Chapter 3: The Breaking
Troop Master Lance turned to his slave Steve patting him on the head as he spoke, “You did good my pet and I am glad you got to enjoy him, but I need your other skills now. You know what to do.”
“Yes Master,” Sissy Steve replied as he left the basement gym.
“Jin, I need to make the other preparations, can you administrator an appropriate Punishment for me while I am busy and then set him up for a longer stay?”
Laying naked and cuffed to the benchmark Luke observed that while Lance gave Steve orders that were promptly obeyed, he asked Jin to help him as a favor followed by a deep kiss. Jin of course agreed, happy to help his man Lance and left to get supplies.
Alone Luke laid his head back questioning all that just happened. Why was he helpless, dripping cum and sweat? Was this really happening? Could he do anything to stop it? Most disturbingly to his ego and his vision of himself, was he enjoying it?
Luke no longer attempted to escape the steel cuffs, accepting it was futile. Near an hour later Jin came back dragging in a cooler and with a heavy military style duffel bag on his back. Luke recognized the cooler from his garage and realized these boys must be searching and raising his house, helping themselves. Luke did not recognize the duffel bag, which only made him more nervous.
When Jin dropped the duffle onto the rubber exercise matt it made a heavy thud and click which increased Luke’s sense of dread. Closing the door Jin pulled a power drill out of the bag and Luke blanked white his mind going to the darkest of places. Jin paused looking right at him before he broke out in a wide smile, erupted into a loud almost friendly laugh shaking his head, then he pulled out the security camera.
Still laughing Jin went to the far corner of the room mounting it high on the wall with the drill. Once he realized the drill was not for torture Luke calmed down a little. Luke even recognized the camera, it was one of his own, clearly removed from another room, the boys must have full access to his security system by now. Jin turned “We are not monsters. But don’t get too comfortable I do still need to punish you and you will not enjoy that, but first I need to get set up.”
Jin proceeded to pull two jugs of water out of the cooler and set them on the wall opposite from the camera but still in its view. He then placed a large bucket in the same area for other needs. Lastly, he came back to the duffel bag, pulling out a thick leather collar connected to a heavy chain with a steel ring. “Don’t make this difficult or I will punish you twice as hard.”
leaning down he strapped the collar onto Luke’s neck. Luke’s fading sense of independence wanted to thrash and fight but he knew it would be futile, so he Stayed docile as Jin secured the collar to his neck. Luke knew his freedom was gone when he heard the click of the padlock. The other end of the chain was pulled to the corner with the food and water, looped around a steel weight rack that was bolted to the floor and secured with another large padlock.
Luke knew that by choosing not to fight, in that moment, however futile it would have been, was the beginning of his true submission. Even as he feared this small step into submission, Luke surprised himself by questioning if it was really a bad thing?
Jin interrupted his thoughts, “Now I am going to uncuff your hands and until your legs. You can try and fight me if you wish but first think this over. One, I am a trained MMA fighter half your age. Yea I don’t quite have your bulk, but I could almost certainly make you tap out.” Jin began untying the ropes on Luke’s feet as he continued.
“And two, even if you did manage to knock me out what would you do? You are naked, unarmed and cannot go more than ten feet with that chain on your neck. My boyfriend is watching on the camera with his stun gun at the ready. You need to accept this is happening or it only gets worse from here, now will you behave?”
Luke wanted to fight, he wanted to scream, but instead he nodded his commitment to behave. Jin uncuffed Luke and led him to the corner where the other end of the chain was connected. Pushing him back up against the industrial style weight rack, Jin grabbed his arms and re-cuffed them behind his back interwoven with the steel rack so Luke could not raise his arms or walk forward.
For the first time Luke regretted having only the best equipment installed. The weight rack was heavy duty steel and he had insisted it be bolted in place when the gym was designed. He knew better than anyone just how solid it was. Jin interrupted his thoughts again, “You have been cooperative, and I appreciate that, but Lance wants you paid, I have decided to use you as my human punching bag.”
Leaving only a few seconds for the words to sink in Jin got into a fighting Stance paused and then took three fast jabs to Luke’s abdominal section. Luke barely had time to flex and prepare, he managed to do it just in time. Jin nodded in appreciation of Luke’s muscle mass and physical resilience. “Good you can take a hit and I need a workout. I did not tie your legs so feel free to kick or try and block with your legs if you wish I could use the practice.”
