The Triskele Consort Ch. 11 – The End?

A little girl, no more than two years old, sat on the huge fur rug in our bedchamber. She looked at me, her face so much like a younger version of my own but with her other mother’s gorgeous green eyes, smiling a beautiful baby’s smile. My heart almost burst with joy as I looked upon her sitting there, a large picture book open on the floor in front of her. I knelt beside her as she turned the pages. The pages appeared animated, but as I looked more closely, I could see that they were in fact images from my own mind, recreations of significant happenings of the previous few days! She placed her tiny hand in mine, looking into my eyes and smiling a heart melting little smile.

“Hello, Momma.” a voice, a very young girl’s voice that somehow sounded so familiar, said! I squealed as I sat up in bed, waking Gyn, whose arm had been around me, her hand resting lightly on my swollen belly.

“I saw her, Gyn! I saw Baby!” I said, crying with joy. “She spoke to me!”

“It was a dream, baby.” Gyn said. “A wonderful dream. She spoke to me too.” Then she also squealed and sat bolt upright! She placed her hand on my belly and closed her eyes. A wide smile appeared on her face.

“She’s sleep.” Gyn said, as she opened her eyes and patted my bump very softly. “But her mind is definitely active now, I can feel how much her consciousness has expanded. She can make sense of your thoughts and feelings, she knows who we are and that she’s our daughter!”

“Is this how things are with demon babies?” I asked. “They start communicating with their parents before they’re born?”

“I have never heard of such a thing happening before!” Gyn said, her eyes filled with wonder and tears of happiness. There were tears running down my cheeks too! “We must consult with Tel in the morning, until then let’s all three of us get some rest.”

I lay down again, but was awake all night!

The next morning, after breakfast, we went in search of Tel’estar. He was at the near end of the long sloping lawn that runs from the main villa to his private quarters at the rear of the residence. He was at archery practice, shooting arrows from the near end of the lawn into a target at the far end. Several of the shots were ‘Robin Hoods’, the point of a subsequent arrow having hit the nock of one already embedded in the target, splitting the first arrow right down the centre. As we watched him, I could feel Baby moving inside me, obviously awake now!

“She’s wondering what you’re looking at!” Tel said, as he loosed his last arrow, which split one that had itself already been part of a ‘Robin Hood’. As I stood open-mouthed, amazed at the mental focus that allowed him to shoot so incredibly accurately while communicating with the baby growing inside me, he walked over to us, smiling widely. He placed his hand on my belly, conveniently bare above my short leather skirt, the thongs of my halter top stretched wide across my pregnancy-enhanced bosom.

“She spoke to us last night!” Gyn exclaimed. “How is that possible?”

“My hope has apparently been realized.” Tel replied. “The powers of the estar are flowing through your daughter already. That would explain how her mind has developed so quickly, her consciousness already reaching out, exploring and developing through you, Lindsay.”

“She’s observing things around her through Lindsay’s perceptions?” Gyn asked.

“Yes, when she is awake.” Tel answered. “She is being as a baby does, just a little earlier, with a lot more help from her mother!”

“Can she see EVERYTHING I do?” I asked.

“When she’s awake.” Tel responded. “Asleep, she dreams of what she’s seen while awake and shows her parents what she’s seen!”

“So, I need to behave myself from now until she’s born, right?” I asked, grinning wickedly.

“YES!” they both said at once, laughing!

Returning to our chambers, I found the Demon-language primer that I hadn’t opened since the day Gyn and I had argued. I sat down on a rug, crossed my legs in front of me and began to study it. Baby moved and kicked lightly inside my belly for a while, then settled down and went to sleep. Gyn entered the room and sat behind me, her legs spread wide, her arms around me, palms resting lightly on my bump. I turned my head and kissed her softly, then went back to studying. I spent the remaining few weeks of my pregnancy learning how to read Demon-script, reading any books for Demon-children that I could find aloud. I also began recording the tale of the ‘three little hoggligs and the Wolf-demon’, obviously a variation on one of my own favourites from childhood!

