A number of years ago, I published a series of stories in a series entitled, “The Twight Zone”. The stories were all linked to a sex toy/lingerie shop and club of the same name. The first of the stories and the inspiration for the series began in “The Wedding Present”, already posted here. Each chapter had it’s own characters and plot, though all reversed around the shop and it’s goods. As things progressed, the characters and situations got more and more fantastic, with elements of science fiction creeping in. Finally, a computer meltdown caused the loss of the last chapter in the series, and I never recovered.
Recently, a budding author tracked me down, and has convinced/cajoled me to write again. I am in the process of re-editing the original series, as well as some short stories and new works, and will publish them as time permits. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.
This is the first in the actual series.
part 1: The Shop
Carol looked out the passenger window again, across the parking lot at the store at the end of the cul-de-sac. Just thinking about going in there was making her nervous. Hell, she thought, just sitting in the parking lot was making her nervous. How was she going to get herself inside?
Not that she would be the only one there. The lot was half filled with cars, attesting to the popularity of the store. Whoever owned the store had chosen a perfect spot; one of the old ‘company’ buildings from the city’s boomtown eras, it was accessible yet secluded. Even so, Carol was nervous that somebody would recognize her. Again she looked out the window at the non-descript store. A few mannequins posed in the window in skimpy costumes, a hint of what lay inside. A huge walnut and led glass led to the secrets that lay Behind. Over the door was painted the name: The Twightlight Zone. Underneath was written: The store with the exotic twist. Only, the ‘x’ was written ambiguously enough that it could make the word ‘erotic’.
A porn shop, or at least as close as this city would get to a porn shop. Rumor had it that any type of clothing or sexual toy could be had in there. A treasure trove of delights. And therein lied her problem. If she was seen going in there, it would be admitting to the world that she and her husband had sex, and that she was willing to add some spice to it. If she were seen she would be branded as a slut.
Carol thought it over for the hundreds time that afternoon. She wasn’t doing it for herself, she knew. She did it for Thomas, her husband. Just a little something to thrill him on their anniversary. Steeling herself, she got out of the car and headed for the front door. Nobody would see her. Nobody had better see her. Her pace quickly as she started up the steps. Was it difficult for men to walk into pornography shops? The rush of adrenaline, the racing heart, the sweaty palms?
Just as she reached the front door it opened, and Carol nearly turned and ran back to the car when she realized it was a doorman opening the door so she could enter. Ducking her head in thanks and in a vain attempt not to be seen, Carol hurried inside. And stopped dead in her tracks just a few feet inside the door.
The store was huge. Huge like a major mall store. Far beyond what she had expected, or thought could exist, given the store front. Marble and carpet covered the floors, and racks of clothes surrounded her. It was so far beyond what she expected that Carol stood in the entryway, mouth agope.
“Ma’am? May I help you?”
“Excuse me?” Carol turned to the saleslady that had come up beside her. She was dressed in a sharp business suit. Again, not what Carol had expected.
“I asked if I could help you. You have the look of a first timer.”
“Well, yes, but I think I would like to look around by myself. Thank you.”
“Quite alright, ma’am. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. My name’sJanice.”
Carol hadn’t taken three steps into the bizarre store before she turned to find Janice, who was straightening lingerie on a neary rack.
“Janice? I think maybe I could use a little help. All this rubber and leather and whatnot is all very confusing to me. I just wanted to get something to, um, I mean, it’s for my husband.” Carol blushed deeply.
“That’s quite alright, ma’am. Let me show you what we have; The Twight Zone prides itself on satisfying every customer, or your money back.” Janice beamed at Carol, pride showing in her face. Carol calmed a bit.
“Before we go too far, Janice, I was wondering if you could tell me about the name. You know, what with the television show, and everything.”
Janice smiled again. “Actually, ma’am, we don’t have anything to do with the show. The owner is from Europe, and had never seen the show. She wanted a name that conveyed a feeling between day and night, between light and dark. When the creativity of the dark come forth. A twight time, and thus a twightlight zone.”
“You make it sound so…I don’t know, almost malicious.”
Janice let out a little laugh. “In a way it is, ma’am. We at the Zone realize that our products are about the loss of innocent. Traditionally, the role of hedonists. What most people come to realize, though, is that we are here to help improve relationships, whatever type they may be.”
