The Twelve Vitali Ch. 11

Authors note: Hello everyone. Thank you to everyone who has voted and left comments I appreciate every one of you. Thank you once again to Paul who continues to be my second set of eyes. ~ellie.


“No,” Cat laughed. “It’s one thing knowing what I would have to do and a totally different thing agreeing to do it.” The truth was that she still wasn’t sure he was asking her for the right reasons.

“Why do you have to continuously do this to me?” Matteo complained. “Just once can’t you do what I ask without arguing with me?”

“As I remember, I did everything you asked last night,” she giggled.

“True, and I would like to get used to that happening all the time,” he grinned and took her in his arms, kissing her deeply. “Just says yes, and we can worry about the details later!”

“You know that would kill you. You don’t do anything without thinking about it from all angles to manage the risk because you are a self-confessed control freak,” Cat reachd up and smoothed his hair back from his face. “You know I’m right. You need those details in place and secure more than I do. Besides, we still haven’t come to a decision about whether it’s even possible for me to work remotely from Melbourne.”

“You know if you married me you wouldn’t have to work,” he groaned and rolled to his back.

“How did that argument go for you last time you made it?” she laughed, swinging her feet from the bed and standing up.

Matteo propped himself up on a pillow and watched her. He loved that she was so comfortable in her own skin. Most women he had been with had always covered up with a robe or a sheet in the morning as if he hadn’t already seen and explored their naked body. It had been several days since they had discussed a future together and restarted Their relationship without any talk of contracts. In his heart of hearts he knew he loved her, but they were both being careful with the word. He knew he wasn’t the only one who had beenlet down by a mother or past lover, and they had talked in depth about both.

He had been surprised to find that it was Ned’s threats against David that scared her more than anything he had done or would do to her. The fact had started him so much he had asked her more about the relationship. He had read between the lines, so to speak, and contacted Frankie as well and had been even more surprised to find that His assumptions about her early life, her relationships with both David and Ned, as well as the court case, were not entirely correct.

She’d grown up virtually motherless, and when her grandmother had died she had to pick up the slack. She had no one to love her and an unknown little boy virtually dependant on her from a very young age. When her mother died, and they became homeless, Ned had stepped in, and for the first time in her life someone had wanted to take care of her. He’d always been aggressive and abusive towards her and, similarly, David, who became a surly young man prone to getting into brawls and trouble with the police until he met Frankie, and had not been kind to her.

Through it all she’d worked hard and been loyally supported of both David and Ned, who continued to treat her badly until David finally started to get a clue and got a job so he could move in with his football friends in one of Frankie’s many houses. Having nowhere else to go herself, Cat had stayed with Ned in an on and off again relationship until she finally tried to break up with him for good.

The attack wasn’t the dreadful rape portrayed in court. She admitted he had done worse to her in the past. She’d said no and meant it, and she’d been hurt by him during the rape, but she only pressed charges because he had threatened David, not because he had ruined her art or forced her into having sex with him again. It wasn’t the first time she had said no and he had forced her into a vulnerable position, and she knew it was easier to go along with what hewanted than fight it.

The whole idea of ​​her acceptance that her life was meant to be that bleak at that time made him feel sick, and he could see how she had assumed Ricco’s reticence to be seen with her in public was confirmation of the dreadful things Ned had always told her about being worthless and a whore. The problem was that Roberto and Ricco both had made her see that she didn’t have to accept her fate and she had fought against being viewed as being Ricco’s dirty little secret. She had no idea how beautiful she was or how talented she was, though that seemed to be changing thanks to her work for Vanessa and Peri. Now he wanted nothing more than to make sure her life was better on all levels and a wonderful adventure they could share together. He smiled as she came back toward him, walking carefully with two full mugs of coffee.

“Okay, you have my absolute attention for the whole day. What would you like to do first?” she asked, putting her mug down on the bedsidetable and leaning down to kiss him.

“The obvious answer is you, but since I already did that, I’ll settle for a shower and breakfast,” he grinned, rolling her to her back and pinning her arms above her head and kissing her passwordately.