I spend a lot of time sleep in my last few weeks of pregnancy, as my demonic energy became my baby’s tiny body. While I slept, Baby and I would sit on the rug in our shared dream, my arms around her as she showed me the pictures in her book, many of which were now the text in the books I had read to her during the day, which I would then read for her again. Gyn often joined us, sitting quietly in front of us, cross-legged, amazing, as ‘Hunny’ and I read together. Sometimes, I would hear her voice asking me to read a particular story, or who someone I’d spoken to during the day was to us. She became particularly interested in her uncle Tel, of course! Soon, she was communicating with me when we were both awake, my interaction helping me to finally develop limited telepathic abilities. So it was no surprise, on the afternoon that Lara’infer knelt at the foot of my bed, Gyn holding my hand tightly as I prepared to give birth, that I heard Hunny’s voice in my head!

“What’s happening, Momma?” she asked.

“We’re about to meet you properly, Hunny.” I replied. “you’ll be with us very soon!”

“I’m frightened, Momma!” she answered! I could tell her little heart was hammering!

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, my Hunny. Your mommies can’t wait to meet you.” I told her. “Just relax and listen to my voice.We love you so much, Hunny, everything is going to be all right.”

“Yes Momma, I love you both too!” she replied as I gritted my teeth and pushed hard at Lara’s instruction!

Hunny was soon in my arms, looking into my eyes as I cried with joy, Gyn hugging us both!

“Hello, my Mommies!” we both heard in our heads!

“Hello Hunny!” we said aloud, kissing her little cheats and hugging her before she decided that she was hungry!

We had originally intended to name her Gyn-Lin’estar, but Hunny insisted that we’d named her already. Since we couldn’t really object to our baby deciding on her own name, Gyn-Lin’estar was named Huni’estar instead!

I was in the kitchen, kneeing pizza dough. Huni had just been fed and was taking her afternoon nap. I hummed to myself as I worked as Mila’infer, Tel’s Chef, prepared lunch on the other side of the kitchen. She had been wary of me when I began using the villa’s catering facilities to prepare little treatments for my Master and our visitors, ill at ease at having someone she considered as a Lady of the High estar’s household in what she quite rightly regarded as her own ‘domain’. However, once she realized that I had no intention of taking over the catering for her lord’s residence, we had become friends. Felis and her family were now regular visitors for movie nights, and once Tigi and her brothers had tasted pizza, it was all they would eat when they were here!

Luk’kar, Tel’s personal attendant, walked into the kitchen. I pretended not to notice him patting the cook on her lovely round bottom, or her little smile as he did so!

“Lindsay, the lord and lady are asking for you,” he said to me, “they did not say why!”

“Thanks, Luk!” I replied, smiling. “And you’re comfortable with using my name at last!” Considering how often he had seen me naked, or across Tel’s lap in various forms of restraint, my bottom deeply reddened from my Master’s hand, I was surprised at how long he had insisted on addressing me as ‘my lady’!

“I have noted that you are uncomfortable with formal address, my lady,” he replied, smiling, “and I have decided that I should prioritise respect for your wishes over household protocol.”

“I’ll make a progressive of you yet, Luk!” I replied, grinning wickedly.

I wiped off my hands and hung up my apron, then made my way to Tel’s large study in the main villa, the room where I had spent so much time bound, and usually gagged, on the huge fur rug in front of the fire while his kinky toys both delighted and tormented me in equal measure. I noticed one of the highly pollished wooden boxes that contained those toys, a shallow square one, on my Master’s desk, but as he and my beloved Gyn were waiting for me on the veranda, the tall French windows wide open on this gloriously warm sunny day, I hurried to them without paying the box too much attention.

“You have flour on your nose!” said Gyn, before kissing me and rubbing her dainty nose softly again mine. I hugged her tightly, having not seen her in almost a week.

“Yes, our little Pleasure imp has become very domesticated now that she is a mother!” Tel said teasingly. I stuck my tongue out at him cheekily.

“Even a baby who’s as smart as a five-year old still needs a LOT of looking after!” I replied, grinning. “But I’m still very much an imp, or do you think Kal gives me flying lessons when he visits?”

“I’m just happy to see you getting out of the house!” Tel answered, laughing, as Gyn went to the desk and picked up the wooden box. She returned with it and stood beside Tel.

“What’s going on?” I asked, guessing at the contents of the box. “What are you two up to?”

“This is a gift,” Gyn said, “from both of us.”

She handed the box to Tel, who opened it to reveal a thick gold collar, beautifully engraved with Triskele symbols and interlocking scroll work. The setting on the front, large enough for a crystal or jewel to be fitted within it, wasempty.

“It’s a collar.” I said. “A gorgeous one, I’ll admit, but I don’t understand why you’ve both suddenly decided I need to wear one.”

