“Oh my goodness!” She’d said it out loud before she had even realized that her mouth was open. Meredith gazed into the open trunk for a moment with an astonished look on her face and anxiously attempted to close it before Susan came into the room. Susan had been Meredith’s best friend since high school, but what she had seen was simply too embarrassing to think about.
Susan had been asked by her aunt and uncle to see if she would mind house-sitting for them while they took their annual mid-winter vacation to Florida. The house wasn’t overly large, but compared to her small apartment across town, it was quite spacious. With the threat of a minor snowstorm, Susan had thought that it might be fun to have Meredith come over, watch some movies, drink some wine, and gossip about old friends. It was winding down to the end of the evening, and Meredith had excused herself for a moment to look for a blanket from her bedroom. When Susan heard her friend gasp , she hurried down the hallto see what had been the matter.
When Susan burst into the room, she saw Meredith’s back to her as she fumbled with something in the closet. “What’s wrong,” she asked? Meredith turned to her with an embarrassed look on her face and started to mumble something about looking for a blanket. Susan noticed that just inside the closet was large trunk. Curious, she asked “were there blankets in that trunk?”
Meredith lied and told her that she had decided that she didn’t want one anymore, and stepped past Susan into the hallway. Deciding that she wanted a blanket for herself, Susan assumed that Meredith had indeed found the blankets there. Just as she was about to open it, she heard Meredith exclaim from the hall “no, don’t,” but it was too late. Susan had opened the trunk and revealed the secrets contained inside.
It was an old steamer trunk, much like one would find in an antique shop or a garage sale. Well weathered and scratched, it very much looked like a secure place for personal belongings. Much to Meredith’s and then Susan’s surprise, this particular trunk contained a wide association of what could only be described as adult toys. Giggling, Susan picked up a strange looking dildo and waved it at Meredith in the hall.
“Oh my goodness is right,” she exclaimed. “Who knew aunt and uncle were such freaks.. I mean, I’ve got one of these,” she stated as she held the dildo, “but what the hell is this for?” Susan dropped the dildo and picked up what looked to be a leather hood. It reminded Susan of the type of thing Batman from the comics might wear, except that there were no eyeholes.
Relaxing a little, Meredith came into the room to gaze into the trunk once again with her friend. “I swear I wasn’t snooping, but I thought that if I were a blanket, I’d want to be in that trunk!”
After exploring the contents for a bit, the girls found a rather wide association toys, most obviously intended for a much more daring version of sex than either girll had experienced. After laughing and poking around for a bit, they decided that it had gotten late and closed the trunk. Susan excused herself and went to the other bedroom for the evening.
After laying in bed wide awake for a while, Meredith couldn’t overcome her curiosity about the trunk. Satisfied that Susan must be sleep by now, Meredith turned on a small light, and crept over to the closet. Once again opening the lid, Meredith felt that she could take a closer look at the contents. The first item she pulled out was that mysterious hood she had seen earlier. It was a fairly light and flexible leather. It had a zipper in the back that went from bottom to top, leaving a small hole at the top for what she assumed could be a ponytail. Putting it to the side, she continued to rummage through the trunk, fumbling with various paddle Meredith turned on a sm.
“Do you want to wear it for a while,” came the slightly muffled question. Meredith and Susan had been very close friends for years, but aside from the occasional kiss in the bars to tease the boys, they had never experimented with each other. Meredith hesitated, and then very slightly, almost imperceptibly, she nodded.
Feeling hands guiding her, Meredith stood up and allowed herself to be led back towards the bed. Without a word being said, Meredith lifted her arms as she felt her shirt being tugged upwards. A very slight chill swept through her body as the air touched her suddenly stiffening nipples. Blessed by genetics, Meredith had inherited quite large breasts from her grandmother. Although she knew that Susan had seen them many times before, Meredith suddenly felt extremely self consciousness about them. Briefly thinking about pulling the hood off and stopping everything, Meredith then felt her hands being pushed together.
What must have been rope started to circle her wrists, wrapping many times around them, binding them together. Susan hadn’t been too rough, or tied them too tightly, butAfter testing the bonds, Meredith decided that she was definitely stuck. Feeling the hands push her back onto the bed, Meredith scooted back, her head on the pillow. Moments later, Susan had apparently fastened the other end of the rope to the headboard, as Meredith found that her hands could move only a few inches from side to side. In another moment, Susan had pulled off Meredith’s shorts. She hadn’t been wearing any panties.
