It took Susan a few minutes, just standing there looking at cum soaked Paul, before she realized she was staring. He never looked up to meet her eyes. His eyes stayed towards the ground and his legs stayed open. Suddenly drained, she sat on the couch. Her adrenaline leaving her rapidly. Though, there was enough of that controlling buzz to realize she wanted some time alone. Looking at Paul, still sitting there, legs open cock on show. Her cum and squirted piss covering him. In some sort of automatic pilot, she heard her words as though coming from another.
“Go get shown!”
Paul, his eyes never meeting Susan’s, got up of the floor and left the living room. Susan breathed a long slow sight as the privacy allowed her to catch her breath. Her mind whizzed through the afternoon. The weird messages from some stranger about Paul. The weird videos of seeing Paul fucked by a huge heavy built older man. Then Paul admitting it. All during it she felt growing shock, anger, fury even, until she felt it. She was aroused by it all. She knew some of her fansies were dark. Things, like wanting to see men raped, she had never admitted to anyone far less accepted herself. She felt something was wrong with her.
The few dates she had been on with Paul left her frustrated. Masturbating afterwards thinking how annoyed she was that he did not make the first move. Then cumming, to the Though of telling him to stop being so pathetic and slapping him for being so weak. Somehow seeing Paul fucked, hearing him sob and cry in the video, broke through all her normal self-control. Driving to his house not quite sure what she was going to say or do. She felt confident anger that he had to pay for being such a lier. Then, when she entered, and saw him ejaculating as he wanked himself. Threw her into a state she had never been in. Using him, unzipping herself, feeling his tongue on her — cutting his face with her zip as she thrust against his mouth. All happened as though someone else had taken over her body.
The sound of the shower running brought her back to the here and now. Paul was in the shower. Naked, her mind highlighted, because she had told him to get in the shower. He had been fucked this afternoon by a guy. Then had his face and mouth used by her. It was a strange place to be — laughing to herself. Getting up and heading upstairs to the shower — again not thinking what she I wanted to say to Paul but somehow it felt right that she sees him naked. She was no longer in such an aroused state — but she wanted to see him naked with her fully dressed. Opening the door to the shower room he looked up and almost automatically turned away. It was too late she had seen it again — he was erect and playing with himself in the shower.
“Show me.” Susan said firmly, but calmly, so he turned to face her. Sure enough, he could not look her in the eye again as his cock stood firmly for her eyes to see.
“Turn off the shower and close your eyes.”
Paul compiled. Turning off the shower and standing facing Susan. His cock, if possible, was more erect now that she had him close his eyes. She realized she had just stood on his cock, when she used his face, but wanted to see it again without him looking at her. Hie eyes closed she stepped closer to stare at Paul’s cock and balls. He was bruised already. A small pang of guilt crossed her mind. She must really have hurt him when she stood on his cock and balls as she pushed herself onto his tongue.
“Don’t open your eyes or else!” A little more forcedly than she means. Perhaps even with a little hint of threat and cruelty. Maybe that was why he nodded so quickly. Maybe that was why she saw the skin at the end of his cock pull back a little further exposed his knob and a drop of pre-cum. He liked this. He really did. She repeated the instruction as she touched his erection. He obeyed but the gasp from him told him how intense this was for him. His eyes stayed closed as she moved his cock to the left to see the full extent of the bruising on his balls — it was already a little purple. She touched his bruised balls very gently. The gasp, the tension from him, confirming that it was very painful. It also, much to her surprise, seemed to encourage the pre-cum from him as drops started to fall onto her hand as she cupped his balls.
His eyes stayed closed as she cupped him and stared at him. Looking at the bruising, touching him gently again on the bruise, seeing his stomach and legs tense. It was intense for her. He was doing exactly what she asked. Looking up again she saw the look of appreciation, maybe fear. She realized she was holding her breath. She was intoxicated. Aroused again. A potential boyfriend, a few dates, and some frustrated masturbations until just now. Now — she had him in her hand, literally. It felt powerful. His pre-cum continued to drip onto her hand. His erection scanning against its own skin. Appearing to get harder andharder as she held his balls.
“Will he fuck you again?” She asked about Mark, the older man, as she held Paul’s balls. He replied that he did not know but he expected it to happen. The following-on question, the thought, was on her lips before she realized, she wanted to watch. She wanted to see him fucked — not just on the video that she had been sent.
“Can I watch you get fucked by him?” If his pre-cum was dropping before it was essentially oozing from the little lips at the end of his cock onto her hand. She continued to cup, touch, his balls as he confirmed that he did not know if he had a choice in that. That, maybe he would have to ask Mark, if it was OK. Somehow the sense that it was not her choice — that he might not be “hers” made her anger rise back again. Closing her hand a little tighter Around his bruised balls he quickly confirmed that he would ask. That if she wanted to, he would do anything for her. His eyes stayed close– the pain he was in appeared to be real as his whole body tensed around her hand. His balls were indeed painful. His desire to do what pleased her also sounded authentic. She let go of his balls.
He stood eyes still closed. Standing in his bath his erection still dripping precum. She felt the power she had over him. If she had known the words, she would have described herself in a very primary state. She felt like she owned him. She wanted fucked. She did not like that another had a tie over him. She wanted fucked. It was growing in her. She needed fucked now. Would it be wrong she wondered. Would it means she lost this power if he fucked her. It was always the guy that penetrated. It was always men who fucked women. She suddenly realized she did not like that he had that power over her. That he “owned” the cock and not her. She wanted the power over him. Her mind bounced around different dark corners of her mind as she realized, he had been fucked like a girl. That he had taken it like a girl. His cock continued to drip precum as he stood silently for her eyes to enjoy. Her mind settled on a course of action almost before she realized what that course of action was.