Tel took the collar from the box and pressed on the Triskele symbol on the left side. The collar opened, the hinge hidden beneath the Triskele symbol on the opposite side.

“This collar does not lock.” Tel said. “We felt this was the most appropriate way to signify your relationships with us, and ours with you, Lindsay.”

He handed the heavy collar to me. I slipped it around my neck and closed it, feeling its weight, enjoying the sensing of being collared.

“You are free to wear it, or not, as you wish, my dearest little pet.” Tel continued.

“Thank you so much!” I said. “I’ll wear it proudly, to show how much I love both of you!”

“It’s not quite complete.” Gyn said. She took a small velvet bag from the box and pulled its neck apart, then turned it upside down. A large crystal dropped into her palm, the perfect size for the setting on the front of my collar.

“This is one of the Demon Realm’s rarest and most valuable gemstones.” Tel said, as he took the crystal from Gyn. “Properly cut and poisoned, as this one has been, it can draw a tiny part of the essence of any demon into its core and hold it indefinitely, even after that demon no longer lives. Our father gave our mother one as a mating gift, and we wish for you to have one from us, Lindsay.”

“A symbol of eternal love?” I asked, absolutely enchanted by such a romantic gesture!

“Exactly!” Gyn said. “It has taken a long time for me to accept, far longer than it should have, that you are essentially melded with both of us. Your bond with Tel is as unbreakable as the union of my essence and yours.”

She took my left hand as Tel took hers. We moved across the room to a low table, where Tel placed the gemstone right in the centre. We knelt down as Tel took my free hand, forming a circle around the stone, which began to glow almost immediately. Two tiny scintillating clouds of purple and blue slowly formed within the faceted gem, which then partially coalesced, the patterns of flashing light within them pulsating at different rates from each other. As I continued watching, a third cloud began to form between the other two, this one of deep red and pink, its coruscating internal light patterns waxing and waning in harmony with those of the two purple-blue ones, but distinct from them. Tel opened my collar and removed it from my neck, then picked up the now glowing crystal. Inserting it in the empty setting, he then fitted a gold retaining ring over the jewel, pushing it down and twisting it to lock the crystal that now hold a tiny part of the three of us into place on the front of my collar. He and Gyn stood up, but I remained kneeing, bowing my head.

“I want you both to put it on me for the first time.” I requested. “In different ways, I belong to both of you.”

Standing on either side of me, each holding the beautiful symbol of the love we share, my Master and my beloved closed my collar around my neck.

“Now,” said Tel, “I believe champione and some form of dessert are called for!”

“Is there enough for the household?” I asked.

“Of course!” Tel replied, taking my hand and leading me into the garden, where everyone was waiting!

“Huni will be awake soon, and I still have pizzas to prepare.” I eventually said, putting down my glass. “I’d best get back to my domestic duties!”

“I’ll take care of our darling girl,” Gyn said, “you get back to the kitchen. I have a sudden craving for your pizza myself!”

Gyn’s magnificent bosom strained against the top of her leather basque, as she was using her transformation abilities to nurse our daughter just as I did. As we walked through the villa towards the nursery, Gyn handed me an opaque apothecary jar. I shook it and heard the contents rattle a little.

“What are these?” I asked.

“Something it took Lara and me ages to get right!” Gyn replied. “I originally planned on using an unction, but I decided there was too much risk of it spreading by contact. Since you’ve never expressed any interest in having one again, I decided that it would be far safer for Felis to ingest this!”

I understand immediately!

“She needs to take one about a sandglass beforehand. You’re already highly skilled in producing the desired result!” she said, smiling wickedly. “It should last all night, once it takes effect.”

“Will you be joining us?” I asked, smiling. “You’re always welcome!”

“Somehow I think Felis will want you to herself this evening.” she replied, squeeze my hand lovingly.

Huni, Tigi, Leo and little Felix were all sitting on the big leather couch in front of the TV later that evening, watching one of Huni’s favorite movies. Felix was at Tr’skel’s citadel, attending a training course to become his mate’s physical conditioning coach. Although bel Leopard-demons were more fierce and agile, the kan were far stronger and had much greater endurance. Felis had in fact collapsed, exhausted, on one of their earliest training runs together. Felix had simply picked her up and ran home with her in his arms!

