5. Slave Service.
“That is so good, you amazing little she-slave!” Tir gasped, as he slowly pulled my mouth all the way off his deep throbbing cockstem. “Now, kiss my shake lightly again. I’ll be ready for your throat again soon!”
So far, I had brought the He-kelar to the broke four times, his cockhead pulsing deep in my throat as I squeezed my lips tight round the thickness of the root of his manhood and swallowed over and over, as he knelt on the wooden floor of the slave cart and leaned backwards, his long thick cock presented to me for worshiping. I compiled with his command, tracing the thick vein running the length of his cockstem deliciously with my tongue tip, then pressing my pursued lips softly against his throbbing shake, kissing his bone hard erection as lightly as I could, from between his balls all the way to his frenulum and back down again until, gripping my ponytail firmly, the He-kelar driver thrust his broad cockplum deep into my throat again with strong upward movements of his hips, warm saliva drooling down my chin as his cock piloted in and out of my wide open mouth, my tongue stud pressed against the smooth underside of his pumping shake.
Tir now loosened his grip on my hair and settled back so his buttocks rested on his heels. I understand by now what he expected of me, so I gripped the fronts of his heavily muscled thighs and began to work my head back and forwards, my lips gloving his cockshaft all the way to the base as his cockplum rubbed softly against the inside of my throat. The He-kelar grunted with delight and surprised as I gagged on the crown of his manhood as it plunged into my gullet, my head moving up and down as fast as I could manage, snorting through my nose as I squeezed my lips around his girl, his moans of satisfaction deepening my need to feel the mushroom-like cap of his erection gliding up and down my throat, caresing the little pleasure nexus at the joining of his shaft and the head of his cock with my tongue stud before sliding my lips down the long thick cockstem, twisting my mouth to increase the friction on his plunging cockplum, as I now began to lick his balllocks at the end of each downstroke, my mouth straining open as the bulb of his manhood throbbed deep in the soft constriction of my throat.
The he-kelar suddenly pulled my mouth from off his cock and pushed me onto my back. Taking hold of my ankles, he spread my thighs wide apart before sheathing his steel hard erection fully inside me with one deep hard thrust, bringing a long gasp of pleasure from my lips. I reflexively locked my calves around his as his hips began to move, my moans and squeals muffled by his large hand clamped across my mouth, my love funnel stretching around his broad cockhead as his thick shake piloted it in and out of my pussy over and over, each stroke stronger than the previous one, my belly and thighs bucking and jolting as I raised my bottom to meet his pounding thrusts. He grunted with satisfaction as I suddenly clung tightly to him, my thighs gripping him more strongly as I wrapped my legs around his waist, trembling as the ripples of delight inside me became waves of pleasure that surged through my belly, my vagina walls contracting and relaxing on his rigid cock so strongly that Tir was soon gasping with pleasure himself, his hot thick come pumping into me, my ankles locked in the small of his back, My belly pressed hard against his lower abdomen, my breasts squeezed against his chest, his hand pressing tighter on my mouth to keep me from screaming as he brought me to an orgasm that went on and on. As my body continued to vibrate with pleasure from the aftershocks of the deep, powerful climax I had just experienced, I began to sob softly. Tir now chuckled to himself.
“I knew I could make you finish me like a tavern wench!” Tir said triumphantly, as he looked down at me, a sneering grin on his lips. “Your tight little scabbard will ache for my cock now, slut. But don’t worry, whatever Triskellon tavern buys you will have me as a loyal patron!”
My tears had nothing to do with the brutish He-kelar’s sexual prowess but I saw no point in telling him that, so I remained silent as he gathered his clothes and left me lying on the straw of the slave cart, consoled a little by the thought that the darkness of the cage’s interior had prevented him from seeing the deep blush of Shame on my cheeks. I could justify my responses to the drivers’ attentions when I underwent Lord Virtus’s assessment as necessary for our plans; no matter how much I had enjoyed the experience, I had no real choice about it. But now a demon for whom I felt nothing had used me on the straw covered wooden floor of a cage, yet I yielded to him eagerly, savouring the taste and feeling of his long thick cock in my mouth and throat, my body jerking like an animal against his as he took me, his hard deep thrusts bringing me to a climax, a slave’s orgasm, that only being with Tel had ever brought me before. Has giving my freedom to Tel somehow allowed me to simply accept actual slavery, or am I really such a lewd, cock-hungry little slut that it only requires a collar around my neck for any he-demon to pleasure me as deeply as Tel does, I asked myself, tears of anguish now mingling with those of my shame, my heart aching at the thought that I might never again be with my true Master.