“Turn around and bend over!” Her tone giving away some darker intensity that she had shown so far. Paul found his eyes fluttering open to catch the expression on her face. Only for a split second. It was enough to tell him to obey. He turned. Awkwardly bending over putting his arms on the windowsill beside the bath to keep his balance on the slippy surface.
She looked at him bent over. Bare bottomed and the video she had watched played in her mind. He had lain like that, face down, naked. As he was filmed and fucked by Mark. She had watched another man’s cock go in his arse. She had heard him cry on video as he was fucked. The adrenaline was back, the anger at Mark “owning” Paul’s cock and not her was intense. Her hand stoked his bottom as though telling Paul what she was going to do. She ran her middle finger down betweenhis cheeks — Paul tensed. Her finger against his anus now she started to push. The shower had removed any natural lubricant, and she felt his arsehole resistance. Her finger was not going in — but she kept pushing harder and harder. Paul, as though knowing better than to say anything, tried to stand still even with the pain. Only hours before he had been buggered again by a much larger man. Now this — he sobbed out loud. Susan stopped trying to force her finger inside him. Her anger getting the better of her. He had let a man inside him why not her fingers.
She so wanted fucked now. She could feel it. Her need was too intense. But she wanted him to know it was her that fucked him. She wanted to have him cry as she knew she wanted to cry when he fucked her. Her anger, maybe her lust, made her push her finger violently against Paul’s arsehole. Suddenly, Paul’s cry confirmed the pain, her finger was in all the way to her second knuckle. She could not help herself then. Her violence only triggered more, and she managed to push a second finger in. Now there was no doubt Paul was in extreme pain as she heard him sob as he had on the video she had seen. Two fingers deep inside him she paused. Her breathing fast and intensity. Paul, she noticed, was also breathing extremely fast. She was not sure his was from pleasure or from the pain. She moved her fingers inside him — only slightly. She knew her answer. The spasm started in his thighs — she watched the rippling — wondering if his legs were wobbling. Then she saw the tell tail signs of semen falling between his legs. He had come from her fingers. His hands still on the windowsill — he had ejaculated without having his cock touched.
She withdraw her finger. He stood bent slightly like she had told him too. Her arousal as intense as ever. His semen pooling around His feet on the bath as she stared at him from behind.
“How many times have you came today?” Was the simple enough question. Though even she noticed the coldness in her voice. Might she not get what she wanted now. Might she not get fucked now. Paul confirmed it had been five times — four in the last few hours — and she knew that men seldom came more than that. She was angry, frustrated, in need. Susan did not yet have the tools, or the emotional depth, to cope with her anger and arousal at the same time. Her anger winning so suddenly it shocked her.
“You prick! You should not have come again!” She picked it up before she thought what she as going to do with it. The toilet brush in her hand — the only thing she saw close to hand — against his bottom. If she could not be fucked now, then he had bloody well better pay for it.
Paul felt it against his bottom and he knew he could not cope with it. He started to beg. Pleading. Promising Susan Everything he could think of. She wanted it in him though — her anger winning — and Paul stood and let the brush enter him. The pain, the awkward shaped plastic, worse than her fingers. Worse than the cock from earlier that afternoon. He let out a yelp of pain. It was too much. The loudness of his cry made Susan stop — realising people would have heard that. She let the brush go — it was sufficiently inside Paul’s bottom that it hung there in mid-air.
She realized what she had done. She suddenly realized how violent she felt. She felt nauseous at her own behaviour. She stared at Paul’s naked bottom with the toilet brush sticking out of it and the small sobs he was making. He had not moved. His hands still rested on the windowsill.
“Sorry!” She blurry out. Pulling it out as harshly as she had pushed it in. He reacted with relief and muttered a quiet ‘thanks’. Standing, toilet brush in her hand, him still leaning onto the windowsill, naked, bottom looking sore to her eyes Now, she had generally hurt him. Yet, though she felt bad for hurting him, she realized her arousal had not gone away.
“Do you think you can get hard again?” Paul confirmed that he would try if it was what she wanted. He did not turn around yet and spoke to the wall of the bathroom.
“Paul I will be on your bed — face down. I do not want to see you as you fuck me. Do you think you could fuck me now?” He confirmed, again to the wall, that he would try his best. She turned and left the bathroom. Her arousal, not her anger, driving her to strip quickly as she entered his bedroom. In a strange way the unmade bed, the fact that Paul had been fucked on this bed earlier, seemed to grow her arousal. It felt strangely sleazy but also very fair — that she now gets fucked on the day that she had seen him get fucked on video. Laying down — seeing the stains from the earlier fucking she lay straight on top of the stains.
Naked, the fresh air on her bottom, she wondered if he could get hard once more to fuck her. She wondered what he would do without her telling him what to do. She heard him enter the room. He was seeing her naked for the first time now. Her arousal was extreme. She eased a hand between the bed and her cunt and started to masturbate — she just needed to cum now. She felt him knee on the bed behind her. She did not care what he did — she really did not. Susan’s fingerers were working hard to soothe her arousal. Then she felt him nudge her just a little — he was kneeing between her legs. She felt it then. She felt it. Fuck she almost came. He was hard — somehow it was easy. She pushed back and he was inside her.
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