Before this chapter begins, an expression of gratitude to all those who took time out of their days to not just read but also rate and comment on the first chapter. The positive feedback and encouragement has been inspiring and is a welcomed relief to a first time writer still finding his feet. This chapter is only possible because of your support and kindness, so once again, thank you! I hope it will adequately build upon the last and bring enjoyment to many. All characters are over 18.
“Seduction is a series of little visas, won by finesse and woven in meticulous persistence. I could be the wild and ravishing storm, all flashes and thunder, the kind that leaves you quivering and helplessly overwhelmed. But such brash intensity diminishes far too quickly and is easily replaced by surprisetitious shame. In the wrong hands, shame can be the nemesis of seduction. But with the lasso of time, I can reign in your shade and use its energies to supplement my purpose. My dispatch is far more subtle, the storm that rolls slowly over the hills, the gentle rains that cares over the plains of your psyche, drenching you before you have the time or inclination to gaze up questioningly at the sky. Drop by drop, whatever it takes to have you gently break. So I can weave you back together closer to me, binding you so tightly to set you free. And with it I can smile, with the gentlest hint of pride, to know I took my sweet time to make you truly Mine…” Dr Taylor’s personal journal, Seduction’s Whispers.
Dr Suzanne Taylor leaned back in her dark leather office chair and exhausted long and slow, as if letting out all the pent up stresses of the day. She kept quite a busy daily schedule, not only with her lecturing of psychology but also providing some much needed counselling to students on campus when time permitted. She gazed out towards the view outside, the glass and steel building construction affording a panoramic view of the campus and surrounding mountain ranges, the Autumn season adding strokes of new colour to the inspiring tableau. The change in season often put her in a contemplative mood, compelling her to take stock of where she had been and whether things were proceeding as planned.
Her friends and family had largely sceptical reactions when she first floated the idea of leaving a private psychology practice in the UK to travel thousands of miles away to the southernmost tip of Africa to join the world of teaching and academia instead. She remembered a similar moment, gazing out the window to a far different scene back then, knowing she needed a change, to take a risk to rescue her from feelings of stagnation and druggery. The move was not without its challenges but she had found a new place to call home, with her keen mind and hard work earning her a place of prestige among the faculty members. She had earned the title of professor in record time, giving her a sense of progression and accomplishment that was missing in her former life.
She had just one appointment scheduled for the rest of the day, and it was quite a special one. She glanced towards the door for a moment, even though it was opaque and no one could see into her office, as if to double check the coast was clear before sliding open one of the lower drawers of her desk. Her long, perfectly manicured fingerprintnails searched for a little notch to open the false bottom and retrieve a flattish unmarked wooden box. The rosewood scent instantly brought back so many fond memories as she opened it, peering at the two little sealed glass vias inside. They held what looked like a creamy liquid, with a string and tag attached to the cap. The tags had cryptic descriptions on them, phrases that only she understands, the first reading “A Tiger by the Tail” and the second, “A Tortoise Coaxed from his Shell”. They each summarized a deep relationship she had formed with special boys from her past, thevials containing a sample of their semen, a memento of their essence as a treasured keepsake from times long passed. She did not form deep relationships often, taking a special set of circumstances and qualities to be deemed worthy of her time. She tapped a fingerprint against one of the vials, half smiling as she wondered if he could be her next special conquest, this sweet Suveer who had caught her attention and was expected to enter her office at any moment.
Her fingerprint gently toyed with the tag string as she pondered over the meaning of that word, “conquest”. That essence in those vials signed that she had succeeded with that goal with those select few, on levels that few imagined and fewer would be brave enough to attempt. Dr Taylor discovered her natural power over the male species quite young. She was known as just “Suzie” by her friends back then, many of whom got to witness her early blooming proves first hand. Suzie was not always perfectly confident about her looks but it was her blessings in the bosom department that set her apart from other girls at the time and which few women could naturally compete with even now as an adult. Her breasts were simply exhaust, naturally full but not to the point of being distributed to her waist and overall figure. Their shape had a slight lower fullness to an otherwise alluring roundness with quite an alert perkiness despite their large size. Her dusky pink nipples were wonderfully proportioned as well and her aureoles were not large as is often common for breasts of her size. She had the kind of bosom considered in mythical tales of Goddesses and female heroes, the kind that could be immortalised in marble to inspire eyes and minds for generations to come.