Carol smiled weakly in response. She didn’t really think of this store as a relationship aid. “Hedonism is quite the word. Everything here reeks of sex.”
“I assume you, ma’am, none of our products have been used and, except for the leather, has been de-scented as far as possible.”
Carol was caught, and laughed a bit at herself. “I mean that it all has an essence of sex.”
“Sorry, ma’am. It’s just that some people are very accusatory when they come in here. Sometimes I get a little defendive, and I apologize. Let’s get back to the reason you are here:a present for your husband. Did you mean you wanted something to wear for your husband, or something for your husband to wear?”
“You have clothes for men? As in lingerie?”
“Yes, ma’am. In fact, we are currently running a special package deal called, ‘Seven Saturdays to complete Sexual Slavery”. It comes with costumes, make-up, and sex toys, along with an instruction manual on how to sexually enslave your man. It’s been a very popular item.”
“Slave? You mean, it turns my husband into my slave? I don’t think I want that.”
“It’s meant to make a female the dominant partner in a sexual relationship by playing on a male’s sexual fantasies. There are some drawbacks. Not every woman can handle or even desires the responsibility of constantly being in charge of her husband. Also, some men get too far into the fantasy and refund to return to the former relationship. They have too much fun.”
“Fun as a slave?”
“Yes ma’am. The lack of decision making responsesibiligies is a strong sexual fantasy among many men. Being tied up, sexual deprivation, the whole leather and boots thing.”
“I had wondered about that. I never understand it, though.”
“Many women don’t, ma’am. They wonder what the attention is, and are afraid to try it. Some really get into it, some decide they don’t like it. The reason we suggest it, at least once, is that as a dominant a woman can Order her mate to tell her about his fansies. From there, she can match up elements with her own fansies and improve her sex life.”
Carol smiled again. Thomas was a little repressed, she thought. Maybe something a little out of the ordinary was called for. “Hmm. The way you put it, I might have to give it a try. Show me what else you have.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Janice led Carol through the front section of the store, where racks of silk and lace lingerie crowded the aisles. As they moved deeper into the store, they encountered more and more customers, each attended by one or more salespeople. Many were filling baskets or writing on notepads. They reached the center of the store, and Carol noticed that the store was laid out like a wagon wheel with aisle spokes separating each section. Lingerie that you might find in a Victoria’s Secret store. Leather outfits. Clothes made of rubber. Bondage devices. Toys. Electronics. Other sections that Carol could only imagine.
“Ma’am?” Carol snapped back to reality. “It can be a little overwhelming, at first. Have you decided if the gift is to be for you or your husband, or would you like something for both of you?”
“Um, I thought maybe a little slave girl outfit. Or maybe something to tie him down with. Oh, I don’t know. Help!” Carol laughed in examperation. “It’s for Our tenth wedding anniversary, and we’re possibly going to the shore for two weeks. I just wanted something to add a little bang to the beginning, if you catch my drift.
“I think I know what might do. Have a seat in here,and I’ll bring some items back for you.” Janice led her to a changing area, then retired into the store.
Carol looked around her, at the people and the clothes. Ten minutes ago she was merely a housewife; now she was a sexual deviant. She looked at a mannequin dressed head to toe in a zippered leather body suit complete with spike heeled boots. How could anybody walk in those things? Carol walked over to get a Better look, and realized that the mannequin was breathing. She was so started, she jumped back and bumped right into Janice.
“There’s somebody in there!” Carol blurted out in surprise. “Yes, ma’am. All the mannequin’s you see are actually models. If you would prefer not to try on a piece of clothing, or if you would like to see how something would look on a certain body type, they are here for your shopping pleasure.”
Carol took another look around the store, paying closer attention to where the ‘mannequins’ were. A male in the ‘toys’ area was trustsed in chains and had his mouth filled with a bright red ball. She thought of herself dressed in the zippered leather outfit, with Thomas all trusted up and unable to protest as she teased and tormented him. He always did talk too much and ruin the mood. She would be in control for once. Maybe be just use his body for her own. Maybe she should try this dominance thing.
“What’s that over there, Janice?”
“It’s called ‘The Housewife Harness’. Instructions on how to mount the eye bolts and hide them as plant hungers until they’re needed. The set includes wrist and ankle restraints, the spreader bar, blindfold, the leather posing pouch, and your choice of a ball or penis gag. Cock rings, butt plugs, and nipple clamps are extra.”
