The Trunk Ch. 03

Mike didn’t need to be a genius to know that the girls had found the trunk. Stopping in the doorway to consider a few glaring facts, Mike looked around the room. The chair was out of place, the scent of sex was in the air, and a paddle rested innocently on the couch. Combining this information with the brief view of Meredith’s shaped but reddened ass, Mike was forced to think quickly. Obviously the girls had found the treasure trove of sex toys that he and his wife enjoyed. He didn’t mind this fact as much as the awkward position that he was now in. What to do now? The pressure in his jeans told him that he was physically aware of the two nuclear and potentially kinky women just down the hall from him, but a little voice inside his head reminded him that one of those women was his niece. His wife’s sister’s daughter, to be precision. While he hadn’t seen her, he had seen her best friend, and bottoms didn’t usually turn that color by themselves. It took all of his will, but Mike slowlybacked out of the house and closed the door.

Mike had arrived home a few days early. As he drove into town for this unnecessary errand, Mike wondered what the girls were doing now. Certainly he had surprised them, but he did not want to create an even more disastrous situation by confronting them immediately, caught red handed as they were. During the twenty minutes that it took for Mike to visit the corner store, he continued to dwell on the prospects back at his home. Finally, he knew what he must do. “Peg?” he said into the phone, as he reached his wife who was still vacationing.

“Yes, dear. How was the trip back? I’m so sorry that you had to leave early for that business meeting.”

“Well, the trip was uneventful,” Mike replied. “Luckily the plane was pretty empty, so I was able to sleep most of the way back.”

“That’s great. You can be well rested for your presentation.”

“I’m not so sure about that, honey. The girls found it.”

The silence on the phone only lasted a few seconds, but Mike could feel the tension building as though a spring was being stretched. “And?” was the only word that came.

“Well, I left before confronting them, but from the looks of it, Susan had just given Meredith one hell of a spanking. I caught a peek of her running down the hall just as I walked in. And one of the paddles was out. I thought I would give them some time to regroup, so I just came up to the store for a little bit before speaking with them.”

“That was smart. Well I wish I could be there with you right now, but you’re a big boy. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle whatever comes up.”

Hanging up, Mike took a deep breath and walked out of the store, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

It seemed to Mike that Every stoplight was red on the road back to his house. Pulling into the driveway, he noted that both of the girls’ cars were no longer there. Opening the door, the scent of potpourri nearly overwhelmed him as heStepped into the front room. The room had been tidied, the paddle confidently no longer on the couch. Mike wandered through the empty house, noting that everything now appeared precisely as when he had left weeks before. Curiosity overwhelming him, he went to the bedroom closet and opened the trunk. All of the various devices and implements seemed in order, but a note had been carefully taped to the lid inside.

‘Uncle Mike,

We hope that we haven’t offended you by invading your privacy.’

That was all that it said. Offended? Mike was certainly a lot of things, but offended was not one of them. Enticed? Amused? Excited? Nervous? Not offended. Trying to push all of these thoughts from his mind, Mike set to the task that he had intended to begin an hour before. Preparing for the big meeting at work was especially difficult, considering the new thoughts bouncing around his mind, but after several hours, he felt ready to take on the world the next day.

Relaxing in front of the television, Mike thought he had finally gotten the girls out of his mind when the front door opened. The two girls walked in and demurely sat on the couch without saying a word. Mike wordlessly continued to watch the television, waiting for a commercial before he spoke. “Did you two enjoy the house?” He felt that it was an innocent enough question.

Taking the lead, Susan replied “Oh yes, Very much so. We just hope that…” her words trailed off.

Sensing her hesitation, Mike finished with “We weren’t offended,” then turned his attention back to the television.

“W-we? You told Aunt Peg?” The color drained from both girls’ faces. Peg had always been friendly and warm, and the thought of disappointing her was awful.

“Of course I told her. I don’t keep Secrets from her, and I felt that this would have been a pretty big secret. Are you planning on keeping any secrets from me?”