Once again self consciousness, Meredith clamped her legs together. The hood, as Meredith was learning, not only completely obscured her vision, but made it difficult for her to hear anything. She felt the bed shift as though Susan had gotten up, but then nothing else. Though it must have only been a few minutes, Meredith felt as though she had waited an eternity before the bed shifted with Susan’s weight again. Meredith felt Susan’s hands on her ankle, attaching what felt like a hard leather cuff to it. Meredith had allowed Susan to spread her legs a bit as she completed the task on this first ankle. After feeling her other leg pulled even farther away from the first one, Meredith then felt a similar cuff going onto the other ankle. Again the weight moved off of the bed. Modesty again overcoming her, Meredith attempted to clamp her legs back together, but found that she could not. It felt as if there was some sort of bar attached to the two cuffs, keeping her ankles about three feet apart. Now Meredith felt truly vulnerable, exposed.
The weight on the bed returned, but this time to her side, and she feel herself being rolled over onto her stomach. Face down, arms above her and legs held open, Meredith then felt something being pushed under her hips. A pillow, perhaps? And then another one, pushing her ass slightly up and into the air. And then the hands came.
They were slippery, maybe she had covered them in oil? But they started to move all over her body. From her shoulders to her feet, the hands rubbed her everywhere. Kneadingg, pushing, probing. Occasionally she would feel more oil being added until she felt that she must be positively slippery. But in heaven, yes in heaven. The massage was through and eventually began to concentrate closer and closer to her ass. Squirming in pleasure, Meredith was continuously reminded of her inability to resist as she pushed against her bonds. She was quite sure that her pussy was soaked, but hoped that the massage oil might conceal this embarrassing fact.
As the hands started to concentrate only on her backside, Meredith felt a finger dip ever so slightly into her pussy. Judging by the ease that it moved in and out of her, Meredith flushed with the thought at how wet she must be down there. Once again she started to pull with her arms, but settled down as the hands disappeared. The weight left the bed again for what seemed an eternity. When the weight returned again beside her, she immediately felt the hands go to her upturned bottom. They began to massage her, and to her horror, began to occasionally touch the rosebud nestled between her cheeks. Only once before had she been touched there. It had been on a drunk date with an old boyfriend. After allowing herself to be talked into it, she had experienced her one and only foray into anal sex. He was rough, but thankfully quick. She had never allowed him to try again. But now the fingers were teasing. Slippery. Gentle. Sliding. Tickling. Inside.
Surprised at how relaxed she was, Meredith began to enjoy the new sensings that she was feeling. The hands were everywhere on her bottom. Or more precisely, one hand was everywhere on her bottom. The other, having gained a finger inside her, continued to move inside her passage. Sliding gently in and out, twisting from side to side, the finger never stopped moving. The other hand slid all around her bottom, occasionally dipping down between her legs to tease what now feel to be her sopping wet pussy. Before she knew it, another finger slid intoHer bum effortlessly. Hypnotized by the flurry of feelings, Meredith was taken by surprise when she felt something hard began to press against her asshole. Relaxed as she was, it started to push into her easily. Obviously well lubricated, it continued to slide in slowly, but the further it went, the more difficult it got. It felt as though it must have a cone shape, getting wider and wider the further Susan pushed. Meredith started to panic, struggling against her bonds as the pain in her ass increased. Just as she was starting to protest, she felt Susan’s weight lay down next to her and her breath on her cheek again. “You can take it, baby, you’re turning me on so much!” were the words of encouragement that Susan offered. It was enough. With a last gasp and feeling that her ass was going to be completely torn apart, Meredith felt the thing Suddenly shift forward into her, but it got much narrower until it stopped, another large part keeping it from going completely into her.
MerEdit had never felt so full. So vulnerable. So dirty. So horny. She began to try to squirm against the thing in her bottom, but it would not move. She felt Susan get up again and move off of the bed. After a moment, the pillows were pulled out from under her hips, and Susan was rolling her over onto her back again. When her bottom hit the mattress, the plug in her bum moved a bit, sending a surge of sensing through Meredith’s body. And then Susan was gone again. Rummaging through the trunk, Meredith thought, terrified yet intrigued by what could possibly be next. The weight returned, this time at the foot of the bed, between Meredith’s legs. And then breath on her ankles. Up her calves. Past her knees. Up her thighs. And then it stopped between them Highly sensitive, Meredith could feel the warm breath against her most sensitive skin. Then she felt the tongue. It was almost timing, but began to lightly touch her. First her lips. Then her clip. Then outside again. The tongue never totally penetrated her, but continued to lightly dance around everywhere, flitting about like a hummingbird.