“It’s very beautiful.” Felis said as she examined my collar, turning it in her hand-paws, rubbing the glowing gem with her fingertip. “You have completed a truly amazing journey, Lindsay. In some ways I envy you, to have experienced so much excitement!” She handed me back the heavy gold band.

“You were with me for much of that journey, Felis, and be careful what you wish for!” I said, laughing, as I closed my collar around my neck again. I handed her a capsule from the jar Gyn had given me.

“What’s this?” she said, regarding it with her cat’s curiousity!

“An experience you’ve been wondering about for a long time.” I said, smiling wickedly. “If you think you can handle the excitement, that is!”

She immediately swallowed the capsule and washed it down with the contents of her glass, which I then refilled.

“We need to wait for about a sandglass for it to be ready.” I said. “That’ll give us time to put the kids to bed.”

“Tigi will see to that for us.” my Leopard-demon girlfriend replied. Huni was sitting beside Tigi on the huge couch, gurgling happily with Tigi’s tail wrapped around her tummy. Felix and Leon were gorging themselves on the last of the pizza.

An hour later, we were in the nursery, looking down into Huni’s crib.

“When she is sleeping, she looks so much like you.” Felis said quietly.

I took my baby’s tiny hand in mine. “She’s dreaming of leopards.” I said, smiling at Felis. “Watch what happens.”

Huni surprised softly, then began to transform. She soon looked exactly like a baby Leopard-demon. Felis gasped in amazement.

“Wonderful” she whispered. “Can she use her ability when she is awake yet?”

“Not yet, no.” I replied. “But she’s getting more powerful every day. She’ll soon be able to.”

“And she can communicate with you, I take it?” she inquired.

“Yes, since before she was born.” I replied. “The nursery has an incantation invoked on it, so she can’t read my mind while she’s in here. It gives me privacy for when I’m…entertaining. And on that subject…”

I drew her behind me to my personal bedchamber. She was Already purring softly as she settled down on the bed, watching me as I stripped.

“I feel a strange…tickling sensing between my thighs.” Felis said.

“It’s just occurred to me that you’re my first virgin!” I said, giggling as I hugged her tight. She squealed with laughter as her tail slipped between my thighs.

I took her hand paw and led her over to the full length mirror, then knelt before her and undid the leather thong holding her short skirt in place around her hips, letting it fall to the floor behind her. I gently licked her beautiful golden inner labia, feeling them swell against my tongue tip as her fingers ran through my hair, her partially unsheathed claws lightly grazing my scalp. Her little gold pleasure button slowly unsheathed from its fleshy hood as she meowed softly and arched her back. I caresed her nubbin with the very tip of my tongue before rubbing it in tiny circles with my tongue stud, then sucked her love button in long slow pulses until I heard her purr and yowl with pleasure, her hips began to push her now fully receptive vulva against my mouth. I switched to licking her golden pip of pleasure slowly and strongly, feeling it harden and lengthen as Felis gasped aloud.

“It feels like my pleasure pearl is…growing!” she said.

I sucked her swelling nubflesh hard for a moment, then began licking the underside as her cliporis became a tiny glans, a golden stem now pushing it outwards from under the fleshy ridge surmounting her sex. She mewled and squealed as my tongue took longer and longer to slowly lick from the base ofher cockstem to her frenulum, the little stud in my tongue rubbing softly there before I licked her shake again, the skin now glistening with my warm saliva. When I felt that her cockstem had stopped growing, I leaned back a little and looked at the incredible erect cock that now bobbed softly between my She-Leopard girlfriend’s thighs.

“Is it…BIGGER than Felix’s?” Felis asked wonderfully as she looked at herself in the mirror.

I had long since lost count of the number of cocks I had seen. Most of them had been impressive, either wonderfully long, or deliciously thick, or both at once. Some of the hu-mans I had pleasured as a slave had manhoods that were barely worthy of the name, some of the He-demons of my acquaintance had cocks so large that I had worried they might suffer me when I first saw them. But I had truly never seen a cock like the one that now throbbed in time with the heartbeat of the Leopard-girl standing before me. Had it was sculpted in solid gold by amaster artisan, it could not have been more perfect. It arched over her belly like a thick curved rod, beautifully veined, the golden skin smooth as polished metal, for more than nine inches, the large glans almost like an inverted heart shape, the corona broad and wonderfully rounded, the tiny barbs encircling it like little seed pearls that I yearned to stroke with my tongue tip, to feel rubbing inside my yielding pussy as she thrust her amazing cockhead deep in my belly.


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