Suzie had noticed the change in behavior in those around here as she started to blowsom into adolscence, some gazes drawn with fleeting admiration, some with thinly veiled jealousy, sometimes a combination of both. But she soon found that Nature had blessed her with a formidable power, one she could use to inspire kinship with other girls and various forms of control over boys if wilded correctly. Suzie had always been an intelligent girl with a naturally keen curiosity, but hormones had seemed to focus all those gifts into a singular topic that became a borderline observation: penises. While it was expected that most girls would develop a natural curiosity towards the opposite sex, for Suzie it was an almost insatiable need to know more about the defining organ of the male physique. Through it, she became not just knowledgeable, but a true connoisseur of that curious appendage that seemed to define the ego and behavior of males in so many fascinating ways.
Even from an adolescent age, Suzie had a natural knack for seeing through the veils and masks that people wore and discovering the secret truths that drive their thoughts and behavior. She used this knowledge and her cunning and seductive charm to design a means of seeing the penis of almost everyboy in her classes. With some it was a carefully orchestrated lunch time game of “show me yours and I’ll show you mine”, with a seemingly fortuitous interruption after sufficient examination with his pants around his ankles, that compelled her to leave before the time came to show anything of hers. She made sure to allow enough time to use the little measuring tape roll in her pocket to record his intimate dimensions, always leaving a little cleavage on display to make sure she got his fully engaged length in time before her planned interruption allowed her an early escape. With others who were more confident, she managed to make a medical survey sound legitimate enough to allow her fleeting access to boys’ locker rooms after sports practice. The information she sought was most easily obtained from the select few boys she dated, her measuring tape time being a prerequisite for any intimacy with her.
From all the boys she examined though, she had the deepest fondness for the shyones. Perhaps it was their blushing and hesitant reactions or their helpless awkwardness at being around a girl who they considered out of their league. Or perhaps it was the additional challenge of knowing she would need both patience and cunning to have them bare their deepest secrets to her. She always feel a deeper sense of accomplishment when her natural magic prevailed over them and she could examine their intimate areas at leisure, often being the first girl allowed to do so. The shy boys tended to be lesser endowed than their more confident counterparts as well, something she discovered she found endearing. She would never be a Size Queen in the conventional sense, but retired the idea of being a reverse size queen instead, presiding over her kingdom of little willy boys who worshipped her willingly for her ability to make them feel taught and loved and confident about the way they were made.
She kept a careful record of every boys’ initials and their penis sizes in one of her notebook margins, using a secret shorthand which she shared with many of the girls in class. Her talent for getting boys to expose their intimate areas to her earned her a nickname among her class girl admirers, “Suzie the Snake Charmer” and they retired the feeling of power it gave them to interact with boys in class while knowing their intimate dimensions. Suzie noted quite a marked change in the behavior of many boys after they had exposed themselves or been exposed to her, both ego and angst seeming to diminish in equal measure. The more she learned, the more she wanted to discover, the more parallels and correlations she wanted to draw. Perhaps it was that first foray into the realms of human behavior and its myriad of drivers and triggers that inspired her interest in the field of psychology and formalising her seemingly natural mastery over influencing the desires and developments of others.
Her reminiscing reverie was interrupted by the hollow sound of little knuckles rapping at the glass door to her office. Her features softened into a gentle smile while she felt a soft flutter of excitement in the pit of her tummy, knowing her special last patient of the day had arrived. She took a moment to compose herself, smoothing her long, painted fingerprintnails down her pencil skirt, her legs crossed elegantly and her arms folded.
