she was determined to have it. She moved her left hand to the center of Lori’s buttocks, freeing her right hand for another purpose. She slipped three fingers into the very bottom of Lori’s vaginal entrance, and moved them deep. When she started flexing those fingers in a ‘come here’ motion, Lori gasped, sucked a large lungful of air, and shrieked with bliss as her vaginal muscles began to contract on the powerful fingers. The fingers were not only stimulating Lori — they were also gathering pussy juices, funneling them out to where the fingers joined Sandra’s cupped hand. Now she was able to alternate sucking on Lori’s throbbing clip, and sucking the juices gathering in her hand.

Those fingers fondling the extra sensitive tissue along the roof of Lori’s love tunnel, just deep to her clip, tipped Lori over the edge! With a strange, strange cry from her throat, Lori’s eyes rolled up in their sockets, and her cunt began to spasm in the cycles of orgasm. Her cum was released, flooding Sandra’s palm. Greedily drinking that sweet nectar gift as fast as she could, Sandra’s fingers keep up their internal stimulation. This continued until Lori pushed back from the cage, taking her now drained sex away from the caged woman’s mouth and fingers. She slide her hands down the bars of the cage, lowering her hips until her butt rested on the floor. She laid herself down on her back, and her body quivered from post orgasmic aftershocks. She was babbling, “Oh God, Oh God,” over and over, her eyes focused on nothing.


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