I forced these considerations from my mind as I shivered in the pre-dawn chill and awaited Lar’s return with ‘Jinzi’, instead recalling the novels I’d read of a strange alternate world on the opposite side of the sun where vain, haughty, self-centred earth girls found themselves enslaved by tall, handsome, musical warriors and shuddered a little at the comparison between their situation and the one Gyn and I now found ourselves in, the only real difference being that the he-demon masters we’d encountered so far had no inclination to beat us on a whim. I sat up as thegate was then unbolted, watching as Lar lifted a bleary-eyed Gyn into the cage, noting the gentle way he helped her inside before bolting the gate and locking it. He passed me a thick blanket through the cage bars, then smiled widely before turning on his heel and walking away.
“Are you all right, baby?” I asked as I wrapped the warm covering around us and hugged her to me, as much for my own comfort as hers.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle!” Gyn answered, laughing a little. “You may be the Pleasure imp, baby, but I’ve had centuries of practice!”
Sitting on the ground before the slave cart the next morning, Gyn sitting beside me, I picked on a piece of delicious fruit as we breakfasted on a selection that Lar had provided.
“Master, may the she-slave ask a question, please?” I inquired of Lar.
“The she-slave may ask, the Master may decide not to answer.” he replied, smiling at me, a smile that was beginning to stir a sweet tingle in my belly!
“We seem tobe the only slaves being taken to this place of which you speak, Master.” I inquired. “Is this NOT a slave convoy?”
“It is not, little slut.” he replied. “Lord Virtus is a merchant. He trades in slaves, when he can acquire them at a reasonable price, and many other things besides.”
“Are slaves scarce, then, Master?” asked Gyn, who received a reproachful glare from the huge kelar!
“You did not ask for permission to question me, she-slave!” he snapped at her, but then he grinned and tossed her another piece of fruit. “But since you are finally starting to relax around me, little Jinzi, I will let it pass. Slaves are only abundant after wars, of which this land has had far too many! In peace time, Demon citizens normally become slaves through debt, for males, and for licenseeness in women, which you two demonstrated in abundance last night!”
So this version of the Demon Realm was a misogynistic patriarchy!
“We only behaved according to our natures, Master.” I replied, as pathetically as I could manage. “The masters that we pleasured did not raise any objects to our wantonness.”
“Why would they have?” he answered, grinning. “You are she-slaves, your duty is to give pleasure to any master who wants it, whatever way they want it. And that duty requires that you savour and enjoy every moment of your service to a master, little collared sluts. That is rule three, do you understand?”
“Yes Master, the little collared sluts understand.” we replied in unison. Lar clearly understand how to use obedience collars, his commands being simple and straightforward, with no nuance for a clever slave to interpret differently to his intent!
“You have both demonstrated that you are truly fitted for she-slave life, anyway!” he added. “I am Surprised that those delicate necks were not collared a long time ago.”
“Pleasure imps are swift runners, Master!” I replied, a response which made the kelar foreman laugh out loud.
“YouFinally ran out of places to run to, little Linzi!” Lar retorted.
“Unfortunately, Pleasure imps do not have a very good sense of direction, Master!” I replied, smiling at him.
Still chuckling, Lar picked up a large wooden bucket and filled it from a water barrel on a nearby wagon. He set it on the ground beside me, then handed me some rags of towel material.
“When you have finished eating, go behind that wagon over there and cleanse yourselves properly.” he ordered. “Return the empty bucket and towels to where you saw me take them from, then go and sit in the slave cart. I shall be along to lock you both up when I have attended to my duties.”
“Yes Master.” we dutifully replied, our obedience collars enforcing this master’s control over us, no supervision or guard required.
I passed Gyn the bulk of the fruit and ensured that she ate all of the bread Lar had provided, to help her maintain her transformation to ‘Jinzi’ the twin Pleasure imp. We struggled as we carried the heavy bucket between us to the back of the goods wagon that Lar had indicated, then started to bathe each other in the tepid water, singing as we washed the remnants of the previous night’s assessment from our bodies. We convinced quietly as we washed each other, Lar’s certainty that we would be exactly where he had told us to be upon his return at least giving us a few moments of privacy. We also Conversed in English to frustrate any attempt to surreptitiously eavesdrop on us.
“You LIKE him, don’t you?” Gyn said quietly as she carefully spread my inner labia apart then slowly rubbed a wet flannel between them, surreptitiously bringing me to a quick orgasm despite the soreness within me. I bit my lip and nodded, squealing as quietly as I could!