Moaning with desire and feeling a burn starting to build from deep inside her, Meredith ground her hips, attempting to guess where the tongue might be next. She needed more, she needed to feel it inside her. She craved it’s attention. These feelings building, Meredith let out an exasperated moan as she Suddenly felt Susan’s weight get off the bed. And then the weight was back, but next to her. She felt skin on skin as the weight continued to shift around her head. Then she felt what must be knees beside her head. Knowing what position her friend must be in, Meredith strained her neck forward, desiring with all her heart to try to return some of the pleasure that she had been feeling. Just then, she felt the hands again, but This time on her left breast. They began to massage both of her breasts roughly. Kneading the heavy flesh as though they were rolls of dough, the hands moved freely from breast to breast. And then one of the hands was gone, as the other began to roll a nipple between the fingers. The delicious fingers continued their sweet rolling torture of this same nipple, as Meredith felt a heat approaching her face. Lifting her head slightly again, she pushed her face against Susan’s drenched pussy. Instantly and joyously, Meredith began to abnormally tongue her friend. All of her helpless pent-up energy had been focused to this one outlet: her mouth. Susan began to grind her hips roughly against the face, smearing her wetness all over Meredith’s face.
It feel like a bite at first. Meredith felt a sudden slight but shooting pain in her right nipple. Still trying to maintain her concentration on the pussy in her face, Meredith could only guess that Susan had applied some type of clamp to her nipple. It was a dull pain. And one that was repeated moments later on the other nipple. Susan continued to grind her pussy against Meredith’s face, feeling her buck as she began to apply the clothespins to Meredith’s wonderful breasts. At first there was one for the tip of each nipple. And then four more on each breast, ringing the nipple. Pleased with the symmetry of the bouncing clothespins, she amused herself with the ripples that went through Meredith’s body each time she flicked one of the little clamps.
Meredith was in ecstasy. She could not explain how or why, but no matter what torque Susan inflicted upon her, she only became more excited. Never stopping with her duties to her friend’s gushing pussy, Meredith feel her own pleasure mounting dramatically as Susan varied between pulling at the clamps and twisting the plug in her ass. If she would only touch her pussy! She needed that push. She had to have that last little bit of help to fly over the edge into what must be a bottomless well of desire. Somehow, through the hood, she thought she actually heard it before she felt it. “Snap!” And then the flash of white hot pain exploded from between Meredith’s legs and racked her entire body. Attempting to focus on her own tongue, she felt the impact again. It feel like a hundred legsery tentacles had slapped her directly on her sopping pussy. Meredith tried to squirm her hips away, but only managed to push the plug more against her bottom as Susan’s little toy continued to painfully lick Meredith’s desperate pussy.
And then it happened. All of the feelings collided. Her blinded eyes. Her deafened ears. Her helpless arms. Her opened legs. The large invader in her ass. The nasty bites on her breasts. The painful licks of her pussy. And the sweet taste that was being ground into her face. Meredith exploded into orgasm. It had been building for quite some time, and then as if it were an artificial crescendo, the waves began to hit her. Crying out into her friend’s pussy, Meredith felt her body being racked by the waves of pleasure. As if spurred by her actions, Meredith rarely felt Susan’s body buck andjerk on top of her, mashing the pussy against Susan’s face even harder. The waves keep coming for what seemed an eternity, Susan unrelenting in her attacks upon Meredith; Meredith unable to resist the password that was enveloping her.
Slowly, and exhaustedly, Susan rolled off of Meredith’s helpless and defeated body. Delicately, she began to remove all of the instruments of torture that she had used. She gazed as Meredith turned with the removal of each clothingspin. Nibbled a shoulder as she groaned when the plug finally surrendered Meredith’s ass back to her. Released the cuffs and rope, then finally helped Meredith pull the hood over her head.
With a slight smile in her eye, Susan stroked Meredith’s exhausted cheeses and twirled her sweaty hair. Meredith looked back up to her and said, “let’s get some sleep, you’re going to need it for when I look in that trunk tomorrow!”
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