She’d been working hard for the last few days with Roz and Peri, who wanted to make a bigger deal out of the unveiling of the family portrait than Cat was comfortable with. Because of this she had spent quite a lot of time in at the gallery, as well as in her small studio, painting while Matteo was busy with work. They’d talked continuously about everything and anything now, their open and honest communication allowing them to ask what would have otherwise been confronting and unorthodox questions that they may not have asked in a regular relationship that hadn’t started with the same unusual intensity. Every day he asked her to marry him, and every day she decided, citing many reasons but holding just one close to her chest.

Just over an hour later she cleaned up the kitchen as he spoke to Ricco on his phone. Cat felt for Ricco. Jacobi and Maryanne were in Europe, and it seemed they might extend their time over there as Jacobi helped his Uncle, who was the family Ambassador. She understands now how much of his life he had been willing to give up for his twin, who seemed to have abandoned him for the time being. Matteo, too, while still in the same country, was busy with his own life, leaving Ricco to pick up the slack in Melbourne.

“Ready to go?” he asked as he ended his call.

“I’m ready. You’re the slowpoke,” she teased. “It wouldn’t hurt to give me a clue about what we’re doing today, you know.”

“We’re going shopping,” he shrugged. “It’s no big secret or anything.”

“Oh,” Cat said, Feeling a little disappointed. He had nagged her about spending the day with him today, and she had thought that perhaps they would be doing something exciting.

“Are you pouting?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting a shopping trip,” she admitted.

“I expect it will not be a usual shopping trip for you, if that helps,” he chuckled as he went to pay the bill inside. “Ready to go?” he asked, holding out his hand to help her up. “Let’s walk, it’s a nice day.”

Matteo smiled as he took her hand to walk downstairs. Although her tough girl, straight-talking attitude, he was finding that Cat was a romantic at heart. During all of the lovemaking and talking they had been doing since finding their way back to each other, she had divulged the fact that she had read the awful fifty shades trial during all the hyper around the books and movies and had become quite interested in and curious about the kinky fuckery described in the book. This had been further fed by talking with Pete About the Kept and the type of training they received.

While he was quite adept at the BDSM lifestyle and had, as a younger man, frequently the men’s clubs that catered to fetishes and the family training facility, he had never had a partner who had expressed an interest in that type of play. If he was honest with himself, he preferred women who challenged him and gave him a sense of satisfaction as he reduced them to quivering messes of pleasure sensings. He imagined, when faced with the reality of what she was asking, that she may be challenged herself and, in turn, challenge him with a battle of wills. Today he planned to find out just how curious she was in having him exert his truly Dominant side.

In general, Cat was not an early riser, but with Matteo, who seemed to survive on very little sleep, she had been waking earlier and earlier this week. They walked over the Victoria bridge into the city centre, and he guided her through the early morning bustle of the city centre with people heading to work or breakfast with friends. There were the usual businessmen and women, which wasn’t a surprise being Valentine’s Day, but also there seemed to be a lot of people milling around holding hands or flowers and gifts. She smiled. Cat had painted something for Matteo that she was going to give him tonight because she had no idea about what to buy him as a gift. Despite how close she felt to him, it was odd to think that she had never seen his house or his possessions to know what he might need or want. They walked through the large shopping precinct, and to her Surprise he led her to a spa, its open entrance full of dark wood and tropical plants making it seems oddly out of place among the brightly lit shops around it.

“A spa?” she quirked an eyebrow at him.

“Mani-pedis are a precious pleasure,” he admitted, “and we have spoken about the fact that I have particular tastes right from that very first night,” he smiled. “You promised me a day where we did what I wanted all day, no arguments, and you have already used your one no option first thing this morning,” he grinned knowing she would realize he had asked to marry himyet again on purpose.

“Okayyy,” she drew out the word, sounding doubtful of what was going to happen here.