“Penis gag?”
“Yes ma’am. Different sized gags in the shape of a penis, molded out of plastic, rubber, or leather. Gives a straight male the feeling that he is being forced to suck a penis. Great for threats.”
“Come again?”
“If he acts up,you threaten to get a real penis to replace it, or tell him it’s all just practice. As I said, great for threats.”
“I couldn’t bring another man into our bedroom.”
“It’s the thought that counts, ma’am. The mind is the most erotic device ever created.”
“What were those other things you mentioned? Cock rings, butt plugs, and clamps? What are they for?”
“I can show you, if you want.” Janice led Carol over to where the model hung.
Carol was truly intrigued by the entire idea now. “How would I get him into this. I mean, I don’t think he’s about to let me trust him up like that.”
“You do it in steps, ma’am. Dress in something sexy, and surprise him while he watches the t.v. Entice him back to the bedroom, promising him that you have something Special in store. Have him put on the pouch and blindfold while you change into something really kinky. Take down the plants and trusts him up, then take off the blindfold. You’ll be able to gauge his reaction by thebulge in the pouch. The rest is up to you. It does come with a beginner’s guide.”
Carol looked back at the zippered leather outfit, the one with the heels. “Do you have that in my size?”
“Yes, ma’am. In fact, I’ve already picked one up for you.”
Carol smoothed tight leather over her legs, and stood up. Her legs wobbled on the towering high heels and her legs were cramping from the strain, but Janice assured her that she would get used to wearing them in time, even if it was for only short periods of time. She strode over to the mirror and looked at the figure before her. A domina, Janice called it. This was going to be an anniversary that Thomas wouldn’t soon forget.
“Janice, I think this could be the start of a beautiful relationship” she joked.
“I certainly hope so, ma’am. I certainly hope so.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Carol spread out the packages she brought home on the master bed, then ran downstairs to get her husbands drill and some other tools. The rest of the results from her shopping trip were going to dropped off by Janice later on; Carol didn’t need them for tonight’s activity, and thought it would be better to have them delivered rather than worry about trying to find a hiding spot for them. Besides, some needed a little tailoring to make them fit just right.
When she returned, she stripped naked and, dropping the tools on the bed, reached for the little Instruction booklet. She began reading it as she went to her dresser and pulled out a sweatsuit. The book gave instructions on how to find the rafters in her ceiling, the best placement of the eye bolts for minimal embarrassment when dealing with visiting family, and a host of other things. Carol noticed that she was having a hard time concentrated on the work before her. Visions of Thomas trusted up flitted through her mind. She might just have to masturbate before she got started.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thomas sat in his favorite chair and clickedon ESPN. Carol had phoned him earlier and told him to cancel their dinner reservations that night, as she had cooked up something special for him. He didn’t smell anything from the kitchen, and when he got home Carol had told him to watch fifteen minutes of television, then he could come upstairs. She had been dressed in a fairly drop sweatsuit, most likely from an afternoon workout. He hoped she wouldn’t wear it to bed.
‘Upstairs’ was one of their euphemisms for making love. The thought of possible having sex was making him erect. They didn’t make love that often, and if he was lucky he might even get a blowjob. They were few and far between, but it was their anniversary. It was obvious that Carol had something special in mind, and a blowjob would be a welcome start to two weeks off.
The fifteen minutes dragged on forever, or so it seemed, and finally Thomas rushed upstairs. As he reached the midway landing he was surprised to find Carol’s sweatsuit in a small heap. His pace quickened as he went up the second half of the stairs. The door to the master bedroom was wide open, and the room itself was lit with candles. A few extra hanging plants were set in front of two of the windows. On their bed was his wife Carol, dressed in sexy red lingerie, and holding a glass of red wine. A teddy, Thomas thought, that’s what they call it, I think.
“You’re still dressed. How can I tell if you like my anniversary present if you still have your pants on?”
Thomas kicked off his shoes, unzipped his pants and pulled everything from the wait down in one fall swoop. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled both his undershirt and dress shirt off over his head. His member was growing obviously at the sight of his wife sitting up in bed. A drop of precum glistened noticeably at the tip.