“It’s my nature, or my Pleasure imp part of it!” I replied, gasping a little as she began to bring me on again while I did my best to focus on washing her neck and upper back. “The real question is if he likes me, or more accurately us, enough to maybe help us!”
“Tr’skel’s citadel can’t be more than another day away, even in this slow moving caravan,” Gyn answered, “there’s no way he likes us enough yet to take these collars off before we get there!”
“Getting us out of these collars is MY part of the plan, Jinzi!” I retorted, biting my lip again as I quietly came for her a second time. “have you gave any thought to your part yet?”
“I have.” she said matter-of-factly. “But first, hold still for a moment…”
Gyn closed her eyes and pressed the fingertips of her right hand to the upcurve of my belly. I looked down as I suddenly felt a surge of estar energy in my lower body!
“What are you doing, baby?” I whispered, as I felt the tingling heat of transformation gently suffuse my vagina and bottom.
“You insides are raw from your ‘assessment’ last night.” she whispered back. “You need to heal quickly!”
“And you need your energy to stay disguised!” I hissed at her!”Don’t waste any on me, I’ll be fine in a day or two.”
“I’m not using MY energy,” my beloved replied, smiling at me, “I’ve activated YOURS. You’re an estar too, remember?”
I spoke deeply as I felt the singing, burning feeling in my pussy and bumhole fade, then moaned softly as Gyn began to rub my sex lips with the flannel again.
“Now, as to getting us back to our own reality.” my beloved said. “We got here by using the portal at the height of the storm two days ago, right?”
“Yes.” I answered. “So we need to try using one under the same conditions?”
“Exactly.” my beloved replied, as I bucked my hips against her stroke fingers, climaxing again as I bit hard on my tongue!
“And can we be certain that those conditions will occur any time soon?” I inquired, panting softly as I began to wash her properly, the Pleasure imp sated for the time being.
“The same storm was raging here when we arrived.” Gyn replied. “If they’re following the same cycleas the ones in our dimension, then the next storm is due in around twelve days.”
“So in twelve days time, we need to be near a mirror?” I asked, as I rubbed her belly and inner thighs gently, sponging dried semen from her legs even as I admired her bare sex, an exact replica of my own, but for the tiny barbell piercing in my nubbin.
“And out of these collars!” she snapped back, more nervous than irritated.
“I’m all over that, Jinzi.” I replied, my inspection of her pussy having already provided the solution to that problem! “You just keep eating, maintain your energy levels for your part of the plan!”
By the time Lar finally returned to lock us into the slave cart’s cage, we had braided each other’s hair, disposing of the dirty twin that we had been using. Lar looked over our efforts approvingly.
“Good work, little sluts!” he said. “Makes you both look younger, less experienced. Should add a few coins to your price!”
“Considering how young we both look already,” Gyn whispered to me, “my confidence in this plan has just dropped even further!”
Having locked us in, Lar climbed onto the front of the cart and whipped the dream equa’ars into motion. The day passed much as the preceding one had, except this time Lar included some fruit with our afternoon meal when the caravan halted at the next watering station, allowing me to let Gyn have all of the meat and bread this time, my concerns at what might happen to her should she revert to her own form outweighting any pangs of hunger I felt. We did as dusk fall, cuddling each other, but I had only just felt her fingers begin to lightly cares my already swelling pussy lips when Lar unlocked and opened the gate of our cage and called on us to come out. We followed him on all fours to Lord Virtus’s tent. The merchant-lord was seated on a Roman-style chair, a low table to his right, upon which stood a decanter of simple design, its long slightly curved neck highly reminiscent of an erect cock. A single-handled metal cup had been set beside it.
6. Lessons.
“Pour carefully, little slut.” Lord Virtus instructed as I filled the metal drinking vessel on the low table to my left. “Wenches are punished for splashing or spilling a master’s beverage.”
“Do mistresses not frequently these…taverns, Master?” Gyn, who was kneeling beside Lar and watching carefully, asked. As we were undergoing instruction, we were allowed to ask questions without first seeking permission.
“Any mistress foolish enough to put as much as a toe over the threshold of a tavern would immediately find herself naked and collared, kneeing at the feet of the proprietor, little Jinzi!” Lar responded. “No more idle questions, now, pay attention to the instruction!”
“Yes, Master.” ‘Jinzi’ replied, observing me even more closely.
