Chapter 03 – Fleeing with a Tied Up Girl
Yes, she was heavy. Not an ounce of fat on her. It was all healthy muscle.
I would have to make up for my lack of strength with determination and willpower. I knew it was too far to think about walking back to town. Step 1 was to find a tool I could use to cut Marjory’s zip ties. Step 2 was to communicate with Her father. Overarching both measures was to avoid being caught by Suit and Thoughts. I took the chance to walk across the warehouse parking lot and out the driveway to the road. But then we had to play it cagey. Any vehicle could potentially contain the bad guys. We had to stay far enough from the road to lay flat on the ground and not be seen should a vehicle come by.
Marjory agreed, and we decided on the proper distance. As I trusted along, I had to take frequent breaks. Marjory set the pattern for our breaks. “Sit me down, and you sit behind me and pull me against you. You are working hard carrying me, and you feel hot, but you will chill fast. Wrap my blanket around both of us. Your hands will be cold. Put them in my tank top to keep them warm.”
Have I lost my mind? Was this beautiful tied-up chick asking me to play with her tits to keep my hands warm? Needless to say, I did what she had told me to do. Then she said, “Adam, I have let very few guys touch me like that. Well, none at all with me tied up. You are the only one who has gotten to touch me this way. I am going to tell you something that I find extraordinary. With your hands squeezing my tits, I am scanning my arms hard to bring my hands to yours. Not to stop you but to press your hands against me tighter. That is making my core tingle in a way that it never has before. Maybe at heart, I’m just Another slut.”
“No,” I cried. “You couldn’t be a slut if you tried, Marjory. You are a great lady, and I am doing you wrong touching you like this.” I pulled my hands free of her tank top.
“Don’t you darestop, Adam Gentry! I was terrified until you showed up. You are saving me, and I need this contact with you on your breaks to keep my courage up. Now, put your hands back where they were. Unless, of course, you would like to put one of your hands in my skirt.”
“Okay, okay. But it is time to get moving again,” I said despite being choked up. Marjory got gracefully to her feet almost without my help. Soon, I had her over my shoulder. “Let’s try to find a better position for both of us. Can you fold across my back and around my neck? Closer to a fireman’s carry.” I put her back on her feet, and we tried again. She said, “Adam, this is much more comfortable for me. How is it for you?” I told her it was more comfortable for me, too. In addition, it put her breasts Against my chest, which was terrific. It would keep me going much longer, no doubt.
With that, we were moving forward once more. Soon, we came to a new obstacle, a fence across our path. That turned out to be pretty easy to solve. I could set Marjory down on her feet on the far side of the fence. Then, I could climb over, pick her up, and continue. I don’t know how many breaks we took or how many obstacles we crossed, but I was getting exhausted, and it became harder and harder to keep going. I finally gave in to my true desires on this break, pulled up her tank top to expose her amazing breasts, and pulled down her skirt and panties to reveal her vagina. Marjory just smiled at me as I lowered my head to take a title into my mouth while I rubbed fingers between her labia. I hooked a finger over her clip and pulled and stroked. At the same time, I sucked on her tit hard. Minutes passed, and I didn’t stop. Her breathing became heavy and erratic. In the moonlight, I could see her bush was neatly trimmed. Not bare, like I see so often on the internet. She had raven black pubic hair like the long raven hair on her head. It was trimmed low enough to wear the briefest bikini bottom without worrying about showing any of her bush. Her pussy was tight on my fingers.
“You are taking me over the edge, Adam. Adam! Ohhhhh!” she moaned as she climaxed. I had never seen a girl climax before, but I knew that was what was happening. When her breathing leveled out, she said, “Thank you, Adam, for saving me. Thank you for doing this for me. No one else has ever done this to be before. And no one has ever saved me before. You are my hero, Adam. You can do whatever you want with me. It’s not like I could stop you anyway, is it? I am still tied up and helpless. I might as well be your prisoner. I would much rather be your captive than Suit’s. What would you like to do with me, Adam?”