Two hours later she’d been waxed, threaded, given a mini facial and had her make-up applied professionally as well as having a mani-pedi, which he sat beside her for and enjoyed the same patpering. Even fully clothed, Cat felt self-conscious that there was a small heart shaped patch of public hair where she had barely ever had to worry about trimming her bikini line, and found her face warming with the hint of a blush whenever she thought about it. Matteo was more than happy about the idea when she had told him.

Matteo seemed to know his way around the funny little alleys and arcades, and they moved through the city until they ended up in a tiny alley arcade hidden behind a large building that seemed to cater to the elite. Designer shoes and clothes and leather goods all nestled together behind large glass storefronts. Matteo knocked on a red door, and a smilingolder woman welcomed him warmly.

“Matteo,” she purred, quite obviously looking him over. “Andie told me to expect you this morning, and this must be your friend, Catriona,” she said as she just as overtly looked Cat up and down. “I’m Miss Della. Follow me, please. Make sure the door is shut properly behind you.”

“Thank you for making time to see us,” Matteo said, ushering Cat towards the interior and closing the door before following the two women up a narrow flight of stairs.

“Of course, any friend of Andie’s is certainly worth making the time for,” she laughed. “Now what did you have in mind for today?” she spoke directly to Matteo, assuming that he was a dominant and Cat was his submissive and wouldn’t get much say in what she wanted.

“Corsetry, maybe a wait cincher, thigh highs, not garter belts, lace panties, not sensible cotton, and I’d like that in white, possible blue or silver if you have it,” Matteo spoke with an air of commanding authority, and Cat blinked at him as her mind took in what he was saying.

“Materials?” she asked, still considering the young woman.

“No latex or plastics, I want soft and accessible. Boning in the corset is fine, but I am not as concerned with the construction materials as the hourglass look and tightness. I’d like to see some demi cups and shelves as well rather than full cups.”

“Certainly. Help yourself to coffee or a cool drink and we will start putting a few things together for you,” she turned and ushered Cat towards the fitting room.

“My day, my rules,” Matteo reminded her as she was taken away and took a seat on a beautiful old chesterfield couch. He wished he had brought his tablet with him, as he preferred that interface when working, but opened his phone and began firing off emails and working, as usual. He knew Hilary was becoming frustrated with his odd hours as he gave Cat all of his attention when he was with her, but he had managed to handle most of the importantt business and planned to use his time this morning to field the minor issues and enquires.

“Well, come on, lovely, we can’t keep your Mister waiting all day, take all of that off,” Della waved her hand up and down in front of Cat’s body.

Cat was stunned, this was not what she had expected at all. Matteo had been attentive and courteous to the point of being annoying with the way he had seemed to be walking on eggshells and give her whatever she wanted over the last few days. Even this morning, when she had said no to his proposal, he had rebuked her in such a way that they had joked about the fact. Since leaving the house, though, he seemed to take on a commanding and almost domineering attitude with her.

The word caught her as she began to undress. Domineering, dominant, maybe this was in response to her continuing curiosity about the lifestyle and her requests to explore it with him. Was he yet again giving her what she’d asked for and wanted, or was this, as he said, something he wanted on a day designed for his pleasure where she had to play along with all of his plans? She couldn’t quite decide on his reasons for bringing her here. She itched to ask him, but the woman, who had introduced herself as Miss Della, seemed determined to get to know each tiny bit of her body as she measured and pinched and stroked Cat in such a way that she had to steady herself.

It seemed like she had have stood there in her panties for an hour, rather than the ten minutes it was in reality, when Dell handed her a pair of shimmering white thigh high silk stockings to put on. Then Della appeared with a sapphire blue corset and began to manhandle Cat’s body to put it in place before doing up the hooks and eyes that ran up the centre at the front below a demi bra. Moving behind Cat, Della pulled at the laces that caught a wait panel inwards and cinched her wait tightly so that her breasts and hips flared widely from the centre. The deeper she breathed, theMore her breasts seemed to rise from the tops of the garment, and her nipples showed over the edge of the garment in little pink crescents.