Her polarized accent directed towards the door, “Come in, please.”
Suveer had a somewhat obsequious habit of first peeking inside a doorway, as if to make sure he was not interrupting, before entering a room completely. Suzie found it endearing though and motioned him inside with a beckoning tilt of her head, her shoulder-length blonde hair defeat up with a silver hair clip that day. Her intelligent blue-green eyes watched him carefully as he set down his teenage-mutant-ninja-turtle-green backpack against the wall and moved towards the seat across from hers, dressed in his regular everyday blue jeans and a black t-shirt with the slogan “Find a Way or Fade Away” in grey fading lettering.
“Long day of classes today?” she enquired, noting a few signs of fatigue around his sensitive, innocent-looking brown eyes.
“Yeah, we had 3 hours of practicals this afternoon which can be tiring. It all went well though and I was one of the few who finished in time so no homework at least,” he beamed back, a little proudly.
“That’s great. You’re a smart boy, I’m sure you are always leading the pack, academically.” Suzie enjoyed the soft blush that crept up his cheeses at her gentle prayer. She noted how he could never hold her gaze for very long, often looking down or away, a natural submissive shyness that was no doubt exacerbated by the intense experience she had recently orchestrated for him. She gazed at him in silence for a few more moments, noting all the precious micro-reactions she had come to recognize in a male she had seen totally exposed and vulnerable in ways beyond his imaginations.His body showed visible signs of relief when she finally broke the silence.
“I hope you don’t mind that I asked you to come back so soon. I thought it best we talk through what happened as soon as possible.”
Suveer nodded, “Y…yes, of course. I understand. I appreciate it and it’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you for reporting on time for your de-briefing, Private Suveer. No pun intended of course.” Suzie’s painted lips smiled as she attempted to defend his angst with a little silly humour, a side of herself she only showed with those with whom she shared a special trust and rappert. She enjoyed his cute little giggle, his body language relaxed a touch more. “I understand that the experience with the girls would have been really intense for you. But it is intended to be as such. We call that kind of treatment, Immersion Therapy. It is meant to expose a subject to an extreme form of their fear so they are compelled to face it and all irrational aspects are allowed to dissipate. It is not always recommended but I felt it would be of benefit to you and you handled it all really well. How do you feel about the whole experience?”
Suveer took a few moments to centre himself and find the appropriate words to express his kaleidoscope of feelings about the experience. “I was quite mortified at the start to be honest. I thought I might have passed out from the heady Feelings, the shyness, the anxiety. Just hearing all those female voices, knowing those eyes were waiting for me to come out from behind the privacy screen, knowing total strangers would see me nude. It was extremely my worst nightmare and most compelling curiosity. I would not have gone through with it if it weren’t for your guiding and encouraging voice.” Suzie smiled gently, she found him to be quite charming in his own way, even if it was not his intention.
“I could hear my heart in my ears when I first felt their eyes on me. It was like every sense was amplified, the palpable sensing of their gaze, the sound of their voices, the cent of their perfume all around me. I could barely remember how to breathe. But after a little while, after I realized that I had in fact not died of shame and that they didn’t run away laughing, it started to feel different. I guess it was kind of nice being the centre of attention, despite my embarrassment. It was like my embarrassment was the price I had to pay to have so many pretty girls have their full attention on me and it quickly started to feel like it was worth it. Their questions were so insightful and they seemed so generally interested in my life. And once I started thinking more about how to answer them properly and less about my own shade, everything felt easier, happier almost. Does that make any sense?”