“I have always wanted to do everything with you, Marjory. I just wasn’t important enough to get your attention until now. But right now, we need to focus on getting you free. We are not out of danger yet.”
She replied, “I know, Adam. I was a fool. But I don’t have to stay one.” We got back to our feet, wearily in my case. I picked her up and doggedly set one foot in front of the other. We came out of the woods into the bright moonlight. Ahead of me, I could see a barn. I turned so Marjory could see it, too. When we got to the barn, I put Marjory on her feet next to it and whispered, “I’m going to leave you here while I scout out this place.” She nodded okay.
I circled the barn. It seemed to be very well maintained. A house was not far away. All was dark. There was a garage, but it was enclosed, and I could not tell if a car was in it. The barn had a human door, and it opened smoothly. Windows let in enough moonlight that I could see inside pretty well. Most of the stalls had horses, but what caught my eye was a toolbox. Looking in it, I was overjoyed to see all kinds of tools, including snub-nosed pliers that would be perfect for cutting zip ties. I took the pliers and rushed back to Marjory. I spun her back to me and, with a snip, snip, snip, freed her arms. A few more snips and her legs were free. She swung her arms and did a few squats. Then she wrapped me in her arms for the tightest, most wonderful hug I had ever had.
I whispered to her about the house and the barn. She cautioned that we didn’t know who was who and should only contact her father or the police. She said, “What we will do is borrow those horses. Do you know how to ride?”
I had to admit that I had never been on a horse before. Marjory said, “Then it is time that you learned.” She took me by the hand and led me into the barn. It only took her a few minutes to bridle and saddle two horses, who seemed ready for an adventure and were happy with what she was doing to them. After finding a notepad, she wrote a lengthy note to the owners, telling them what had happened and asking them to call her father. We also noticed the name of the place, Kennison Stables. She promised that the horses would be alright. She got me in the saddle, showing me how to hold the reins. “We will go at a walk.We want to be quiet anyway. Just follow me.” Marjory opened the main doors to the barn before mounting and leading me out.
From the moon’s position, I guessed it to be about 2 am. We didn’t say a word until we were walking the horses in the grass on the side of the road, heading towards Waltham.
It felt wonderful to be free and like I was in charge again. You don’t appreciate freedom until you don’t have it. One strange thought kept nagging in my mind. I would like to be tied up again, but by Adam. I wanted his hands all over me. No, I will be honest with myself. I wanted him to take my virginity. I am more than old enough to have done that. Mom would agree, I think.
“Adam, why didn’t you do better in school?” I asked him. I didn’t know much about him, but I would learn. He rode by my side, and our horses seemed content to walk together. They were well-trained animals. He told me about his interest in electronic circuits and his boredom with much of ourschoolwork. Adam said he knew he had made a big mistake in not paying attention to other things because now Adam had limited choices on where he could go to school. He spoke of his longing for MIT and how it would have been beyond his means even if he could get admitted and get scholarships. A full ride was next to impossible for anyone and out of the question with his grades.
Since I was first introduced to algebra, I had talked to my dad about electronics enough that I could tell Adam knew his stuff, even if it wasn’t my field of interest. Dad had made sure that I knew something about the subject. When I aced AP calculations, he went over basic electronics again with me, this time making me learn elementary differential equations to be sure that I understand the why of the electronics. I could tell that Adam was way beyond me, and that was saying a lot. I wanted to talk to Dad about Adam. I had the glimmering of an idea and wanted to see what Dad thought about it.
We were coming up on a crossroad with some lights. It looked like a gas station and convenience store. We tied the horses to a tree near the restrooms and went in to use the facilities and clean ourselves up as much as we could. I asked Adam if he had any coins for a phone call if this place had a pay phone.
There was a pay phone, and I gave Marjory my change, enough for several calls. She was going to call her father first. I gave her privacy to make the call, and they talked for about ten minutes. She had given him the location we had gotten from the store attendant. When she finished the call, she said, “He is already on his way. His security will arrive within fifteen minutes. He wants me to go ahead and call 911.”
