“There my life goes just twirling down the drain..” he thinks solemnly wondering why he never can come out on top. He teeters on the edge of the porch trying to justify his thoughts for all the screwed up decisions in his life.
“It is not worth this pain going daily with rejection around every corner..” he says to himself. His decision made he goes to the secluded bridge just a mile down the read and he looks around, frightened that someone will try to stop him.
With no one around he gets ready to jump off of this 50 foot bridge with no water beneath it for decades. He is on the edge when he hears horse steps coming. He scrambles down hoping that no will see him. He looks around then listens for the sound again but nothing is there, no one is there.
Suddenly a bag comes around his head and rope around his arms to keep him immobile. He is then hit over the head rendering him out cold.
A soft but demanding voice calls to him. “Ok you have been out long enough so wake the hell up!” the voice of the woman tells him as she tosses a bucket of ice water on his crotch and warm water over his head.
“What the hell is going on!!!” He insists as he sits up right.
She laughs as she tells him in her ever so semiconductor voice. ” You are now under my authority and are my new pet if you so choose… Now then on to interdictions. I am Madam Victoria, now tell me your full name.”
“Now listen here Madam what’s your face! I have been kidnapped and I want to leave..”
“Shut up slave! Guards! I see now that you will have to be persuaded..”
“Leave me be I just wanted to die, now you have prolonged my misery! Let me..”
Smack! He fell to the floor as the guards came in and stripped him and bound him with a spreader bar between his legs.
“What the..”
She slapse him “Shut up! I am in control of this island and you will listen to me! Guards gag him so he will listen then bring in my Toys… Since you can’t control your temper we will just have to teach you some discipline.” She smiles sweetly.
“Now tell me your name or you will regret it..”
” Victor” he says in defeat.
Then the gaurd gags him.
” Now where to begin… oh yes pleasure is the best kind or torture …”
His eyes go big when he hears this.
” I guess I have to go slowly with you as to Your reaction that you have no idea as to what I am and what you are soon to become!” Madam Victoria laughs.
“Toby come here and drop!” She orders. a big man comes in dressed as a eunuch with little else on but a small covering about his waist out lining his shaped body.
“Now then..” she says as she sits down,” I will teach you how to be submissive, but in the midst of your pleasure should you moan, move or cum, you will know what pain mixed with pleasure is. Nod if you understand this.”
He jerks trying to get lost when out of no where a flogger came down around his hips barely hard enough to hurt him but closeenough to his member to make him still.
” Lets try this again nod if you understand stand!” He nods ever so slightly.
” Wonderful! Lets begin shall we! Athena! Dominique! Come here at once.
“Yes Madam how may we serve you?” they say in unison.
” Athena lets show our gust your… talents shall we? Leave nothing out..”
“Yes madam.”
“Dominique come knee beside me.”
“Yes madam.”
The woman called Athena came to him and sensitively runs her hands down his chest. Kissing her way across his erect nipples, nibbling her way down his hard abs. Grabbing his cock in a very tight grip making him groan again his will
“I warned you. Dom honey gave him what he deserves..”
“Yes madam.” He moves behind Victor and swats him hard but then cares his tight ass where his hand print had shown up.
Another groan but this is one not in pleasure but if regression from a man touching his ass.
” What, does the big helpless man not like men?,,, how sad because you will come to please the male clients of this island more than the women. You see here is where people like your self who were so desperate to leave this world but look like you and I do needed to be rescued from them selves. Now your purpose in life is to please the paying clients anyway they want with out question as to pain or… gender.”
” Dom continue but remember he is new to this so go easy on him. Athena you may continue at Dom’s order and Dom use him as you will.” Madam Victoria laughs.
“Yes madam.” they answer in unison.
“Athena bring out a chair for our gust to brace himself on please and Toby darling go get the lube..”
Victor screams out his reply to this declaration through his gag.
“Thank you now you may proceed and Remember I am watching you.”
Dom calls in two more slaves to restrain Victors hands to the floor with the chair against his torso bringing his hips up and back to Dom. Next one slave gets the lube and preparees Vic’s ass for the big man’s engaged cock. All 10 inches of it.
Victor is struggling in earnestly now but knows that it is a lost cause to struggle.
Dom is being prepared by Athena’s expert mouth by bringing him to complete erectness. Before Dom proceeds he is lubes up and gets ready to take this marvelous man before him.
Dom leans down to Victor and tells him,” I know You are scared and severely pissed off, but if you let your self enjoy it you will find that it will not hurt so bad. You are new to this so let me share with you a couple points that I have learned over the past few years as a submissive slave. When You are ready to receive some one like now you have to remember to relax and take deep breaths until the person is completely in. Next always Remember not to clench up when you feel the presence of the object being inserted in to your ass. Just a different tip, it will not always be men who will do this to you sometimes t will be a woman with a stick onand let me tell you the real thing is easy to take. Get ready cause here I come.”
With that last bit of encouragement he straightened up and re lubed and ordered the two slaves to part Victors ass cheeks.
He slowly felt Dom’s prick move to touch to hole of his ass and he squeezed his ass together. this earned him a slap on the ass from Athena and Dom.
“I said do not clnch you will only make matters worse loosen up!”
“Dam, what have I gotten into,” Victor thinks as he grinds his teeth together and slowly loosens up.
” That’s better. now remember deep breaths, and do not hold your breath either or you might just pass out. But if you did that you would get someone much bigger than my when you woke up. Athena distract him and do not make him clench up.”
Dom starts again and pushes harder now until the head of his cock is in. “Oh my gosh” he thinks as he is about to loose it right there.
“Oh my gosh” Vic thinks as he is violent be this man, but pspared extremely well by this woman.
Dom continues until he is all of the way in.
“Dom now I think I would like to se you send him over the edge with out Athena’s help. I want to see it Victor can handle it.” says Madam Victoria.
“Yes madam.” Dom answers. He begin to with draw slowly..
” Hard Dom if you want this newbie to cum like I ordered.”
“Yes madam.” Dom says as his release is near but knows that he must make Vic cum or he will be flogged with out and pleasure or respite by Madam herself.
“I am sorry but I have to,” he leans down to tell Vic.
Dom starts to thrust in and out in earnest like he would to an experienced person.
Vic screams as he fills like he will be ripped apart but then realizes that he hears Madam Victoria tell Dom not to stop until Victor cums.
“I Can’t do that to Dom,” Vic thinks.
He starts to fantasize about Athens sucking his cock ands how good it feels. Then he thinks about how it feels when he isdoing this to one of his ex girlfriends. He becomes hard again after his pain goes away.
He can feel Dom getting close but holding back until he cums because that is what his Mistress ordered.
Vic thinks harder and feels himself getting close not that he has thought of taking Madam Victoria this way. He is so close when he feels Dom’s cock get harder and longer and feels Dom pick up his pace going deeper and harder at Victoria insight.
Then he feels his balls drawing up getting ready and he is so close now.Ohh my goodness!Mmmmm! ohhhh! YES!!!
Dom shudders as he reaches his own release squirting it all in to the depths of Vic’s ass. Vic squirting his all over the chair.
Vic collapses as his orgasm ends and Dom with draws leaving him empty and his legs like jelly.
He looks up for a sec and realizes that every one else in the room has also orgasmed and are not in a haze that comes after an extreme orgasm.
“Very good.” Victoria says,” now are you ready or do you need more lessons?”
“No madam.”
“Wonderful. Toby go get a room ready for Victor and make sure he is well taken care of.”
“Yes madam.”
“Oh and don’t forget to tell our newest member about the evening ’rounds’ I make when new slaves come through…”
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