Della looked her over and then disappeared, coming back with a small ribbon of white lace which she used invisible seamstress tape to attach to the top edge of the bra, partially disguising her nipples. The whole blue and white look was a colour scheme Cat liked. Della passed her a pair of white heels and surveyed her again before pushing her out towards Matteo.

Matteo looked up and tried to school his features with difficulty. He listened as Della went through the different parts of the simple outfit. Matteo cleared his throat as Cat modelled the corset by walking towards him and turning, bending forward slightly just out of his reach and walking back to where Della stood.

Cat tried teasing him into giving away some sort of reaction as he looked at her with a relaxed expression. Not even an eyebrow rose in response to her teasing attempt at modelling the garment. He nodded once at Della and Cat was ushered back into the dressing room.

Matteo suffered silently through a silver outfit with a half-corset, an ice blue corset, and a full white corset that sat snuggly over her hips and nestled under her breasts leaving them fully exposed as they sat on what Miss Della called a shelf bra. It took great willpower for him not to groan as she Walked towards him with her breasts bouncing with each step.

“I’m afraid our time here is up,” Matteo said, hating that his voice was quite obviously deep and husky from the experience. “Cat can wear this white one now in place of the bra she wore here,” he instructed Della.

Cat went back to the dressing room and slipped her dress over the top, feeling awkward about the lack of support for her breasts. Then she emerged from the dressing room running her fingers through her hair.

“Thank you,” Matteo said to Miss Della, as Cat finally took a minute to look aroundthe intimate little shop that seemed more like a crowded living room. Matteo smiled as he took Cat’s hand and led her back down the staircase.

“After all that you didn’t buy anything aside from what I’m wearing?” Cat asked.

“I bought them all, and two of them in different colours,” he shrugged. “The driver will pick them up,” he explained.

“Oh,” she said, shaking her head. “It was hard to tell what you were thinking,” she looked at him curiously.

“That was excruciating torture, and you knew exactly what you were doing to me!” Matteo grew, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. He kissed her deeply, pressing into her so she could feel just how uncomfortable he still was after her modelling of the last braless corset, which she still wore.

“I might have had a vague idea, but you showed nothing. That was frustrating, especially with the waxing I had to endure this morning,” she said breathlessly, as he let her up forair again and opened the door to the street.

“The waxers did an amazing job,” he grinned. “I’m more than impressed by the small glimpse I got of their work,” he chuckled.

It was just after twelve, and once again she marvelled that he seemed to know the city so well as he guided her through the streets to a restaurant on the river.


Cat found that the built-in wait cincher left her a little breathless as she walked beside Matteo trying to keep up with his long strides. She wished he hadn’t chosen a dress with such a low neckline, as her breasts seemed to take on a life of their own having little to no support from the corset as she breathed in short panting gasps.

“Ah, there they are,” Mateo said, lifting his hand in salute at Pete and a middle-aged woman who sat beside him looking calm and serene.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Pete said, standing to kiss Cat’s cheese and shake hands with Matteo. “We just arrived ourselves. This is Troia,” he introducedced the woman to them, who smiled softly and nodded her head.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” she said, holding out her hand to Matteo and then to Cat without attempting the usual air kisses on the chef that happened in greetings within the family, Cat noted. She looked at her curiously, taking note of the unusual accesses she wore and wondering if this was one of the staff Pete basically owned.

“You both look happy. I assume you have worked out the issues between you?” Pete chuckled.

“Apparently I should thank you and Bianca for that,” Matteo said with a smile. “A little understanding goes a long way, so I am grateful for your intervention.” He’d come to terms with the close relationship that had sprung up between Pete and Cat, and knew that, Although it wasn’t a competition, he had won the girl in the end and had no need to be threatened by it.

“You’re welcome, though I believe Bianca had more influence in your reconciliation than I did,” Pete admitted”I have to admit that, while I am glad to see you both are happy, I would not have minded the alternative,” he grinned. “I think teaching Cat about submission could have been a very pleasant experience.”


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