Two SUVs screamed to a halt in front of the store, and security guys spilled out. They Surrounded Marjory, and two positioned themselves outside the store. Marjory assured them that she was unhurt and that I had saved her. I appreciated that as two intimidating hulks stood by me, looking at me hard. At her words, they smiled at me.
“Miss Marjory, your father will be here within five minutes. The police may or may not get here before him. The cops will want a very complete account. Think about what you will tell them. We want to get you home without going to the police station for more questioning. At the same time, we want to help the police catch Your kidnappers. Oh, and the FBI is coming too!”
Marjory clearly knew and was comfortable with the head security agent. But she reached for my arm and pulled me beside her, “Sam, this is Adam Gentry. He is in some of my school classes. He has saved me at great risk to himself. I want your protection of me to include him as well. Adam, this is Sam Worthy, my father’s Chief of Security. We have a lot of security because of Dad’s government contracts.” Her arm was around my wait, holding me tight. My arm was awkwardly in the way. I did the only thing that made sense and put it aroundMarjory’s shoulders, giving her a squeeze as I did so. With her taller than I was, that didn’t feel right, so I dropped my hand down to her hip. That gave me some skin contact and some skirt contact.
I hadn’t heard another vehicle arrive, but the place got quiet as a slim, older, oriental man walked rapidly into the store and up to Marjory. She throw her arms around his neck, “Daddy, I am alright now. But that was the most scared that I have ever been. Daddy, meet Adam Gentry. He saved me at great risk to himself. Without him, I would still be a prisoner. Adam, this is my father, Masutatsu Nakamura.”
“I am pleased to meet you, Sir,” I said without waiting for him to go first. “I am so happy that Marjory is safe now.”
Mr. Nakamura had eyes that looked as if they could see into your soul. He said, “Adam, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will come with us as soon as the police let us depart. I want to hear every detail of your story.” As if on cue, three policecars pulled up. Their boss, a Lieutenant, went immediately to Mr. Nakamura and said, “It looks like you already have the situation in hand, Mr. Nakamura. If we can record verbal statements from the participants, we can sort out any unanswered questions tomorrow. I know you want to get your daughter home quickly.”
“Thank you for your courtesy, Lieutenant,” replied Mr. Nakamura. This is my daughter, Marjory. The young man next to her is Adam Gentry. He is the hero who saved her.”
The police separated Marjory, Mr. Nakamura, and me into three parts of the convenience store and opened tape records. I was asked to identify myself and to tell what had happened. I told my story as thoroughly and surprisingly as I could, sans the intimate details with Marjory. They asked a few more questions to clarify things, turned off the recorder, and shook my hand. I wasn’t used to being treated like this, with respect. I watched Marjory, and I went to her and took her hand as soon as she was finwashered.
Mr. Nakamura was having a more challenging time. He had to tell them about the video he had received, but he did not want to show it to the police because of the embarrassing exposure of his daughter’s body. But his lawyer had arrived and told him it had to be given to the police as evidence.
The Lieutenant announced, “This story is as amazing as I have ever heard. Mr. Gentry, that was an incredible rescue effort on your part. It would seem impossible that you carried Miss Nakamura as far as you did. You must have had great motivation. Now, I understand that the FBI is five minutes away. I suggest that we vacate immediately. We will be in touch with you tomorrow. And we have contacted Kennison Stables. The horses will be cared for and returned.”
Mr. Nakamura looked at me, “You will come with us.” That could have been a question, but it might have been a command. We got in the back of the Nakamura limousine, with Marjory sitting between us and holding our hands.Mr. Nakamura said, “As much as I want to start hearing the details, we will wait until home. Your mother will also want to listen to the complete story, and I won’t make you tell it twice.
The security SUVs proceeded us and followed us as we sped down the road. Soon, we were in a part of town with which I was unfamiliar. This was the rich part of the city. We entered a gated estate, drive up a long driveway, and stopped in front of their house. No, to be proper, it was a mansion. A beautiful, tall, blond woman rushed to open the car door and help Mr. Nakamura out. Then she reached for Marjory and covered her with hugs and kisses. “You are alright? Are you alright?”