Watching the girls squirm during this humiliating conversation, Mike was beginning to relax and enjoy his position a bit more. It was Meredith who replied, “No, we don’t want to keep any secrets from you. We were just worried that you would be upset with us.”

“Well ‘upset’ isn’t exactly the right word. The question now, is ‘what now?’”

“We both feel like we’ve opened a new door,” Susan answered for Meredith. “We took a peek inside and want to see more. We’ve talked about it, and are hoping that you are willing to help us.”

Considering for a moment, Mike carefully spoke, “then perhaps you should close the draws and we can get more comfortable.”

Smiling, Susan stood and crossed the room. Feeling that she was about to take a leap into the unknown, Susan pulled the cord closing the view to the outside world. She glanced at Mike sitting comfortably in the chair, and know that it would be up to her to break the ice. Gazing cooly at Meredith, she said one word. “Strip.”

A shiver went through Meredith when she heard the word. These receiptnt experiences had shown her that she needed to please her friend, but this was a new boundary. A scarce two weeks ago, she would have never considered such a humiliating show, but Meredith now stood up as if in a trace. Staring straight ahead, she pulled her sweater over her head, exposing her bountiful breasts to a very interested Mike. Quickly after, the bra, slacks and panties followed the sweater into a pile on the floor. It wasn’t much of a strip tease. More akin to the way one undresses for a doctor’s visit, the end result was nevertheless the same. Blushing furioiusly, Meredith turned to present herself to Mike’s inspection.

Mike stood and drank Meredith’s appearance in. Athletic and toned, her youthful body was flush with excitement. Some part of her was obviously very much enjoying this display, as her hard nipples betrayed her arousal. Mike had always secretly fantasized about seeing Meredith this way, and was surprised to find that her breasts were even larger than he had previously thought. She had obviously done an excellent job of shyly concealing her charms in the past. Walking behind her, Mike noted that despite the reddened condition that he had seen it in that morning, Meredith’s ass had not bruised.

While watching Mike’s inspection of Meredith, Susan took a deep breath and undressed herself as well. Her slightly smaller breasts stood at attention as soon as the cool air hit them. “You should introduce yourself a little better than that, Meredith” Susan spoke.

Looking briefly at her friend, Meredith dropped to her knees in front of Mike and began to unzip his jeans. As soon as the zipper had moved, Meredith gasped as Mike’s cock sprang free. While she had seen larger ones in pornos, she had never personally been in the presence of such a piece of meat. She guessed that Mike was packing at least eight or nine inches, thick and beautiful. Taking a moment to notice Susan’s equally started face, Meredith turned her attention back to the cock that was now in her face. She opened her mouth and poked her tongue out to tease the bulbous end.

Squirming out of his clothes, Mike allowed Meredith to continue her exploration of his member. He now looked over at Susan, seeing her for the first time in the nude. Still harboring reservations about the family ties, Mike’s attention was quickly diverted back to Meredith and her wonderful mouth. Although she had obviously never handled a cock like his, Meredith’s enthusiasm to her task was having a pleasant effect on Mike. “I think that was a nice introduction, my little cocksucker,” Mike sneered as he pulled away from Meredith. Turning to Susan, “should we make her uncomfortable?” Mike turned and gestured for the women to follow him to the bedroom, and the trunk.

Pulling a few items out, Mike motioned to Meredith and held the hood that she had just discovered so recently. Susan smiled and took the hood. “This one we know all about,” she cooed as she helped Meredit into it.

Satisfied that she couldn’t see, Mike then held out what looked to be a leather sleepe. “Pull her arms behind her,” he instructed as he moved around the room. Cooperating with Mike’s instructions, Susan helped as the leather sleepe soon bound Meredith’s arms tightly behind her, thrusting her bountiful bosom even further forward.

“So pretty,” Susan mumbled as she admired Meredith’s exaggerated chest. Susan leaned forward and took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking and pulling back, Susan elicited a gasp from Meredith as she cracked into a smile, Meredith’s sensitive nub caught between Susan’s teeth. Biting a little harder, Susan pulled further away from Meredith’s body, stretching the breast until she let it drop. Meredith gasped as Susan chuckled and repeated the performance on the other breast.