Luke thought this was a trap and kept his feet planted in a widestance. By instinct he wanted to bring his fists up, but the handscuffs prevented that. Jin unleased another longer slower combination of hard hitting cross and straight hand strikes moving up and down Luke’s torso. Jin kept struggling randomly and in an irregular pattern so Luke would not know where or when the next one would hit, moving around the abdominals and chest.
Luke was in intense pain; he could already tell there would be bruises and wanted to make it stop but did not know how. After a pause to drink some water Jin was ready to go again, going for speed this time he did a rapid series of jabsAll centered on the same small spot at the center of Luke’s sixpack turning them bright red and purple. As Jin paused, stretched, and prepared for another wave Luke promised himself, he had to do something.
Jin got into a fighting Stance balancing on the balls of his feet, ready to throw a wide haymaker punch into Luke’s ribs but this time Luke raised his leg and blocked the blow with his knee. The force of the haymaker Almost knocked Luke to the ground before he stabilized. Jin’s grin widened, excited to have a challenge. Jin started a second haymaker making sure to telegraph his move and when Luke raised his leg to block again, Jin switched to a hammer fist and crashed it down on Luke’s quadricep.
Jin spent half an hour using Luke as his human punching bag before stopping. Jin was coated with sweat, and Luke’s skin was raw. The skin took on a red glow up and down his legs and torso, signs of bruises already showing.
“That was good.” Jin said aloud and then leaned inand whispered in Luke’s ear, “You liked that, I can see it in your eyes.” Their bodies being close and sweaty Jin let a hand slide down Luke’s reddening flesh and grabbed his cock. “You are getting hard in my grap. I don’t know if it’s the pain or being told what to do by someone authoritative, but I know you like this and I can guarantee you before the week is over you will be my boyfriend’s willing slave.”
Stepping back Jin could see Luke’s cock grow fully erect but ignored him. Luke watched as the strong Jin moved all the weight plates and dumbbells to the other side of the room, out of his reach on the chain. As he moved back and forth Luke could not help but admire Jin’s fine shape under the sweaty shorts.
“Ok you have food, water, and a bucket I am going to remove the handscuffs in a moment and then you will be alone until tomorrow, consider it a short sint in solidary while you think about your situation and maybe compose an apology. I have one last thing to do before I go but first any questions?”
Luke had hundreds of questions, but one came out first, “How long are you going to keep me?”
Jin Shook his head and replied, “My honey, or Master Lance as you should call him, will explain all that tomorrow. While I am gone, I expect you to be quiet, I do not want to gag you all day and overnight but if I hear a peep from this room I will not hesitate to come back and leave you hogtied and gagged until tomorrow. Do you doubt me?” Luke simply shook his head. He did not doubt that Jin would do just that.
“Good now don’t move, I don’t want to cut you by accident.” Jin pulled out a can of shaving cream and a razor. Luke was already hairless on his torso, arms, and legs but that was not enough for Master Lance. Jin sprayed it all over his public area and procceded to shake away every sign of hair from his crotch, balls, and ass. As Jin worked his creamy hands holding onto the cock to shake the shake Luke became erect again. Jin looked up athis eyes and asked him, “Do you want to have an orgasm?”
Luke did not want to admit it, but he did want one and he nodded. “Tell me you liked it. Admit to me you enjoy submitting to another’s will and I will give you one.” His cock throbbing Luke hesitated, Jin waited a moment and was about to finish shaving and clean up when Luke nodded. “Say it,” Jin commanded.
Taking a deep breath Luke whispered, “Ok yes, on some level I liked it but that does not make me his willing slave.”
Jin smiled, “You will see,” and started to stroke the cock. It was not long before Luke erupted all over his rubber exercise matts. Jin finished setting up, leaving Luke to clean his own cummy mess.
Jin made sure the chain was secure and the collar locked onto Luke’s neck before removing the cuffs. “Punished, naked, leashed, and hairless just like Lance wants you. See you tomorrow boy.” Being called boy by this kid made Luke bristle but he held his tongue and waited until he was alone. Assoon as Jin was gone, he tested the limits of the chain and collar but found that he was indeed trapped.