Marjory answered, “Yes, Mom, I am alright because of my friend Adam Gentry. Adam, this is my mother, Johanna Nakamura.” I realized that the security people kept all the family members informed about the night’s events. Mrs. Nakamura leaned into the limo and said, “Mr. Gentry, please come in. You will spend the rest of the night with us. I have already called your parents and told them you are a hero and will stay with us for the rest of the night.”
I was ushered into the house and the dining room, where a hot breakfast awaited. Mr. Nakamura told us to tell an abbreviated version of our story. We would do a more formal and complete version after getting some sleep. Full and exhausted, I was sad to say goodnight to Marjory but happy to put my head in the most comfortable bed in the whole world.
I would be fast sleep in another minute and knew what I would dream about. My door opened, and Marjory slipped in. She was wearing silk pajamas and was carrying a handled sack. She came to the side of the bed and lifted the covers, “Slide over.” I did as she commanded.
Marjory dumped the sack’s contents on the bed; coils of quarter-inch rope, some scarves, and a ballgag. “I have collected a few things that, until now, I have only dreamed about using. I want you to use them on me. I assume I won’t have to tell you what to do with these things.”
She turned face down on the bed and put her hands behind her back with her wrists crossed. She also spread her knees while crossing her ankles and folded her legs until her feet were close to her butt. It was only a blink of an eye before I had her tied up properly in a tight hogtie. I turned her to her side so that she was facing the center of the large bed, facing me. I reached into the pile of goods for a scarf and selected an enormous ballgag. It must have been two and a quarter inches, but I thought her mouth was large enough to take it. Before I gagged Marjory, she said, “Keep looking, and you will find a few foiled packs.” I glanced over and saw that she was referring to condoms.
“Any last words?” I asked. She shook her head. I said, “Open wide for this beauty.” Marjory stretched her jaws as wide open as she could. Getting the ball behind her teeth took a few minutes of careful work.
“Hmmmmph, mmmmh, nmmmmph,” she said very quietly.
“Yes,” I said, “I agree that your pajama tops would look even better hanging from your wrists.” I made that change to her attire. “And your bottoms would look better down at your knees.” With her ankles tied at right angles and her knees spread, it took a little effort to get her bottoms out of the way. I took the time to ensure I applied the condom to myself effectively.
“Hmmmmph!” she cried emphymally but quietly as I kissed her muff and stroked my tongue over her clip. She repeated that moan several times as I moved my mouth to her navel, then one breast, and finally the other. Feeling her mons and labia, I thought she was moist and slick. My erection was throbbing and needed an outlet. And I buried myself deep in her core. She nodded her agreement and continued with her soft, “hmmmmph, hmmmmph” sounds.
I hunted as hard as I could as if I wanted to push my rod up her throat. And damn if she didn’t match me by driving her hips up, down, and around. It was over too quickly, or was it? The waves of orgasm kept rolling over me. Judging from Marjory’s reaction, she was also getting her share of the good sensings. Finally, I collapsed beside her. My arms were around her pulling those tits hard into my chest. I was a virgin no longer and had achieved my new status with my dream girl!
I was close to falling asleep but didn’t want us to be found like this. I didn’t care so much, but I needed to protect Marjory. I didn’t want her folks to think ill of her, even if I got most of the blow. She unlatched the ballgag when she was free of the ropes but had trouble getting it out of her mouth. “Hmmmph.”
“Okay, I will help,” I said, working the ball stuck behind her teeth. Marjory reapplied her pajamas and gathered all of the evidence. She even had a plastic grocery sack for the condom. This girl thought of everything.
She bent over me and gave me a soft but wonderful kiss. “Now that I have given you somethingto dream about, sleep well. See you later.” And she was gone, and I was soon wait. Did that happen, or was I dreaming?
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