Still digging in the trunk, Mike brought forth a few more items and said “let’s take her downstairs.”

Intrigued, Susan guided the some helpless Meredith down the hall to the basement stairs. Carefully, she helped the blindfolded Susan navigate the stairs and into the open room where she found a large gym mat. Several chairs and benches were scattered throughout, although none looked particularly intriguing. Mike was in the exact middle, fiddling with something coming out of the ceiling. After a moment, he revealed what had been a carefully hidden rope and pulley system. Instinctively, Susan pushed Meredith forward until she was standing just below the contraction.

It only took a few more moments before Meredith was now bound helpfully in the center of the room. Her arms were still pinned behind her back, but Mike had now attached the rope from the ceiling and she was now held effectively in the same place. Her legs were spread apart with cuffs attached to her ankles. Ropes that spanned from her legs to the sides of the room now turned Meredith’s sensitive lower half into a wide open canvas. Checking her bonds one final time, Mikegave Meredith’s ass an appreciated slap before he concluded aloud that she wasn’t going anywhere.

Still intrigued by the way the armbinders pushed her already ample breasts forward, Susan advanced on the now helpless Meredith. Well, thought Susan, these breasts that had always gained Merdith extra attention in the past were about to do the same thing again. She glanced around the room and now saw a smile Mike.

“Perhaps you could place these in some interesting areas,” he offered, giving Susan a handful of wooden clothespins. Understanding, Susan sidled up next to a lightly quivering Meredith and started to coo into her ear.

“Oh baby, you’re so hot like this,” her empty hand tracing circles around Meredith’s quivering belly. “You’ve got me going already,” was the next tease, as she slide her already damp pussy up and down Meredith’s outstretched leg. “I want to make you feel good, baby, but first you have to do something for me,” this last sentence was puncuated with a clothespin fastened firmly onto Meredith’s left nipple. Meredith let a slight moan escape her lips as Susan once again continued her banter. “You see, honey, it makes me hot to see you quiver,” a second clothespin went on the same breast, this time a few inches away from the nipple. “And these seem to be having just that effect!” Meredith shuddered as the third clothespin found her other nipple. “And we’ve got to show Uncle Mike here all that we’ve learned,” as the fourth clothespin found a similar spot on the second breast. “You should see that beautiful cock of his now, Meredith… he’s stroking it for you.” This last statement was indeed fact, as Mike had sat in front of the two to watch the show. Susan continued her taunts, each time adding clothespins down her torso in a V shape until at the very last, she attached the bottom one directly on Meredith’s clip.

Mike had an inspiration and stood to get a ball of yarn. Susan, meanwhile, continued to whisper delicious teases and taunts into Meredith’s ear, all the while touching the painful little clamps and occasionally dipping a finger into Meredith’s boiling pussy. Seeing Mike coming back to Meredith’s front, Susan slide around to the back and began to gently nestle her nose between her friend’s ass cheeks.

Thoroughly enjoying himself, Mike began to thread the yarn through the circular springs on the clothespins, making a loop Around each one. Between the sensings of each clothingspin being individually manipulated, and Susan’s delightful ministers, Meredith began to feel her body truly start the arduous climb of that mountain of pleasure that she knew would come. Sensing that Mike had completed his work, Susan moved to the front to see the result.

Meredith was a quivering vision. Secure in her bondage with her breasts thrust forward, the clothespins that had formed a V-like constellation on her body were now joined by one string. After feeling someone reaching out and tugging on the stringg, Meredith’s body jerked as she realized that all of the clothespins had moved at once. Her arms had begun to ache, but the playful tugs of the clamps biting into her flesh kept bringing her consciousness back most immediately to her clip and nipples. Her mouth dry, she began to beg, “oh my God, please. It’s too much, I can’t take this, please…” the words seemed to spill from her as both pairs of hands now were all over her body. Someone was massaging her shoulders. Someone was licking a nipple. Someone pulled the string. Someone drove a finger, or was it two, into her soaking pussy. Someone kissed her. Something vibrating touched her, alternative between being pushed into her gaping tunnel and touching the clothespins.