Anything that could have been used as a weapon or to break the chain was well out of reach. Checking the cooler, he saw a pitcher full of cold oatmeal and a mug, based on the slight banana flavor he guessed they mixed his protein shake into the oatmeal but otherwise left it a cold and tasteless gruel. It would not be pleasant to eat, but he would not starve.
Luke had no idea what the time was, he suspected it was early afternoon but with no sun in the basement, no clock, and no phone he was clueless. He tried doing pushups to clear his head, but the bruises hurt too much. Finally, he lay down on the cold rubber mat and slept, his first night a slave.
Chapter 4: The Acceptance.
The rest of the day and night was long and lonely, filled with short periods of sleep curled up on the floor interrupted by long periods of sitting and thinking. Luke’s mind started toWonder how long it had been. He was surprised to have lost track of time so fast. With the unknown lengths of interrupted sleep Luke was not sure if ten hours had past or twenty.
Luke happened to be awake when the door opened. Master Lance and Sissy Steve walked in revealing that it was the next day. Lance spoke first, “Good morning slave I thought it was time you learned the full situation. To recap You could have ended all this with a simple apology, then you could have ended it with an apology and accepting judgment from Steve, but you refused both times.”
Lance paused, “Now here is what is going to happen, we are taking over your life for a week. You will be my slave and at the end you will have another chance to apologize to Steve, if you do not apologize, we will re-evaluate again. Let me be clear this is happening you do not get a choice, what you can choose is whether you cooperate or not. Yesterday you threatened to have my friends, ‘tossed in jail for the rest ofYour lives’ and I told you more on that later, well it is now later, let me explain.”
Lance called forward Steve who was carrying a laptop adorned with stickers of pink anime kittens. He put it down with the top open facing Luke but outside of Luke’s reach. Lance continued “Steve may be my proud sissy and loyal slave but what matters here is that he is a highly talented hacker. Over the past day we have gone over your emails, banking, and security system footage. Let me show you something.”
Luke leaned in at the edge the chain’s reach and read an email from himself to his office manager Lisa telling her he was working on a potential new client and would out be out all week. Before he could protest that she would never believe that Steve scrolled up and he read the reply from Lisa telling him no problem she had things covered and even wishing him luck. He wanted to see a flaw, gap, or secret code in her reply, but he had to admit the reply sounded authentic.
Lance spoke up “You have a dedicated staff checking their emails on weekends, but as you can see no one will miss you. Now for the second part.” He pointed to the laptop again and Luke was watching the security footage of him grabbing and spanking Steve. Then in the next scene Steve was tied up naked to his bed looking scared. Luke never tied up Steve, but he knew the boys had plenty of time to stage any number of incriminating pictures and scenes around his house.
Seeing the reality settle in on Luke’s face, Lance spoke again, “Now to make sure you understand just how much trouble you are in look close at the time stamp.” Luke noticed the stamps had been manipulated to make it look like Steve was tied up on his bed only hours after being grabbed and spanked by Luke on video. But oddly the whole thing was dated back a week earlier then when the spanking happened.
“What you do not know is the day you meet Steve, when he jumped your fence, we were celebrating his eighteenth birthday.If law enforcement got a hold of that video, it is proof of you assaulting and kidnapping a minor. Add to that the more recent physical DNA evidence we ‘collected’ and well even with your considerable wealth and the best lawsers your life and reputation would be ruined.”
Lance paused watching Luke pale before continuing, “So like I said, it is you who is in trouble not us, and as you can see, I mean what I say.” The lesson ended with Lance also showing him they had access to his bank accounts and more incremental evidence, all stored in secure offsite cloud storage.
Before the shock wore off Luke was taken upstairs. Naked, with the leather collar and long heavy chain locked on his neck Lance took him to the front door, opened the deadbolt and dropped the chain. Taking a step back he commanded, “Kneel, kiss my feet and beg to be my slave for the week or walk out that door rite now and deal with the consequences.”
Luke knew they had him, child abuse was the one crime not even money could save him from. Luke was rich enough he could probably get away with murder with the right lawsers, but this would ruin him. An eternity passed as he stood there facing the door feeling the cool air conditioning blow on his naked body, no one spoke or rushed him.