“Oh, Thomas, Always jumping the gun. Here’s a little test to see if you really want my special present. If you can blow out all these candles and get onto this bed by the time I count ten, I promise I’ll give you a night you won’t ever forget. Over ten, and we’ll make love but you’ll never get to see my other surprises. Ever. GO!”
After a moment of hesitation while the words registered in his mind, Thomas ran around the room, his now erect cock slapping into his legs and apparently trying to trip him up. Carol counted out loud, slowly at first, then getting quicker as he neared completion. In total darkness he leaped onto the bed just as she said, “Zero.”
“How’s that?”
“Very good!”
Thomas reached over to touch his wife, but as his fingers made contact, she pulled away.
“Wait, don’t say anything, and don’t touch me unless I tell you. I’ve got something very special planned for us tonight, and if it works out, the it will last the entire weekend. Maybe the whole two weeks. So be quiet and do everything I tell you, understand?”
“Mmm-hmm.” Thomas agreed through closed lips.
“Good. Thomas, I have to tell you, I haven’t hada thing to eat all day, and I’m really hungry. Why don’t you slide your legs over the edge here and give me something to fill my stomach?” Thomas’ prick jumped at the thought of his wife giving him a blow job, let alone swallowing. She’d always said she would taste his cum as soon as he had. In the dark he watched the silhouette of his wife slip off the bed, pulling his legs in her direction. He scuttled over to the edge, laying flat on his back with his feet on the floor, erection hanging over the edge of the bed. He felt his wife’s hands cares his inner thighs, then push his legs further apart as she moved her body between them. One hand lifted his cock from were it lay stiff against his belly while the other began playing with his ball sac. His wife’s mouth kissed the head of his cock, then she ran her tongue slowly licked up it’s underside. Thomas relaxed on the bed, enjoying the sensings his wife’s mouth were creating. He could feel his climax rising, and obviously so could she, because she stopped before he could cum.
“Thomas? If I let you cum now, will you be able to ‘perform’ for me later?”
“Um,” Thomas debated answering. A blow job usually drained him in more ways than one, and he was never up to sex afterwards. He mumbled honestly, “probably not.”
“Didn’t I tell you not to talk?”
“Mmmm-hmm.” He tried to make it sound apologetic.
“Then we’ll just save it for later, okay? You may answer that question.”
“But…It feels so good, and I’m so close.”
“Stop your whining. What I’ve got planned for you will feel better. A whole lot better.” Carol got up from her position on the floor and stood before Thomas, her body a dark shadow in the room. She leaned over and pushed the wine glass into his hand. “I’m gonna go change into something a little more appropriate to what’s going to happen next. I’ve left you something under your pillow. If you don’t think about it, it’ll be easier to put on. I’ll be out in about fifteen minutes.” Carol turned and walked to their bathroom.
Fifteen minutes, Thomas thought to himself. It was fifteen minutes of waiting before, and only one minute of sex. Now another fifteen. What did she have in mind? Thomas slide over and reached under his pillow, and found a piece of heavy material there. Pulling it out, he examined it the best that he could in the darkness of the room. A few thin straps, Each ending with a dime sized ring, connected to a triangular piece of clothing with two holes, one with a tube sown over it. What the hell was this thing? He downed the wine in one gulp and headed for the window.
Holding it up to the weak light coming through the window, He could see that it was some bizarre piece of underwear made of leather. He held it to his now semi-erect cock to see how it would go on, and his cock reversed it’s downward trend at the mere thought of kinky sex. Evidently, he was supposed to pass his dick through the tube, which would cover about have it’s lengthth. His balls would pass through the second and lower hole. The three straps would then be pulled around back to hold the whole thing in place. Thomas started pulling the tube over his cock only to find that it was too small to let an erect penis in. He would have to go limp, then pull himself in. Now his wife’s statement about making it ‘easier to put on’ made sense. If he thought about wearing leather underwear, he would stay so erect that he would never get it on. Thomas let his mind drift back to the office, concentrated on work and projects coming up. After a few minutes he looked down to see that he had gone nearly limp, and he quickly pulled the tube on. His cock immediately started to harden again, filling the tube and stretching forth. Thomas readjusted as best he could, and soon the lower half of his prick was tightly encase in leather. He pulled the front down and maneuvered his balls through the hole, the pulled the two side straps together in back, or at least tried.
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