“It makes perfect sense, darling,” Suzie responded, Weaving in little terms of endearment which she would not ordinarily use in a professional setting, knowing how much his sensitive heart craved them, subtly inspiring both a sense of calm in him and a need in him for her approval and pray. “One often finds that all thoughts of shyness and anxiety disappear when you start to think about the needs of others instead of your own. It is a technique used in public speaking training quite often, for example. It was kind of you to want to answer their questions so thoughtfully. I speak to them all after the experience and They all appreciated the depth of your responses. You may not realize how rare it is for girls to get such a pure and honest glimpse into the world of a boy’s mind, knowing there is no pressure, that you are not trying to impress them or get into their pants, just geneuine expression. They loved it. One or two of them might have asked for your number as well, just so you know,” she added, having no real intention of passing His number to them at this stage. It might dilute her treatment methods and a more personal part of her psyche wanted to keep him all to herself fora little while longer at least.
Suveer beamed brightly, “Really? Wow, I guess I’m flattered. And I’m really glad they got something of value from my descriptions. It took me a while to process everything that happened. But once I did, I have to say that I do feel more confident about myself, like the worst part of my anxiety is behind me.”
Suzie nodded thoughtfully, “I am Very glad to hear that, Suveer. It seems Immersion Therapy was a good choice for you. It could just have easily gone the other way so I am relieved to hear that it was a positive experience for you in general. I do think you have come a long way in a short time but we will have to keep you outside your comfort zone for a while longer to make sure we have a lasting remedy to your feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. As such, I would like you to get undressed for all our remaining sessions together. It will help keep you in the right mental and emotional state for healing and really help us dive deeper into the root causes of your compulsions. Do you think you could do that for me, darling?”
Suveer immediately blushed to the tips of his ears, despite having been exposed to her before and not very long ago. His mind reeled for a moment but the cacophony of voices eventually settled on a singular thread which seemed determined to not make him a hypocrite about his claims of being more confident now and a far deeper motivation to not Let her down in any way, since she phrased it as something to do “for her” and not just for himself. He eventually managed a quick, breathless nod, which prompted her to guide his gaze with her own towards the clothes tree which had been placed in the far corner of her office. He wondered if that had always been there before since he could not recall seeing it during previous sessions with her. His gaze moved nervously towards the door to her office and her perceptive gaze immediately understand.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I told my assistant thatI am not to be disturbed for the next few hours. No one is going to walk in unexpectedly. I could lock the door though, if that would help you?” Suveer nodded with a tender vulnerability in his hazel gaze. She smiled sympathetically and briskly moved over to lock her office door, returning to her chair thereafter to observe his behavior with renewed interest.
Suveer walked towards the clothes tree, gazing nervously around him. With the clothes tree at the far corner of the office, the walk was longer than it needed to be and only heightened his self-conscious feelings; part of him could not help but wonder if this was by design. The glass and steel construction of the building afforded an amazing view of the campus and city from Dr Suzie’s high-floor office. Even though he knew for sure that it was one-way glass and that no one would be able to see him from outside, the airy view made it feel like his audience was far more than just one. Suzie watched him closely as he started by removing his shoes, a sensible way to start his undressing which would feel quite normal under different circumstances. He placed them in the spot at the foot of the clothes tree together with his socks. He removed his t-shirt next, pulling them up and over his head, disturbing his neighborly set short black hair into a more just-out-of-bed look.
He soon realized that the clothes hooks were set quite high up on the tree, compelling him to stand on tip toes to perch his t-shirt upon the first. His fingertips trembled as he undid the buttons and zipper of his jeans; he tried to hold onto the positive feelings of the last experience, to somehow seem less shy and anxious this time. He ambitiously peeled down his jeans and boxer briefs at the same time, his young, pert, lightly tan bottom exposed to Dr Suzie’s fixed gaze behind him. Standing on tip toes to reach the clothes hooks made his muscle sinews flex and hold in position, giving Suzie a freeze frame view to take a mental snapshotand secretly relish her ability to once again deprive a male of his clothes under a carefully constructed legitimacy. Suveer fumbled his attempt at hooking both his underwear and jeans at the same time, dropping them both to the floor in a crumped pile. He instinctively bent to pick them up, inadvertently affording Suzie a fleeting view of his smooth little sac between the back of his legs before he returned to his tip toes and hung the Still of his clothes successfully on the second attempt.
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