Lord Virtus’kelar had decided that we should be taught the basics of wench service, since we would most likely be bought by the Rampant Cock, theMost popular tavern in Triskellon. By crime, the caravan had a consignment of new belly chains for the wenches of those crudely, albeit accurately, named establishments, so Gyn and I now each had a metal ornament forgotten in the shape of an erect cock, complete with balllocks, resting on our lower abdomens, the sculpted glans of each one just touching the fleshy crests of our pussies. The scrotum of each phallus was attached to One end of a slim but strong chain which encircled our bellies, the other end of which terminated in a locking clasp which could be attached to any link in the chain to hold it in place around a tavern wench’s wait.
“Kur’kar takes pleasure in beating wenchs who displease his customers, Linzi,” Virtus now said, “so listen carefully. Hold the cup in both hands, the handle towards me, your customer, then lift it to your lips and kiss it as if it were the head of a master’s cock, with reverence and anticipation. Then bow your head in submission and stretchch out your arms, offering the cup to the master.”
Looking up at Virtus with feigned desire, I slowly and delicately pressed my lips to the rim of the cup, then elegantly lowered my head and extended my arms, holding the drinking vessel out to him at a point midway between his chin and his crotch. I felt the weight of the cup lifted from my outstretched fingers, then Virtus caresed my right palm lightly with his fingertip.
“That is how the master will show that your act of worship pleased him, Linzi.” the merchant explained. “You are a natural tavern wench, little slut!”
Despite the feeling that the likelihood of our escaping this reality was diminishing, my belly tingled with pleasure at this compliment. I’m enjoying this far too much, I thought to myself, even as I looked up at Lord Virtus and smiled gratefully.
“Master, does every customer of a tavern have a wench of their own to serve them?” Gyn asked. “I mean, are there hundreds of she-slaves in each one?”
“No, Jinzi,” Virtus answered, “those customers who pay for the use of a wench are served, and served, by that wench. The owner has slaves to perform the other tasks involved in running the business of the tavern.”
“So tavern wenches are pleasure slaves, Master?” I inquired.
“Yes, Linzi.” Lar interjected. “Only the most beautiful, desirable she-slaves become wenches. Or sexually skilled ones such as the both of you!” he continued, chuckling softly.
“So, the masters do not consider us beautiful, Master?” I replied, pouting as if upset!
“You are both very, very pretty, certainly,” Lord Virtus answered, smiling. “and excitedly shaped, despite your small status.”
“You, the masters do not consider us beautiful, Master?” I replied, pouting as if upset!
“You are both very, very pretty, certainly,” Lord Virtus answered, smiling. “and excitedly shaped, despite your small status.”
“Your bosoms are magnificent,” Lar continued, “a little too big for you, but not too large either. Your rumps are high and tight, and wonderfully spankable!”
“And your pussies are exhaust, almost pouting as they gain, so inviting to a master’s cock.” Virtus concluded. “You were bothborn to be tavern wenches, and I have no doubt that you will give Kur’kar’s patrons many years of pleasure!”
“We could give Master many years of pleasure too…” I replied, a pleading tone into my voice. I looked over at Gyn, who nodded enthusiastically.
“The Lady Katya, my mate, would never allow two delicious little sluts such as the both of you to be slaves in her household.” the merchant said, sadly.
“Most free She-demons despite wenches.” Lar added.
“I could not even risk keeping you both as wenches for my drivers.” Virtus said. “You will be sold in Triskellon, that is all there is to it. Now, Jinzi, come knee before me and show me what you have learned by watching your sister.”
‘Jinzi’ proved herself a fast learner, earning herself a cares on her palm from the merchant on her second attempt. Having given us both some additional advice, such as caresing the long slender neck of the bottle with our fingertips as if it were an erect cock while flirting with our clients, Virtus dismissed Lar for the evening before having us following him on all fours through the curtains at the back of his tent, up a set of narrow wooden steps into his personal carriage, where his sleeping furs were laid out on the floor. A two-handed broadsword was hung on one wall of the carriage, a stout circular shield propped against the other atop a large wooden packing case, satisfying my curiousity in regard of Why the convoy had no guards; the He-demons relied on their own warriors’ skills and the ability of the sig drivers to cast lightning bolts for their security and defence. A long, thick, smooth dildo, a much larger replica of the cast metal cocks dangling from our belly chains, lay to one side, along with several flogging whips with delicate, soft leather thongs, clearly fashioned for use in pleasure activities. He considered us for a long moment as we knelt before him, side by side, before speaking.
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