Finally, with a heavy sight, he reached up and locked the deadbolt, turned around and fell to his knees. He paused again before bending down and kissing the boy’s feet, looking up at him “Please Master Lance let me be your slave for the week” and then he looked down humiliated and defeated.
Chapter 5: Leaning the Ropes
Lance removed the long chain and led Luke and the others to the main bedroom. Luke could see the boys had been busy during his solidary confinement. Next to the bed were two low steel cages with padding inside and a padded bench on top of each. They looked long enough for a person to crawl into and lay down, each with a padlock hanging off the latch ready to lock someone in.
The bed was updated too, it still had the expensive mattress and luxury sheets, but the traditional bedframe had been replaced with a heavy four posted steel frame including a strange looking footboard with three holes in it. Looking at the footboard’s two small holes on either side of the larger central hole Luke realized it was a modern-day pillory.
However, it was not just the bedframe that caught Luke’s attention, there were thick leather menacles attached to the four corners by heavy nylon straps. “Get on the bed slave.” Lance ordered. Luke crawled onto the bed face down and lay there submissively as the boys secured his limbs spread eagle.
Lance commanded Steve to knee next to the bed and watch with his hands crossed behind him. Master Lance and Jin stripped naked and climbed up onto the bed with Luke where They started to make out laying atop of Luke’s bound body. Lance was holding his boyfriend’s hair in a firm grapp and aggressively kissing him as both there cocks stood erect rubbing each other and Luke. As the intensity built, Jin grabbed a bottle of lube and slicked up Lances’ throbbing hairless twink cock.
On the floor, Steve was hard and panting watching Jin’s rippling muscles press on his naked master. Watching the slippery, shiny cocks rubbing and slapping the bare flesh of the three men he wanted to jump onto the bed but stayed kneeling as commanded. Sissy Steve bit his lips in frustration at being unable to even touch himself with hands crossed behind him.
Master Lance laid down next to Luke’s bound body. His hard slick cock press onto Luke’s impressively muscled torso as Lance put his mouth to Luke’s ear. Lance nibbled on the earliestbe possessively before whispering “Forty-eight hours ago you did not even know I existed and yet just now, at my command, you willingly crawled onto a bed and let me tie you down. I want you to think about that and what it means about you as I impale you to take full possession of your slave body.”
Lance got up and mounted Luke’s ass like he was riding a horse. His hard wet cock resting in Luke’s ass crack. “I will give you one chance Luke, if you can escape from those bonds in the next five minutes, I will destroy the evidence, free you, leave here, and you will never hear from us again.” Seeing his one chance to escape Luke pulled hard, he thrashed and yanked wanting to be free, to be himself again.
Lance rod him as he fought and pulled like a wild beast. Each jerk and flex drive Master Lance’s more base, animistic emotions. Feeling the muscled man thrash helpless under him made his cock throb in the ass crack. He drooled in anticipation of entering this beast.
When the time was up Luke slumped in his bonds defeated. Master Lance spoke in a soft whisper, “It is good for you to know just how helpless you are, to know we can do anything we want to you, to know your place slave.” The struggle over Lance thrust his lubed hard cock into Luke’s ass. All the teasy and play now over, Lance rode inside him long and hard. Pulling Jin into his arms, Lance kissed Jin roughly and passwordately as he fucked Luke with an equal animalistic intensity.
In Luke’s experience sex was something that happened fast and was over in minutes, but young Master Lance did not subscribe to that philosophy. Lance was euphoric on the sound his pelvis slapping Luke’s firm muscled ass with each aggressive thrust of his hips. Each push making his engorged cock sink deeper.
When Lance felt he was close to exploding he slowed his thrusts, pausing to spank Luke’s ass. Lance loved the feeling of Luke’s firm ass ass emrithing on his cock with each strike. Lance would continue spanking until the ass glowed bright red before starting to pump Luke again.
Repeating this process Lance managed to fuck Luke for near an hour before he gave into his carnal desires and shot Luke full of his warm twink master cum. Pulling out he positioned his boyfriend Jin into his place and asked him to keep the fuck going. Jin hard and ready pushed his thicker cock into Luke’s already cum filled hole. Jin did not last as long as Lance. Instead, he railed Luke in a faster nonstop, rabbit like manner before shooting. As he unloaded, Jin watched his cum mixed with Lance’s squirt out of Luke’s full ass.
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