Having now had several minor shuddering orgasms that paved the way towards what she knew was going to be an enormous one, Meredith now feel the ropes that frozen her in an upright position being removed. She felt the cursed sleep that had captured her arms beingloosened and discarded. She felt herself being placed onto her back on the mat. Unfortunately, she also still feel the clothespins carving themselves into her ravaged flesh. And then she felt it. She truly felt it. Her legs were pushed up and apart. The massive member of Uncle Mike had finally made contact with her boiling pussy. Giving out a gasp, she felt her skin stretch as the cock pushed its way into her. As excited as she was, he actually slid into her comparatively easily. Still pushing into her, it seemed to take forever before the entire thing was inside her, his pelvis pushing against the clamp that continued to squeeze her clip alertly. He allowed her a moment to adjust to this new invasion against her tattered body. Just as she began to get used to the size, he pulled back all the way out again, leaving her shockingly empty.

“No!” she wailed as he backed out. “Please fuck me, please…” she begged and was rewarded by the feeling of his giant cock once again assaulting her. As he found her depth for the second time, Meredith now became aware of Susan’s body setting down onto hers in a semi 69 position. Thankfully, Susan kept her weight on her hands and knees, as opposed to setting down and crushing the clothespins even more painfully into Meredith’s quaking body. Susan did not touch Meredith with her mouth, instead delighting in the close view of Mike’s cock ravaging her best friend. She did, however, back her own boiling pussy down into Meredith’s face. Meredith immediately and instinctively began to lap at Susan’s tender folders. The group continued this odd coupling for several more minutes, each quickly approaching their own individual climaxes. Susan began to twitch first, the look and the feel of her friend overwhelming her quickly. Closing her mind briefly to the bliss, she knew now what she needed to do to push her friend over the edge.

Sitting up, her pussy still mashed against Meredith’s face, Susan reached down and in each handgrabbed a bit of the string in the middle of each leg of the V. Looking at Mike and knowing that he also was close, Susan gave a short but suddenly pull upward. Meredith’s body locked suddenly tight in ago and she screamed into Susan’s pussy as the middle two clothespins were ripped from her. Seeing this, Mike began to pound his cock even harder as Susan once again pulled. Four more clothespins quickly were pulled from her body, each time causing massive shudders and muted howls of age. Finally only three remained. The three that stood on those sensitive focal points of Meredith’s body. The three on each end of the V. One for each nipple, and one for the clip.

Sensing the inevitable, all Meredith could do was sob “no, no, no..” as she continued to ravenously devour Susan’s pussy. Susan sat back a little, enjoying once again the power she was having over her friend. She paused for a moment to admit the small red welts that were raising along Meredith’s beautiful skin. Looking at Mike, she demanded “make sure you give it to me!” as she leaned down once again towards his pistoning cock. And then she pulled. All three clamps snapped off simulatedly, pushing Susan deliciously over the edge that she had so slowly approached. She stopped breathing as the orgasm coursed through her. The warmth all over her body was amplified by the pain that was emanating from the new absence of the clothespins. Her pussy immediately clamped like a vice onto Mike’s relentless cock. Letting loose a yell, he pulled completely out of her and thrust forward into Susan’s waiting mouth. It only took a second there before the cum erupted from him. Mimicking the ecstacy that Meredith had just experienced, Mike felt as though all of his insides were spewing forth from his body and into Susan’s mouth. Forming a tight summary on his unit, Susan held her head completely still as he emptied the contents of his balls.

Collapsing to the side, Mike watched as Susan gave him a mischievoushalf-smile and slide down Meredith’s quivering body. In amazement, he watched Susan gently open Meredith’s mouth and position her own mouth several inches directly above. And then the second birthday of his cum began, as it slide out of her mouth and into Meredith’s. Surprised at first but willing, Meredith began to take the load into her own mouth until Susan leaned down, sealing the cum with a very deep kiss.

Wiping the sweat from his browser, Mike mumbled to nobody in particular, “Peg’s going to love you two!”


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